
Refresh the settlement of individual events in the World Championships.

1. Entering the semi-finals of the Men's 100m World Championships, the rewards are being settled

2. Entering the men's 100m World Championship finals to achieve reward settlement

3. No reward for entering the top three of the men's 100m World Championship finals

4. Obtaining the qualification for the men's 100 meters in the Tokyo Olympics and reaching the reward settlement

5. Refreshing Asian athletes World Championships men's 100 meters ranking reached reward settlement


Perfect idol training space training hours*105

Number of turntable draws*1

Free attribute points*3"

When Su Zhe left the field, the familiar mechanical sound suddenly sounded. Then he knew why the sand sculpture system did not appear after the preliminary match yesterday.

From the point of view of the number of rewards, it can be said to be quite rich, not only has the training hours he needs most, but also the long-lost turntable lottery and free attribute points.

However, after taking a look, Su Zhe temporarily ignored these rewards. Now during the game, these rewards have no special significance except for the training hours. Even if the attribute points are added in real time, he still lacks enough. The training time allows the attribute points to merge. Only in the training phase, combined with sufficient training hours and daily training plan, can his strength be truly improved.

When Su Zhe and the members of the national team returned to the Asian Games Village to rest, on the domestic Internet, the sports enthusiasts set off another carnival, even if it was already 3 o'clock in the morning, it failed to stop their excitement.

The Tianguan Center released relevant information for the first time: [#D国运动世界锦赛# Congratulations to Chinese men's 100-meter sprinter Su Zhe, who once again broke through himself in the men's 100-meter sprint of this World Track and Field Championships! In the men's 100-meter final, Su Zhe ran a 10.02 second and won the fifth excellent result in the final. He refreshed the Asian athletes' best ranking in the men's 100-meter event at the World Track and Field Championships, and also refreshed in the final. Personal pb! 】

In the morning of the next day, the sports channel also released photos, manuscripts and interview videos of Su Zhe sent back by Xu Zhi on the news network. At the same time, major sports media and commentators also posted the 100-meter project in this World Championship. Related news reviews.

However, among all the news, it was the Japanese news translated by a "philosopher" who was studying abroad. It was a sports news published on the official website by a newspaper of the Fuji Group, which also included real-time news. News interviews.

It must be said that the Japanese newspaper photographer who took photos of Su Zhe is almost like a Su Zhe who has used his life skills to shoot after the game. After the game, he smiled relaxedly, and he stroked his hair with one hand. With crystal beads of sweat, a perfectly proportioned figure, fair to light skin...

Under the high-definition lens, Su Zhe has completely withstood the test, and even made people feel the illusion that they dare not look closely.

[Although I know that Master Zhe was born as an idol artist, this group of photos still surprised me...]

[(Sighing cigarette lighter) Brother upstairs, let’s tell you, I was silent for 1 minute just now, and now I’m a little worried about the entertainment industry coming to grab people from us...]

[... Just now my wife passed by me and screamed at Zhe Shao's photo. I went to watch the game before, but I didn’t want to coax her to go. Just now, she told me that next time there is a game with Shao Zhe, she must take her to the scene. I feel very complicated now...]

[My daughter-in-law...]

[Tsk, the big brothers upstairs, do you still have a wife? Admired... just now my sister shook my shoulder and told me to take her next time I watch the game. 】

When the straight sports fans were weeping at Su Zhe's photos, the comments below have been occupied by philosophers and the entertainment circle who recently watched Su Zhe's gossip.

[Ahhhhh, awsl! ! ! QAQ cub, why are you so great...add 10 drumsticks to the photographer! ! ! I'll buy it for him if there is not enough food... I love you, photographer giant! ! ! 】

[Oh, Zai Zai, he is an angel! ! ! It's been a long time since I got such a beautiful picture of Zai Zai, the entertainment industry has mistaken me Zai Zai, and the resources of the sports circle are full of resources and sincerely do not deceive me! ! 】

【coming! ! I jumped out of the bed with a carp! This look is so amazing... Recently, the career of playing the cubs was soaring, I almost forgot that I was just a simple and simple face...]

When most people's attention is on babbling, another small group of people with a hahaha hilarious brush in the comment area brushed out a new style.

