"Su Zhe! Great job!!!"

A heart-piercing shout came from the audience, and the live broadcast machine of the provincial TV station turned the camera to the stand very deftly. Tao Sheng's face was flushed with excitement, and he was waving suspiciously colored cartoon hands. The fans of Su Zhe on the Internet are not letting go.

Su Zhe also saw the girls in the stands and several middle-aged men including Tao Sheng, and then smiled and waved at them.

Many live broadcast platform shots were slammed on Su Zhe. At this time, his smile naturally spread to the eyes of thousands of melon-eating netizens through these shots, and the barrage was boiling again.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I can understand why he has gone to the entertainment industry to develop. Of course he has such a prosperous beauty that everyone should see! 】

[Ah, I can’t figure out why he has been confused for two years with such a face...]

[Ah, he was actually red too...Have you forgotten that emoji...]

As soon as this sentence came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room fell into suspicious silence.

After a while, someone spoke again.

[(Complicated expression) What kind of ghost did those emoticons make? Can this beauty make that kind of effect...]

Regardless of how the netizens in the various live broadcast rooms chat, the scene of the Provincial Games is already hot.

After Su Zhe left the field, the sports reporter of the provincial TV station immediately approached Su Zhe with his microphone.

"Congratulations, Su Zhe! You broke the record and won the championship of the 100-meter track and field event in the Provincial Games of S Province. At this moment, everyone is excited about your results. How do you feel now?"

"Ah..." Su Zhe was stunned. This was the first time he was interviewed by a reporter from Tirekou: "If you want to say what you think, it must be exciting."

Su Zhe is still reminiscing about the invigorating feeling of galloping with the wind not long ago. This feeling made him intoxicated, and even couldn't help but want to stand on the runway at this moment and enjoy the hearty excitement.

"The creator of the provincial Games record you broke is your senior brother Chen Zhi. He is the current leader in the 100-meter sprint in China. Next, is your goal to impact his results?"

Hearing this question, Su Zhe smiled and unceremoniously waved to the live camera: "Brother Xiaozhi, I will run faster and faster. Be careful not to protect your throne!"

Su Zhe's answer made the sports reporter smile: "It seems that Su Zhe and Chen Zhi are very familiar!"

"Of course." Su Zhe nodded and smiled without hesitation: "We've known each other since the first day Brother Zhi joined the provincial team. At that time, my height was not up to his chest..."

Although the sports reporter wanted to continue chatting with Su Zhe, the live broadcast time was limited and he ended the topic decisively.

"Through your hard work Su Zhe accepted our interview, I also congratulate you on your record-breaking championship! I also wish you better and better results in the future, and use your strength to conquer everyone!"

Upon hearing the reporter's words, Su Zhe smiled and said thank you.

Obviously, this reporter was embarrassing his experience a month before.

In fact, in the past month, compared with the boil of the outside world, he himself is quite calm. After all, he has been in the entertainment industry for two years. This kind of battle has been seen as early as his expression is full of sky. What's more, he clearly knows the iron law of the sports circle, as long as he has the strength, he can conquer everything.

Even without the help of the sand sculpture system, he can use his sweat to gradually return the respect that belongs to him.

The emergence of the sand sculpture system has helped him to reach higher peaks as long as he continues to put in his own efforts and sweat.

When Su Zhe finished the interview, Su Yinsheng, Zhao Changhe, Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan were all waiting aside. Seeing the interview was over, Zhao Changhe stepped forward and gave Su Zhe a strong hug with a smile, turning his head to see Su Yinsheng, who was holding his chest with both hands and holding his face, Zhao Changhe also knew his character, so he patted Su Zhe on the shoulder, and Su Yinsheng didn't have to come forward and hug him.

"A Zhe, well done!" Zhao Changhe admired. Although he thought that Su Zhe would win the provincial Games, he never expected that he would win the championship with such ups and downs.

Zheng Jian and Zhao Zhixuan also gave Su Zhe a hug and admired his achievements.

After hugging the others, Su Zhe finally stepped forward with a smile and gave his reserved father a hug.

"What, Coach Su, didn't you shame you?"

