In the lounge.

Everyone had already received the notice that Chen Zhi smoothly advanced to the final. During the limited rest time, both Chen Zhi and Su Zhe could only slightly supplement their lost physical energy through functional drinks prepared by nutritionists.

The professional masseurs equipped in the team have performed a full-body relaxing massage for them, so that they can relax their tight muscles due to intense exercise to the best condition.

No matter it was Zhang Ye or other people in the team, at this moment, they did not put any pressure on Su Zhe or Chen Zhi. The ability to have two athletes enter the Olympic finals at the same time has completely exceeded their expectations for the sprint group. Next, no matter what results they can achieve, it is a historic improvement.

"How is the state now?"

Zhang Ye watched as the warm-up time was approaching, and asked the two who closed their eyes and calmed down.

"It's OK." Chen Zhi opened his eyes first and replied with a smile.

Su Zhe also opened his eyes, felt his own state at the moment, then nodded and said: "I'm fine too."

Looking at the two guys who said that they were in a good state, Zhang Ye shrugged and didn't say much. Neither of these two guys was a bitter temperament. He really had to wait for them to say that they were not good. It is estimated that the entire sprint group will panic.

Glancing aside Chen Zhisu's answer, Zhang Ye turned his head to look at the masseuse, and asked how the two men were doing, and then got a reply from the masseuse saying that their muscles were in good condition.

Zhang Ye was relieved to get this answer, and Chen Zhi and Su Zhe had already stood up when he asked the masseur, ready to go to the dressing room to change clothes, and then went to the warm-up venue.

In the lounge, Zhang Ye and others watched Su Zhe and Chen Zhi leave, and then nervously made up a bunch.

"Oh, this is the final! It's the Olympic final!" Su Zhe's masseuse was the first to express emotion.

When Su Zhe and Su Zhe were there just now, they dared not discuss related topics, for fear of triggering tension between them in advance.

"I don't know where I can run? Oh, look at A Zhe, the preliminaries and semi-finals are the first in the group. If this is the final..."

The person who said this was the nutritionist of the team. Zhang Ye rolled his eyes before he finished speaking and stopped him: "Eh, I said it's okay. Forget the semi-finals, the last Olympic 100-meter final. , 8 people, only two of them did not run for 10 seconds, the last two for the gold and silver medals, one was 9 seconds 79, and the other 9 seconds 86... Even if it was Su Zhe’s semi-final results, it was four years ago. Three inaccessible."

On the domestic Internet, because Su Zhe and Chen Zhi entered the finals, and the news that two Chinese players were on the Olympic men’s 100m finals at the same time also broke the hot spot again, many people who eat Gualu started to look forward to Su and Chen. The two can win medals for the motherland, of course, it is best to compete for gold and silver.

Faced with the enthusiastic and extraordinary expectations of the masses, the track and field fans in the track and field kingdom had to run around and began to do popular science again, telling the gap between the current strength of our country's 100-meter athletes and the strength of top players.

[Science! ! ! The current record for the Asian men's 100-meter sprint is created by my country's Chen Zhi, who is also Chen Zhi's best time so far, 9 seconds 90; Su Zhe's current personal pb is 9 seconds 93. We can say that Su Zhe and Chen Zhi have made history and are the strongest 100-meter Gemini stars in China so far. However, their current performance limits are still far behind other top players in the finals. !

Evanson, the current king of men's 100-meter sprint, personal pb9.74;

Sandy, Nigeria's 100m talented player, individual pb9.80;

Gate, the second player of the US team, personal pb9.83...

These top players in the world and their coaching teams must attach great importance to the adjustment of their individual competitive status during the Olympic cycle. Similarly, these players must have a certain amount of leeway to ensure that they can enter the finals. .

In the Olympic finals, it is the moment for them to fully exert their personal strength!

We really should be proud of our two athletes being able to enter the Olympic finals at the same time. They broke the yellow race penalty zone that has always been the Olympic men's 100-meter final. They are not only the pride of our country, but also the pride of Asian players!

At this moment, I hope everyone will not put excessive expectations on them. In this final, no matter what results they achieve, it will be the most brilliant new chapter in the history of sprinting in our country! 】

These popular science articles from track and field enthusiasts, after being forwarded by many sports big Vs and even some official blogs, calmed the originally excited crowd slightly.