[Hahahahahaha! ! Fairy on the track! Beautiful snow leopard boy! ! This rainbow fart refreshed me! 】

It was these replies that made more passers-by pay attention to the content of the text. In the comments, Yan fans, straight men fans, and passersby hahaha parties each occupied a piece of the country.

At the same time as this wave of news hits, the crew of "Chasing the Light" also took advantage of the opportunity to release a second wave of clips called "The Light of Glory". Xie Wei and Lu Ming competed on the field with Lu Ming. The high-profile clips on the field were edited into a section of about 40s.

Topics such as #路鸣苏哲Get Olympic qualification# were also directly searched by the crew's publicity.

It can be said that since Su Zhe has been on the court all the way through the thorns and glory, the most excited is the entire production team of "Chasing the Light". They originally thought that the traffic of the crew should mainly be driven by Shao Xingchen, but they did not expect that during the promotion stage, In addition to Shao Xingchen, Su Zhe also created one topic after another for them.

Country D, October 4th, 10 am

On the day of the competition, of course, there is no training task for the athletes. Su Zhe and several people met with Lu Fei at this time. It is more that Lu Fei will raise their own common problems for them, and also need to pay attention to It is their respective game mentality.

Among the three of Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun and Su Zhe present, the one with the most lack of game experience is Su Zhe, but in today's World Championships, he is also the most experienced person.

After competing in the 100-meter event in the first two days, Su Zhe has a certain sense of familiarity with this huge pink track, and the pressure of fighting against world-class strong players has also been felt.

For today's 110-meter hurdles preliminaries, his state can be said to be relatively relaxed.

The only problem may be that he ran two shots in a row yesterday, which consumed a lot of physical energy, but with the blessing of deep sleep skills, his physical fitness has also recovered 70% to 80%.

Although Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun still looked relatively relaxed at this time, they were told their true state by Lu Fei.

"Okay, you haven't started the game yet, what do you pretend to be relaxed?"

Lu Fei's words caused Ye Jun to show a bitter smile, while Zhou Tianjue curled his lips and turned his head to pretend that nothing happened.

In fact, although I successfully won the 110-meter hurdles seat, if you refer to the results of entering the semi-finals in previous years, then you have a better chance of entering the semi-finals in the field, which is that the results have been steadily improved to about 13.31. Su Zhe.

During the training camp, Lu Fei once judged that Su Zhe’s talent in the 110-meter hurdle is even stronger than in the 100-meter sprint, but his height is likely to limit his highest achievement in the 110-meter hurdle.

So far, Ye Jun's personal pb is 13.37. In the training camp, he can run into 13.34 when he is at his best. Usually his results are still hovering around 13.40. This result is difficult to guarantee that he can steadily enter the semi-finals. It can only be said that if you don't meet a strong player in the group stage, you will have a chance to qualify for the semi-finals through the overall results.

The mood of wanting to enter the semi-finals made Ye Jun feel a little nervous, but this state of tension is still under control. As an experienced veteran, you can completely transform these nervous moods into the arena. power.

And Zhou Tianjue's state is the most unclear among the three.

It has only been about a year since he was officially promoted to the adult group. It was already not easy to be able to promote his personal pb to the qualification standards for entering the World Championships before.

During the period of closed training camp before the game, he once had an extraordinary state, ran a peak time of 13.29. This result even opened the 13.30 mark.

At that time, everyone, including Lu Fei, thought that the electronic timer had malfunctioned. This data was an increase of 0.15 seconds from his previous personal pb13.44. The magnitude of the increase can only be described by the word incredible. .

However, the probability of this kind of miracle was too low. In subsequent training, Zhou Tianjue could not find the state of running at 13:29, and was worried about breaking through the 13:40 mark.

If it were not at the end of the training camp, he once again ran a score of 13.28. Everyone would think that the original 13.29 was a timer failure.

However, it is precisely because of the large gap between his occasional performance and regular training performance that Zhou Tianjue developed a kind of anxiety during the training period and even the few trial runs after arriving in Country D.

Under what circumstances can he run into the 13.30 mark?

This question, not to mention Zhou Tianjue himself, even Lv Fei met for the first time, because the coaching staff and the data group conducted many data analysis and discussions, and the final conclusion is that they ran into the 13.30 mark. In those two times, Zhou Tianjue’s speed from the first column to the sixth column has been increasing. In the sixth column, the highest speed reached the maximum 9.30 m/s. The data thereafter gradually decreased, but declined. The trend is slower and maintains its own speed better.

