As of August 6, the entire Tokyo Olympic Games is nearing its end.

In this Olympics, the Chinese track and field team can be said to be full of rewards. It is not only Su Zhe's medal harvest in the men's 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles. At the same time, Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue, Ye Jun's game state and performance can be regarded as historical progress.

Maintaining stability in strengths and making breakthroughs in weaknesses-this goal of the track and field team in the Olympics can be considered complete at this time.

Next, the final goal of the track and field team in the sprint group is to achieve another good result in the men's 4*100m relay final on August 7th, winning a good result belonging to the relay team.

After retiring from the stadium, the Olympic staff found him and informed him that an IAAF reporter was waiting, hoping to give him a simple post-match interview. At the same time, the staff has also equipped him with relevant information. Translator, please feel free to go.

Su Zhe did not expect that the IAAF reporter would come to him for an exclusive interview. After agreeing to the staff, he quickly finished changing his clothes, and then went out and found the IAAF reporter waiting in the interview area according to the instructions of the staff. There are translations waiting.

This reporter from the IAAF is a big white man with a shiny bald head. Just looking at his physique, I never imagined that this man would be a reporter. He looks like he is more suitable to wear camouflage to show the American muscles in police movies. The look of a strong man.

After seeing Su Zhe, the big muscular man said hello to Su Zhe with a smile, and wanted to give him a bear hug.

After Su Zhe finally stepped back, he discovered that this brawny big brother was about two meters tall... This made Su Zhe couldn't help but complain, and probably lost an excellent player in the basketball world.

"Hey, Sue, hello, you can call me Jackson."

Jackson's voice is as strong and deep as his body shape. If he doesn't always have a warm smile on his face, I'm afraid that every minute will make people misunderstand that he is threatening others.

Su Zhe looked at Jackson's physique with some admiration, and then greeted him seriously: "Hello, Jackson, this is Su Zhe."

Jackson was already accustomed to other people's perception of him. After greeted Su Zhe with a smile, the two sat in the interview area together. On the side, Jackson’s work partner, photographer John, was also ready. Several people quickly entered the regular interview session.

"First of all congratulations, Su, your results are really amazing! You are the first player to run the world's top level in the men's 100 meters and 110 hurdles! Can you tell me how you did it? ?"

In fact, Jackson is not the only one who is curious about this issue. It should be said that many domestic and foreign track and field enthusiasts who are concerned about Su Zhe have already done many analyses and discussions on this issue.

In theory, the technical focus of the men's 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles is completely different.

If you say that in the 100-meter event, athletes can run more freely, then the 110-meter hurdle is different.

From the inherent eight-step hurdle and seven-step hurdle technology of the 110-meter hurdle, it can be seen that there is a clear number of steps that can be calculated for the 110-meter hurdle. Take the seven-step hurdle as an example, 110 The meter hurdle athlete has a fixed 7 steps in front of the hurdles, a hurdle step of 10 hurdles, plus the inter-hurdle steps between the 10 hurdles, a total of 27 steps, and finally counts the relatively free final sprint, the total number of steps Usually stable at about 50 steps.

According to factors such as individual height and leg length, 100-meter runners will be divided into stride-frequency runners and stride-type runners. On the track, 100-meter runners can run the full pace from 41 or 2 to more than 50 steps. It's all possible.

The 110-meter technical characteristics are destined to limit the original advantages of some 100-meter athletes. For hurdlers, the importance of technology and inter-hurdle rhythm is stronger than the pure speed factor, so hurdlers may not be able to Good results in the 100-meter event.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for top athletes in these two events to communicate at the same time and achieve excellent results in both events.

But since last year, Su Zhe’s appearance has constantly broken the existing impression in people’s eyes. He is involved in two projects at the same time, and his performance on both projects is constantly improving. To this day, he even At the Olympic Games, he won both medals in both events...

Not only Chinese domestic track and field enthusiasts and various media outlets, but all overseas related media who pay attention to Su Zhe are also shocked by his achievements and achievements.

