Chapter 110: Rice hurdles qualifiers!

Su Zhe turned his head and saw an athlete about 195 in height. He was wearing a black training suit with slender and powerful hands and feet. Among the hurdlers, his appearance was very outstanding.

I flipped through the list of hurdlers Zhou Hongzhi had prepared for him, and quickly found out the name of this athlete-Zhou Tianjue.

Seeing this name at the time, Su Zhe still complained in his heart, did this kind of name of Tianliang Wangpo actually exist? At this time, seeing that I heard that sentence again, Su Zhe almost thought he was acting. The female one in a school drama of Mary Su...

This terrible thought shocked Su Zhe's body and quickly threw this unreliable brain supplement out of his mind.

He raised his head indifferently and glanced at Zhou Tianjue who was a head taller than him. Su Zhe was evaluating the information record of Zhou Tianjue in the materials provided by Zhou Hongzhi.

This is a young hurdler who is only 19 years old this year. He studied under the famous 110-meter hurdles coach Lu Fei in China. He is a good seedling selected by Lu Fei personally from the sports school in City B. He has participated in the national youth as a teenager. At the Athletics Championships, the Asian Junior Athletics Championships and other major competitions, and in the Asian Junior Championships, he ran a time of 13.60 seconds and won the silver medal in the 110-meter hurdles.

However, since the beginning of this year, due to the official transfer to the adult group, the height of the hurdle in the competition has been changed from 0.99 meters to 1.067 meters. This has caused Zhou Tianjue to face a series of technical adjustments and adaptation periods. The number of matches in this season is limited, but he It is still one of the most anticipated young athletes by the judges of domestic track and field fans, and in the limited two games this year, he ran within 14 seconds and 30 seconds. The state of the two games has improved visible to the naked eye.

After the previous generation of the 110-meter hurdles champion trained by Lu Fei retired, there were obvious faults in the domestic 110-meter hurdles. The appearance of Zhou Tianjue was a boost to the domestic track and field fans.

Su Zhe reviewed all the information of Zhou Tianjue, and once again carefully scanned the boy who was one year younger than himself. According to the data collected by Zhou Hongzhi, Zhou Tianjue actually ran into 14 seconds many times in training, and his best result was about 13 seconds 58. This result has surpassed most veterans in the current 110-meter hurdles.

The real ambitions of Lu Fei and Zhou Tianjue should be on the challenge to the World Championships. This time the qualifiers for the National Championships and even later the National Championships should be the training ground prepared by Lu Fei for Zhou Tianjue.

This is a real enemy, but also an enemy who is too proud.

Su Zhe glanced at Zhou Tianjue and nodded at him with a smile.

"If you can cross the hurdles, you'll know after a while."

The 110-meter hurdle was once a strong event in the domestic sprint and sprint, and even once occupied the world record of the 110-meter hurdle. Therefore, there have been many athletes practicing the 110-meter hurdle in China. This is also the charm and attraction of the strong event. force.

For this reason, in the 110m hurdles qualifier in the afternoon, although the competition was also for 3 places, there were a total of 87 participants, which was 18 more than the 100m sprint in the morning.

The hot and humid weather made the athletes on the scene a little irritable. Many people took off the sportswear outside the training uniform in the preparation area in advance to make themselves feel a little cooler.

The humid and hot weather in City G is far beyond Su Zhe's imagination. He came to City G for the past two days, and what he couldn't adapt most was the climate and humidity here.

Seeing that the surrounding athletes took off their jackets and sportswear, Su Zhe simply took off the T-shirt in the preparation area, revealing the black tight-fitting training suit vest and training pants that he wore on the inner layer.

No one noticed that in the stands not far away, there was a row of girls covering their mouths and screaming silently. The only girl who controlled the live phone was almost unable to control her shaking hands!


What did they see?

Zai Zai's live dress-up welfare! ! !

The live broadcast room has been crazy for a while, the news of licking the screen and the barrage shouting live Ji not to shake the screen all over the screen.

[Ugh, the athlete is so good, the athlete is awesome! It's really a smart choice to transfer athletes! 】

[Dbq, I’ve quickly taken a screenshot...Zub, Ma Ma’s heart is dirty...How come I am so beautiful...]

[I'm so stupid, really, I only know to buy tickets to the National Championships, but I don't know that I will fly directly to G City at noon... There is such a beautiful scene, but I can only cry with my mobile phone...]

