That night, the domestic track and field enthusiasts were all excited. After Song Chen retired, the hurdles that had been silent for more than ten years revived. This time the performance of Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun is enough A rare highlight moment in the hurdles project in the past decade.

All domestic sports commentators wrote articles to celebrate the collective victory of this hurdle event in the Olympic preliminaries.

[Although this is only the preliminary round, but the status of Su Zhe, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun, let us see the hope that the hurdles will come together. 】

On the Internet, everyone is celebrating the moment. In the Tokyo Olympic Village, Japan, in the small meeting room belonging to the Chinese team, Su Zhe and the hurdle coaches are communicating with the hurdle coaching staff in the meeting room before the second day of the game.

Lu Fei sat at the conference table and clicked on the semi-final group list that he had already obtained. The groupings on this list are really not friendly to the Chinese team's Su Zhe.

Or it should be said that in this semi-final list, any semi-final group is enough to be called a death group.

Similar to the 100-meter event, the semi-finals of the 110-meter hurdles are also divided into three semi-final groups. The top two players in each group will be eligible for direct promotion. Finally, among the remaining players, the top two players will also Can qualify for the finals.

In the semi-final group list, Ye Jun is in the first group of the semi-final, and the guy Holness is in the same group as him. In addition, the Spanish strong Alcides, the American star Louis, and the French player Adolf are also all In this group.

Among these people, Holness’s current personal pb is his 12.97 in the Jamaican domestic race this year, Alcides’ personal pb is 13.05, Louis 13.17, Adolf 13.28, and Ye Jun's previous personal pb was 13.27, which was barely higher than the level of French player Adolf.

Although in actual competitions, it is not the player’s personal pb that is seen, but the personal status and performance of the game, but the personal pb that the player has reached represents the upper limit of the player most of the time. It is also an important reference for dividing players' strength levels.

If Ye Jun wants to advance in this group, then whether it is Holness, Alcides or Adolf, anyone in this semi-final group will be his strong opponent.

The situation of Su Zhe's group is similar.

In the second group of the semi-finals where Su Zhe is, there are Brazilian star Elano, American team Treen, French team Hubert, and Percival also from Jamaica.

Among these people, Elano once ran into within 13 seconds, personal pb of 12 seconds 98, and Treen's personal pb of 13 seconds 07. The personal pb of these two people is higher than Su Zhe's 13 seconds of 10. Although the rest of the players Not as good as Su Zhe in personal pb, but it may not be without threats. For example, Hubert from the French team, his personal pb of 13.16 seconds, is already a world-class level.

Look at Zhou Tianjue’s third group of the semi-finals. He is currently pb13.24 seconds, and he will face the personal pb12.95 American star Lister, pb13.13. Brazil star Gomez and pb13. 22 British player Andre and other famous players.

"You have seen the grouping list." Lu Fei sat at the conference table, tapping the table with the index finger of his right hand from time to time, and looked at Su Zhe who were also sitting in the conference room, "How about? Any ideas?"

After staring at the list for a while, Su Zhe retracted his gaze, smiled and shook his head: "No idea."

As far as athletes are concerned, no matter what kind of opponent they are facing, they must not be stage fright or cowardly.

He had implemented this idea into his own bones long ago, and it didn't make much sense to him about what kind of opponent he would meet.

In fact, not just him, but the same truth for Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun.

Zhou Tianjue's vigor and Ye Jun's calmness are all destined for their personality traits. They will not be people who fear the enemy on the battlefield.

Just as Su Zhe thought, Zhou Tianjue snorted without saying much.

And Ye Jun just said very calmly: "I will do my best."

After Ye Jun's answer, the meeting room was quiet for a long time, only the sound of Lu Fei's index finger tapping on the desktop.

Tuk, tuk, tuk...

It was not until after a minute or two of silence, that Lu Fei said, "Although you should not be put under pressure before the game, I still want to make a request to you."

"Go hard, I hope to see our Chinese track and field players in the finals."

