After the commentator Chris announced Su Zhe's score of 13.26 seconds (-0.4), the semi-final matchup of the three groups in the 110m hurdles was completely over.


The second winner in this group is Su Zhe!

Whether it is the audience from China or the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the live broadcast room, they all breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Su Zhe did not live up to everyone's expectations. After Ye Jun's accident and Zhou Tianjue's unexpected defeat, he passed the dangerous barrier of the final under pressure.

Since Song Chen retired, China has instantly lost its advantage in the 110-meter hurdles. Prior to this, there have been three consecutive World Championships without anyone entering the finals.

The gap between Song Chen's personal strength and the strength of other athletes in the same event is really difficult to fill with a sea of ​​people, but the brilliant memory of the 110-meter hurdles brought by Song Chen still stays in the minds of Chinese people and cannot be forgotten.

In fact, following Song Chen, Hong Mingwei, a talented rookie in the 110-meter hurdles in China, had a good time of 13.39 seconds when he first entered the national level competition, which is better than today's Su. Zhe and Zhou Tianjue are even more amazing.

However, Hong Mingwei, who was known as Xiao Song Chen in his debut, was crushed by his own pressure before he could fully grow up-the expectations from the leaders of the sports team, the expectations from the Tian Management Center, and even from Yu's parents, coaches, and the expectations of sports fans at the time made Hong Mingwei, who was only in his early 20s, overwhelmed.

When the pressure could not be relieved in time, he began to embark on the journey of international competitions. Finally, when he participated in the Asian Championships for the first time, he failed to qualify due to a preliminary error, and the people around him looked disappointed. Next, this original genius was finally completely defeated, and has never been able to perform better.

Hong Mingwei’s story has always been regarded as a classic case of injury to Zhongyong in the track and field circle. Today, he has become an ordinary 110-meter hurdle athlete from the highly anticipated supernova, and if you search for his In the name, you can still see a series of suffocating related words such as "Hong Mingwei, abandoned", "Hong Mingwei, debut is the peak", "Hong Mingwei, what's wrong", "Hong Mingwei lost to an amateur in the 110-meter hurdle" and so on. .

Domestically, at the Athletics Kingdom Forum, friends in the circle are discussing the situation of this event.

The senior friends on the forum and the well-known sports commentator "Uncle Eye" published a post mixed with excitement and a little heartache.

[The light of revival in the 110-meter hurdles-the late-blooming Jun Ye and the genius Gemini combination]

[This World Track and Field Championships really brought us too many surprises in the sprint and sprint events. Let's not talk about Su Zhe's setting a record for Asian athletes in the men's 100 meters event.

Only the 110-meter hurdles project.

Even in the Song Chen era, we have never tried to have three athletes enter the semifinals of the World Track and Field Championships at the same time. After Ye Jun, Su Zhe, and Zhou Tianjue reached the threshold of the semifinals at the same time, this It is already a miracle.

In this World Championships, these three 110-meter hurdles performed extremely well. As a player who has been carrying the 110-meter hurdles leader flag in recent years, he first refreshed his personal pb in the Asian Championships. In this World Championships, he also refreshed his best results in history in the preliminary and semi-finals!

As we all know, the golden age of track and field athletes in our country is around 20 to 24. As an athlete who is about to 27 years old, Jun Ye has theoretically passed the golden age of his performance explosion, but from this year's point of view, he will do everything in one fell swoop. My personal pb refreshed from 13:39 to 13:32, and it is possible to run into the 13:30 mark at any time!

At the same time, uncle, I don’t know if you have noticed that although Jun Ye failed to make it to the semi-finals of the World Championships, his latest pb of 13.32 seconds happened to meet the standards for the Tokyo Olympics next year!

In previous competitions, we were all regretting Junye's results. I think many people should be like me and have ignored this detail!

For the Tokyo Olympics next year, our 110-meter hurdles, like this World Championship, will be full of 3 people!

As for our current 110-meter hurdles genius Gemini, the talents of Zhe Shao and Jue needless to say. If it were not for the accident on the previous track, we are likely to have two players squeezed at the same time in this world championships. Enter the finals!

Just thinking about this possibility, I can't help but get goose bumps all over my body now...

But the accident has happened, and fortunately, Jue did not appear to be seriously injured.

When writing this post, I was still thinking about the look of Jie Geer when he got up and looked towards the finish line. It's a pity that he is only one line away from the final. His back when he looks towards the finish line makes me so rough. The man couldn't help his eyes flush...

