As of the previous day's Olympic men's 100-meter sprint preliminaries, Su Zhe has completed three official events after the upgrade and restart of the Diamond League system.

That night, after Su Zhe returned to Su Zhe in the Olympic Village, he received a prompt from the system. After poking into the system, he discovered that the task of autonomously turning off the competitive state buff had been completed.

This task, which requires a single-match non-buff score to reach 70 points, was originally divided into two sub-tasks: sprint and hurdle. Su Zhe thought before that, sprint and hurdle competitions each had 3 scores to reach 70. Unlock the relevant permissions, but I didn't expect that these two sub-tasks actually share the task progress, and only need to reach the score during the game.

After the Diamond League s city sub-station, until the Olympic men’s 100m preliminaries, his personal non-buff status score was above 70, so he completed this task without burden, and he has the ability to turn off the sprint buff and hurdles. Eligibility for buff.

After closing the status buffs of these two events, Su Zhe's mood is a little better-although the status buff is a good thing, according to the comparison of his feelings during the two games in the s city sub-station, it is stripped. After the status buff, you can participate in the game more directly by virtue of your personal status, but it can more stimulate the improvement and even explosion of the competitive status.

Unfortunately, as of now, he has not triggered the buff of'state overflow' again, and the task of deepening learning has not been completed yet.

Su Zhe felt that in the Diamond League s city sub-station, his personal state at that time should have reached the scoring standard that triggers the value overflow, but the system was being upgraded at that time, so although he experienced the thrill of the game without buff, he could also Also missed the opportunity to complete the deep learning task.

On August 2nd, what Su Zhe and Chen Zhi had to face was the men’s 100m semifinal at about 19:10 in the evening unit. In this semifinal, there were a total of 24 participants, namely The top 2 players from the 8 teams in the previous preliminaries and the top 8 players among the remaining players.

The 24 semi-final contestants will be divided into 3 groups to participate in the semi-final competition. In the end, the top two contestants in each group and the best two of the remaining contestants will advance to the final.

In the evening schedule of this day, the most eye-catching is the consecutive confrontation between the semi-finals and the finals of the men’s 100m event-that is, if one of Su Zhe and Chen Zhi can successfully enter the final, they At 21:35, he will participate in the Olympic 100-meter peak battle at night.

On the domestic Internet, the topic of discussion about Su Zhe has not subsided.

Because Su Zhe inexplicably used his face to get the top spot in the hot search the night before, it also caused a series of follow-up effects including Shao Xingchen, Cyclonus, Brands cosmetics and skin care products advertisements.

Coupled with the end of the advertising and marketing of Cyclonus Group and Brands, even if the time has passed the next day, the discussion on Su Zhe on the Internet still makes many people jealous.

Many netizens who went to bed early the night before, after going online that morning, received a series of stunning crits related to Su Zhe more directly, so they joined the discussion about Su Zhe with enthusiasm. in.

Su Zhe’s personal super talk, after he retired from the entertainment circle, was applied by the Su Zhe Support Association, and it was transferred from the classification of entertainment stars to the classification of sports stars.

Earlier, after the number of his over-talking followers soared to 300,000, it basically capped the ranking in the sports category, but after the explosion of information last night, his over-talking followers soared to 920,000. This number, even in the super-talk ranking of traffic stars, can be regarded as impressive-not to mention that his super-talk following numbers are real active users, which is even more amazing.

And Su Zhe’s personal Weibo, just one night, the number of followers has soared from more than 2 million people to 6 million all the way, and with the spread of the topic, the increase in the number of his followers has not weakened at all. the trend of.

From the evening of August 1st, Su Zhe’s series of events were fermented. It can almost be said to be a classic top traffic explosion event. Many people in the entertainment circle conducted a review of the entire event overnight, but the final review The results of the disc analysis only let everyone in the entertainment circle understand that this event and route cannot be copied at all.

Everyone who has replayed this incident can see clearly in their hearts-this is based on the Olympic heat, Su Zhe’s personal identity, Su Zhe’s personal strength, and the official default... It’s difficult to replicate here. The miraculous effect can only be produced when the factors are combined.

Changing a person, changing a time, can not achieve this level.

Since the event cannot be replicated, just join in the carnival of this event!

Of course, it is actually because of Su Zhe's popularity. These entertainment industry big players will inevitably look for topics from him to attract current reading traffic that is interested in Su Zhe.

Therefore, all the famous names in the entertainment industry have begun to dig into Su Zhe's personal history, from his idol period to his athlete period.

These big V writers in the entertainment industry may not know enough about the sports world, but they can check the information! A series of materials about Su Zhe once written by various sports bloggers were turned over and over again as texts.