In normal training, Zhou Tianjue’s maximum hurdle speed usually appears in the fifth hurdle, and thereafter a downward trend in speed. The maximum speed is not maintained enough, and the maximum hurdle speed increased to the maximum is not as good as In peak state, it is always difficult to break through ordinary data.

This peak performance can be said to be the theoretical value range that Zhou Tianjue can achieve under the state of the day, but in the case of limited time remaining in the training, Lu Fei cannot forcefully adjust his hurdle habit according to this conclusion. Instead, it will have a greater impact on him.

Under this premise, if you want to run his peak performance, you can only rely on luck.

Such a conclusion made Zhou Tianjue's mentality a little unstable, so that he became the most tense central state of the three at this time.

Lu Fei patted him on the shoulder and calmly said: "Okay, it's good to run out of your usual state. We didn't have any tasks with us this time. We can win 3 seats in the World Championships. That’s enough. Don’t be impatient. I have counted your speed situation with the data group. After the World Championships, some of them have time to adjust slowly."

For Lu Fei, teaching Great Zhou Tianjue in one hand is like his own cub, but this time the situation is really special, and it is difficult for him to help Zhou Tianjue relax more for a while.

Su Zhe and Ye Jun both patted Zhou Tianjue on the shoulder, hoping that this comrade-in-arms could relax their mentality and not be out of balance due to excessive tension, causing even the original strength to fail to be displayed.

After pacifying Zhou Tianjue, Lu Fei said to the three of them: "This time there are a lot of places in the semi-finals. As long as you get out of the top four in the preliminaries of each group, you can do it. This is very good for your usual results. Hope. In short, just keep your mindset and run out of your usual grades."

Lu Fei is right.

Unlike the men’s 100-meter sprint, the 110-meter hurdles of the World Championships only have 40 places. From the perspective of the number of players, as long as they rank in the top 24, they can enter the semi-finals. This data can be said to be very loose. Don't play abnormally, then the three of them are likely to join hands to enter the semi-finals, setting the record for the largest number of Chinese teams entering the semi-finals of the 110m hurdles of the World Championships.

Country D at 1:10 pm local time.

The 110-meter hurdles preliminaries will officially start in 5 minutes.

Su Zhe, Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue have already completed the pre-match inspection and are now in the waiting area waiting for the game to enter the field. In today's preliminaries, none of the three were able to be assigned to the same group.

Su Zhe will be in the first group of the preliminaries today, Ye Jun is arranged in the third group of the preliminaries, and Zhou Tianjue will be the finale of the fifth group of the preliminaries.

After communicating with Lu Fei in the morning, Zhou Tianjue barely concealed his anxiety under the comfort of several people, but now that the game is about to begin, it is obvious that the anxiety and irritability on his face can be seen.

Su Zhe looked back at Zhou Tianjue. He originally wanted to comfort him again, but the staff was already inviting the first group of personnel to play. Su Zhe could only wave his hands with Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue and stepped on alone. On the field.

Once again on the field of the Xilien Stadium, this pink track has a touch of familiarity in Su Zhe's eyes.

Standing on his fourth track, Su Zhe easily adjusted his starting blocks, patted his leg muscles at the same time, released the tightness of the muscles, and put himself in a better state of the game.

It's beside him. When the players on the other tracks look at him, they all have a hint of curiosity. After all, among a group of 1.9-meter men, one looks white and thin. An athlete who is only about 180 in height has never had this experience.

However, other athletes were just curious, and soon turned their attention back to pre-match preparations. Before long, all the athletes have completed their preparations.

During the broadcast, the referee's voice also officially sounded.

"Each in place."

The runners stepped their feet on the starting blocks and supported the ground with both hands to prepare for the start.



With a gunshot, all the athletes came out and started the conquest in the front stage!

Su Zhe also maintains a superior speed of listening to the gun today, with a response of only 0.139 seconds, ranking third among all players.