But for now, I only hope that Brother Jue will not have a psychological shadow due to this accident, and accumulate strength in the next winter training, and run better in the coming year!

As for Zhe Shao, I just want to say that Zhe Shao is awesome! ! ! Whether it’s the 100-meter or 110-meter hurdles, Zhe Shao’s talent has reached the level of top international athletes, especially the 110-meter hurdles. In the live broadcast just now, his hurdles were clean and unbelievable. Hurdle technique, uncle, I can only describe it in 4 words pleasing to the eye!

From Jun Ye to Jue Geer, Zhe Shao, the three people with frequent results, let me see the hope of the re-emergence of our country’s 110-meter hurdles. In the next 110-meter hurdles, perhaps we can see one after another. The three kings are extremely exciting!

Finally, congratulations to Zhe Shao for breaking into the 110m hurdles final of the World Championships! May Zhe Shao perform well in tonight's finals and run out of his best form! 】

After the release of this long article, it has aroused widespread repercussions in the kingdom of track and field. The most surprising detail is that Ye Jun also ran into the 110-meter hurdles Tokyo Olympics standard? !

Many people just remembered at this time. Indeed, although Ye Jun ranked fourth in the group, his score of 13.32 seconds, just stepped on the 110-meter hurdles standard line of the Tokyo Olympics!

1L: [Fuck! Damn it? ? ? Did we swell or something, we didn’t find that Jun Ye ran into the Olympic competition standard? 】

2L: [Shocked my whole family... When Zhe Shao ran into the Olympic competition standard, we were already excited once. After Jie Geer ran into the standard, we were excited about the second round again. Now we see Jun Ye ran for 13 seconds and 32 , We actually forgot that this is the Olympic standard line? ? ? Sure enough, it was too bloated, but I really like the feeling of bloating! 】

5L: [Wipe, the upstairs are swelling, I want to **** that Adolf, he fell so artistically, is it really intentional? Seeing that I'm hopeless, I want to pull Brother Jue into the water! 】

8L: [Agree with the brother on the 5th floor, it’s not the first time that MD Adolf fell in the game, right? I remember that he also fell once last year and he also fell down on the players around him. Can it be so good today? Fuck, I still don't believe it is such a coincidence! 】

23L: [Damn Adolf + ID number. By the way, I saw that the big brother of 11L said he wanted to crowdfund the height for Zhe Shao, and he laughed me to death. Brother, do you think Zhe Shao is too short? 】

24L: [Hahahaha, is the crowdfunding height okay? However, I checked Zheshao’s official information before, and his height was only 177. I was really panicked when I competed with a group of guys nearly 20cm taller than him...]

Like the Athletics Kingdom, the official microblogs of the Tian Management Center, the national track and field team, the sports channel, etc. also published news related to today's 110-meter hurdles on different topics.

[Formidable enemies surrounded, Ye Jun regretfully lost. Although the fourth group missed the finals, he has successfully qualified for the Tokyo Olympics! 】

【regret! ! Zhou Tianjue's victory was imminent, and the French player Adolf pounced behind him and missed the final qualification with hatred! 】

[Surprise! After winning the fifth best result in the men's 100m event in the World Championships, Su Zhe once again entered the 110m hurdles final! 】

Regarding Su Zhe’s performance, whether he is eating Gua Lu or sports fans on Weibo, it is naturally praised, but there are also some senior gossip parties who are eating Gua Lu after seeing photos of Su Zhe taken by sports reporters. The angle and distance are different from the group of photos that Su Zhe himself posted on Weibo.

The gossip tentacles of the broad masses of people are very keen, and someone immediately raised this question.

【what? Looking through all the reporter photos, they should be taken in the unified media area. The angle is different from that of Su Zhefa's photo on the scarf? That angle looks like the audience area, right? 】

However, most sports fans are not interested in the problem of this kind of photo angle, but some people who are usually keen on entertainment gossip suddenly gave birth to a deliberate heart.

[Hey, blind student, you found Huadian! But that group of photos was taken very professionally, isn't it actually made by a professional photographer? Could it be that Su Zhe’s fans came to the scene to shoot? This has to go abroad carrying a bird's head, right? His front line is really hard...]

With such doubts in their arms, the Chigualus touched Su Zhe’s super words and observed them, and found that there were indeed philosophers who had chased after the World Championships in Country D to watch the scene, but the girls who went there only brought ordinary dog ​​heads. Looking back at the picture in the words, there is no big man who can take pictures of this level.

? ? ?