Compared with the sports commentators, the big Vs in the entertainment industry are better than the sports writers in the skills of digging gossip, writing gossip, and sensationalism.

In just one night, the gossip essays on different angles and propositions made by Su Zhe by major public accounts were released.

There is a kind of person named Su Zhe who persists, sharpens himself, and finally blooms dazzling flowers on the top of the world-from retiring unknown idols to participating in the Olympic Games The player, in the taunting gaze of everyone, he walked this path firmly, leaving only a back figure that could not be pursued for the taunter. 】

【# Tokyo Olympic##苏哲广告# The spokesperson of the first-line cosmetics brand Brands in the Asia-Pacific region! A person who knocked on the door of the fashion circle by virtue of his status as an athlete! 】

【# Tokyo Olympic##苏哲广告# 21 years old, he was terminated by the company Xuezang and forced to retire from the entertainment industry; a year later, he stood on the Olympic arena, representing China and facing the attention of the world! 】

Since midnight last night, everyone in the sports circle has also paid attention to Su Zhe’s incident, but for those in the sports circle, Su Zhe’s commercials and what they look like are nothing compared to Su Zhe and Chen Zhi. The news that he ran into the semifinals of the Olympic men's 100m.

But what they never expected was that Su Zhe's appearance and a few advertisements that they didn't care at all could make Su Zhe's name so popular.

When someone moved the gossip related to Su Zhe from various entertainment circles to the Athletics Kingdom Forum, these straight men, who usually don’t pay attention to the entertainment circle, were a little bit confused after seeing this series of big V articles. Confused around.

1L: [Fuck, was Zhe Shao so miserable before? 】

3L: [...wipe, what are these guys in the entertainment industry doing? Are you trying to grab someone? Don't think about it, Shao Zhe has already left the circle! 】

Among all the official accounts, the most peculiar one is about Zhuo Siming’s Pear official account. As the earliest entertainment note to pay attention to Su Zhe and Shao Xingchen, Zhuo Siming took out his various wealth and personally mentioned The pen wrote an article about "Shao Xingchen's Star Chasing History".

From Shao Xingchen’s cooperation with Su Zhe on the "Zhuguang", Shao Xingchen released Weibo related to Su Zhe, the live clips of the Zhuguang crew’s visit to the national team, and Shao Xingchen went to D country to watch the world track and field championships and went to N city Watching the indoor championships and this time going to Tokyo to watch the Olympic track and field events...

All of these were caught by Zhuo Siming in this official account long article.

[Top traffic Shao Xingchen traveled thousands of miles for him, in the vast crowd, just to see him...]

This article, whose headline was so **** that made people speechless, just because of its excellent blood temperament, won millions of reading clicks in countless gossip news about Su Zhe that day.

Also because this long article from Zhuo Siming was originally hidden in the CP super talk, it can almost be called the "Star for You Zhe" CP super talk of forced Lalang, and a large amount of it has also poured into it at a time. The followers of, let this loose and undisciplined cold cp attention group seem to have changed from the polar circle to the hot cp overnight.

This kind of change made the girls in the original cp super talk a while, and they were almost at a loss.

Seeing this trend of heat, the official media will naturally not give up directing these heat in the right direction.

National Athletics Team: 【#會會會馬##史上最帅馬機#Tonight at 7:10, Japan time, Chinese athletes @苏哲 and @陈志 will compete for the Olympic finals together. Netizens are welcome to watch @体育平台Live, cheer for our players! Can they break through history and create miracles? Let us wait and see together! 】

General: 【#TOTOGO##史上最帅 Olympic Player# Our male sprinter @苏哲, he has not only excellent appearance, but also the world's top strength! At 7:10 tonight, let us work together for @苏哲 and @陈志加油. They will take everyone’s expectation to challenge the Chinese team’s never-opened penalty zone in the Aoyu men’s 100m final! 】

This enthusiasm is very effective. Everyone wants to see if this athlete who looks so good that he can be called the top level in the entertainment circle is only attractive in appearance, or is it even capable of surprises?

At this time, Su Zhe abroad had no knowledge of a series of domestic events.

Since getting up in the morning, he and Chen Zhi have been accompanied by the coaching staff and have carried out simple exercises that do not affect physical fitness, aiming to get themselves into a slightly active physical state in advance.

After the two finished the exercises, Qiu Zhongwen from the general sports team and Zheng Wensheng from the Tianguan Center came together and brought the group information sheet for the semi-finals that night-it is a pity that today's group is not for everyone. Not good news.

"The result of the division is here." Qiu Zhongwen sighed: "Su Zhe and Chen Zhi, they were both divided into the first group of the semi-finals."

As soon as this was said, the members of the coaching staff in the training room frowned.