This request is indeed a pressure for Su Zhe and the others, but it is also the motivation to press them behind and urge them to move forward.

Sometimes, pressure and motivation are only between one thought.

Compared with Su Yinsheng, Lu Fei's coaching philosophy and ideas are more delicate and detailed, and he is more experienced than Su Yinsheng in the psychological control of players.

Saying this sentence to Su Zhe and several people, including this state of seeming pressure, was after his careful consideration. He was very convinced that for Su Zhe and several people, these words and his This attitude will not only overwhelm their pressure, but will stimulate them to obtain a better competitive state on the court.

After the conversation with Su Zhe and several people, Lu Fei also waved a few people back to Su Zhe. After that, Lu Fei and his coaching team members were left in the conference room.

"Lu Tou'er, in tomorrow's game, do you think Jie and the others can make the finals?"

Wang Zheng, the coordinating coach in the coaching staff, asked with some worry.

Lu Fei rubbed his forehead and smiled calmly: "Don't you know what happened on the competition field? No one can tell the moment before the actual competition. I really want to talk about the current results, the most impressive Of course, it is Su Zhe who is in charge of entering the finals. His results have stabilized at 13 seconds and 10 minutes before...Today's preliminaries, he seems to have learned the pace in front of the hurdles, if he has finished the race today, It should be possible to open the 13 seconds and 10 mark."

What Lu Fei didn't say was that Su Zhe's most terrifying characteristic was always his extreme stability in his personal state. When other players, such as Lister, may have ups and downs of about 0.2 seconds in the game, as long as Su Zhe does not deliberately release the water, the performance fluctuation of Tete is usually stable at about 0.1 second.

An athlete who still has unlimited potential to tap, and whose performance is constantly expanding, but also able to consistently perform at a high level...

Whenever he thinks of this, Lu Fei is a little envious of Su Yinsheng.

There was no word for a night. The next day, because the semi-finals of the 110-meter hurdles were arranged in the morning unit on August 5th, Su Zhe got up early. After a series of preparations such as breakfast, they rode in a special The bus came to Tokyo New National Stadium.

8:00 am domestically.

Due to the time difference between China and Japan, in order to watch the semi-finals of the 110-meter hurdles for the first time, at this hour, many friends from the Athletics Kingdom Forum are already squatting on the forum, scanning forum posts while waiting for the live broadcast. Turn on.

After the easy and refreshing preliminaries the day before, many friends in the hurdles section of the Athletics Kingdom began to fall into anxiety again, especially after the semi-final group list was announced, the anxious atmosphere on the forum became more intense. a bit.

Subject: [Discussion, which of the three semi-final teams is not a death team? 】

1L: [...Discussion, among these three groups, which are all death groups. 】

3L: [Secondary. 】

4L: [Secondary. 】

5L: [Secondary. 】


In this post, after the big brother on the 1st floor said the answer, no one raised any objections. It can be seen how powerful this grouping list is for everyone.

17L: [...I'm so stupid, really, I only know that Zhe Shao, Jie Ge, and Jun Ye can easily advance through the preliminaries. It is refreshing to watch, but I didn't expect that the semi-finals were such a scene. 】

18L: [Don't mention it, I thought that the semi-finals were actually fine. It was not until I saw the grouping list for this semi-final that I finally came to my senses. I am smoking a cigarette now, so worried! 】

For the track and field friends who watch the 110-meter hurdles international competitions all the year round, the grouping list of this semi-final is simply not too familiar.

Each group has familiar and impressive names, and the reason these names leave a deep impression is because they have had a wonderful performance in the game.

But no matter how sad the forum friends, the game is coming as expected.

At 10:10 in the morning, the semi-finals of the 110-meter hurdles officially began.

Su Zhe, who had already warmed up in the warm-up stadium, watched Hornes and Ye Jun wave to him at the same time, and then watched them step onto the arena first.