[This is a player who has completely subverted the traditional concept of sports! His achievements are jaw-dropping! 】

Before Jackson came to interview Su Zhe, during the European League, some foreign sports media who paid attention to Su Zhe wrote articles with this title to express their disbelief in Su Zhe's performance.

Of course, in fact, Su Zhe did not expect that he would achieve such achievements in both projects.

At first, he did not plan to get involved in the 110-meter hurdles project. Even if this skill was selected from the system, he did not plan to make it one of his main competition directions.

Until the staff member's registration error, he thought that he would only do some part-time tasks for a short time...Unexpectedly, after that, he was on the 110-meter hurdle road, like a wild horse. I can't pull it back again.

Under the indoctrination of the system, he mastered the technical skills of the 110-meter hurdles, and in constant practice, turned these skills into his own technical instinct. This was the key to his getting started on the 110-meter hurdles project. What he really didn't expect was that he had an unexpected talent for the important abilities required in the 110-meter hurdles project.

Jackson was waiting patiently for Su Zhe who was thinking, watching him frowning as if looking back on something, he couldn't help but a little secretly marveled in his heart-praise God, he simply gave the most wonderful things in the world to his eyes This elf.

Faced with Su Zhe at close range, Jackson felt the impactful beauty of the muse and the **** of beauty appointed by Victor and François on ins.

"Ah, sorry, I was just thinking about how to explain it." Su Zhe frowned and said: "In fact, the talent and ability required between the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles still have a certain degree of overlap, a sense of rhythm and explosive power. , And important cadence control ability... From the 100-meter event, I also happen to be a cadence-type athlete, which coincides with the cadence required for the 110-meter hurdle, regardless of whether it is 110 meters. Hurdles or 100 meters, the importance of rhythm is unquestionable, I think, I’m just fortunate to have enough in these abilities

The talent is outstanding enough, which makes me have the capital to work **** both projects. "

Yes, what Su Zhe said is the capital of hard work. Although it is cruel, it is the truth. Only after having these talents can athletes have the qualifications to further discuss hard work.

The world of sports is the world of the strong. In this cruel world, if you want to get top results, you must first have extraordinary talents.

This truth is cruel but true.

Obviously, Jackson also heard Su Zhe's implication. He raised his eyebrows and moved to the next question with a smile: "Su, your results have proven that you have a certain talent, but whether it is in the 100-meter event In the 110-meter hurdles project, you have not yet stepped into the top level for the time being-your current 100-meter pb is 9 seconds 90 seconds, and the 110-meter hurdles pb 13 seconds 06. This result can make you the top five in the world. , But they still cannot make you the king of these two projects..."

"Do you think you have enough talent to make you stand at the apex of these two projects and become a true child of miracles?"

Jackson's question seems to be full of provocative taste, but Su Zhe doesn't care about it.

He has strength; so does confidence.

As for the desire to chase the top, he has never missed this point.

Seeing Jackson's full of interest, Su Zhe smiled: "I think I'm still young enough, and my grades and my state are far from the peak." After a pause, Su Zhe added. : "I only re-entered the stadium in July last year, and at the moment this year, I am sitting here, accepting your interview."

You don’t have to pick out the meaning behind this sentence. Of course, Jackson understands it. He immediately laughed and said to Su Zhe: "Hey, Su, I admire your directness and self-confidence. This is the character of the strong!"

In the subsequent interviews and interactions, Jackson’s questions became much milder. The conversations between the two had a lot of exchanges, and he also dug a lot about Su Zhe’s training on how to balance the two projects, or in the two projects Have you ever encountered troubles and other problems in China?

At the end of the interview, Jackson suddenly asked curiously: "Speaking of which, besides the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles, do you have any other projects that you are good at, Su?"

"Other projects that I'm good at?" Su Zhe thought for a while and smiled: "That's probably shooting."

