When Su Zhe received a call from Jiang He, he was also very dazed.

He knows that many makeup brands now look for male celebrities to endorse makeup brands, but it does not matter if actors in the entertainment circle endorse makeup brands. What is the significance of endorsing makeup brands as an athlete now?

After hesitating for a moment, Su Zhe still asked: "That... Does Tianguan Center have no restrictions on the types of endorsement brands?"

Jiang He also knows what Su Zhe is confused about. In fact, Tianguan Center still has some hesitation in endorsing this makeup. However, as far as the results of internal discussions are concerned, the brand image of the makeup brand itself is very positive. According to common sense, these cosmetic endorsements will be more inclined to those water sports in the swimming center, but this time the other party’s needs are actually justified.

"That's it." Jiang He explained with a smile: "You should have heard of this brand, Bransi, is the first-line international cosmetics brand. They say that they have added a new high-end skin care product line. It has been in the secret research and development stage before. I fancy you because of your "cross-border" effect, from the entertainment circle to the sports circle, from the 100-meter to the 110-meter hurdle, their marketing theme is "cross-border, equally professional". "

There is really no problem with this explanation, but Su Zhe still feels a little confused: "...is it really good for athletes to endorse cosmetics?"

The tangled look of Su Zhe made Jiang He laughed: "Okay, the center has organized discussions on this topic. The big guys don't think there is any problem. Their swimming center can accept cosmetics ads, why can't our field management center? The times are changing day by day, and we have to open our minds a little bit. This is nothing.

After a pause, Jiang He said again: "During this time, apart from this Brands who is the most sincere endorsement of you, there are also other brands that are also making appointments. This is about to enter the Olympic season, and there are a lot of brands. They are all waiting to engage in'venture investment'. After these contracts are finalized, I will discuss with your coaching staff in the center and arrange some time to shoot those commercials..."

Jiang He briefly introduced some personal commercialization analysis plans made for him by the staff of the intentional brand and marketing department, and Su Zhe finally hung up the phone somewhat confused.

Makeup endorsement, it's Brance's...

In addition to this, the intentional brands that Jiang He just introduced to him on the phone are mostly domestic and even internationally well-known brands. The products span different types of drinks, sports equipment, snacks, watches and so on.

He certainly understands what Jiang He just said about brand venture capital in the Olympic season. At the moment when the Olympic Games is approaching, all athletes who have a certain degree of competitiveness in personal events will be invited by major brands to shoot commercials.

Once these athletes who shoot advertisements before the Olympics can win gold medals during the Olympics, or they can only attract a large number of fans with significant personal characteristics during the Olympics, then for the brand side, it is a profit.

During this period of time, apart from him, there must have been many people who have photographed Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun and others. At this stage, it should be the busiest stage of Jiang He and his marketing department.

Although he felt incredible that he would receive endorsements from make-up brands, Su Zhe temporarily left the issue behind.

After participating in the Diamond League of Country D, he has already returned to the national team training base in H City, Germany for the first time, to continue the relevant training for about one week.

After he returned to the sub-training base, the coaching staff had arranged for him about a one-week training adjustment plan, and also stated that it would adjust some follow-up competition plans for him.

Mainly considering his current points situation and multiple factors such as participating in the 110-meter hurdles at the same time, the coaching staff should reduce the number of his 100-meter registrations in the future, and finally only need to be able to maintain stability in the sub-station competition. The top 8 diamond points are guaranteed to enter the finals.

Regarding these plans, Su Zhe has no opinion. Because his father is a coach, he has always been willing to trust the professional advice and related adjustment plans of the coaching staff. After all, these professional coaches can perform a full set of physical examinations on him. Data and game video, immersed in communication and discussion of the existence of three days and nights.

Use more scientific and advanced training concepts and methods to improve the professional level of the players.

This is what the coaching staff has always said, and Su Zhe also believes that they are also practicing it.

On the day that Su Zhe returned to the sub-training base, Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue and others had moved from Brazil to Jamaica and directly started participating in the second round of the World Athletics Challenge.