[Who is the one who took the picture? Did any of Su Zhe’s former photographer friends come to the scene to watch him play? 】

This question was answered to a certain extent when someone posted a photo of the seats of the Chinese players. In the photo, a camera was mounted on a barrel not far from Zheng Wensheng, Lu Fei and others. The same telephoto head is facing the race track. Behind the camera, a person wearing a peaked cap is bowing his head. It seems to be adjusting the camera's parameter settings and can't see his face clearly.

【……_(:З」∠)_So is it actually the photographer of the Chinese team? 】

This suspiciously correct answer caused all the gossip-interested eating melon roads to instantly lose their interest in continuing to study.

In Country D, after the semi-finals were over, Su Zhe reunited with everyone in the team. After seeing Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue, Su Zhe looked at Zhou Tianjue's treated wound with some worry, and asked Ye Junzhou with his eyes. How is Tianjue's condition?

Ye Jun saw Su Zhe's question and shook his head with a wry smile.

In fact, from the look of Zhou Tianjue's gloomy face, it can be seen that his mood is really not good.

After all, seeing that the qualification for the finals is just around the corner, who can immediately calm his mood after leaving the game because of such an accident?

After seeing Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue's eyes flashed with envy and unwillingness, and then turned his head a little angrily. It seemed that after suppressing the depression in his heart, he nodded with Su Zhe again. .

Before Su Zhe thought about how to comfort Zhou Tianjue, he suddenly said bitterly, "Su Zhe!"

Uh, Su Zhe was stunned--not even the little sheep screamed, which shows how bad Zhou Tianjue was at this time.

He immediately responded and looked at Zhou Tianjue: "I am here, what's the matter?"

He hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and said: "My uncle can't make it to the finals, so I'll rely on you at night! Don't be afraid of those stupid big guys! Although your legs are short, you run the hurdles very neatly! Give me a hard time. Run ahead! If you come back with the penultimate...See how the uncle will teach you!"


Su Zhe looked at Zhou Tianjue dumbly, and Ye Jun, who was standing next to Zhou Tianjue, also looked funny.

This funny comparison, I accidentally failed to make the finals. When I was in such a dull mood, I could still worry about his pressure, and didn't say anything like that I must run a good result...

Although short legs are also very headache...

Su Zhe smiled and patted Zhou Tianjue on the shoulder, and said seriously to him: "Don't worry, I won't give you a chance to teach me!"

In the afternoon, after receiving a massage from the team doctor to relax, Su Zhe returned to his room and quickly took a rest, trying his best to recover his physical fitness in order to prepare for the evening finals.

When time was approaching 8 o'clock in the evening, Su Zhe and all the players in the 110-meter hurdles final had stood in the preparation area, making final preparations for the upcoming final.

Among the opponents in the final tonight, the strongest is undoubtedly Lister from the US team. In the preliminaries and semi-finals, he advanced smoothly as the undisputed first place.

The second is Spain’s Alcides and Brazil’s Elano. In the semi-finals, the three of them ranked first, second, and third in the first group of the semi-finals. In the final calculation of the total score, the three of them His results are still extremely solid first, second and third place.

This shows how terrifying the competition for the first group of the morning semi-finals is.

In addition, the remaining players are the second group of the semi-finals American player Louis, British player Andre, and the third group of Brazil player Gomez, Jamaican Percival and Suzhe.

In the preparation area, from the time the players arrived, Lister, Alcides and Elano stood in the corner. They did not mean to say greetings to each other. Obviously, they all regarded each as the finals. The biggest opponent.

The atmosphere between the rest of the players is not easy. Percival frowned after seeing Su Zhe, his face was not very good, and he was obviously very surprised that he had lost to this guy who looked less than 180. Not angry.

This decisive battle, before the players appeared on the stage, had already ignited a heavy smoke of gunpowder. Everyone worked together and it could be said that before the game, the atmosphere of the battle was pushed to the highest point in one fell swoop.

In today's schedule, several projects have already determined the final rankings. The exciting competition has already stirred the atmosphere of the scene.

When the game time approached and Su Zhe and other players entered the finals one after another, the shouts in the audience area had reached a climax.

The 110-meter hurdles final is also one of the most anticipated events. The victory and defeat of less than ten seconds before and after is enough to make the adrenaline soar and the mind excited.

"come on! Come on!!"

No matter which country the audience is from, they are all cheering on loudly, cheering for the players on the field.

In such an environment, no matter who it is, he can't help but give birth to a passionate heart.