"Wooo?" Jackson let out a string of surprised sighs: "Shooting? I thought it would be related to other running events...such as 200 meters, 400 meters...or long jumps? Are there any special connections between the two projects you are best at?"

"If I can... I can ask, how good is your shooting?"

"Ah, is this?" Su Zhe smiled and said, "Probably it's at the level of a professional athlete..."

Su Zhe's answer caught Jackson for a moment, and then he laughed again: "Hahaha, dear Su, you have a real sense of humor! Then can I look forward to seeing you in professional shooting competitions in the future?"

Jackson's reaction made Su Zhe understand that he was taking the words he said as a joke, but there was no explanation for it, so Su Zhe smiled casually and said, "Who knows?"

This interview from the IAAF came to an end after Jackson talked with Su Zhe for about 20 minutes. Jackson praised Su Zhe and praised him for being a man full of confidence, a sense of humor, and a charming charm. athlete.

After the friendly business exchanges, Su Zhe watched Jackson leave and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it was the problems left over from the idol period in those two years. When he faced strange interviews, he always became a little aggressive, but this was not a bad thing for him.

When he left the athletes rest area and found a seat in the Chinese region, he was greeted by a warm welcome from Qiu Zhongwen, Zheng Wensheng, Lu Fei and other staff and other Chinese team players.

Because he was going to be interviewed, Zhou Tianjue, who had taken the first step, had already arrived at the contestant stand. After seeing him, Ye Jun smiled and got up, came to him, gave him a big hug, and congratulated him on winning Won the bronze medal for this project in the 110-meter hurdles.

After embracing everyone one by one, Su Zhe smiled and sat on one of the seats, and began to watch the current track and field events on the field seriously.

Domestic, Field Management Center, Office of Marketing Department

During the Olympic cycle, the marketing department is undoubtedly the busiest day, especially the Chinese track and field team's performance in track and field events this year is extremely outstanding, so I found the track team to invite advertisements, endorsements, events and even variety shows. There are more and more people.

In fact, during this period of time, the Tianguan Center has already deployed more staff based on the experience of the previous Olympics to come to the office of the Marketing Department to work together, but they still underestimated the hunger and thirst of this year’s advertisers. degree.

"Hello? Does Su Zhe still have a schedule and an endorsement that is about to expire? Our company wants to invite him to be our spokesperson for the entire series, but we ask him not to have the same series of competing products..."

Jiang He listened to the voice of the staff on the phone, and waited patiently for the other person to finish speaking, and then politely said: "I'm sorry, Su Zhe's endorsements are full, and all endorsements have been renewed for a long time. There is no replacement for the endorsements. the plan of."

"...How about being an ambassador? Our brand also has a certain degree of popularity. It will be a win-win cooperation with Su Zhe and Tian Guan Center..."

"I'm sorry, but Su Zhe's endorsement, ambassador, promotion and other related plans are already full."

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid there is no way for the advertising campaign platform..."

"Just publish a single-chain advertisement on Weibo? This is not suitable. We are athletes and it is not suitable for top athletes like him to do such things..."

"I'm really sorry, we have already understood the sincere attitude that your group wants to cooperate with. I have already recorded the relevant information of your group here. If there is any aspect of cooperation, I will definitely contact you in time..."

After finally hanging up, Jiang He couldn't help rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly.

As the person in charge of the marketing department, Jiang He is more like a businessman than other staff members. All he has to do is to coordinate the interests of all aspects, and then as much as possible to win for the field management center and athletes. Better interests.

Since the Olympics entered the track and field season, the marketing department has been receiving updated calls from commercial investment, especially after Su Zhe’s advertisements were promoted and Su Zhe suddenly became popular because of various hot searches and results. Tian Guan Center The contact information here has never been broken.

Among the five advertisers that have signed Su Zhe before the Olympics, in addition to Brands and Cyclonus, the remaining three brands that only signed Su Zhe as general advertising promotion or ambassadors are the first time. He went directly to the Tianguan Center with the new contract, requested a renewal and planned to upgrade Su Zhe's brand title, inviting him as the full-line spokesperson for their respective brands.