At the start of the World Athletics Challenge in Jamaica, Su Zhe, who was still in H City, Germany, had already completed a day of training. He squatted in front of the big TV screen with the coaching staff of the training base and Zhao Zhixuan and others The live broadcast of the challenge began.

Before the Jamaica Station of the World Athletics Challenge, Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue, and Ye Jun had already completed the first stop of the challenge in Brazil.

In this station, Chen Zhi’s performance is still making progress. As a sprinter with more than ten years of experience in competitions, even if it is due to personal reasons, he has not participated in the competition for nearly a year, but Chen Zhi is very good at transnational and even transcontinental competitions. Chen Zhi’s experience is already very rich. Even if he went straight from Asia to Europe and then went straight to South America from Europe, Chen Zhi was not too embarrassed.

Ye Jun is relatively experienced in fighting this matter. After all, he has been a leader in the domestic 110-meter hurdles in the past few years. Although his results are relatively ordinary, the national team will still arrange him as much as possible. Participate in foreign wars and adapt to various international arenas, so that you can better exert your strength in various international competitions.

Among the three of Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue, and Ye Jun, the person who really lacks experience in such high-intensity international competitions is Zhou Tianjue.

In this regard, the difference can be clearly seen from the final results of the three in Brazil.

In the track and field challenge in Brazil, Chen Zhi took the third place in the men's 100 meters challenge with a time of 10.12 seconds (wind speed 0.4).

From the state he showed in the competition, it can be seen that he was a bit more calm than when he participated in the Z City Grand Prix in China.

From the perspective of Chen Zhi's personal status, he only needs to participate in a few more games, and it is no problem to return to less than 10 seconds 05.

In the 110-meter hurdles event in Brazil, Zhou Tianjue's overall results were not satisfactory, whether in ranking or in performance.

In fact, in the 110-meter hurdle in Brazil, even if the two Brazilian stars Gomez and Elano, the performance was mediocre. In the final ranking result, Elano won with a score of 13.32 seconds. After finishing second in the race, Gomez finished third with a time of 13.38.

Zhou Tianjue won the fifth place in the competition with a time of 13.46 seconds.

You know, according to Zhou Tianjue’s normal level, in his daily training, his best score in the 110-meter hurdle has been refreshed to about 13.20. This stop he even failed to run within 13.45, which made a lot of Everyone is slightly disappointed.

What really surprised everyone in the challenge in Brazil was Ye Jun, who has been under the pressure of Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue since last year.

Since March, Ye Jun finally put aside all his previous worries and really invested in the transformation of eight to seven hurdles.

Although compared to Su Zhe, Ye Jun's eight-step habit is indeed deeply ingrained, but after Ye Jun really made up his mind, his efforts and personal willpower shocked even Su Zhe.

With the permission and guidance of the coaching staff, Ye Jun exhausted all possible methods and thoroughly adjusted his habitual exertion legs. He even forced himself to take the right step every time he took a step. Feet, let your body firmly remember the new stepping habits.

In less than two months, Ye Jun roughly completed the overall technical transformation, which was much shorter than the time initially expected by the coaching staff.

Of course, in subsequent training and competitions, Ye Jun's relevant technical adjustments will continue to be made, but he has already laid the foundation for the seven-step hurdle.

In addition to changing his technical habits, he also needs to complete a lot of enhanced training for the explosive force of his legs. Now although his training goals have not been reached, the fluctuations in performance during training are still more serious, but in his performance In good circumstances, the individual's 110-meter hurdles performance has been greatly improved.

This time in Brazil, Ye Jun played very well-the score of 13.28. not only refreshed his personal pb, but also the best result of the 110-meter hurdles in Asia so far this year.

After this achievement was passed back to China, it once again caused a sensation in the domestic track and field circle.

At the Athletics Kingdom forum, many people expressed shock and joy at Ye Jun's achievements.

For these track and field enthusiasts, looking at the significance of Ye Jun to the 110-meter hurdles project in the past few years is like an ordinary person who is struggling to carry heavy responsibilities. He has a little talent and a lot of hard work. His burden is too heavy and too heavy for him.

