Chapter 203: Getting Deeper 3

Chapter 203: Getting Deeper 3

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Katie Wesley's affection towards me, Roland, felt a bit out of the blue, but after pondering over it on the 35th floor, there might be a reason for it.

The primary reason might be her deep pursuit of romance and fantasy, as suggested by her nickname which could imply a childlike innocence.

She harbors a boyish love for swords, armor, and rideable golems, but also possesses a girlish heart, yearning for something fateful like the Goddess's mission.

Externally, she appears as a cold, silver-haired, blue-eyed beauty, but her essence embodies both tomboyish and girlish traits.

It's only natural for her to feel a destined attraction towards a handsome man chosen by the Goddess.

After all, the appeal of a face universally holds true.

In my past life, wasn't there a man who started as a YouTuber aiming to become a police officer, but became a model because he was too handsome?

Such individuals must exist in this parallel world and in the game of Heroes Chronicle too.

Why am I thinking about such random things?

"There seems to be a tavern on the 35th floor... Not a place with girls, just drinking and eating."

"Drinking inside the tower... is that alright?"

"What's the harm? We're taking a break until the results from the Magic Tower are out."

This is because the distance Katie once maintained with me has vanished.

In this medieval fantasy land, using alcohol to make advances seems to be a commonly accepted tactic by both men and women, so she naturally suggests having a drink together while resting.

Katie, who used to avoid after-party gatherings, is now unexpectedly clinging to me.

Grace, who was relieved to see Katie safe, senses this odd atmosphere.

Then, someone unexpected joins in, pouring fuel on the fire.

"Drinks? Sure. If you don't want to drink at the tavern, should I ask Mari to bring a bottle of wine?"

Having finished her research on golems or maybe delegated the task to her assistants, Charlotte Cavendish arrives on the 35th floor, accompanied by her maid and a group of hired adventurers, to investigate the marsh terrain.

She, who had given her purity to me, not to preserve it for a future husband but to remain as the mage Charlotte Cavendish, escaping from the Cavendish family.

2 'Ambitious' Charlotte Cavendish, a woman who lives up to her title with her bold actions.

While Grace and Katie approach me with affection, Charlotte seeks to seduce me for pleasure and interest.

Her behavior befits a mage more than a noble lady, but in the current context, it's not entirely welcome.

I regret my past self for mocking those whose parties or plans were ruined due to romantic conflicts...!

"Wine, huh? I'm not familiar with it."

"Northerners prefer beer over wine."

"Is that so? But Roland, being accustomed to the culture of the capital, you might enjoy wine."

Indeed, if someone medically declared dead were to suddenly shout 'Hallelujah' and come back to life, wouldn't theologians who believe in God rejoice?

"Thank you for submitting the sample, Sir Roland. The scales turned black, you say Were there any other peculiarities?"

And, as expected, the Magic Tower was brimming with academic curiosity.

Was the blackening a sign of undeath?

It hadn't decayed like typical undead.

What commonalities do humans and Naga have that could allow replication?

Why would flesh grow on plant-type monsters, creating underground caverns and bright subterranean spaces covered in dirt and roots?

A skinny mage mumbled these questions, chillingly intense.

Thanks to Charlotte Cavendish, I was aware of the Magic Tower's obsessive inquiries.

The gaunt mage, ready to interrogate if left unchecked, was swiftly cut off with a brief 'Ask Charlotte' to prevent any further questions.

This left only the person from the Adventurers' Guild.

A muscular macho-man temple knight, muttering biblical verses in awe, stood next to a scrawny mage who was whispering unanswered questions to himself, and a beautiful woman with brownish hair huddled beside them.

"Uh, Roland? This is a letter from Ellis."

"From Ellis?"

"Yes. She said to read it right away."

She seemed familiar, probably one of the guild clerks Ellis works with.

If I recall correctly, I saw her a few times when macarons were being passed around the office.

Whether she earned Ellis's trust or was the lowest ranked employee sent up to the 35th floor, she handed me the letter with trembling hands, then scurried away as if fleeing, muttering a tiny 'eek!'

Her rude departure, as if she had only to deliver the letter and nothing more, didn't bother me.

After all, I was no noble, nor was this a noble's mansion.

Ah, I shouldn't be lingering like this! I will immediately inform my brothers about this, Sir Roland! May the Goddess's blessing be with you on your journey!

"So, Charlotte Cavendish is conducting research on the 35th floor? ...Thank you."

As the guild clerk hurriedly left, the temple knight and the mages, lost in their own worlds, were brought back to reality and quickly vacated their seats, leaving a sense of gratitude in the air.

I bowed slightly to the departing figures, then turned my attention to the envelope in my hand.

It was a light yellow paper envelope, sealed with a wax stamp bearing a sword and shield.

I smoothly peeled off the wax and carelessly discarded it before I pulled out the letter.

'To the senior adventurer Roland, from the Adventurers' Guild,' the letter began.

It was written formally, indicating it wasn't a personal note from Ellis.

Unlike the flowery language typical of nobility, the straightforward and succinct content was refreshing and appreciated, especially among adventurers, many of whom were commoners.

In summary, it seems that both the temple and the Magic Tower plan to establish temporary branches on the 35th floor, so the Adventurers' Guild also intends to create a branch there.

Requests for beginners to intermediates, up to the 30th floor, will be handled by the city's guild, while those for intermediates and above, starting from the 31st floor, will be managed by the branch in the 35th floor's safe zone.

Considering this arrangement, perhaps in the future, to alleviate stagnation in tower climbing, gates might be opened every five floors for higher levels?