But some Chigualu felt that after the popularization of science, they realized that Su Zhe and Chen Zhi might not be able to achieve any good results in the finals, and they lost interest in paying attention until the track and field fans released another set of data.

This set of data comes from the sprint team of the national track and field team, which has made efforts to sprint for previous Olympics.

From the first in history to cross the ocean alone to participate in the Olympics, and eventually due to lack of physical strength and poor performance; after the establishment of the track and field team sprint group, it has refreshed and impacted the 100-meter performance time and time again.

In this data, there is a blank space in the receipt, extracting the widely circulated saying in the world-the yellow race is not suitable for running 100 meters, and the 100 meter performance of the yellow race can never exceed the black and white.

This inference based on the muscle power of different races, etc., has always limited Asians’ expectations of the 100m. Once, there were even experts inferring that it is difficult for the yellow race to open the 10-second mark, and there are expert arguments. A person’s 100-meter speed limit will always be 0.2-0.3 seconds slower than a black person.

In this theoretical environment, the sprint group of the Chinese track and field team has never given up on the Olympic 100-meter sprint.

From no one was able to open the 10-second mark, to someone ran the 10-second mark, to Chen Zhi emerging, leading China's sprint all the way, refreshing the national 100-meter record from 10 seconds to 9 seconds 90 today.

In the last Olympics, Chen Zhi's personal pb still stayed at 9.97 seconds. He successfully entered the men's 100-meter semi-finals of the Olympics and became the first Chinese athlete in history to enter the Olympic 100-meter semi-finals. , But at the time, he failed to carry everyone's expectations and broke into the Olympic 100-meter final in the restricted area of ​​the yellow race.

After the last Olympics, Chen Zhi’s personal training also became more important. At that time, there were no players in the domestic sprint circle who could succeed Chen Zhi. All the expectations of the sprint event fell on him. One person.

He hopes that before the end of his sports career, he can at least lead the Chinese team to successfully enter the Olympic final.

It is for this reason that in the previous year's training, he caused his leg bone stress fracture due to excessive pressure and catching up with the training schedule.

After the release of this article mixed with cold data and sprint background, at this moment of the highest Olympic attention, many curious passers-by clicked in. After reading it, they couldn't help but repost with red eyes. .

[Competitive sports has its own advantages, but the spirit of competitive sports is not superior-no matter what the final result will be, I will watch this game carefully. This is the best for these athletes who are silently challenging the impossible. Respect. 】

[...I just searched it, and experts have really argued that there is a natural race speed gap between the yellow race and black people in the 100-meter event. No wonder the news and live broadcasts keep mentioning that entering the final is victory. 】

[Dbq, I originally thought that if I didn’t get a medal, then the game was not interesting and not great at all... The popular science data just made me cry, even if the yellow race is naturally slower than the black 0.2-0.3 seconds, but our athletes have never given up on the field, and they can even compete with them on the field and run such results...

I'm already squatting in front of the TV. For tonight's game, I will cheer for Su Zhe and Chen Zhi! No matter what their achievements are, it is our pride! 】

As this long article was reposted by passers-by in large numbers, the official media also discovered this article and transferred it to their own Weibo, allowing more people to see the content of this article.

Many passers-by who had lost interest in the 100-meter project, after seeing this long article, switched their TV channels to the sports channel for live events, and began to wait for the opening of the 100-meter final.

Japan, Tokyo New National Stadium, 21:35

Two hours after the end of the semifinal, on the track and field track of the Tokyo New National Stadium, the final moment of the men's 100-meter event came again!

Su Zhe and Chen Zhi from China, Evanson and Gate from the United States, Sandy from Nigeria, Carlos from West extraction, Hilm from Jamaica, and Trin from Côte d'Ivoire.

The eight finalists have gathered at the moment, standing together on the starting line of the final.

Su Zhe’s racetrack was arranged on the 9th track, and Chen Zhiyi, who was on the 2nd track, occupied the two most fringe tracks.

Evanson is on the 4th track, beside him is Sandy who is stretching his muscles and bones.

In this final, there was no weaker, whether it was Trin, who seemed the most inconspicuous, or Carlos, who seemed to be in the finals only because of luck.

Each of them has an absolute advantage in this arena.

Su Zhe stood at the starting point of his own 9th track, feeling the confidence sent from Carlos beside him, feeling the status of every player on the scene, and feeling the audience on this 80,000 stadium. The enthusiasm released at the moment.