But in just over a year, this ordinary person took a big step like a reborn, catching up with the geniuses ahead.

This amazing change, for track and field enthusiasts in the forum, or Ye Jun’s fans, is like suddenly reading a YY novel with a late blooming protagonist. Now the protagonist of this novel has achieved magical power. Finally you can compete with the geniuses.

This feeling made the masses in the forum trance.

On the same day, the post on the discussion topic of the previous hurdle project Samsung Shining was pushed up by people again.

If everyone had agreed that Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue had a slight win over Ye Jun before, then after the Brazil leg of the World Track and Field Challenge, everyone would start to think again that in the next schedule, Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun and Su Zhe, who will be the ultimate winner?

It is against this background that this Jamaican Challenge can be said to have attracted the attention of countless track and field fans in China.

Including the national team training base where Su Zhe is located, the coaches have also made preparations for various analyses, just waiting to see how Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun are in this game.

At 7pm city time in Germany, the first race to start was the men's 100m event.

Through the pictures on the big TV screen, it can be seen that Chen Zhi's personal state is still very stable and relaxed. When the players are on the stage, he is still smiling and talking with the usual players around him.

As a 100-meter veteran, Chen Zhi and many 100-meter players have been friends for many years. When Chen Zhi returned from injury, many people greeted Chen Zhi enthusiastically.

After the players started to prepare, Chen Zhi also converged on his usual gentle smile. After adjusting the starting blocks, he squatted on the starting blocks and adjusted his state to the real game state.

All in place.


When the referees on the TV made their voices, all the players showed their highest concentration. They held their breath, prepared and waited for the second when the starting gun was fired.


At the moment the gun shot, everyone responded. From the screen, it can be seen that Chen Zhi's reaction to the gun was extremely fast. Among the players on the same field, Chen Zhi had an extremely conspicuous advantage in the starting stage.

From the start of the gun to the first 40 meters of the race schedule, Chen Zhi's speed even surpassed the Jamaican star Hilm on the same field. With the strongest posture, he steadily occupied the first position alone.

"Good run!"

Some of the staff who watched the game together couldn't help but yelled hello.

Indeed, Chen Zhi’s strength in the first half of the game is always exciting. As long as he can maintain this state in the second half of the game, then he will enter the category of the world’s top players. in.

Su Zhe stared at Chen Zhi in the picture nervously. He was keenly aware that Chen Zhi's speed had already declined slightly when entering the 50-60m stage. During the mid-run stage, he did not Being able to maintain his maximum speed is bound to have a certain impact on his final results.

However, from the live broadcast, it can be seen that Chen Zhi is already prepared for this situation.

On the track, Chen Zhi is calmly adjusting his breathing rhythm, increasing the swing of his arms, and stabilizing his pace and technical movements with all his strength, so as to avoid further decline in his speed due to the deformation of technical movements.

On the left track, Hilm has gradually caught up with Chen Zhi's footsteps. On the 70-meter stage, Hilm succeeded in overtaking Chen Zhi.

For Chen Zhi, his own physical characteristics doomed his advantages in the first half and possible disadvantages in the second half. For similar situations that have occurred in countless competitions, Chen Zhi's state is already very stable. .

He is confident that after further targeted training, he can definitely improve his disadvantages in the second half-if he can't, then as long as he can further amplify his advantages in the first half, it will be enough to make most opponents unable to deal with it. .

Just as Chen Zhi thought, he opened up the dominant distance with the same players in the first half, until he finally sprinted to the line, and only Hilm successfully overtook him.

In this game, Chen Zhi's final score has crossed the 10 seconds 10 mark.

10 seconds 08 (wind speed 0.7m/s), this is the final result of Chen Zhi in this field.

After Chen Zhi, the score of the third player in the challenge was only 10 seconds 14.

It should be said that compared to the Diamond League, the level of each sub-station of the Challenge will be slightly lower, but compared to domestic competitions, the strength of these players is not the same.