Su Yinsheng was still frowning, Zhang Ye couldn't help but opened his mouth first: "This is random grouping by computer? Didn't it mean that if the random grouping is not appropriate, manual intervention will be conducted? Two Chinese players in the semifinals Being in the same group, does the organizing committee feel okay?"

Zheng Wensheng shook his head: "It's not just us. This time the computer is randomly divided into groups. Two members of the Japanese team were randomly assigned to the same group. The Japanese team did not express any objections. The organizing committee has also decided to follow this grouping game. ."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the coaching staff had nothing to say. The host team was randomly assigned to the team to compete in the same group. What else?

However, in this way, the competition within the semi-final team is too fierce.

Players in the same group with Su Zhe and Chen Zhi, as well as Montereydo from Canada, Dlamini from South Africa, Adrian from France, Baragon from the British team, Gate from the United States and Touré from Ivory Coast.

In this semi-final group, the US team’s Gate is undoubtedly the strongest opponent. In addition, Dlamini once ran 9.93 seconds in the last season, and Barragón was also A powerful general with the ability to open the 10-second mark.

Plus Su Zhe and Chen Zhi...

Just in the first group of the semifinals, there are 5 players who have opened the 10-second mark at the same time.

In the semi-finals, there was such an intensity of strength duel, and people can only admire it-worthy of the Olympics.

In the training hall, Chen Zhi and Su Zhe were in the most relaxed state at this time. When they got their group table and determined that they were going to meet in the semi-finals, Su Zhe was taken aback and then very surprised. I quickly calmed down.

"How? Are you nervous?" Chen Zhi smiled and turned to look at Su Zhe.

Upon hearing this question, Su Zhe first shook his head subconsciously, but quickly turned to nod again.

Even if he didn't say anything, Chen Zhi probably understood what he meant-the game was not tense, tense, the two will officially face off on the field for the first time!

As Chen Zhi understood, Su Zhe's tension at this time also originated from this.

For Su Zhe, Chen Zhi has always been the person he admired most in his childhood, adolescence, and even now. He has longed for the scene of Chen Zhi running on the field since he was a child, the kind of infinite love and passion for the field, It used to be the biggest pillar that inspired his growth.

Since he returned to the sports circle, he has understood that he is likely to have a real contest on the field with his seniors who grew up with him.

However, what he didn't expect was that this contest would be at this moment, in the crucial arena that determines whether the two can enter the Olympic finals!

According to the rules, in the three semi-final groups, only the top two players in each group can directly advance, and the remaining players will see whether they can run into the top two results of the remaining players.

After seeing the grouping list, Su Zhe understood that this semi-final will inevitably be a life-and-death fight, but in this case of fighting, it is necessary to mix him and Chen Zhi again. The first official duel in between.

Chen Zhi seemed to feel the worries and worries in his heart, smiled and patted his shoulder, and said: "There is nothing to be nervous, don't forget, the sentence we have agreed upon-'Hard blood, run more than'."

"Remember this sentence, enjoy the pursuit of speed on the field, all we have to do is to do our best and leave no regrets."

Yes, the blood is endless, and the running is endless.

Su Zhe remembered the agreement he had with Chen Zhi, and also remembered Chen Zhi’s love and purity for the arena in his memory-there is nothing to be nervous about, and there is no need to consider whether there is anyone between them. Play on the field and lose the qualification for the finals.

All he has to do is to run with all his strength in this game...

Before leaving, Qiu Zhongwen also seriously relieved Su Zhe and Chen Zhi: "You two have set a new record for our country’s sprint project until now. Then, every step you take is A new expansion of the record."

"Don't be nervous, relax and run, we will be there to cheer you on!"

After Qiu Zhongwen left, the Olympic semi-final group information quickly spread to China. After seeing this grouping, everyone in the sports circle changed their expressions. The tension of only five or six points was also changed in a flash. It became 10 points.

The two Chinese team players are placed in the same group, which to a large extent weakens the hope that the two athletes will enter the finals at the same time, or that they will enter the finals separately.

At this moment, many track and field fans who were ready to wave the flag and shout for a while do not know who they should cheer for.

On the forum of the Kingdom of Athletics, there were also a bunch of cursing posts on the homepage for this reason, besides all kinds of complicated language.

However, the established things will not change because of people's resistance and opposition.

As time approaches 7:10 bit by bit, the hearts of sports fans are hanging higher and higher, and in the Tokyo New National Arena, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi are also ready to enter the game. .

"Come on."

Chen Zhi and Su Zhe hugged before going on the field, and then walked onto the noisy arena together.

At this time, the bustling 80,000 spectators are already full of eager anticipation for the upcoming game.

In the live broadcast room of the domestic sports channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also felt a little at a loss for the game tonight.

