Chapter 101: In the Name of the Goddess 2

Chapter 101: In the Name of the Goddess 2

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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[Heroes Chronicle Forum]

Goddess's Divine Energy Bags [261] +72

the_Goddess_appearance.JPG [128] +105

Isnt the Demon King storyline a bit clichd? [29] +43

So what was the story again? [35] +82

Spoiler) A three-line summary of the story for those who missed the live stream [492] +564

The chat was buzzing with talks about the Goddess's chest, but fortunately, there was a summary of the story I had missed online.

Spoiler) A three-line summary of the story for those who missed the live stream




Goddess outside the tower 2. Demon King inside the tower 3. Oh no, it's overflowing. Please stoppp

You fking b*h, is this right?The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

It's not wrong... but it's a little off

The Goddess (creator of this world) has a big and thick (tower), inserted by the Demon King, and it's sticky

Anyway, the monsters are coming out of the tower, so just kill them

Ehh the text and the images don't match?

Is the Demon King female?

Although the explanation was buried in the comments rather than in the actual post, I was able to summarize the game's story.

In this world created and nurtured by the Goddess, the Demon King is planning an invasion by first establishing a tower.

The portals connecting the inside and outside of the Tower were part of the invasion, and the reason why the boss monsters occasionally appeared outside the Tower.

The monsters inside the Tower, imitations of the Goddess's creations, were made of magic stones and lacked reproductive abilities.

This is because the inside of the Tower is a fake world where life cannot exist, and the Demon King wants to perfectly harmonize the inside and outside of the Tower, creating a lifeless world.

I don't know how many posts I had to go through to find this information since Han Se-ah's VODs haven't been uploaded yet.

Those crazy people even cursed the ones who tried to explain it properly.

"Ah, I see? There were no traces of orcs, and the blessing of divine energy was received in the southeastern clearing...."

"Yes. I carefully examined the clearings using magic."

Pretending to look over my physical condition, I busily searched the internet forums.

Meanwhile, Han Se-ah, as the party leader, was completing the quest, or rather, fulfilling the adventurer request.

Receiving quest rewards as a player is different from receiving request rewards as an adventurer, from the Knights Division.

Double charging is wrong, but wouldn't all players welcome double rewards with open arms?

Anyway, there's no way the Knights Division would refuse to pay the request rewards after we were even blessed by the Goddess.

"Was there anything else unusual?"

"No. We looked everywhere that orcs might be, but found nothing."

"In the end, all we did was admire this beautiful forest. When we get back and start climbing the tower again, it'll feel completely different there."

"It was a blessed forest, after all. It was a joyous experience to feel the Goddess's grace firsthand."

Whether a storm is raging in Kaiden's, or rather Katie Wesley's head or not, the carriage slowly plods on.


Raei Translations


The return journey was also uneventful.

There was nothing to show, so Han Se-ah turned off her stream for the time being.

The carriage was driven by a coachman we had not seen before, and thanks to the Knights Division and the army, the main roads near the capital were clear and quiet, devoid of bandits or wandering monsters.

Occasionally, a noble's carriage or a merchant's loaded vehicle would pass by, providing the perfect environment to browse the internet in peace.

'...It's kind of bothering me.'

I had set up the internet window to look like I was gazing out the carriage window, but I could feel a fierce gaze from the side.

The source of the gaze was, of course, Kaiden.

Understandably, she must have wanted to say something after her runaway act was discovered, along with her disguise as a man, but she couldn't speak because Han Se-ah was browsing the internet across from us, trying not to fall asleep.

I was sitting by the right window, turning my head to the right to use the internet, while she sat by the left window, leaning against it and looking at me, so I couldn't help but feel her gaze.

Even an ordinary middle or high school student from peaceful South Korea would notice it at this level.

-Did these guys come from the year 3023?



I thought the idea of a virtual reality game was nonsense, but now all sorts of things are popping up, like neurological treatment and PTSD treatment.

Nowadays, devices respond with honorifics, turning them into obedient... slaves...


The time when humanity becomes enslaved is not far off.

I never thought the singularity would come so soon

First, they beat us in Go, then in art, now in being human

A pro-gamer already lost to an AI set at human level

Damn true, it beat them even before Heroes got popular

Why are these guys mixing virtual reality games and AI?

Because there's AI in virtual reality?

Of course, I was diligently browsing the internet.

News of a pro team losing to a five-member AI team in an AOS* game, or the introduction of jelly-like nutrition food you'd expect to see in an SF* movie, and other fictional stories.

I felt relieved because, between other celebrity news and useless articles, at least I knew I wasn't a brain in a jar.

Han Se-ah was connected to the real world, communicating with tens of thousands of viewers.

There were creative works on video sites that I would never be able to watch in my lifetime, and if I added other novels, comics, movies, etc., available on the internet, there would be even more.

I was brushing off this occasional surge of doubt and anxiety when the carriage came to a gentle stop.

"Once we get off, could we talk for a moment?"

At the same time, Kaiden, softly spoke to me.
