Chapter 34: Before the game (on) a more

The Asian Championship Invitational held in Tokyo, Japan, is essentially a track-and-field-themed star competition, inviting track and field star athletes from various Asian countries to participate in the competition, which can also be regarded as a preview for the Tokyo Olympics next year.

Those who came to the competition on the same plane as Su Zhe were all star players of the track team. Except for a few members who participated in the competition with tasks like him, most of the remaining players were in a very relaxed state and looked better than participating. It's like going to Tokyo for leisure.

Su Zhe was a little puzzled about the state of everyone.

"What's the matter?" Ye Jun, who was sitting on Su Zhe's left side, saw his doubts and asked with a smile-Su Zhe's purpose this time in the competition is to fully participate in the men's 100-meter battle, and strive to open 10 seconds and 10 seconds. , The country won a seat in the men's 100-meter hurdles at the World Championships. Therefore, the Tian Management Center did not arrange for him to participate in the 110-meter hurdles. Instead, it sent Ye Jun as the representative of the 110-meter hurdles.

Su Zhe hesitated, then scratched his head and smiled: "It's nothing, I just think everyone seems to be relaxed..."

Hearing these words, Ye Jun instantly understood what Su Zhe meant, so he said a little funny: "Do you think everyone's state is not like going out to play?"

Seeing Su Zhe nodding, Ye Jun patted him on the shoulder: "Ah, it's not easy, I finally saw you look like a new person."

Facing Su Zhe who was stunned, Ye Jun continued to laugh and said: "I probably know what you are thinking-to participate in the competition, you should put your best state into the competition. As an athlete, how can you not have the heart to win? ?right?"

With a smile on Ye Jun's face, he smiled and shook his head at Su Zhe: "You, this is a common mentality problem for newcomers. I thought Coach Su had analyzed it with you." After a pause, Ye Jun continued. : "Taking every game seriously, this mentality is right, but it's not about treating every game as the most important event, going all out and having a strong spirit."

"You also know that the status of athletes will fluctuate with the personal training cycle and so on. No matter how talented you are, you can't resist the trough. In order to ensure that our competitive status can reach the peak in important events, the coach is In our daily periodic training, we will constantly adjust our training goals."

"Now that's the end of the story, you see, we have just gone through a continuous strong competition cycle such as the National Championships and the World Championships Challenge. Next, waiting for most of us, there will be the World Championships a month later. Compare that. , This invitational tournament is indeed more like to relax, practice by the tournament, just find the state. People will be exhausted physically and mentally. If we put our best state into this game, Perhaps the loss is the more important event later."

Ye Jun's words reminded Su Zhe of what his father had meant to him in the past.

In fact, Su Yinsheng has been constantly instilling similar ideas to him during this period of time, but he himself did not fully understand the meaning. He only thought that his anxiety state was alleviating, and his mentality adjustment had achieved certain results. ...

Thinking of this, Su Zhe couldn't help rubbing his forehead again. He originally thought he had the desire to win and enterprising that athletes must have, but now it seems that if he wants to become a fully qualified athlete, he still has Quite a few ways to go.

When the plane landed, it was 9:33 PM local time in Tokyo.

Su Zhe followed the members of the participating team all the way to the airport exit.

At this time, the airport is still very busy. Many people drag their suitcases out of the airport lobby, looking around, waiting for friends, relatives or partners to pick up the plane.

Following the track and field team all the way, Su Zhe did not have this trouble at all, and the reception of the Japan Athletics Association was also very attentive. The personnel responsible for welcoming the Chinese track and field team had already been waiting at the exit of the airport. It was young athletes who followed on both sides. One of them was also responsible for holding a sign "Welcome to the Chinese Track and Field Team".

The person in charge of welcoming the Chinese track and field team is the official member of the Japanese Athletics Association Yusuke Haneda, and the two young people behind him are the Japanese Athletics Association in order to show the importance of the Chinese track and field team. , Special ball dispatched to do two well-known local players in Japan who accompanied the guests.

They are Shota Shiraishi, ranked third in the men's 100-meter dash in Japan, and Hiraki Takeshita, ranked sixth, and they are also contestants in this competition.

Because this event is of great significance to whether or not to win the 100-meter seat in the World Championships, Su Zhe naturally learned about the Japanese players who may participate in this competition.

Of these two, Shota Shiraishi’s best time this year is 10.03 seconds. Not only has he won a seat in the World Championships, he has also stepped into the standards for the Tokyo Olympics next year. It is very likely that he will represent the Japanese team next year. Participate in the men's 100-meter competition.

And Kanaki Takeshita, ranked sixth in Japan, this year's best result of this season is 10.12 seconds, historical personal pb10.09 seconds, is also a strong player who has already broken the 10 seconds and 10 mark.

However, among the men's 100m players in Japan, those who achieved a score of less than 10 seconds and 10 in the World Championships' standard evaluation period have exceeded the highest quota of the World Championships. Therefore, Takeshita Hiroaki has missed the qualifications for this World Championships.

Among these two, Shiraishi Shota looked like a character who was not too busy. Although he looked like he was in his 180s, he unexpectedly had a baby face, and a tiger tooth would be revealed when he smiled.