At this moment, all the philosopher girls have the same idea in their minds-what's good about the entertainment industry? Long live QvQ in sports! ! !

In the afternoon qualifier, Su Zhe was compiled into the 5th group to participate. When he obtained and entered the grouping information at the staff, Zhou Tianjue happened to be in front of the same staff to enter the information.

"Yo, little sheep, you are also in group 5? I wish you a smooth run?"

The frivolous voice was almost like a little hooligan who was so happy. He sneered and left after speaking. He looked like an immature child who was too proud and had not learned to respect others.

In his mind, he has no rivals in the 110-meter hurdles qualifiers of this championship, and he has the qualifications and even the first result.

Su Zhe only frowned slightly, and continued to warm up and relax his body.

Since the start of the first group, the qualifiers’ schedule has progressed very quickly. Most of these young players’ results are within 15 seconds, but there is still a certain distance from the 14-second checkpoint. His best result was a 14-second 29 run by a young runner from province h.

After two weeks of adaptive practice in reality, the 14.30 performance required by the system has long been unable to embarrass Su Zhe. But his goal is not just 14 seconds 30...

Thinking of this, Su Zhe looked back at Zhou Tianjue, who was still chatting and laughing with others, and then smiled slightly-he wanted to try the results of his extreme training during this period of time.

In that case, let's see who is the real little sheep!

Soon, the first 4 groups of competitions were over, the athletes of the 5th group entered the field uniformly, and all the athletes began to conduct adaptive short test runs on the track.

Both Zhou Tianjue and Su Zhe, who are on the 4th and 6th tracks, simply patted their thigh and calf muscles in front of their starting blocks to let their bodies enter a more relaxed state.

In the stands, in addition to Su Zhe’s fans, there are also some local track and field fans in City G. Many of them are Zhou Tianjue’s supporters. This time I came here to witness Zhou Tianjue’s entry into the championship. .

These track and field fans were curious when they first saw a group of young girls get together and chattering, but soon they remembered the identity of the girls-these are Su Zhe's fans!

As a track and field fan, how can you not know Su Zhe, who is on the topic now? Everyone can't help but start to discuss what will happen to Su Zhe's 110-meter hurdles in this qualifier.

"Don't talk about anything else." One of the young men said: "Look at the eight players on the field. The only low-lying land in the middle is him. The height of Jue Geer is 195, and his leg length exceeds 110. This natural gap is How to make up?"

"Oh, if you want to be handsome, men should still look like our Jue brother, tall and handsome, with great proportions, and strong muscles. How good is this? Why do little girls like Su Zhe?" A flat-headed man looked puzzled.

"There are still so many young girls who come to see him. I hope that I won’t lose too ugly, otherwise I’m afraid these young girls will cry." A middle-aged uncle looked at the Su Zhe fans next to him. A look of worry from the old father.

"Hey, this kind of guy who doesn't run 100 meters well, he has to be confused about the guy who runs to participate in the 110-meter hurdles. Even if he doesn't run well, he didn't do it himself?" There was a young man with a board-inch head who looked disdainful and seemed to be at Su. Zhe had a lot of opinions on this side event. At the end, he pouted and said: "You said, he won't be kneeling in the first hurdle for a while, right?"

During the conversation among the people in the stands, the players on the field were ready for the game.

Everyone is ready on the starting blocks.

"Everyone is in place! Get ready—"

All the players make a preparatory posture-"Bang!"

The starting gun rang, and all the players quickly burst out of strength and ran forward from the starting blocks!

On 8 tracks, 8 silhouettes ran on the track just under 14 meters before the hurdles. Because of the hurdles, hurdlers need to quickly raise their body's center of gravity after starting to accelerate to prepare for the next difficulty. run.

On this short 14-meter track, Su Zhe's speed is not weak, but the advantage is not obvious. A group of tall hurdlers around him makes him extra petite, and looks like he is a junior player.

Before the short hurdle race was about to end, Su Zhe was slightly inferior to Zhou Tianjue on the 4th track by a slight disadvantage. From the perspective of onlookers, it can be clearly seen that Zhou Tianjue still has spare energy and is very relaxed.

Before the first hurdle, Su Zhe's stride was to retract. He lifted his leg to push the ground forcefully, and the other leg began to swing forward, his upper body pressed down, his arm bent forward, and he attacked the first hurdle. frame.

His take-off leg kicks the ground strongly and forcefully, and the rhythm of his body from kicking the ground to vacating is particularly relaxed. The whole process of crossing the first column is like flowing water, and no part of his body touches the frame. , Let alone hitting the bar.

