Chapter 269: Harpy Kingdom Revival 9

Chapter 269: Harpy Kingdom Revival 9

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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"Hey, squishies! We've come to help! According to Lili, this creature's shell i-"

The adventurers were struggling against a mid-boss monster with an extremely thick shell.

Even their most powerful weapon, a greatsword glowing with a bright aura, couldn't fully pierce it.

It was impossible to break through the creature's defenses as easily as one might clear a small hill with a giant shovel.

However, just when it looked like their efforts were futile, along came stone dwarves Old Bobo and Lili, with a portable vacuum stone launcher, destroying the shell and showcasing a dazzling perf-.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

Nope that didn't happen.

Instead, I repeatedly inserted troll tumor bombs into a 10-meter hole in the monster's shell and then forcefully pressed the shell back in place to detonate the bomb.

This process, repeated multiple times, was like pounding grain with a pestle but targeted at the monster's thick shell.

Even a shell as durable as this monster's couldn't withstand such a tactic.

Han Se-ah even assisted by drilling holes around the shell, mimicking a technique used to split stones for pyramids by inserting water and wooden stakes to force them apart.

After creating more than thirty holes and filling them with bombs, the monster's once-impenetrable shell cracked wide open and shattered.

The creature, a giant tentacled snail, which had lost its home, began to convulse like a salted slug, with only a few tentacles left.

"Ugh, this disgusting thing has recovered already?"

"Mage! Freeze the base of the tentacles as much as possible!"

The tentacles, which had somewhat managed to regenerate as we drilled holes into its shell, had increased from about ten to twenty.

It was a clear indication of how dire the situation would have been if we hadn't managed to break the shell.

Now, without its protective shell, the creature's body looked pathetic, barely twitching.

It was just a weakened boss that failed to recover.

The situation was even worse for the creature, like a slug sprinkled with salt, indicating the troll tumor bomb I had planted deep inside the shell also inflicted poison damage.

It was an effect I hadn't anticipated.

The boss, confused by the intense flavors it had never encountered deep underground such as ice, acid, and corpse poison, lost its defensive shell and offensive tentacles.

Now, it was left defenseless, suffering from frostbite, burns, and poisoning due to various magics, a truly pitiful state.

"What did they use to make that giant creature so powerless?"

"That squishy mage must've brought up something terrible from the lower floors."

"Hehe, as expected, squishies are good at warfare."

The stone dwarves, including Old Bobo, who had come with a mobile vacuum stone launcher, were unable to showcase their capabilities as the creature's shell had already been destroyed.

The scene of the dwarves, along with Old Bobo, being horrified by the hero's ferocity as they lynched the boss monster, was captured in its entirety on camera.

-This is the bottomless evil of humans!

-Tentacles dissolved with acid, shell exploded with a corpse bomb, body poisoned with undead toxin. Are these the actions of a hero?

-It's strange that the hero's specialty is not divine energy or light but acid, explosions, and poison. Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

-The hero's special attack is not divine energy and light, but acid, explosions, and poisoning. Something is weird

-Shouldn't the stone dwarves be using that weapon to protect the city instead?

Despite the creature's attempts to fight back, it was futile.

It weakly swung its regrown tentacles only to be brutally defeated.

Its flesh, both tender and tough, was mercilessly frozen by ice magic and then shattered.

"Unload everything we have left! Aim for its back, not where the people are!"

"That bastard, Rio, Rio!"

A comic depicted a character pouring hot sulfuric acid for a paladin, specializing in fire magic(fire mountain family)[1].

World No.1's Incredible Physical Control.GIF

[Han Se-ah's Catapult Misses Every Shot.GIF]

[Boss Monster Smashing a Barrel.GIF]

[Han Se-ah Throwing Bombs into the Shell Dug Out by Roland.JPG]

It turned out to be a showcase of physical skill rather than accuracy.

While Roland charged into battle, Han Se-ah missed every shot.

My 4th cousin loves Angry Penguins, bet ya he could hit better LOL

Stream it then.

Still, she managed to clear the level and maintain the #1 rank.

Imagine if Roland was the streamer and one of the NPC teammates was that clumsy.

Hypotheticals like that are so good, write that down.

'Grinning K-Gamer' New Title in the West

[Top Posts on Western Community Boards.JPG]

[Best Post Featuring Han Se-ah.JPG]

[Thread Flooded with 'Chemical Terrorist' Comments.JPG]

From being famed as a mecha-p*rn icon to being dubbed a chemical terrorist, Han Se-ah's transformation has caught the West's attention, intriguing many with the use of hydrochloric acid and bombs over traditional weaponry.

Giant Robot Riding vs Killing Bosses with Hydrochloric Acid

How can you vs the two?

Why wouldn't people be shocked by such bullsh*t? LOL

They are more sensitive to terrorism than we are, after all.

It's a mess in many ways, but that's what makes it interesting.

"Roland, aren't you drinking?"

"Of course, I am."

Her sinister laughing while throwing bombs was captured.

Han Se-ah was experiencing the result of it, her expression twisting as she drank.

Viewers had been sending in edited photos and videos.

Irene, thinking Hanna was saddened by the deaths, approached her quietly and gave her a comforting hug.

This gesture, along with the viewer's suppressed desire for divine energy pouches, shifted their focus.

Han Se-ah sighed in relief.

The atmosphere was perfect: noisy adventurers and friendly companions.

It made the drinks taste sweeter.

Then, a visitor arrived from the underground city.

"Human hero, the Queen is looking for you."

She was the red harpy girl, adorned with gold and jewels, having discarded the old necklace.


[1. raei: dunno what this reference is, fire mountain family was in english]

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