Chapter 125: Enjoying the Game 5

Chapter 125: Enjoying the Game 5

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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While the adventurers we ran into were glued to the cave walls, the viewers' attention was solely focused on the points gambling.

Given the lengthy process of advancing from the 21st to the 30th floor, the betting panel was open for a long time.

If we're heading to the 30th floor, we might have to spend two days inside the tower.

"One day to ascend, one day to descend, and another day to explore the 30th floor. If we want to complete all the requests, we might need to stay even longer."

The journey to the 30th floor was still a long way to go.

Mostly due to the nature of the caves, where one can't simply follow a straight path to go from floor to floor.

Han Se-ah and Grace walked behind me side by side, chatting while checking the mini-map.

Perhaps because we hadn't reached the 30th floor yet, their tones were relaxed, without a hint of tension, even in the narrow pathways of the caves.

Surprisingly, even the commonly found goblins made no appearances, allowing for a peaceful ascent.

"Ugh... It's been so long. I can't even tell if we're on flat ground or if we're going uphill or downhill."

-I'm watching because all the party members are beauties. If you were walking that long with gloomy men? LOL. I'd unsubscribe immediately.

-Stop showing the background, show the girls' faces more.

-So, when will Kaiden do a gender reveal?

-Man, we've been staring at the dark so long I'm starting to see things.

-I didn't mind repetitive areas in regular RPG games, but in VR, its pretty annoying.

Though the walk was peaceful, the narrow and dark nature of the caves led to many complaints.

It was tough for both those walking in the darkness and the viewers who had to watch hours of this gloom, with many voicing their visual fatigue.

Perhaps sensing the need to lighten the mood, Han Se-ah discreetly approached me.

After all, with no battles, we've done nothing but walk.

I thought she was talking to me earlier, so I almost responded.

"Roland? How about we take a break?"

"Do you have a marked spot where we can rest?"

"There's a fork in the path ahead, and the left side is a dead-end."

Perhaps due to her experience as an adventurer, she naturally suggested resting in a dead-end.

While it's common for adventurers, Han Se-ah is still closer to a streamer than an adventurer, so such things really show her growth.

Of course, to the viewers frustrated by the encompassing darkness, such details hardly mattered.

Some of the viewers, particularly discontented ones, stopped their point betting and began bickering amongst themselves.

Hey, I said place your bets, not pick a fight. I know it's been a while but why are you all losing your minds over this? We'll know who's right at the end anyway. Why mess up the chat over this?"

As we settled down on a fairly flat spot with our backs against the dead-end, sighs of exhaustion naturally escaped from the party.

Han Se-ah, seemingly unfazed, energetically scolded the viewers.

Even if she struggles, gets hurt, or someone dies, a reset would bring them all back to life.

Amidst the erratic and somewhat unhinged chatter of the viewers, the first enemies that appeared before us were a horde of cave spiders.

"The ones up front are cave spiders... But since it's the 30th floor, their numbers seem quite large. Judging by the sound, there are roughly 12 of them, and there's no way to bypass them. We'll have to fight."

"I'll use magic first to knock them down."

"This pathway is too narrow for me to engage directly. If any climb up and approach from above, I'll handle them."

After a brief exchange of opinions, a distinct and unsettling noise reached our ears.

It was the sound of the cave spiders' sharp legs scratching against the cave walls and ceiling, filling the narrow pathway with an eerie ambiance.

The narrow pathway, barely spacious enough for two spiders side by side, was crammed by a group of 12, intensifying the feeling of revulsion.

Three were hit by a spell and fell, blocking the way.

While it made it more convenient to fight them in such tight spaces, it was disturbing to see.

"Wow... Are they so tangled up that they can't move?"

"Ugh, it really is disgusting. I'll shoot the ones in the back first. I'll approach once their bodies vanish."

Han Se-ah briefly chanted the name of a spell and then gazed at the aftermath: massive spiders struggling with their bulging bellies, their long legs flailing haphazardly in the confined space.

Not only Han Se-ah and I but also the others guarding from the back are repulsed by the sight.

Maybe she didn't want to be disgusted alone?

Over my shoulder, a camera drone whizzed past, positioned to capture everything.

-Why are you zooming in on that?

-Ew, look at those tangled legs! They almost look like worms.

-Damn, when spiders cluster like that, it's disgusting.

-Instead of the spider, show the disgusted face of the ones in the back.

-What is this? If we dont want to see it, do we have to pay?

[DefiantBroDoesntYieldToThreats donated 5,000 won!]

If you dont turn the camera, I'll spam your embarrassing clips all over the forum.

[SpiderLover donated 10,000 won!]

Move the camera closer, I want to see them twitching.

"Hey! I'm not the one threatening people, you're the one threatening me! ...And the other donator, wouldnt it be better for all the viewers if we refunded and banned him?"

With the sight of numerous entangled spider legs flailing about, the viewers started attacking Han Se-ah, forgetting they were originally fighting on different sides.

As the viewers got more involved in their bickering, the mood lightened, though it is unclear whether they did so intentionally or out of sheer impulsiveness.

Anyway, the situation ended up being handled quite well, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Han Se-ah received some curses but also managed to profit, so it might be seen as a win-win?

With a side glance at the chat that had turned chaotic due to Han Se-ah's camera work, I pressed on with the others.

"We'll set up the tents. Roland and Grace, please keep watch for us."

...Ah, as soon as I forget about it, this happens.