It is he who is responsible for holding the sign welcoming the Chinese players. At this moment, the staff of both sides are communicating and handing over. Shiraishi Shota smiled and raised the sign in his hand, waving with the track team members, looking quite friendly.

Hiroaki Takeshita, who was with him, was calmer and more restrained. He revealed a polite but detached manner of being on his body. Standing next to Shiraishi Shota, he did not speak much.

Just as Su Zhe was standing in place and chatting with Ye Jun, a surprised voice appeared beside Su Zhe-the speaker was Shota Shiraishi of the Japanese team.

This tall baby face was looking at Su Zhe with a surprised look at the beautiful doll, and some Japanese words that Su Zhe could not understand appeared from time to time. It seemed that he wanted to communicate with Su Zhe, but was anxious that he could not communicate. Look like.

The tall baby-faced, Shiraishi Shota, was in depression at this time because of the language barrier. He turned to look at Takeshita Hiroaki beside him, as if he wanted to seek comfort from his companions.

Shota Shiraishi: "Kun Takeshita, have you seen it? He is so beautiful... exquisite, indifferent, fair, fragile... I just want to use all the beautiful words I can master on him!"

"I feel that I have seen a beautiful fairy... Why is there such a beautiful person? I regret it, I should learn some Chinese before today, so that I can personally pass on these words of praise to him !"

To Shiraishi's state of being too excited, Takeshita Hiroaki motioned him to calm down first.

"Shiroishi-kun, he is a track and field athlete from China and a participant in this invitational... Such a person is not a fragile fairy."

It's a pity that this kind of persuasion didn't work for Shota Shiraishi, but he was even more excited.

"Ah! You are right, he is a strong man who came to participate in the invitational tournament! Such a powerful and beautiful life..." Shiraishi Shota said, almost staring in his eyes.

"Why is such a perfect person born in this world? A beautiful fairy from the Chinese Empire... I feel that he has taken my heart away..."

Shiraishi Shota's speech caused Takeshita to fall into silence, and finally decided to ignore his friends around him.

After simple communication and verification by the Chinese and Japanese staff, Su Zhe and his team began to follow Yusuke Haneda who led the way to the location of the reception car.

On the next road, Bai Shi Xiangta did not try to say anything, but occasionally looked at Su Zhe's direction, revealing a dreamlike expression.

Arrived at the hotel arranged by the organizer and settled down, it was already 23:00 Japan time.

After simply cleaning up, Su Zhe lay down on the bed and began to rest-sleep is one of the habits athletes most cherish. Since restarting training, Su Zhe has fallen asleep almost at this point in time.

And this time is 22 o'clock in China, and this is the peak of activity for netizens who eat melons.

In the morning, the photos Jiang Hanning sent to Su Zhe had already been posted on the Internet.

Yes, Su Zhe’s official blog of the s University of Arts and Sciences, in the daytime today, did not hesitate to post this red banner photo on the academy’s official account, and also attached the link to the live broadcast of Su Zhe’s game. And Su Zhe's personal photo.

It's not surprising that the College of Arts would be so happy. After all, as a student who was prosperous and declining, he had never expected a talent like Su Zhe to appear among the students. The result was abrupt. Students who were originally only marginal figures in the entertainment circle suddenly stirred up public opinion, entered the sports circle, and even won a qualification for the World Athletics Championships? ? ?

For the academy, this is nothing short of a pie in the sky, so it is natural to publicize it!

After seeing this Weibo, the official Weibo of s did not hesitate to forward the Weibo to congratulate the good news in order to support the students and the college.

If everything ends here, there may not be any follow-ups, but the students who are just starting school and are in a state of boredom discovered this Weibo and took a closer look-hey, the famous Su Zhe recently, Is it our school/college?

So a wave of attention, reposts, and comments came in, and Su Zhe followed the tail of a hot search again.


Cough cough, cover your face, today is also a dish that can't hold it, first shamelessly turn and then roll to flatten it! I will add another 3k update within today, but there is no way to update it too early. I expect to have a remote meeting tomorrow. I’m not sure if I can go home in time when I get off work orz

Ow, I saw the comments from the little angels who told me not to stay up late, first compare with a huge heart~~~

In fact, I stayed up so late. One is that I got off work too late recently, and the other is that spicy chicken dishes are really slow in my head... 700 700 per hour is really no joke when I write and consider the plot connection... I am bald, after this week. , If you can return to normal after get off work hours, you won’t be so tired, love you guys, yeah!

PS: The debt promised on the copywriting can only wait for the weekend, and it will be paid back then! Ouch!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Bazooka]: 1 Tina;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 5 Lu Xiaoqian; 1 Shallow Streamer, Anan, and Big Totoro;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Yiyao 25 ​​bottles; Huanan 20 bottles; "Shallow streamer?", 20965107, Meow hour, 18 bites 27, Sangu Sansheng, Jingzhao, 10 bottles of a big tiger; 5 bottles of canned cute cats; xx, me 3 bottles of an old swan; 2 bottles of Nanfeng, Fuyiyi, Jasmine Bengou, and Nancy; 1 bottle of Fengxian, Mo Xiaoli?, Mu Yue, Xia Fei, Zhou Xiaonuo, and Silently Eat Fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!