Chapter 359 Amael's Warning

Name:I Am The Game's Villain Author:
Chapter 359 Amael's Warning

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"Enough, Lazarus."

Our gazes were drawn to the newcomer.

The tension in the room intensified as another Demigod appeared. Despite his age, he looked as youthful as Lazarus Raven. His long dark hair flowed behind him, and his crimson eyes bore a stern look directed at Lazarus.

"Duncan..." Lazarus' lips twisted into a smirk.

Claudia let out a sigh of relief upon seeing her husband. The situation had been escalating because of me, and it was clear she was annoyed by my continued confrontation.

"Would you leave my son-in-law in peace for a moment? He has just lost his mother and learned that his father is alive. As grown men, it's our duty to comfort them, not mock them," Duncan said.

"Your son-in-law? Oh yes, you engaged your youngest granddaughter to him. You wouldn't have done that if you didn't know he was the last heir of the Olphean House. A very shrewd plan," Lazarus chuckled.

Duncan didn't respond.

Not that I was upset about it. I knew very well the reasons behind it. He was still a grandfather and wanted the best for his granddaughter.

"Your son-in-law talks too much and has caused enough damage to my House, Lord Duncan," Tanya Teraquin suddenly interjected, accusing me.

She was probably referring to the incident where I had crippled her younger son, Allen Teraquin.

"He has gone through a lot; you can understand that, especially you, Tanya," Duncan said, but his words only earned a glare from Tanya.

"Sorry, but I have to ask something nonetheless," I said with a laugh.

"Stop it, brat," Alector warned, but I ignored him.

"The Headmistress, Melfina, has been heavily injured, and my mother has been kidnapped. So how is it that none of you seem to have sustained any serious injuries? Did you really fight, or did you just let Melfina and Myrcella handle everything?" I scoffed, my eyes scanning the room.

Myrcella had bandages over her arms and head and looked utterly exhausted, while Celeste's grandmother had been completely defeated. Yet these people seemed unscathed.

"What? Did you expect us to come in a broken state?" Karl Dolphis asked.

"Exactly," I smiled, nodding in a way that clearly annoyed all of them.

Karl Dolphis grimaced. "He is worse than his mother," he said, stepping into another portal toward the Olphean Kingdom.

"How is she?" Tanya asked, approaching a peculiar place where a very young woman with silver hair was lying unconscious on a bed. It was Namys Elaryon, the current Queen of the Elaryon Kingdom.

She wasn't injured but was completely drained of all her mana in an attempt to help the others fight Kleines Falkrona.

"The Queen just needs some rest. I have called for her children; they will be here soon to take her," the healer said.

Tanya nodded before leaving for her own Kingdom.

"Claudia, come with me. We need to talk," Alector said, raising his hand to create a portal to another place.

Claudia immediately sensed their destination: the Holy Tree of Eden.

"Yes," she replied, giving a nod to Duncan before following Alector through the portal.

In the end, only two people remained: Duncan Tepes and Jefer Moonfang, the youngest Head.

A deep silence settled as Jefer's calm gaze rested on Namys.

"It's been a while, boy," Duncan muttered.

"I'm a Head just like you now, Lord Duncan," Jefer responded, though he didn't seem upset.

Duncan chuckled. "We are entering a new era, boy. A new era for Sancta Vedelia."

"I agree," Jefer said as he stood up to leave.


"Lord Duncan."

Duncan looked at Jefer with a serious expression. "Kleines might be alive, but he is clearly not the same person you once knew."

Jefer's expression was unreadable as he stepped into the portal to the Moonfang country.

"I know."