Su Zhe's proactive hug made Su Yinsheng's face a little uncomfortable, but he still hummed, "Now I know that, what did you do two years ago?"

Su Yinsheng is still worried about Su Zhe’s two-year career in the entertainment industry, especially after Su Zhe has achieved excellent results, so that he regrets it even more-why not bring Su Zhe back from the entertainment circle sooner training.

Su Zhe naturally knew his father's heart knot, but others said it was useless, he could only wait for him to figure it out-instead of entangled in the past, it is better to look to the future.

After everyone's round, they were ready to leave first.

At this moment, a shout came from the stands.

"Su Zhe!! Congratulations!! Philosophers will always support you!!!"

Many people were attracted by the shouts. In the stands, six Su Zhe's little fans were waving their hands and shouting in unison: "No matter where you are, we are by your side!!!"

For a while, Su Zhe, who had always been calm, couldn't help feeling a little red in his eyes, and then silently waved to the stands and bowed seriously.

He couldn't help but think of Dao Shao's original accusation again. He must admit that he is indeed a negligent idol. Compared with these too cute fans, his original contribution was too insufficient.

By the side of the lively arena, many We-Media’s live broadcast machines are still running. They faithfully recorded this interaction between Su Zhe and fans. This hot and sincere emotion made many melon-eating netizens unable to help but move.

At this time, the shooting scene of "Chasing the Light".

The filming of the Provincial Physical Education Team was nearing its end. On the set, Shao Xingchen ran sweaty on the track again and again, dragging a small funny parachute behind him, but no one laughed at the scene.

This is a scene in which the protagonist Xie Wei trains wildly after his friend Lu Ming passes away. Xie Wei tries to turn his grief into strength. From then on, he shoulders Lu Ming's dream and leads Lu Ming to the top.

Xie Wei in the script ran frantically, ignoring the coach's obstacles, until he was exhausted and finally fell on the track in pain, recalling the past of running on this track with Lu Ming, and then weeping bitterly. Tears, hoarse.

This is the fourth filming of this scene, but it is not because of Liu Zhengyan's harsh requirements, but from Shao Xingchen's request.

Shao Xingchen clearly understands that his current acting skills cannot support such complex and profound emotions for a while. He can only let himself run over and over again, until he is truly exhausted, and then in the mood of collapse, substitute himself Xie Wei's psychology seeks to find the overlap between himself and the role state.

Shao Xingchen on the track has long lost the dazzling brilliance of the past, and sweat is not enough to describe his state at the moment.

He persisted in embarrassment, his steps gradually became heavier, but the eyes of everyone around him gradually became more respectful.

Liu Zhengyan looked at Shao Xingchen's state and nodded slightly.

Choosing Shao Xingchen, his initial idea was indeed to borrow his popularity so that this series of somewhat unpopular themes could get better returns.

And Shao Xingchen’s seriousness is enough to be called an unexpected joy. Although his acting skills are still a bit young, but his lines are memorable, all kinds of preparations are in place, and he actively consults the old actors and assistant directors in the crew and even himself. , Asking questions about acting skills, and specially vacated enough time, from pre-training to post-shooting, to ensure that it can appear in the crew at any time.

During this period of time, Liu Zhengyan has fully recognized his transformational attitude and is also pleased for Shao Xingchen's progress every day. He believes that with his own vision, the current flow niche will definitely become an excellent actor in the future.

When the scene was finally filmed, the crew applauded, affirming Shao Xingchen's efforts in this scene and the final effect.

Shao Xingchen stood up, nodded to everyone around him, and then hurriedly walked to the resting place, remembering something.

"what's the result?"

Thoughtless questions, but Li Cheng quickly understood what Shao Xingchen wanted to ask.

Immediately, Li Cheng eyebrows smiled and said: "This crew released, Su Zhe broke the record to win the championship, ran out of the top level in Asia!"

Hearing this, Shao Xingchen immediately took the phone from Li Cheng and opened Weibo to take a look. Sure enough, the topic of Su Zhe's record-breaking championship has replaced the previous Su Zhe out of the sports circle and made it to the topic hot list.

