
Congratulations to our heroes!

When Zhang Jing yelled this sentence in the live broadcast commentary, all the Chinese audience on the scene and before the live broadcast also gave out a warm cheer!

They succeeded!

These guys of the Chinese relay team, it succeeded! !

Olympic silver medal, this is an achievement that no one dared to imagine before the start of the Olympic Games.

The shortcomings of the Chinese relay team are obvious. Before this Olympics, the best result in the World Series was only fourth. Faced with these 7 strong enemies in the finals, even the track team itself did not dare. Set the goal easily on the gold and silver medals.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan were still excited, expressing their excitement for the result at this moment: "This is an unimaginable victory! The athletes of the Chinese relay team, with their tacit understanding , Unity, and cooperation have performed a fantastic miracle for us on this circular runway tonight!"

Wang Miaochuan’s voice is also full of excitement: "On the field tonight, at this moment tonight, let us remember these four names that have created a new history! They are the first, Zhao Zhixuan, and the second. Chen Zhi, Meng Hao in the third and fourth, Su Zhe! This rigorously trained team, relying on the mutual understanding and trust between the players, with their hard work, will be tonight Brought us this shocking and wonderful performance!"

"At this moment, words can no longer express the excitement in my heart. Let us once again turn our eyes to the scene, to the four heroes who brought us this miraculous result!"

"Once again, remember their names-Zhao Zhixuan, Chen Zhi, Meng Hao, and Su Zhe!!!"

In front of the live TV, many track and field enthusiasts are still holding their faces with their hands, and they can't believe the amazing results in front of them.

This year’s Tokyo Olympics, for track and field enthusiasts, is an Olympic Games full of the four words "miracle" and "unbelievable". It is only the four words that create history, from Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan. The narrator’s mouth was repeated many times.

In every day and night in the past, track and field fans always quietly look forward to in their hearts that the Chinese team will completely rise to the top of the 100 meters;

In every day and night in the past, track and field fans have always been silently looking forward to the fact that the 110-meter hurdles of the Chinese team, which was once proud of the top of the world, can rise again and create greater glories;

In every day and night in the past, track and field fans have been looking forward to countless times in their hearts. The 4*100m relay race of the Chinese team, which reflects the collective level of Chinese sprinting, can create miracles and embark on it. peak.

After looking forward to it again and again, track and field fans have to admit that although these events of the Chinese team are growing, there is still a certain distance from climbing to the top and reaching the world's top stadium.

Until last year.

The name that represents the'miracle' appeared in front of everyone. He seemed to carry a kind of power called'lucky'. With his appearance, the Chinese track and field team members belonged to these events. , The results have also started to rise step by step, and a backup force that makes people happy has emerged.

Just this year's Olympic track and field competition.

In the 100-meter event, Su Zhe bronze medal and Chen Zhi, after recovering from injury, stepped back to the 10 second mark, entered the final with Su Zhe, and won the fifth place in the final;

In the 110-meter hurdles event, Su Zhe bronze medal. Su Zhe, Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue entered the semi-finals at the same time. Zhou Tianjue also entered the finals and won the sixth final;

And tonight’s men’s 4*100m relay...The team consisting of Su Zhe, Chen Zhi, Zhao Zhixuan, and Meng Hao was even more encircled by powerful enemies. The Japanese team, which has a strong strength in this project, finally won the silver medal in this game! !

At the Olympics, everyone on the athletes' stand in China showed a cheerful smile.

"Okay, great!" Qiu Zhongwen and Zheng Wensheng were constantly talking about these words, and Zheng Wensheng turned back to Su Yinsheng and said, "Old Su, great work! Tonight, this extreme handover is really amazing. beautiful!"

Su Yinsheng glanced at his old friend and didn't say much. In fact, although he still had a straight face as usual, he was slightly relieved when he looked at the players on the field.

His Panasonic breath was not because of the final result, but because the members of these relay teams on the field, after trying their best, successfully achieved their wishes.

After putting in enough effort, it is a kind of luck to be able to usher in such a gamble.

On the field, after seeing Su Zhe cross the finish line with the posture of second place, even with Chen Zhi's steadiness, a big smile opened up, and Meng Hao jumped up and waved happily. fist.

Including Zhao Zhixuan, Chen Zhi, and Meng Hao, they all rushed to the end of Su Zhe for the first time, and then the four hugged Su Zhe, headed by Meng Hao, and the three raised Su Zhe into the air.

Su Zhe didn’t have the slightest precaution for this naive move made by his three teammates suddenly. When he reacted, he had been carried by Meng Hao, and his two seniors were supporting his legs. Prevent him from accidents due to shaking.

The photojournalists at the end of the scene also saw this scene, and many people began to switch the lens to record this lovely and interesting scene.