You know, in the third leg of the Grand Prix held the day before the Jamaica Challenge, the 8 players who finally broke into the men's 100m final had a best score of 10.41. This gap represents a large number of domestic 100m. The strength of the reserve class.

After Chen Zhi's game ended, Su Zhe also breathed a sigh of relief. He can see that Chen Zhi has a very high level of grasp of his own state.

In the case of successively moving across continents and transnational battles, he was able to maintain his grades and the gradual improvement of his status. This is where Chen Zhi is best.

Su Yinsheng, who was also sitting in front of the TV, also nodded. He Tian Fangzheng and Taylor Wei discussed Chen Zhi's performance in this game and his adaptation to the new technology.

Naturally, the other coordinated coaches in the coaching staff were not idle. Everyone recorded the different problems and details they observed during the game. In the end, these details will be summarized again and re-organized in conjunction with Chen Zhi’s game video. Finally, confirm whether there are any detailed problems issued by the coaching staff, and then discuss how to adjust and correct the corresponding problems of the players through training and other methods.

About an hour after the men’s 100-meter event, the 110-meter hurdle race finally began.

Under the attention of everyone, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun also appeared in the screen.

Zhou Tianjue's condition didn't look too good, his face was a little tired, and he didn't seem to have adapted to the local jet lag, but he still stubbornly tried his best to warm up and improve his current state.

Ye Jun looked good, but he looked a little worried about Zhou Tianjue. The two seemed to be talking. Finally Zhou Tianjue waved his hand and said that it was all right, and Ye Jun finally took his attention back.

The game was held in Jamaica. As Jamaican stars, Holness and Percival naturally also participated in the competition.

In the live broadcast, it can be seen that Holness is still the same. After seeing Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue from China, he was still looking for something as if he was looking for something, and then he talked with them.

Su Zhe is almost certain that this guy should be asking himself why he didn't participate in this challenge in Jamaica.

After the referee announced the preparation, everyone on the field turned their attention back to the field.

At the starting point, all the athletes were ready and waiting for the referee's order.

Finally, after the preparation sound, the starting gun sounded, and all the players quickly listened to the gun to start!

At the moment when he saw the athletes start, Su Zhe felt a little bit in his heart--no, Zhou Tianjue's reaction to the start was slow!

As Su Zhe had judged, Zhou Tianjue's starting reaction time in this game was 0.257 seconds, which was far beyond his normal reaction speed.

It can be seen from the picture that Zhou Tianjue also clearly sensed the slowness of his own reaction speed, but even so, he still wrinkled his eyebrows, gritted his teeth and forced his explosive power to increase, trying to make up for the slowness of listening to the gun with the fastest speed.

But all this situation has not been well alleviated.

In the stage before the hurdle, his position was about fifth, and there was already a little distance between the two, compared with Ye Jun who was already in the second place.

Ye Jun's performance in this game is still very good. In the hurdle stage, although his hurdle pace still has some technical details that need to be adjusted, his overall hurdle fluency is already good. Have a good standard.

At the stage of attacking the hurdle, the technical-related movements such as the kick-off leg and swinging leg have not changed from the previous ones, and some are just the more superior forward movement brought by the forward posture of the body during the seven steps of the hurdle.

The excellent hurdle rhythm and the further optimization of the hurdle rhythm are all important reasons why Ye Jun was able to improve his performance in the 110-meter hurdles.

And when Ye Jun kept moving forward, Zhou Tianjue still gritted his teeth stubbornly and didn't give up improving his rhythm and speed.

Zhou Tianjue's sense of rhythm between the hurdles is still very good, even if it is lacking in the pre-hurdle stage and the reaction stage of listening to the gun, he did save a part of his time loss during the attacking stage.

However, the degree of recovery of this loss is still limited after all.

When Zhou Tianjue reversed in the offensive stage and finally overtook the players in front and reached fourth place, this had already reached his limit at the moment.

In the end, when the 110-meter hurdles race ended, Zhou Tianjue still only ranked fourth with a score of 13.40 seconds.