In the waiting area waiting to be played, a huge live TV screen hung on the wall. Ye Jun, Holness, Alcides, Louis and others have all walked to the starting point of the track and began to adjust their respective starting points. Device.

Not only Su Zhe, but Zhou Tianjue also frowned and looked at Ye Jun in the live broadcast with a serious face.

Ye Jun and his people, for Su Zhe and Zhou Tianjue, are not just ordinary teammates.

He silently cares for everyone around him, sincerely cares for every friend, seriously considers and relieves everyone's worries, and has a firm heart.

Whether it was Su Zhe or Zhou Tianjue, they all asked themselves that they could not be as perfect as Ye Jun.

This is a gentle but determined person. He has climbed step by step from adversity. He has passed his golden age as a hurdler, but he has constantly refreshed himself after reaching the age of 28. Personal records.

Since last year, everyone said that Ye Jun became a late bloomer, and everyone is feeling that his performance has finally reached new heights step by step, but only when he is really by his side and watching his extreme efforts, can he feel that he is for this' How much effort has been made in the'late bloomers' and'accumulate thin hair'.

Come on.

Su Zhe took a deep breath, looked at Ye Jun on the court, and silently shouted for him.

In the arena, the referee's voice has sounded, and all the players stopped their actions, squatted onto their own starting blocks, and made preparations.

"Everyone is in place, ready..."


When the gunfire sounded, the 8 players on the track responded at the same time, starting the speed competition on the track!

"The game has begun!"

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan also lost the calmness of the previous day. They watched the track nervously, looking forward to Ye.

Jun was able to perform miraculously in this game.

On the track, what came out of the dust was still the black lightning of Holness, this Jamaican genius, not only his physical fitness, explosive power and first-class technology, but also in the sharpness of listening to the gun. At a terrifying speed beyond ordinary people.

The reaction time of 0.121 seconds for listening to the gun, coupled with his strong personal explosive power, makes him on the field like a flash of lightning, which seems to disappear in the blink of an eye!

The second place on the track is Alcides from Spain. He is also a good player with the top strength of the 110-meter hurdles. His reaction time of 0.127 seconds to listen to the gun is also better than many people on the field. His hurdles Qian also uses the seven-step hurdle technique, and his explosiveness and forward momentum are very good. In the process of hurdles, his excellent hurdle technique and rhythm are also smooth and pleasing to the eye.

Ye Jun's reaction time for listening to the gun in this field is not slow, even slightly better than Alcides with a reaction time of 0.126 seconds. He is already familiar with the steps in front of the hurdle. He was once used to starting with his right leg. Now, the explosive power of stepping on the starting blocks with the left foot is no longer part of the right foot.

He used the perseverance of ordinary people thousands of times to forcibly change his personal habits in a short period of time. Just this perseverance is enough to make people amazing.

After a short pre-hurdle stage, his current offensive skills have also reached a new level. The technical details of the swinging leg that was too slow to press down have been corrected by him. When he crossed the hurdle, he had tens of thousands of times. Practice also allowed him to constantly approach the limit.

Every hurdle-crossing movement he did was already an expression of strength and beauty.

Not only that, these precise technical movements also helped him to perform better on the court.

In this game, even if the personal pb is better than Louis, he only kept pace with him in the first 4 hurdles. As he constantly controls the rhythm of the attacking hurdle, his personal rhythm becomes smoother and faster. Soon, he successfully threw off Louis and started chasing Holnes and Alcides on the track.

In the process of attacking the fence, he always maintained a calm and composed posture, but if you can look carefully into his eyes, you can know that his chest is also burning with a raging flame. In the pursuit of victory, he Also has unparalleled persistence.

When he crossed the tenth hurdle, he was very close to Alcides, who was second in front, and there was less than two positions between the two!

"Ye Jun, come on!!!" Zhang Jing shouted loudly in the live broadcast of the sports channel.

But with Zhang Jing’s cheering, the two who crossed the finish line first were still Holness and Alcides.