However, comparing the influence of Brands Group and Cyclonus Group, Jiang He temporarily suppressed the requirements of these brands, prepared to select among the major brands, and finally made a good choice for Su Zhe.

During this period of time, Jiang He has almost had the illusion that he is Su Zhe's special agent. It is true that Su Zhe's personal influence during the Olympics has surpassed the total of other members of the track team.

Advertisers have a good compliment to Su Zhe-where can such an athlete with good looks, strength and popularity miss his stop?

The advertisements made by him are not only full of positive images of the spokesperson, but also good-looking when they are shot!

The endorsement of athletes can produce the effect of big stars. Who doesn't want such a good thing?

The result of the superposition of various factors is that of the 10 calls that Jiang He and other staff received in a day, at least 7 of them wanted to invite Su Zhe.

In addition to product endorsement advertisements, another major invitation is invitations to various variety shows and interview programs.

This kind of invitation is also the norm for athletes. During the Olympics, as long as they can achieve a certain result, plus a little luck, many athletes will directly become star athletes during this period.

Departments such as the Tianguan Center often have mixed feelings about the emergence of star athletes.

The good news is that star athletes can bring huge benefits to each center, and at the same time increase the visibility and influence of their respective projects, so that people start from liking the athlete, and gradually like the athlete’s project, and then improve The attention of the project.

After the Olympic Games, the national teams from different centers, sometimes coaches with a team of star athletes, shuttle through different variety shows and brush their faces in a short time. This is a good time to quickly increase the influence of the project.

And the worry part is, naturally, after being nurtured by the Vanity Fair of the entertainment circle, some athletes may lose themselves, immerse themselves in the vanity brought by the entertainment circle and the popular pursuit, or because of the easy rewards. , Gradually lax training, leading to a decline in performance.

In the past experience, the track team has not never played such a player. Since then, Jiang He, the head of the marketing department, has a heavier burden. He needs to screen various invitations more carefully and control them. The amount of invitations, etc., try to avoid recurring tragedies like before.

During the time when there was no phone harassment, Jiang He flipped through the variety show invitations that his staff had helped to organize. When he saw one of the programs, Jiang He laughed.

"Huh? This show seems to be interesting..."

Regardless of the busyness of the domestic field management center, when the time turned to the evening, the award ceremony for the 110-meter hurdle was finally about to begin.

Waiting for the award ceremony to begin, Holness was talking to Su Zhe: "Hey, Su, did you see it? Of the three podiums, only one belongs to the big guy!"

By the side of the two, Lister had obviously heard Holness's babble, and he stared at Holness, apparently still brooding about the previous loss to Holness.

But Holness’s character is never afraid of such provocations. While Lister stared at him, he also looked back and grinned at Lister, then gave Lister a bright smile, revealing himself. Big white teeth.

After catching a glimpse of Lister's movements, Su Zhe hurriedly stopped him to prevent this naive fellow from continuing to pull the hatred.

So, before going to the podium, Su Zhe stood in the middle among the three, a funny scene where Lister and Holness stared at each other.

When the award ceremony officially started, Su Zhe once again stood on the podium belonging to the third place, his mood was much calmer than before.

He still longed to be able to stand on a higher position, and also longed to one day be able to watch the national flag of China rise and the national anthem played at the highest point of the podium, but he also knew more clearly that all of this You also need to work harder and strive for it.

The award to him today is still from the President of the Olympic Committee, Audro. After seeing him, this kind and kind old man gave him an exaggerated smile and gave him a huge warm hug.

"Hey, I saw you again, kid miracle!" Audro patted Su Zhe on the shoulder, then took the medal from the ceremonial staff and hung it on Su Zhe's neck. "This is your medal, kid, I hope that in the next Olympics, I will still see you here and hang a medal for you... Of course, I look forward to that when I can hang it for you. Golden medal!"