The burst of power from his legs quickly sent him to sprint forward. Although Su Zhe’s stride frequency is at a disadvantage in the case of the same stride because of his height, Su Zhe’s stride frequency is better than those of the surrounding players. Relatively dominant, under the offset of the two, coupled with the advantage of listening to the gun reaction, Su Zhe can occupy the top three position in the early stage of the starting acceleration.

When he was about to arrive at the fence, Su Zhe, after adjusting during the training period, no longer subconsciously stopped and slowed down. His right foot kicked on the ground, and the explosive force sent him forward into the air as a swing. The left leg of the leg quickly lifted up across the hurdle, and at the same time the body tilted slightly to drive the body forward, while the right leg was lifted and quickly followed, completing a clean hurdle movement.

During the training period, Su Zhe has thoroughly mastered the skill of only relying on the forefoot to touch the ground. When the swinging leg touches the ground, the forefoot touches the ground, and quickly achieves a grip and pushes his body with his powerful body control and stability. Continue the Mercedes-Benz process.

Three steps between the stable hurdles, and then, hurdle forward again!

Su Zhe relied on his own stability and smooth inter-hurdle rhythm, and his speed gradually increased from the first hurdle.

Unlike Zhou Tianjue, whose best result is in the first five hurdles, the sprint stage of the first three hurdles is not the peak stage of Su Zhe's performance. He just adjusts himself into a more coordinated inter-hurdle rhythm state in the first three hurdles.

Starting from the fourth hurdle, Su Zhe’s speed gradually reached its peak. He usually reached the highest hurdle speed in the seventh hurdle and was able to maintain his highest hurdle speed to a greater extent.

From Lu Fei's analysis, it is still his height that limits Su Zhe's 110-meter hurdle speed. He is relying on his extraordinary talent for interception rhythm to ensure that he defeats the surrounding hurdles who are far less talented than him.

Therefore, Su Zhe's speed improvement depends more on whether his cadence can be improved, and at the same time, whether he can improve the sprint speed as much as possible through his strong backward acceleration ability in the final sprint stage.

During the training camp, Lu Fei once suggested to Su Zhe that he should change his hurdle pace from eight to seven. This will greatly improve Su Zhe’s hurdle speed, and there is a high probability that his overall performance will be improved. It is not a trivial matter. It takes sufficient time to complete the corresponding technical adjustments and training. Therefore, this plan was finally removed by Lu Fei, and the corresponding technical adjustments were discussed during the winter training.

At this time, there is no world famous player in the 110-meter hurdles. In this group, Su Zhe only relied on his own hurdle talent and basic speed to crush the surrounding contestants.

Under the shocking attention of the rest of the track players, Su Zhe started from the fourth column and gradually surpassed the two players who were in front of him.

Every time he crosses a hurdle, his speed seems to be faster. The two players in front of him, after discovering Su Zhe who had surpassed him, intend to overtake him again, but his own rhythm has been affected by Su Zhe. The influence of the hurdle speed has appeared a little disorder.

When they used their own strength to forcibly stabilize the rhythm between the hurdles, Su Zhe had reached the forefront and was about to cross the tenth hurdle.

Behind Su Zhe, the original first player hit the hurdle when he crossed the ninth hurdle. He kicked over the ninth hurdle, causing his own rhythm to be messed up, and he was beaten by the original second player. Quickly overtaken, even the player who was in fourth place from the rear took this opportunity to complete the reverse.

After crossing 10 hurdles, Su Zhe is already in front of him. The strength accumulated in the first half of the hurdles allowed him to show an indomitable momentum in the final sprint stage.

The second player from the rear had already been thrown a full one metre away by him. Even when he crossed the line at the end, Su Zhe did not try his best, but easily crossed the finish line.

In the commentary, the combination of Chris and Billus once again made a sound of surprise.

"Oh! What did I see? It's still the Chinese angel boy! Chinese Su!" Chris shook his head and said with emotion: "Chinese Su, the gap between him and the second player is big visible to the naked eye. He was in the final sprint. It even seemed so relaxed...unbelievable, this is a teenager with amazing talent in both the 110-meter hurdle and the 100-meter dash!"

"Yes." Birus also sighed: "His 100-meter speed has reached 10 seconds 02, and he has the opportunity to break through the 10 second mark at any time, so his 110-meter hurdle will have a chance to break the 13 second mark. Is this a beautiful conjecture that makes people look forward to it easily!"