In the commentary, Chris and Billus are introducing the origins and historical results of each contestant. When Lister was introduced, the black contestant from the United States raised his right hand with a "1" gesture Going around all the audience, then raised his hair and let out a venting shout.

This kind of provocative championship announcement has even fired the atmosphere of the scene to the highest point!

"Lister! Lister!!!"

The audience at the scene began to scream for him frantically, as if he was the ultimate champion.

Both Alcides and Elano were unwilling to let the audience be bewitched by Lister. When the commentary introduced them, they also made championship gestures and provoked Lister.

When explaining the introduction to Percival on the fifth track, the player from Jamaica did not make a winning gesture, but hooked Su Zhe, then smiled disdainfully, almost clearly facing Su Zhe. Signal-catch up to my speed if you have the ability.

This provocative attitude came from a guy who had just lost to himself in the morning. Su Zhe almost smiled a little. When the commentary introduced him, Su Zhe also pointed to Percival, then raised his index finger and shook it—you , No way.

Facing Su Zhe's counterattack attitude, Percival narrowed his eyes and let out a cold snort.

In the auditorium of the arena, because of the mutual provocation between the players, the shouts rose one after another!

In the position of the Chinese players' bench, Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun, Zheng Wensheng...including Shao Xingchen were all on the scene, nervously looking at Su Zhe on the field.

When Su Zhe looked up, he also saw the attention of everyone from the Chinese player area. He raised his fist and waved in the direction of the Chinese player seat, conveying to them that he was in good shape at the moment.

Domestically, after watching Percival's actions, the sports fans who watched the live broadcast were also in the ultramarine turmoil at this moment. Many people bitterly sent out a string of silly words on the barrage, clamoring for Su Zhe to let that guy good looking!

In this game, from before the game, the atmosphere continued to rise like a flame, capturing everyone's heart!

Fuck him!

This is the common aspiration of every athlete on the field at this time.

Everyone made their own preparations and began to squat on the starting blocks, waiting for the game announcement from the referee.

In this anxious and boiling atmosphere, the referee's voice sounded calmly.

"Each in place!"

On the eight tracks, everyone made preparations at the same time.



At the moment of the gunshot, everyone rushed forward like wild horses!

Everyone does not hesitate to their own explosive power, just want to rely on their own strong power, so that they can get greater starting power!

This is a somewhat crazy game.

With 8 players, 5 of them had reaction times within 0.135 at the start of the race. This means that this is a race where most players are in excellent condition!

No one can think that among all the people, the fastest response is not Lister, but from China... Su Zhe!

The 0.120 reaction to the gun, even if he is among the players in the best condition at the moment, it also ushered in a certain advantage for him, even when the explosive power of these people was stronger than him, he was not good at it at one time. Su Zhe, who ran in front of the hurdle, occupied the top three positions.

But soon, Alcides of Spain took the lead in coming to the front of the fence and flew over the fence in front of him.

It was not that Lister occupied the strongest position in the lead!

All the audience screamed in exclamation, and then a louder wave of cheering resounded through the entire Hillion Stadium.

All the changes around him could not affect Su Zhe’s mind at this moment. His eyes were fixed on the front. Before the first hurdle, he completed the explosive force kicking with his right foot and left. The movement of swinging the leg across the railing frame, quickly lifting the right leg and crossing the railing frame, and then quickly running forward between the railings and crossing the next railing frame.

Remember the explosive technique!

Cross the fence with the smallest span to reduce all possible sacrifice time!

Make use of the accumulated strength and inertia to jump forward over the fence faster!

Don't forget your rhythm between the columns!

Su Zhe worked hard to control the coordination between each of his breaths and movements, turning all his strength into his driving force to fly forward.

He can be faster!

He can move closer to the front!

He can run to the finish line faster!

In Su Zhe's eyes, his firm eyes were filled with the will to fight forward, and the shocking shouts lingering around made the blood all over him boil.

Why would a Jamaican who had been defeated by him initiate a disdainful provocation against him?

Of course it is because he still looks far from strong enough!

Hurry up, he wants to catch up with the wind and make himself fly faster!

At the scene, the audience's shouts of cheering have already rang.

"Come on!!! Su Zhe!!! Come on!!!"

The shouts from the Chinese players are far less than those from other countries around, but everyone is shouting for Su Zhe with all his strength.

In the gap of the contestant stand, Shao Xingchen is bending behind the camera, holding his beating heart with one hand, staring at the camera monitor frame closely, and holding the shutter release with the other hand, not wanting to miss Su Zhe’s most exciting Every moment of posture.