Ye Jun tried his best to catch up, but at the last moment, he did not succeed in overtaking.

"Ah... Ye Jun has crossed the line!" Zhang Jing paused while watching Ye Jun's crossing the line in the screen, and said: "In the semi-finals of the 110-meter hurdles, Chinese player Ye Jun was in the first group of the semi-finals. Won the third place in the group."

"In this game, Ye Jun showed his strong personal strength. Although he has not been able to directly advance to the finals for the time being, his third place in the group still has a certain advantage."

All the viewers who watched the live broadcast were actually mentally prepared for Ye Jun’s failure to directly win the finals, but when he saw Ye Jun’s hard work, he was only a little short of catching up with Alcides. A wave of regret and pity surged in everyone's hearts.

On the field, after running through the finish line, Ye Jun gradually buffered and stopped. He covered his eyes with one hand. After calming down for a while, he let go of his hand and let out a long breath.

Third in the semifinals...

Think about it, still a little unwilling.

Ye Jun shook his head silently, and then after seeing all the results of the first group of the semi-finals on the big screen, he glanced at his own results, with a complex look on his face, and followed everyone down the field.

On the sports channel, Wang Miaochuan looked at Ye Jun's results with a look of regret: "The first group of the semi-final preliminaries, the first place, Holness (Jamaica), 13 seconds 01 (wind speed -0.2m/s) , Second place, Alcides (Spain), 13 seconds 14 (wind speed -0.2m/s), third place, Ye Jun (China) 13 seconds 21 (wind speed -0.2m/s)......"

"In this semi-final, Ye Jun successfully refreshed his personal pb, let us congratulate him, and let us look forward to it, can this result help him to successfully squeeze into the final!"

In the introductions of Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, Su Zhe's semi-final second group was also on the field at this time.

In this game, Su Zhe is located on the fifth circuit. On his left hand is his old rival Elano, and on his right hand is the American team’s Treen. This three-legged position is still in the game. Before the opening, everyone was nervous.

On the Athletics Kingdom forum, there are some friends who think that they have the physique of poisoned milk. They don't dare to watch the game anymore. They only dare to scan the game-related information posted by other friends on the forum.

When Ye Jun's semi-final first group ranked third, all the players in the forum were lamented, and when Ye Jun refreshed his personal pb results, this lamentation became stronger again.


Almost all the friends on the hurdles section couldn't help but think of Ye Jun's achievements.

When Ye Jun first appeared on the field, Song Chen retired. The domestic focus was on the high-profile supernova Hong Mingwei at the time. After Hong Mingwei was abandoned, Ye Jun’s performance has not really risen. For a long time, he It's not a big deal.

Later, when he alone carried the banner of the Chinese team hurdles, his results could only be regarded as first-class in Asia. There were still many personal bottlenecks. Even the qualifications for participating in the World Championships were very reluctant.

And when he really started to constantly refresh his personal results, domestically, two talented players Zhou Tianjue and Su Zhe distracted his attention, and internationally, there was also a super player like Holness turned out.

Judging from today's semi-final, if there is no Holness in his group, he might be able to enter the final directly.

In Ye Jun's body, many people have seen the delicate arrangements of fate and his perseverance to fight destiny firmly.

Su Zhe was standing on the starting line. He had adjusted his own starting block. Just now, the figure of Ye Jun racing forward with all his strength still echoed in his mind.

He naturally understands Ye Jun's importance to the Olympics, and also understands how much Ye Jun has put into it.

In the final sprint stage just now, he failed to surpass Alcides. After crossing the finish line, Su Zhe also saw the action of Ye Jun covering his face with his hand.

For Ye Jun, who was always calm and restrained, that was already a performance only when his mood was extremely agitated.

Even so, just before leaving the field, Ye Jun greeted him back and made a firm cheer and encouragement to him.

Facing Ye Jun’s expectation, Su Zhe took a deep breath, put all his distracting thoughts behind him, and began to look firmly at the ten hurdles in front and the end point behind the hurdles. line.