On the contrary, a player on the 8th track made a technical error when crossing the first hurdle. The whole person rushed to the back of the hurdle and fell forward and rolled forward.

The sudden accident caused some turmoil on the arena. Some players' state was obviously affected by the error of the 8th track player, and they couldn't help but take their actions.

Su Zhe's spirit has not been shaken by any external forces. After crossing the first hurdle, he quickly moved forward three steps between the hurdles, and quickly jumped across the attacking hurdle again after a short step!

On track 6, although Zhou Tianjue was not nervous due to the mistakes of the athletes on track 8, he was still slightly distracted. He quickly noticed that someone around him was keeping up with his attacking hurdle, and he was constantly leaping across the hurdles. Attack the fence forward.

who is it? !

Someone in Group 5 can keep up with his rhythm?

Zhou Tianjue was surprised, but from the corner of his eye he caught a glare of a dazzling white figure-that little sheep? ! How can it be? !

The suspicion in his heart made Zhou Tianjue's rhythm between the hurdles slightly chaotic. In the fifth hurdle, his left foot hit the hurdle slightly, which once again affected the subsequent movement rhythm. He watched Su Zhe, who was slightly behind himself, kept a steady and smooth rhythm and kept moving forward!

How can this be? !

How can this be? !

Zhou Tianjue glared at him and began to increase his speed, but the sudden increase in speed changed his original attacking hurdle rhythm. In the following attacking hurdles, another hurdle hitting occurred.

"How can it be?!"

On the stands, the track and field fans in City G stared at the changing situation on the field with their mouths stunned. Zhou Tianjue, who originally thought that he was ranked first, was behind. It was not someone else who ran in front of him, but was mocked by the track and field circle. Su Zhe? !

"Good smooth movement!" The middle-aged man who was initially not optimistic about Su Zhe, stared at Su Zhe's hurdle attack, and stood up excitedly: "The rhythm between the hurdles is very stable, and it is even accelerating in stability!"

In the stands, my track and field fans and the "philosophers" were staring at the arena. At this time, Su Zhe had crossed the 9th hurdle on the track and was about to go to the final hurdle.

Zhou Tianjue deserves to be the disciple whom Lu Fei personally carefully cast. After a short rhythm disorder, he quickly adjusted his own attacking hurdles and quickly caught up with Su Zhe’s speed in the hurdles. The two attacked almost simultaneously. The tenth column frame.

At this time, the figures of Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue were about two hurdles away from the players behind!

Ahead, Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue have entered the final sprint stage!

Su Zhe's amazing late acceleration ability was once again manifested incisively and vividly. He galloped forward, his vigorous figure was deeply burned into Zhou Tianjue's mind.

He sprinted forward desperately, trying to cross this figure, until before the end, he and Su Zhe almost crossed the finish line.

In the buffering process after crossing the line, Zhou Tianjue unwillingly looked back at the electronic timer that recorded the players' results. The red-written timer on the black background clearly recorded their results.

Zhou Tianjue-14 seconds 07.

Su Zhe-14 seconds 05.

A mere 0.02 seconds is the difference between the first and second.


Aw...a shriveled vegetable, today I have also renewed it stubbornly. I’m sorry that there is no time to reply to the comments of the little angels from yesterday to today, but I have seen every comment (for example, I have gone quietly The second chapter caught the bug orz)! It's too late now, and those who are so drowsy can only stop here one by one. Today is also a vegetable that loves you, refills! >__<

———————Daily send to Shao Dadao who only exists in the small theater——————

Mr. Shao: (Infuriated) The little sheep not only yelled, but kept yelling? ? ? Is this interesting? ? ?

Certain dish: (guilty, eyes fluttering) Uh, what, this is actually okay...

Mr. Shao: (sneer) It's okay, isn't there still **** in public?

Certain dish: (continues guilty conscience) Uh, what... After all... Cub is an athlete... You... just get used to it...

Mr. Shao: (Furiously throws the table) What habit do you say? !

——————— Here is the dividing line where a certain dish quickly escapes——————

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: I heard that there will be a lot of them when their names grow;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: it is C Bao, Ju Ju Ju 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Shu Shumeng has 70 bottles; I heard that when the name grows, there will be 30 bottles; read 20 bottles; go to bed early and get up early, 10 bottles of Mingsha; 7 bottles of soy sauce noodles; little thief, a fat pear 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!