"Thank you for your blessing." Su Zhe hugged Audero again, then took the bouquet from Audero and stood up straight again.

He received the blessing from Audro, and of course he expected it to be the same-expecting that in four years, he could wear the golden medal and watch the red flag rise at the highest point.

After the medals of Suzhe, Lister and Holness were all awarded, everyone watched the flag hoist in the sound of Jamaica's national anthem.

Finally, when taking the photo, the Jamaican teenager pulled Su Zhe to his side again with a smile, and then quite disgustedly invited Lister to stand on the champion stage, and the three were on the champion stage. In front of all the reporters, in their cameras, they left a group photo of the strongest trio of the 110-meter hurdles this year.


_(:з」∠)_Hey, the Olympic dungeon is almost finished, and the following content is not too much... (cough cough cough, of course, it’s not over so soon)

Tumbling, I looked at the word count today, and it was more than 700,000 words, ah, with emotion, I'm really amazing! This is the first time to code a long story with so many words_(:з」∠)_

Cough, cough, cough, I saw a little angel spitting out, and the only words left are the miserable seller and the indifferent face of the boss. Damn it, where is the miserable dish every day! I, just... occasionally... only... right... (see the sky again...)

That being the case, let’s interview the big guy’s feelings these days-

Caicai: Boy, are you happy to watch the game? =w=

Shao: Sharpening the knife Huohuo.jpg

Caicai: ...wait, boy, aren't you indifferent? What's the fire in the background behind you? ! (Panicing)

Shao: (sneer) Look at what you write about touching your head and hugging each other, and then ask me what's the fire in the background!

Cai Cai: (weak and paralyzed to ing) _(:з」∠) _ cub, you... calm down... (turning around, holding his head and running away ing)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 23333, Yubao, Yesu Changsun, and 1 Night Curtain;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Sweet Baby 2009224 bottles; Dongdong 140 bottles; Xude 78 bottles; Yubai 60 bottles; Edamame 52 bottles; Shili, Shi, Yuesang, and oBearo 50 bottles; Xia Yucheng 40 bottles; Sweet and sour salted fish 39 bottles; Xingmei, jiujias ,-Mo Ran smiles, eyes have the moon, An Yi 123, Xu Dirun, 30 bottles of Yanyu; 29 bottles of clear water; Xiaoxiao fool, Mo Huanzhen, cool in late summer, 25 bottles of golden chrysanthemum; Hongyan, Gu doll, Jin Yan, Xuezhiyin, Yeyue Huanyan, Yiyi, Tiamo, wskiss419, Miao Xi, 38855156, 20 bottles of crushed ice ice, 魍琞; 19 bottles of Luo Rouge; 14 bottles of Xinyue; 13 bottles of Amber Lotus; a buzzing sound 12 bottles; drunk lying in the sand field, Luna, tinalindachill, Kaya, Zoe·Hu, Cub, Poppy, At that time Mingyue, Mu Mu Xi, Daisy MR, Jiu, Aoki Huakai, Tin Fat, If Tomorrow, Moluki, History The strongest chaos evil, kiki, Chinese **** author, coffee bean, Tian Tian, ​​Mo Ruo Xi Yao, Qing Shui Sheng Ling, Yu Bao, Love Flower, Xiaoxiang Water Cloud, 25247242, flora, butterfly language, Xi Xiaodole, Shi 10 bottles of Qing, Zizi DAI; 9 bottles of Little Rabbit Chir; 7 bottles of Long Sun Yesu; 6 bottles of plush, yuyuyu; Tribade, Abu, Charming Villa, faintly innocent, yes sy is me, Xia Xia Xia Xia, Gan Liao, 5 bottles of Autumn Scenery; 3 bottles of Evil Witch; 2 bottles of Xiying, Zhang Momoo, and the west of Changbai; Yilian, Junying, Xiaomuyu, Liuliuhe, Wangshan dying horse, cats and cats, purple fish Rain, HonoraZhao02191 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!