"Come on, Su Zhe, come on!"

In the audience, there were cheering from Chinese audiences, Japanese audiences, and even other overseas audiences.

Listening to these voices, Su Zhe asked himself.

With the expectations of his teammates, the expectations of these supporters, the coaching staff, the national team...and the expectations of thousands of Chinese people, how can he not go all out?

The blood in the body was boiling and rolling. When the referee's voice sounded, Su Zhe and the 7 surrounding opponents squatted onto their starting blocks at the same time, and prepared their respective positions.

The referee's voice sounded from the broadcast again.

"Everyone is in place, ready."

Then, there was a neat firing shot: "Bang!"

At the moment the gun fired, Su Zhe keenly caught its sound, and at the same time stepped on the starting block with his left foot, his power burst out, and his body naturally changed from the preparation position to the forward position!

Step, step, step.

In the fast and powerful pedaling pace, Su Zhe quickly pulled up his upper body, and started to rush forward with the best rhythm and posture, relying on the best habit of exerting strength in the embryonic form in memory!

His body is leaning forward slightly, and under the influence of the seven steps in front of the hurdle, the center of gravity of his body moves forward. In this state, the explosive force can also bring a better forward effect.

It is difficult to describe the subtle muscle control changes more clearly in this state, but Su Zhe can clearly feel that he is in front of the hurdles, for the stride length, stride frequency and even muscle capacity during striding. The changes have a deeper understanding.

This kind of understanding allows him to make the best use of his physical condition to achieve better results in this event!

From the spectator seats, all spectators can see how agile and swift Su Zhe’s gestures are. He is like a white light passing everyone’s eyes, just like the black lightning in the previous game. It is difficult for people to catch up and catch!

"Woo! This terrible speed!"

In the audience, some of the audience opened their mouths in surprise and sighed at the amazing speed that Su Zhe had shown.

In the auditorium near the track, Shao Xingchen was holding the camera intently to photograph the young man who was difficult to capture with the camera.

On the track, Su Zhe's speed in front of the hurdle has reached the extreme, and not far behind him, Elano and Treen are also chasing after him!

Among these two, Elano is already Su Zhe’s old opponent. He clearly knows that Su Zhe’s weakness in the hurdle stage, but in today’s arena, Su Zhe’s performance in the hurdle stage surprised him. As for some confusions in their own rhythm.

But Elano is worthy of being the world's top strong player. He quickly reduced his surprise and focused all his attention on his game.

There are fewer matches between Treen and Su Zhe, and it was not until he personally confronted Su Zhe on the same track that he really deeply realized that this Chinese player who was frequently praised by his teammate Lister , What kind of strength is there?

In the commentary room of the Sports Channel, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan both showed excitement after seeing Su Zhe's performance.

"Su Zhe's performance in the hurdle stage today is also extremely good! His seven-step hurdle attack technique has reached a whole new level, which gives him a chance to win against other strong players in the hurdle stage! "

There was a period of time before that Su Zhe’s lagging performance in the pre-hurdle stage has always been a concern of many people. At that time, some people felt that if Su Zhe could improve his weakness in the pre-hurdle stage, his performance in the 110-meter hurdles project Able to take it to the next level.

As that person said, after Su Zhe’s performance and status in the pre-hurdle stage gradually improved, his overall performance has been greatly improved, and in today’s Olympic 110-meter hurdles semi-finals, his This outstanding performance in the hurdle stage will inevitably lead to even better results!

"Come on! Come on! Su Zhe, come on!"

On the track, Su Zhe listened to the roar of cheering on the scene. He gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the finish line ahead-he wanted to win the first place on this track because of what he was carrying. So many expectations and responsibilities, but also for the desire and belief in his own heart!




Even if the other opponents behind you haven't caught up, you can't take it lightly!

Only when this kind of victory is truly maintained to the last moment, and after the final victory is finally obtained, will it be a real and real victory!

