Chapter 180: 180: Holy War 5

Chapter 180: 180: Holy War 5

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

Join the discord! HereThe initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

The event monster on the 35th floor was easily defeated to the point of being anticlimactic.

However, what came after were far from insignificant.

The most dramatic change was the complete purification of the 35th floor.

For other gamers, this event might have been a challenging quest, but for Han Se-ah, it was a walk in the park.

Consequently, the 35th floor transformed into a safe zone, devoid of any monsters.

Common belief held that the Tower was a sacred space, untouched by the Goddess's blessing.

Thus, the purification of an entire floor set the world abuzz.

In light of this, the Magic Tower entered the fray for research, while merchants, driven by profit motives, hired adventurers to brave their way to the 35th floor.

Both groups, deeply committed to their respective causes, wasted no time setting up tents and getting down to business.

"Wow, are these all requests for the 35th floor?"

"Thanks to the temple, the mages are in a frenzy. And now, with the merchant guild jumping in, the situation is intense. It seems like soon, there'll be more requests for high-level adventurers than for the lower or intermediate-level ones."

Underneath Ellis's eyes, darkened from listening to our heroic tales, I could see the fatigue.

The battle might have been easily won, but the guild staff were still buried under a mountain of paperwork.

Now, an entire floor of the Tower had been purified.

Although not certain, it seemed likely that the Adventurers' Guild, the Magic Tower, the temple, and the nobles were negotiating fiercely over this newly available land.

The temple was the main agent of purification, and I, as an adventurer, assisted.

However, this doesnt mean that the kingdom's nobility within the Tower could be completely disregarded.

"There are so many requests that I can't even pick out the good ones for you. Want to scoop up all the profitable ones like you used to? If you choose wisely, you could potentially handle over ten at once."

"No, those days of frantic money-making are behind me."

"That Roland? ...Well, that makes sense, considering you started from the lower floors again."

Ellis, remembering my past as a wanderer of the kingdom, hoarding wealth, subtly hinted at the opportunity.

However, with Han Se-ah accompanying me in climbing the Tower, there was no need to accept every request for the sake of gold farming.

We are not stuck, nor are we strapped for cash.

Making money can wait.

For now, its better to head straight to the 36th floor rather than getting bogged down with trivial requests related to the 35th floor.

"Ellis, any issues with the 36th floor?"

"Huh? Oh, right. Nothing much, just the monsters have turned into undead. Its pretty much the same as the 34th floor."

"These requests are more like hiring construction workers than adventurers. Shoveling dirt, compacting the ground, covering swamps, filling poison pits"

While Han Se-ah asked about the situation on the 36th floor, Katie seemed to be curious as she began examining the stack of requests Ellis was holding.

She lists off tasks that hardly seem befitting of a high-level adventurer.

With a monster-free floor now in existence, they appear to be contemplating going beyond mere tents or shacks, possibly solidifying the ground to build a village.

The land purified by divine energy was not narrow, but wide enough for hundreds to move in groups.

Walking forward as if on a leisurely stroll, greeting the passing priests with a nod, we soon reached the 35th floor.

And now, the 35th floor had become a safe zone in its entirety.

"Wow, they're already putting up pillars. No wonder the northern traders click their tongues when talking about the southern merchants."

"There might be fewer adventurers, but why are they building such luxurious buildings? What kind of business are they planning?"

"Well, those adventurers are all high-level. Selling drinks to someone like Rebecca could make a good profit."

"True, high-level adventurers might be fewer in number, but they definitely have deep pockets."

As we observe the construction, which seems to be preparing roads as well, groups of workers from the architectural guild, dozens strong, bustle around - a sight not commonly seen in the tower.

Maybe it's because there are no monsters from the 30th to the 35th floor, but there are a remarkable number of fragile workers who can't use mana.

Given the stonemasons mobilized for the temple construction have also set up camp, the headcount is massive.

-Watching the construction industry boom in a fantasy game is quite a sight.

-This isn't even a redevelopment zone.

-But the way the world changes due to the players is amazingly well implemented, right?

-True, it's spot-on, especially with adventurers getting kidnapped due to mana stone prices.

-So, players with lighter wallets just work construction on the 35th floor to fill them up?

"There are so many construction requests because of the sheer number of people. It seems they're targeting the top-tier adventurers above the 40th floor.

No, it's not just speculation... The shops here are significantly larger and more luxurious than those in the village. They seem to be blatantly planning to rip people off by selling luxury items, don't they?"

You can even see people hastily setting up large tents to sell alcohol.

Tables spread out in front of the tents, and waitresses moved busily between them.

The short skirts, revealing the waitresses' behinds, make it clear they're offering more than just food.

It looks like they're targeting top-tier adventurers who are conquering the late 30s and early 40s floors.

Essentially, it's like a branch of the 'Lucky Scoundrel' inn.

Given that top and elite adventurers are known for having lots of money and a higher risk of dying young, it's natural that they're the target of prostitutes, jokingly called prime husband material.

"But isn't it convenient for players to have such a large market here? Normally, they have to leave the tower just for groceries, but if they can stock their inventory here, it would make conquering the tower much easier. As for the requests... I bet an Adventurers' Guild branch will pop up here eventually?"

-But there are gates every ten floors, right?

-Maybe it's not so easy to climb from the 40th floor?

-No, it's just that Han Se-ah clears levels too quickly.

-Exactly. Normal players take days to climb just one floor from the 20th level

-It makes climbing the tower look easy

"Didn't I say it before? If you're jealous, just go recruit a 6 companion and play the game... That's as far as I'll go."

The amusing gap between the map balance designed for average players and Han Se-ah, with a naturally born 6, effortlessly breaking through.

I overheard this conversation while passing the massive construction site that the 35th floor has become.

The goal is the 36th floor, now to hunt the undead monsters that have become hard to find.

...So what about the troll bombs?

Should we guide the creation of them in preparation for the 40th-floor boss?