Come on!

Listening to the surrounding sounds, Shao Xingchen also made such a cry in his heart.

On the field, Percival once again caught up to the front line behind Su Zhe, and behind them was Gomez, who was originally the third group of the semi-finals-he made a slight mistake in the start of the gun. The reaction speed of 0.156 seconds should not have been slow, but in today's final, he lost the opportunity and had to do his best to catch up in the subsequent stages.

In the fierce battle, Lister, Alcides, and Elano once again met in the front, and the three of them kept changing positions, and it was always difficult for one person to truly win a clear advantage.

Behind them, Su Zhe relied on his superiority in the reaction stage to barely occupy the fourth position, but you, Percival and Gomez, are not far behind him, waiting for opportunities to overtake.

Entering the stage of the fourth hurdle, Percival gradually reached his maximum hurdle speed, successfully surpassing Su Zhe in the fifth hurdle, and behind him, Gomez was not far from Su Zhe.

Su Zhe didn't pay attention to everything related to his surroundings at all.

His concentration has reached an unprecedented height, and he still firmly controls every rhythm of the game with his own will. With the continuous accumulation of potential energy and explosive power, his hurdle speed is constantly improving!

When Percival just surpassed him in the fifth hurdle and entered the sixth hurdle stage, Su Zhe once again stood shoulder to shoulder with Percival, and his speed increased even further-the seventh hurdle! Su Zhe reached his maximum hurdle speed, and steadily maintained this speed to the end!

"Unbelievable!!!" In the commentary, Chris was exclaiming: "The top three players are competing against each other, and the battle between the fourth and fifth is also difficult to distinguish!"

"This is an incredible final! All the players have come up with their peak state! They are the most powerful!! Undoubtedly!!!"

When Lister first reached the final sprint stage, Su Zhe, Percival and Gomez also arrived at the final battlefield!

At this moment, everyone used their greatest strength to sprint to the finish line. When List finally rushed to the finish line, his figure shook slightly. When he stabilized himself and continued to sprint forward, Alcides Having seized this wonderful opportunity, there is no chance for Lister to overtake it again!

In the final sprint, Su Zhe steadily maintained his best sprint state. At the last moment, he almost sprinted to the finish line in a flying forward posture.

Beside him, Percival and Gomez also arrived at the same time!

In the arena, there was a burst of boiling sound, such a fierce and suffocating competition, so that everyone fell into madness!

who is it?

Who is the final winner?

Who won the fourth place between the Chinese player and the Jamaican and Brazilian players? !

Chris and Billus were in the commentary, and their voices were already hoarse. The excitement and boiling of the 110-meter hurdles final far exceeded many people's imagination!

When the judge team posted a screenshot of the final image to the commentary, the director also put the image on the big screen on the scene.

Chris shouted loudly in his hoarse voice!

"Let's congratulate the champion-Alcides!!! There are also runner-up Lister and third runner-up Elano!!!"

"Of course! Congratulations to the next three players, they are fourth, the Chinese player Su!!! and the fifth Brazilian Gomez, sixth Jamaican Percival!"

At this time, everyone in the Chinese players' stand who had already seen the screenshots of the video made a wanton excitement!

In front of the domestic webcast room, thousands of viewers couldn't help but hailed in front of the screen!

"Master Zhe!!! Great job!!!"


_(:з」∠)_Ah, ah, withering, in order not to be stuck in the game and the final result, almost unable to keep up with the speed of life and death, JJ actually twitched for a while not to let me update............ Cai Cai mad mode...... today Don't have time to say more, everyone! ! !


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 dandelion;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Garfield eats lemongrass, empty branches, (* ̄︶ ̄*), 1 sunny flower and full moon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

90 bottles of rice cake cakes; 50 bottles of Miss Ben; 44 bottles of Xiaosu; 20 bottles of non-vegetarian rabbits and slight joy; 15 bottles of people's hearts; 12 bottles of Ayu; flowers on a snowy night, sunny flowers, a cup of cold water, and dumplings 10 bottles of IOU ting; 5 bottles of snow, Ruoze, Ember, Rabbit and Cloud, Evil Witch, Jujiu; 4 bottles of Mumuxi; DK is the most handsome!, Wind and Rain, Three Ancients and Three Saints, Bookworm under the Light 2 bottles of Trojan Horse Trojan Horse; 1 bottle of Ye Zi, 77, Pobi Zhizhe, Xiying, Aneng, Shuying, Si Shi Jinyu, Da Totoro;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!