He raised his head and glanced at the direction where Shao Xingchen was. This time, what he saw was not Shao Xingchen holding the camera lens in his hand, but a face that happened to face him when the lens was removed.

Looking away, in the audience, he saw more spectators from China. These spectators waved the national flag on their hands and had flag stickers on their faces. After noticing his gaze, they all waved the flag hoarsely. , Even if their voices were easily drowned out by the surrounding Japanese audience, they did not give up their voice of support.

Seeing all this, Su Zhe originally thought that he had reached the peak of excitement before the semi-finals started, but he did not expect that he could still feel this extreme when standing on the finals at this moment. The excitement.

The sound of his heartbeat was so strong that he had some tinnitus, but he could clearly hear the sounds from the outside world.

This feeling is very strange.

He breathed deeply and deeply. This feeling of extreme excitement to a little dizziness brought him an unprecedented state-he wanted to win, he wanted to beat Evanson, beat Sandy, and beat Gate on this track. ... He wants to run at the ultimate speed with everyone's expectations of him.

This eager mood urged him, making his skin all red with excitement.

In the Chinese players area of ​​the auditorium, everyone was staring nervously at the stadium at this time.

Qiu Zhongwen seemed to be calming everyone, and he whispered: "Don't be nervous, this time the task of the 100-meter project has been completed very successfully, very complete..."

Everyone knows that Qiu Zhongwen is right, but everyone is also looking forward to it. In this final, what height can China's 100-meter athletes reach on this track?

"Each in place."

The referee's voice sounded from the broadcast, and the noisy arena soon fell into a quiet state.

The eight players on the track all squatted on their starting blocks and prepared themselves. The atmosphere of the battle was on the verge of breaking out throughout the arena, and the audience showed nervous expressions.

"It's going to start!"

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were equally nervous watching the scene returned, and clenched their fists secretly.

Not only them, but the staff in the directing room of the sports channel, the audience in front of the TV, and the staff from the Field Management Center gathered in the meeting room to watch the game...

Everyone is waiting nervously for the gunshots of the live game.

Su Zhe and Chen Zhi, what kind of results can they achieve in this game?

This idea and the expectation of their achievements continue to circulate in people's hearts.


The referee's calm and inorganic voice sounded again, including all those who watched the match.

The race is about to start!

Just as this thought flashed, the starting gun in the referee's hand rang... "Bang!"

"The game has started!!"

Ippei Ishida and Miaochuan Zhang Jing of Sports Channel yelled these words at the same time.

On the track, when the gun fired, Su Zhe's pupils shook slightly, and then he stepped on the starting blocks with his left leg, pedaling with the most powerful explosive force, sending his body forward.

In the first three steps of kicking, he relied on his own powerful explosive force, allowing his body to obtain a strong forward momentum, and quickly made himself into the perfect start, convergence and acceleration conversion!

His steps are vigorous and strong, and each step of the kick is rapidly increasing his forward speed. The comparison between his starting and acceleration ability has been qualitatively transformed before, making him even one of the strongest players on the field at this moment. In the middle, no wind will fall.

In this game, Evanson finally released his strongest side. From the stage of listening to the gun, he steadily occupied the first position. His explosive power was astonishingly strong, just in front of him. In the 10-meter stage, his starting acceleration was enough to crush most of the people present!

Among the eight players present, only Chen Zhi and Carlos bit Evanson's speed during the start-up and acceleration phase!

As players who also have a strong advantage in the starting stage, Chen Zhi and Carlos almost have a speed comparable to Evanson at this stage. Their starting explosive power and speed-up ability in the acceleration stage are the same, but the two have the same speed. There is a subtle gap in the peak speed.

Chen Zhi's speed peak appeared in the 40-meter stage, and within 20 meters, Chen Zhi could continue to maintain this speed peak, while Carlos's speed peak appeared at about 30 meters and in the 50-meter stage. , Will gradually enter the speed decline.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that Carlos has been difficult to achieve better results in the 100m race before, because his speed peak came too early and the speed decline cycle was too long.

At the moment, Evanson is the undoubted first echelon. Not far behind him, Chen Zhi and Carlos are chasing after him. The three become the first echelon group in the first 30 meters stage.

Behind the three of them, Su Zhe and Sandy are stalemate with each other and also bite the first team in front, forming the second echelon on the track.