In the camera, this thinking member of the Chinese relay team smiled brightly. Behind this bright smile, it is their hard work for the game tonight and what they have done in this game tonight. The ultimate challenge.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan's emotions at this time have also calmed down. The two watched the scene of Meng Hao and Su Zhe carrying Su Zhe on their faces with great emotion.

"Looking at the atmosphere of the scene, the boys of our relay team are obviously also very happy. Their hard work has received unprecedented returns. To be honest, I have been worried about the limit transfer before hearing Su's guidance before the game. Great, once it fails, the Chinese team will face the penalty of cancellation of the results."

"Yes." Wang Miaochuan nodded: "It can be said that our team members, in this game tonight, what they have is not only their hard work and sufficient understanding, but also a little tendency. Fortunately for the victory of Libra."

During the chat between the two, the referee team finally announced the final results on the big screen of the game.

Both Zhang Jing looked at the final results on the screen and reported the final results with a smile.

"Tokyo Olympics men's 4*100m relay, first place, American team, 37.37 seconds (season sb), second place, Chinese team, 37.62 seconds (NR set a national record), third place, Japan team, 37.69 seconds (season sb)..."

"Congratulations once again to our relay players. They not only successfully won the silver medal in this Olympics, but they also successfully set the 4*100m relay record in China! We believe that this result will never be the end of the Chinese team. With the continuous progress and hard work of these players, today's record will eventually continue to be refreshed in the future!!!"

After the results were announced, all the people who followed the event were boiling again. On the Internet late at night, there was a fiery atmosphere of celebration everywhere. People happily shared the hardships of the Chinese track and field team to win this silver medal and shared the relay The players are bold and careful in this game.

On Weibo, the official microblogs have already posted news about the silver medal in the relay race at the moment the results were reported.

The official account of the national track and field team was even more excited @苏哲 several people, and enthusiastically praised these 4 members of their own: [# Tokyo Olympic##男4*100米银牌# Congratulations to our 4 heroes! @赵志宣, @陈志, @孟浩, @苏哲, you have created a new history on behalf of the national track and field team! This is the latest record of China's 4*100m relay team and the first medal won by China's 4*100m relay team in the Olympics! This is also the starting point for your journey. I believe that in the future, you will have a more brilliant future on this road! 】

Sports commentators from all walks of life also appeared on the stage, passionately praising these four good brothers from the Chinese relay team.

Uncle Eye: [This game is a dangerous gamble, but they achieved the final victory by relying on their trust and understanding of their teammates!

In this game tonight, what surprised me the most was not the display of Su Zhe's extreme rear-range ability and the pursuit of the Japanese team at the last moment.

What impressed me the most in this game tonight is the absolute trust these four players have in their teammates.

Whether it is Chen Zhi, Meng Hao or Su Zhe, after starting on the pre-run line, they no longer look back, but start to accelerate with all their strength. They believe that their teammates can accurately give instructions to themselves, and then give instructions to their teammates. At the same time, they were also able to return with the most straightforward and straightforward move without hesitation.

Both the passer and the receiver were under tremendous pressure. They did not choose conservative tactics. Instead, in this game, they showed the courage to become benevolent if they failed!

This choice requires courage, trust, and strength. 】

Not only professional sports commentators such as Tao Sheng and Uncle Eyes, but even the ordinary eaters on Weibo can not help but write a long list of essays after watching the game.

[Ahhhhh, I originally thought there was nothing exciting about the relay race, but I was wrong! ! The relay race tonight is really exciting!

Before the game, when I listened to the live commentary, I said that the Chinese team chose the extreme handover strategy. After hearing about the science of extreme handover, I felt super nervous! I thought about it. When I usually walk on the road and hand things to my friends, I still pay a little bit of attention to look back. That's still the state of walking slowly on the road! When running so fast, what is the position of the most extreme pass area for handover...

Damn, as long as a little mistake is made, their Olympic finals will be finished, okay?

Just thinking of this, my adrenaline soars. They not only have this kind of psychological pressure, but they also really have this kind of pressure on the field to play... Besides admiration, I don’t know what to say. what!

Finally, the Chinese men's 4*100m relay team is awesome! ! ! 】

Just like what the sports commentators or the ordinary Gua Lu people commented, everyone who has watched this game can feel the pressure of pressure when everyone is handing over. The four of them not only withstood the psychological pressure, but also completed the relay of the baton simply and neatly.

At the same time, all four of them ran out of their best condition on the track, ensuring that in this collective event, their own ring was firmly buckled in the best position. , This created the ultimate miracle.

On Weibo, among the thousands of comments on the event, there was an unremarkable Weibo content, which came from Weibo certified as a free agent Chen Orange.