Although there is a certain improvement compared to the 13.47 of the previous game, this result is still not a commendable result for Zhou Tianjue.

In this game, Holness still took the first place in the game with an absolute advantage, with a score of 13.09 seconds, easily crushing all opponents on the field.

In this field, Ye Jun once again scored within 13.30 seconds. With a time of 13.27 seconds, he once again refreshed his personal pb. Such a speed increase is amazing.

In the national team training base in H City, Germany, Su Zhe’s eyes showed a hint of excitement. Whether it was Holness’s strength on the field or Ye Jun’s counterattack, he was bothered by it. A strong sense of competition rose in the heart.

The Jamaican station challenge is over, and he will also go to Stockholm to participate in his first 110-meter hurdles showdown in the Diamond League!


_(:з」∠)_Today's Cai Cai is a sluggish Cai Cai... I forgot what I wanted to say, just quietly give everyone a heart!


Chapter 88 Random 5 Comments

NO1, Netizen: Geay comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2819:12:57 Chapter reviewed: 88

hhhhh God tm Huo Xingchen, I hope the two can make progress. . .

NO2, netizens: ^_^ Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Post time: 2019-09-2810:29:03 Chapter reviewed: 88

I haven't watched sports games for several years, after Liu Xiang retired. I didn't expect to watch the Doha World Championships last night until more than two in the morning. . . . . . I feel crazy╮(﹀_﹀)╭

NO3. Netizen: Dai Se Liu Lishang Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Post time: 2019-09-2808:21:08 Chapter reviewed: 88

Seriously, why not let the two protagonists develop independently, and write the relationship line outside

NO4. Netizen: Broken Bingbing Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2807:37:49 Chapter reviewed: 88

Mr. Shao: Mom, have you drunk the Forgetting Milk! Forgot to have me as a cub

(PS: Forget the cub's milk, this one is really funny=w=......!!!)

NO5. Netizens: Put down the claws. Comment: "I became a big star after I quit the entertainment circle" Score: 2 Published time: 2019-09-2807:29:33 Chapters reviewed: 88

Look at me, look at me, Cai Cai look at me, is there any extra drop on eleven? Have it? Have it? Seeing my paws holding the big face plate, the small black bean-like eyes radiating expectant eyes,? (?(ェ)?)?

(Ahem, it's about _(:з」∠)_)


Today’s small theater is still the stalk of the girls in the previous group_(:з」∠)_

Mr. Shao: I am top class, handsome, popular, and temperamental. My only shortcoming is...

Su Zhe: 0.0? ? ? (Curious) What is it?

Mr. Shao: (indifferent) I am a top performer in the entertainment industry, but I was born in a sports competition article.

Su Zhe: (Suddenly, looking back at the title of the book) Then...it seems to be still, a bit miserable?

(At this time, there is an innocent vegetable in the distance, passing invisible =w=)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: any one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Yoyo~54 bottles; 50 bottles of fart meow meow; 40 bottles of Lonely Shadow; οo shallow loneliness, light smile, dyeing, Luo Xinyao 30 bottles; zise01, the only little bear who is not □□@,唐弦羽, Du Xuefeixian 20 bottles; Axue 15 bottles; cut like stars, put down claws, purple ice orchid, bottle evil black flower irreversible, yuffie, a sake, evening snow melted, small cabbage, a handsome god, red maple Sacrifice, You Zui Ethereal, 10 bottles of Rouge; 9 bottles of Yin Zi; Si Yue, Qiong Jiu, Ah Meow, Meng (//?//), the strongest chaotic evil in history, 2057057, wandering scruffy cat, swing -5 bottles of Qianqiu; 4 bottles of Zichu and Affectionate; 3 bottles of Xinyue and Dian Wumiao; There are sugar, Quechen, Zhang Momo, Xiying, Mint, 556677882 bottles; Apple, AkimotoKumiko, Qiancheng, Xiaomuyu, 1 bottle of Angel Jia and Mu Muxi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!