Behind the two of them, Gate, Hilm, and Trin are chasing in the rear. During the reaction phase of the gun, Gate and Hilm made minor mistakes. The two of them reacted to the gun. 0.156 and 0.148, these two seem to have reached the standard time for ordinary professional players to respond to guns. In the Olympic finals, they are already the biggest proof of their mistakes.

Trin, who was chasing at the end, actually performed well in the reaction stage of listening to the gun. The reaction time was only 0.132 seconds. However, compared with other players on the field, his starting explosive power was insufficient, and his speed increase after starting and connecting acceleration was also insufficient. These disadvantages on the stage's prospects made him basically lose his qualifications to compete in this event.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan are shouting hello!

"Very good! Chen Zhi maintained his usual advantage in the future! He bit tightly behind Evanson!"

In the first half of the stage, Chen Zhi's performance was enough to excite any Chinese audience watching the game-he was in the second position! If it can be maintained, the Olympic 100-meter medal is in sight! !

In front of the TV, the audience watched the real-time game on the field and felt extremely excited, but before everyone was excited for a long time, they saw that Chen Zhi's speed dropped for a moment...

At this time, the stage has just reached 50 meters. It should be the time when Chen Zhi usually maintains his top speed, but his speed has already declined!

On the field, Chen Zhi was gritting his teeth to maintain his speed. In the semi-finals of the previous game, it was not only Su Zhe, but his physical energy consumption also exceeded his original expectations.

Especially at the last moment of the stage, he controlled the downward trend of his speed with willpower, and even recovered part of the speed. This kind of speed recovery consumes his reserve of physical energy.

At this time, after only one hour of rest, his physical fitness has not been restored to the best condition, so that at the beginning of the 50-meter stage, he felt the exhaustion caused by a large loss of physical fitness. It feels that his hands and feet have become heavy, his steps are difficult to move, and his lead-filled body is no longer as full of strength as usual.

But even so, Chen Zhi did not have any thoughts of giving up. He gritted his teeth tightly, and after a moment of slowing down, he forcibly increased his speed, even though his lead-filled body made him unbearable. , He also relied on his tenacious will to once again recover the speed he lost during the previous slowdown.

As an athlete, Chen Zhi is an unquestioned veteran at the age of 29.

Among sprinters, his age can no longer support him to stick to the next Olympics.

This time the final is, for him, the last Olympic arena once in a lifetime... No matter how difficult and exhausting it is, he does not want to let himself leave any regrets in this game!

On the other side of the track, Su Zhe also felt the rapid lapse of physical fitness, but the fitness reserve plan customized for him by the coaching staff during this period of time and the exercises he performed in the training space gave him enough Experience and ability to deal with this situation.

He maintained his breathing rate, adjusting his breathing, heartbeat and even pace to the best rhythm.

Then, his eyes turned to the front—where Evanson was taking the lead, occupying the first position.

I really want to catch up...

I want to chase everyone, and then stand in the forefront and cross the finish line!

This fiery thought in his heart urged Su Zhe.

Puff through, puff through.

He wants to win-in this arena, who doesn't want to win?

Su Zhe stepped on his own pace, abandoning the feeling of fatigue that came from every inch of his muscles. He shook his arms quickly, increasing his pace as much as possible, so that his speed could be in this arena. Go faster and faster!

Catch up!

Su Zhe's eyes were fixed on the front. He could no longer hear any sound from the outside world. Only the sound of the wind whizzed past his ears, forming a wind film around him, seemingly isolated. He and the world around him.

He listened to his pounding heartbeat, listening to his breathing, and the sound of his feet kicking on the ground.


You can also be faster!

The fanatical heart was jumping wildly. As the stage of the competition continued to advance, a fierce aura suddenly appeared on Su Zhe, and the voice in his heart continuously urged him to move forward.

go ahead! Use the fastest speed!

Tearing the wind barrier, tearing everything and sprinting forward!

At this moment, Su Zhe felt that he was no longer like a human being, but like a beast that was hunting, chasing something forward with his instinct.

It's just that the beast is chasing prey.

And what he is chasing is his desire and opportunity to win!

From the audience, it can be clearly seen that as the stage approaches 70 meters, Carlos has already fallen behind.

This time, in the finals, he did not continue the glory of the semi-finals, but like his usual races, starting from the 50-meter stage, the speed continued to drop.

Chen Zhi is still gritting his teeth to maintain his speed as much as possible, but even from the perspective of the audience, it can be seen that he is very reluctant at this time and has reached his limit.