After a short wait, the referee team has sent the results of the first group to the audience.

"Okay, let's take a look at the preliminaries of the 110m hurdles of Angel Boy!" Chris looked at the data in his hand and announced: "The first group of the 110m hurdles preliminaries, first place, Su Zhe (China): 13 seconds 28 (0.8), second place, Wilkin (Hungary): 13 seconds 33 (0.8)..."

At the moment when the results were announced, Lu Fei showed a relaxed smile on the Chinese players' area, while Zheng Wensheng was overjoyed.

"Su Zhe's achievement!!! The group first, 13 seconds 28...Is this another Olympic qualification?!" Zheng Wensheng looked at Lu Fei with a calm face, and for a moment felt that his ecstasy was a bit overwhelming. .

But this is a new Olympic qualification achievement!

"Old Lu, you guys are not kind. I always said that I need to wait a while, but Su Zhe's results are so good?"

Listening to Zheng Wensheng’s question, Lu Fei shook his head: “Su Zhe’s talent in the 110-meter hurdles is really amazing, but before the game I am not sure how much he can show in such a competition.”

What he didn't expect was that Su Zhe was a complete racer. Whether it was the previous 100-meter sprint or today's 110-meter hurdle, his personal performance can get continuous breakthroughs.

Like today’s 110-meter hurdles preliminaries, he easily qualified for the semi-finals with a refreshing personal pb of 13.28 seconds, and also broke through the 110-meter hurdles Olympic standard.

For Lu Fei, this also relieved his heart.

In fact, as a country that once had 110-meter hurdles ace players like Song Chen, the Tianguan Center is certainly looking forward to whether there will be players in the 110-meter hurdles reaching the semi-finals, but his expectations are suppressed by him. , And did not put relevant pressure on Su Zhe three people.

At this time, Su Zhe's achievement of running can be regarded as a removal of the burden on him, allowing him to relax.

Zheng Wensheng watched the appearance of the second group of players on the field, then turned his gaze to Lu Fei, and couldn't help but rub his hands and said, "Old Lu, do you think Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun can make the finals?"

Hearing this question, Lu Fei's face showed a look of worry: "I don't know yet, continue to look down..."


_(:з」∠)_Today is a sorrowful vegetable dish, forget it, tomorrow may have to be updated before 0 o’clock in life and death... Hold your head sad and cry

So Cai Cai is going to continue to code some words, leaving a little more time for tomorrow's update QAQ......

Let me show you one by one! See you tomorrow night!

PS: Today, I’m a bit weak, so I won’t let Mr. Shao come out and molested him.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Shallow Water Bomb]: 1 son;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Big Train -, Mu Chen. 1;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 tikka; wakaka, maymay, 32887772, Gu doll, Junshan rat squeak, pickup truck, Suisha rice thin, Qingshan dyed ink, a certain Qianlong, knife and pen Guest, 21086091, Sweet Baby 2009, Garfield eats 1 lemongrass;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

55 bottles of Pika Pika; 50 bottles of Calm Pretty, Smile, Junshan's Mouse, Yunzhilan; 40 bottles of Dudu; 30 bottles of Dudu; Qiongqiong, Zhu Ai Shao Tangyuan, 233333320 bottles; Bread Anvil, Meow 19 Bottles; 13 bottles of Xiaobo cabbage; 10 bottles of Xia Yi, really bald, Li Lixiang, bubu, someone underneath, Qi Yue Wuyi; 9 bottles of LaLa, Yuying, Xi Moyao, Davaana, Xinxin Sauce; Zhu Jian 8 bottles of Shui Mu Mu Na; 7 bottles of Duan, Mo Mo Hei; Qi Nan, Binghao, Blue Ja□ine, Xiao Xiao Sheng Sheng, Han Mu Ye Zi, A Yu, March Jingzhe, Wuxin Yu Liang Ye, Ye Ye Ye, Waiting for the wind to come 5 bottles of Dian Wumiao; Aston, ◤Aqian◢, I want to go home 3 bottles; China Alien, 2 bottles of FDT; Deer, one period, one meeting, Xia Xiqing, bird of paradise, Jun Ying, Yi Jian, four o'clock 1 bottle of Jinyu, Fu Yiyi, 9356868, Shuying, Xiying;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!