Su Zhe listened to the sound from the bottom of his heart, accompanied by the sound of his heartbeat, breathing, and the sound of stepping and hurdles.

Every step he takes has a natural sense of rhythm.

On this track that requires excellent rhythm control, his talent for controlling his own hurdle rhythm makes him have a beastly keen perception and control of his own hurdle rhythm and speed.

He constantly improves his speed between the tracks. Every time he crosses a hurdle, his rhythm increases step by step. This increased speed and rhythm gives him the pleasure of constantly chasing and capturing speed.

He thought, he could be faster!

When Su Zhe continued to attack the hurdle and approached the seventh hurdle, he had already reached his fastest hurdle speed, but up to this moment, his speed still showed no downward trend, even if By the eighth hurdle, in theory, he should have a slight speed decline stage, he still maintained his fastest speed!

Behind him, Elano clearly perceives once again that this terrifying Chinese teenager has made new progress!

This recognition made Elano couldn't help but marvel, and couldn't help but envy.

He is sure that he played absolutely not bad in today's semi-finals, but from the start, he could not really surpass Su Zhe to take the lead.

Even so, Elano did not give up, his eyes were also fixed on the front, determined to do his best to catch up with and surpass Su Zhe's footsteps in the final stage!

Among the three, Train's speed was slightly slower, and he also did not give up the fight for a direct promotion spot in this game.

Even at the final moment, no one on this track had the idea of ​​giving up!

"Sprint! It's the sprint stage!"

In the commentary room of the Sports Channel, both Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan held their breath at the same time. They watched Elano and Treen, who reached the sprint stage at the same time on the track. The gap between the two of them and Su Zhe was not big. If you are not careful in the final sprint, it is very likely to turn victory into defeat...

However, even on the 110-meter hurdles track, Su Zhe’s ability to accelerate backward has never disappointed!

In the final sprint, Su Zhe took the potential energy accumulated in the future and sprinted forward with a strong and powerful pace. In the end, he sprinted with a strong sprint posture, with an undoubted victory. Passed the finish line of this 110-meter hurdles track!

On the Chinese players' stand in the audience, Qiu Wenzhong and others couldn't help standing up with excitement when they saw Su Zhe crossed the finish line first!

In the semi-finals of the previous group, Ye Jun's performance was enough to make them happy, but Ye Jun's failure to win the first two places directly promoted still left them a little worried.

Until this time, until Su Zhe completely crossed the 110-meter hurdles semi-final end in the first place, Qiu Wenzhong and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved their hands excitedly.

After more than ten years, the hurdlers of the Chinese team finally broke into the finals of the Olympic 110-meter hurdles again!


Ahhhh, the two semifinals, I tried my best! See you tomorrow, QAQ! ! !


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 2 bean sprouts; 1 small witch, and NOR, original potato chips;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

119 bottles of Sui Feixu; 30 bottles of Cold Moon; 29 bottles of Yeyue Illusion Marks; 28 bottles of Kengwen Fat 10 Jin; 20 bottles of idle fu, light wind and light clouds, forget the river on the other side, eat the soil, dye Tong, Cis, lining; cloud Shishu 14 bottles; 11 bottles will not be named; Black Cat Wolf Dog, Ryosuke Big Benming, Zhen Zhen, Nancheng Yi Xiaoxiang, Mingzhai, Xiaomei, Bara, Hanlin Rufeng, Meier, Yiyezhi 10 bottles; Xiaomi 8 bottles; 7 bottles of No Xiyue; 5 bottles of Xinyue, Cynthia, Queen, Qushui Liuqi, Luo Lixi, ZOZO, Ganzhu; 3 bottles of Liushuang, Anhua, and Mumuxi; Jiuyue@拾月,兜兜有2 bottles of sugar; 1 bottle of a happy silly rabbit, wskiss419, purple fish rain, Liuliu Liuhe, lvtyang, Anita, Ye Liuqi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!