From the 50-meter stage, Sandy passed Su Zhe first, and then surpassed Carlos, who was declining in speed, and caught up with Chen Zhi, who was declining at the same speed. He is now in second place.

At the start of the stage 60 meters, everyone only felt that Su Zhe's aura suddenly changed, also surpassing Carlos, and then surpassing Chen Zhi, and began to bite behind Sandy.

The most amazing thing is that Gate, who was originally in the last echelon, started to overtake in the mid-run stage, until about 70 meters, he has caught up with Su Zhe and Sandy.

At this time, the game was still headed by Evanson, and Sandy, Su Zhe, and Gate clung to the next state.

In China, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan could no longer control their voices in the live broadcast rooms of sports channels.

"There is hope!! Su Zhe is in the second echelon team!"

"Come on, Su Zhe!!!"

When the stage entered the final sprint stage, the shouts of the audience became more intense.

Su Zhe was completely unaware of everything around him, he could only hear the fierce beating sound from his heart and the strong desire in his heart.


Do your best to sprint forward!

"Ah! Su Zhe!! Su Zhe, come on!!"

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were already nervous and speechless. At this moment, there was no room for their relaxed commentary. In the final 30-meter stage, they could barely maintain the same voice. Until the end, Evan Mori crossed the finish line first...

Then Sandy...

Then... Su Zhe!

"Ah!!! Su Zhe!!!" Zhang Jing yelled: "Bronze medal! It's a bronze medal!!! Su Zhe crossed the finish line for the third time!!! Olympic bronze medal!!!"

This sound was like a thunderstorm, which made Wang Miaochuan on the side roar with excitement: "Congratulations Su Zhe!!! This is a Chinese player... No, this is the most brilliant result that an Asian player has achieved in the Olympic sprint competition!! This is the pride of us Chinese, this is the pride of the entire Asia!!!"

"Congratulations!! Su Zhe!!! This is a day destined to be remembered by Asian track and field history!!!"

In the Chinese players' area watching the game, when Su Zhe crossed the finish line, everyone stood up abruptly, whether it was Qiu Zhongwen, Zheng Wensheng, or Su Yinsheng, Tian Fangzheng...

Everyone stood in their place, looking at the end position.

"This is the bronze medal, right?" Qiu Zhongwen muttered.

"It's not wrong!" Zheng Wensheng on the side said excitedly: "It is the bronze medal, our China, the bronze medal of the 100m project! I said, we can, the Chinese can! There is no restricted area that cannot be broken, this bronze medal, We are from China!!"


_(:з」∠)_ silently cover her face and pass by quietly

The 100m final is over! Su Zhe's ranking is also available! Mo Youka... (cough cough cough, if you get results, see you tomorrow!!)

(Cough, cough, cough, don’t break my dog’s head with the ball, lie down flat, and love you! =w=)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: douzipmy, Qiqin, original potato chips, watermark mm, enamel cup, lavender of the Tropic of Cancer, Liuliu Luoluo Lele, Aimio, Bian Ying, Jiayi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

150 bottles of Crescent Moon; 130 bottles of Chi Hibiscus; 99 bottles of Shuying Hengxian; Guan Guan Jujiu, 1526138563249 bottles; 48 bottles of moluki; 40 bottles not available; Chashu, Mo adults, Xia Xue's Yun, Xianxian ~ 30 bottles; six Liuluo Lele, Cat Cat, Lou Suluo, Yunlu, Liusuliusu 20 bottles; Qingxuan 15 bottles; Candy Fruit 13 bottles; It is Yueyueya, Jiayi, zaily, Queen, Water Moon Qingyin, Sky is Blue Colored, sll0807, the painful human forest, the cat who does not eat fish, the lavender of the Tropic of Cancer, the tin fat, the Ling cat, the panda breeding observer 10 bottles; Mingzhai 8 bottles; 366107456 bottles; Huaxie, Xixiang, one 5 bottles of lying flat salted fish, Xinqing, Ink dye, Qiongqiong; 4 bottles of Ning Feng; 3 bottles of Yang Jinyu; 2 bottles of yours, fighting carp among koi, Xiying, Doudou with sugar, and 2 bottles of binghao; a happy silly rabbit Ji, Qiqiu. , Xiaobai, Pingping, (c-}@v@, lvtyang, Xiaomuyu, Ziyuyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!