Chapter 288: Learning to Use Power 3

Chapter 288: Learning to Use Power 3

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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My philosophy... as an adventurer, Roland, and as a modern person, Lee Hanul, I always think that work should be left to the experts.

When an old outlet breaks, it's better to pay thirty thousand won to call a professional than to buy a new one for five thousand won and mess with it yourself.

If your smartphone freezes, just go to the service center instead of trying to search for solutions online.The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

Like in Heroines Chronicle, where a tank character has healing abilities but is not used as the main healer, and a healer has tanking abilities but is not used as the main tank.

"Our main job is hunting. Wracking our brains over this wont give us any answers.

"But still..."

My task is to persuade Han Se-ah.

The Viscount of Antibes seems to have retreated slightly, thinking it doesn't matter whether adventurers or heretic inquisitors handle the matter, as long as the innocent people in his domain don't suffer and the incident is resolved.

Witch Yulia looks a bit anxious, unable to calm down, but when Katie naturally blocks the door, Yulia resigns herself.

Thus, it's enough to persuade Han Se-ah, our party's leader and the hero leading the quests.

Grace, Katie, and Irene, listening to me, don't say anything, seeming to respect Han Se-ah's opinions.

"Hmm... honestly, I'm curious about the inquisitors."

-But youre the first one to get involved with an inquisitor, right? No one else has

-Why pretend to think about it? Heretic inquisitors in a side quest, you could easily pop out five videos lol

-I bet if you take your hand away, the corners of your mouth would be all the way up?

-Youre sitting on a cheat key for views, and youre not sucking them up? Are you thinking backwards?

-lol Look at Yulia's face, shes going to run for her life if you call the Inquisitions

And of course, Han Se-ah had no reason to refuse.

Even I, having mingled with nobility and high priests in the fantasy world for ten years, have only heard about a heretic inquisitor once, indirectly through another noble being interrogated.

With no information about Heroines Chronicle's inquisitors on the internet, it's a great opportunity for the streamer Han Se-ah not to miss.

"Hmm, if that's what Roland thinks... But how do you plan to call them?"

"Just like the Viscount of Antibes sent us a letter. He seems to have a contact even in the south, right?"

"Of course. There's a crystal orb installed at the temple next to the mansion."

As someone who engages in discussions with temple bishops, it appears that even the small temples in rural domains are equipped with the latest communication facilities.

So, calling an inquisitor should not be a problem.

With the name of the Viscount of Antibes alone, it should be sufficient to request an inquisitor, and even more so with a hero party including a saint candidate.

As Han Se-ah leaned towards a positive response, Viscount Antibes subtly signaled with his eyes.

He wasn't outright plotting anything sinister, but he seemed to be considering sending someone to the Temple.

No one would betray with five high-level adventurers right there.

"What about you, Yulia?"

"Me? What about me?"

"It's okay, right? If the nun says it's fine, then it shouldn't be a problem?"

"Yes, it should be fine if you didn't use dark magic in your experiments."


That was the consensus when a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

Yulia, startled like a cat that encountered a cucumber, jumped up from her chair.

This surprised the rest of the group, who were quietly listening and now had their hands on their weapons.

After Viscount Antibes' signal, his butler had left, and Katie was blocking the door when suddenly a man crawled out from under the table, grabbing Yulia's shoulder and whispering in her ear.

It was the coachman who had driven us to the south.

Is he an inquisitor?

"...Mr. Coachman?"

"Yes, Hero. I'm the coachman who drove you to the South. And also a faithful servant of the Goddess."

Everyone was surprised that the chatty coachman who had driven them to the south was the heretic inquisitor, but Han Se-ah was the most shocked.

She could read brief information about NPCs as a player.

Apparently, she hadn't thought much about the man brought in by the Coachman's Guild and hadn't checked his information window.

The viewers, who had fallen asleep during Yulia's self-defense, were suddenly startled into chatting.

The coachman, who also doubled as a 4 'Rack Maker' named Raphael, had been driving his carriage to the south.

It turned out he was scouting the South as a heretic inquisitor.

He crawled out from under the table with a grin, dusting himself off before plopping down next to Yulia.

"Our witch sister... It's a bit risky, but I don't think she needs to be taken to the dungeon. A bit of suspicion is okay as long as she doesn't commit blasphemy. After all, it's natural for teenagers to doubt their parents who birthed and raised them!"


"So, hero. How many should I round up?"

-Are we screwed? He looks way to ready to catch people.

-Is there even space under the table?

-Lol, if there was a camera there, the inquisitor's entrance and the witch's panic would be a one-turn kill, gg.

-I wondered why he kept bringing up the Goddess whenever he talked lol

-He wasn't employed by the Temple because he likes the Goddess; he was an inquisitor who took a job as a coachman

Leaving Yulia dazed by the bizarre situation of an inquisitor crawling out from under the table, Raphael grinned widely.

Are we starting by rounding people up?

Is that normal?


[1. raei: from google: 'From the seventeenth century onward, Galileo has been seen by many as the hero of modern science. He is renowned for his discoveries: he was the first to report telescopic observations of the mountains on the moon, the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, and the rings of Saturn']

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