Zhang Jing said with a slightly serious voice: "In tonight’s game, Chinese players Chen Zhi and Su Zhe were placed in the first group of the semi-finals together. Soon they will compete with the rest of the group. Six top sprinters in the world are competing for the final place!"

The Japanese commentator Ishida Ippei’s voice was also surprised: "Oh, the nightmare from the Chinese Empire and the beautiful Snow Leopard boy, the two of them were actually assigned to the same group! In tonight’s game, victory Will this be the trembling player Chen? Or is he beautiful enough to kill people with his appearance... What about our player Su? Let's wait and see!"

In fact, although during the daytime, he had already done a good job of psychological construction for himself, but the unexpected encounter with Chen Zhi in the semifinals still affected Su Zhe to a certain extent.

Even if he had already said to himself, as long as he did his best, in fact, this kind of influence made Su Zhe always feel a sense of difficulty in stability before he set foot on the field, which made him feel unexpectedly about his night game. A touch of anxiety.

And this anxiety really disappeared after he stepped on the track, stepped on the track under his feet, squatted down at his starting point, arranged and adjusted the starting blocks for himself, and then Stand up, knead your own muscles and bones, soothe your mind...

During this preparation process, Su Zhe's original anxiety gradually dissipated.

When he looked up and saw the occasional Chinese cheering in the audience, and even the Japanese cherry blossom girls holding cheering banners cheering for him, the anxiety gradually left him. .

The noise and noise at the scene gave him an extra sense of excitement. The occasional shouts of "Su, come on" also made him feel that the blood in his body had finally started to burn.

As he kneaded his own muscles and bones and listened to the gradually boiling, puffing heartbeat, he suddenly felt a line of sight. When he looked up, he unexpectedly saw it in the audience seat near the front row. A familiar figure...

Shao Xingchen?

Why is he here?

Su Zhe looked at Shao Xingchen who was dragging the camera in the audience, then smiled and waved in the direction of the camera.

At the moment when he saw Shao Xingchen's figure, Su Zhe suddenly felt a sense of understanding. He was especially clear that he was carrying the expectations of countless people.

This kind of expectation has gradually accumulated since he set foot on the arena, and it has also been condensed after he took on the identity of an'Olympic athlete'.

Before this moment, he had always felt that in such a grand game, just trying his best to'love', it seemed that there was a trace of vain, but after clearly feeling this expectation, he suddenly remembered that he was carrying The responsibility of the Chinese team represents the glory of the Chinese team.

This kind of burden placed on him gave Su Zhe's somewhat vain "run with all his strength" in his heart, and had a deep root system in his bones. One of his heart began to fall into place gradually.

As I said before, the blood is endless, and the running is endless-and the root of the true blood is the responsibility and glory that he bears.

He is Su Zhe, a track and field player from the Chinese team.

Tonight, he will compete for the glory he deserves for his motherland in this track and field arena!

Come on...!

Su Zhe took a deep breath, listening to the cheers from the foreign country in his ears and the heartbeat that seemed to be close to his ears, and felt that his state had finally returned to the boiling point!

[Ding, host competitive status scoring test, current non-buff competitive status score: 50……60……65……69……82……84……]

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the value overflow state again, and the deep learning unlock conditions have been met. 】


_(:з」∠)_ scratch your head, there are more things written before the game than expected, and the semi-finals will officially start tomorrow!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 gress Shan;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Deku, 1 Xiao Wu;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: Han Han, Fat Ding, Flying Bird without Feet, Queen, Douzipmy, Mu Zimu, White Rabbit Milk Candy, Cat Twelve 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles of Xu Dirun; 50 bottles of fan essence and ruoruo; 46 bottles of Xiaoqingming; 30 bottles of three coatings; 25 bottles of sweet wine; I love egg fried rice, a glass of water, and 20 bottles of nicknames that I haven’t thought of yet; I’m a little chicken 15 bottles; 12 bottles of Qi; 10 bottles of HonoraZhao0219, Tina Nuannuanda, Deku, Nuomi Dumpling, Yujia, Lingmao, Silver-throated Long-tailed Tit, LvbvL, Mu Zimu, Pudding, and Xianren; Indulging in novels, Y, Lin Can must work hard to chase the light, hold the stove to watch the snow wine reminder, Yu Yuyu, Daisy MR, Mandrill Qingda, haimi, Ganyu 5 bottles; Luo Xinyao 4 bottles; Qingqing, Evil Witch, Abu 3 Bottles; 2 bottles of BlueJa□ine, Xiying, and Qiao; a happy silly rabbit Ji, Yunzaibuli, unnamed, 34676060, purple fish rain, Weilan Keqi, Strawberry Dafu, Qin@琴,齐期1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!