Although some unwilling Heizi is still brushing up some content that criticizes Su Zhe, these news are now ignored.

Shao Xingchen moved his fingers slightly, and as soon as he thought of something, he heard cheers from the direction where the crew gathered.

Liu Zhengyan announced loudly: "Hurry up, send a photo of your makeup!"

Then the propaganda assistant immediately found the templates and makeup photos that had been prepared, edited them quickly, and immediately sent them to the official WeChat account of the "Chasing Light" crew!

[Chasing light and shadows, embarking on a **** journey, fulfilling a young hero's dream! Youth Xie Wei@邵星辰与少年路鸣@苏哲, on the road of youth, blood and friendship will last forever! Send a set of makeup photos, and congratulations to our Lu Ming @苏哲 for breaking the record and winning the 100-meter sprint championship in the Provincial Games of S Province! Whether inside or outside the series, @苏哲 is an amazing talented athlete! #电视剧夺光##苏哲破传说夺冠# (with Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe’s set makeup photo of Jiugongge)]

As soon as the set of fixed makeup photos of the crew were released, the "satellites" who had been paying attention to the light-seeking crew quickly reposted them to lick their faces, but when they were preparing for a crazy rainbow fart wave, they found that the fixed makeup photos, and The one with the stars in their home is the Su Zhe who once rubbed Shao Xingchen's traffic, and then was viciously sent along with the emoji...

This... is a bit embarrassing.

Although from the Guali one month ago, the support clubs smelled that Shao Xingchen and Su Zhe will star in the same gathering, but they were always comforting themselves at the beginning-that Su Zhe is a supporting role, and will be given makeup photos. And all kinds of publicity, just need to focus on blowing oneself.

The satellites really never expected that the crew would actually play such a hand.

Suddenly, the crew’s fixed makeup photos on Weibo should be reposted and how they should be reposted, and many satellites were in confusion.

Just when the back-up club was bald, thinking about how to draw a line and focus on their own home, suddenly a fan came to the group to send a letter urgently-their family star followed Su Zhe! ! !

All the support club management immediately clicked on Shao Xingchen’s Weibo, and saw that Su Zhe’s name was indeed hung on the latest follower. Not only that, he also reposted the photo of Zhuguang’s official micro makeup, and the content was also @了Su Zhe.

@苏哲 Congratulations, you have taken the first step to success on the road of chasing light and shadow. Next, Xie Wei will take Lu Ming's dream and move forward all the way.

After reading Shao Xingchen's reposted content, the "satellites" silently wiped their faces-when their family Xingchen used to promote it, they had never felt so sincerely... this Weibo content, at first glance, it is very important to chase the light. This drama also attaches great importance to the friend Su Zhe.

In that case, what can we do?

The satellites immediately set up an emergency braking team, collected clarification evidence produced by Su Zhe’s fans at the time, and re-discovered the evidence that the daughter of the CEO of Lemon Entertainment forcibly plugged the hot program, and started to brush up #追光定妆照邵The topic of 星辰苏哲#.

For a while, the satellites were very busy.

On the Internet, more passers-by watched the news of Su Zhe's record-breaking championship, and looked at the beauty of the prosperous age in the makeup photos, tusk.


_(:з」∠)_Wow, today is also a happy dish that has received many caring messages from little angels!

Love everyone! ~~ Thank you very much for every message and encouragement from the little angels. It is no exaggeration to say that every one of your collections and messages is the source of motivation for me to continue to work **** the code... Shamely speaking, as a new sand sculpture, Cai Cai nowadays, every day between work, I will conditioned reflex to take out my phone and swipe the background, count clicks, favorites and messages (cover my face), these are all great encouragement and spurs to me, and then warn myself to code words more seriously To be worthy of everyone's support_(:з」∠)_!

PS: The update time of a certain dish is really late, so little angels don't stay up late, just watch the update during the day!

PS of PS: _(:з」∠)_Because the update is too late, it is a bit difficult to reply to comments at night, a certain dish will take time to reply during the daytime work! Love you guys! Refill!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of Xiuyu; 1 bottle of Nancy, Snow Fox, hold the milk can tightly;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!