[@苏哲, what I promised you, my sister did it, the game is great, and you are great. It’s great to see the tacit understanding, friendship and interaction between you and your teammates tonight. Come on, Azhe, I see infinite stars in you, no matter which circle you are in, I think you will eventually be the most dazzling star. After today, my sister, I will also start my own brand new journey. I wish my sister every success. 】

After this Weibo was released, it did not attract too many people's attention.

Chen Cheng has not brought out any particularly popular artists before. She acts in a pragmatic and low-key manner in the circle. She does not act as a monster and rarely publishes some artist-related content. Therefore, even if she is a fan of the artists she has brought Few follow her on Weibo.

But very few does not mean there is no.

The senior “philosophers” of Su Zhe’s family naturally knew about this broker’s sister. Even after Su Zhe retired, they didn’t particularly take off Chen Cheng. They had always known that Chen Cheng had already treated Su Zhe. She took good care of her, so she was very grateful to Chen Cheng.

Tonight, mixed in the Weibo of various Olympic relay related information, they accidentally touched Chen Cheng here. After seeing her speech, they couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Of course, these old fans know what Chen Cheng means, like the group that Su Zhe was in at the beginning. Since it is a group, there are interpersonal relationships between different group members. Under this chain of relationships, it is inevitable. There will be competition for interests among members and some small problems with each other.

It's just like when Su Zhe went to Japan to participate in the whole network hacking incident during the Asian Championship Invitational...No one thought that it was one of his former teammates who manipulated the black navy behind to discredit Su Zhe.

After watching these show operations, and then seeing the harmony and friendship between the track team members today, this kind of emotional contrast gap is indeed too strange.

It was also after reading Chen Cheng’s Weibo that these old fans also discovered that Chen Cheng went to Tokyo to watch their cub’s game live, and their former agent had also left. With Lemon Entertainment, I will work hard alone. Many old fans came out at this time and sent their blessings to Chen Cheng.

【_(:З」∠)_ Come on! Sister Chen Cheng, I wish you all the best. 】

At the Tokyo scene, the four Su Zhe have been intercepted by reporters from the Sports Channel.

Xu Zhi, who had witnessed the live game with his own eyes, was also passionate at this time. Before the official interview began, he and the four members of the relay team hugged one by one, sending sincere blessings to each of them.

In the interview video, Xu Zhi recorded a single introduction for each of the 4 people, focusing on the position of several people in the relay team and the important role that their position played in the team. .

"In today's game, the rise of'China Speed' made everyone unbelievable and dumbfounded. The creators of this miracle of speed were composed of Zhao Zhixuan, Chen Zhi, Meng Hao and Su Zhe. Relay mission!"

Xu Zhi enthusiastically introduced the four people in front of him, and unearthed the shining points of them one by one, such as Zhao Zhixuan's corner start, Meng Hao's corner running, and today's excellent and stable passing skills.

"Seriously, have you ever thought about winning the silver medal today and getting such an excellent result?" Xu Zhi said, handing the microphone to the team leader Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi had already recovered his usual gentleness and calmness. He smiled, but also bluntly denied: "In fact, there is no. Before the game, our coach repeatedly confirmed with us today's plan. This limit passed. The strategy is not safe. We all know this, but we are also prepared. If we fail, of course we will face it seriously."

"Isn't it too dangerous to adopt this approach in a stadium like the Olympic final?"

"Actually, nothing is too dangerous." Chen Zhi looked at the teammates around him, then smiled and said: "Even if we adopt a conservative plan, there will be a probability of mistakes in the process of passing the baton, and in this arena , We all want to fight for our common dream. Fortunately, we succeeded."

Seeing the happy atmosphere of Chen Zhi and Su Zhe, Xu Zhi also smiled. He looked at the people in front of him, they were smiling presumptuously and happily in front of the camera.

After returning to the dormitory in the Olympic Village that night, Su Zhe who was lying on the bed finally felt a trace of trance.

At the moment when this relay race tonight is over, his first Olympic journey is over.

Olympics, what a wonderful and breathtaking vocabulary.

He closed his eyes. From last summer to this moment, scenes and scenes flashed through his mind-he returned for the first time, participated for the first time after returning, and won the first prize after returning.

Unknowingly, starting from that small starting point, he has reached the height he is now step by step.

Training, learning, competition, and even sleeping alone in the empty training space, constantly adjusting and struggling upwards for every second and every millisecond of results.

It sounds like a boring and boring process, but he is addicted to it, letting time pass by without noticing it.

The words "progress", "victory" and "breakthrough" were so sweet that he would never let them go after they tasted them.

Fortunately, he was assisted by the sand sculpture system, which allowed him to use'hard work','diligence' and'sweat' in exchange for those luscious successes step by step.

This kind of taste is really unstoppable.

At the moment when all his Olympic schedule was over, Su Zhe finally entered the system after a long absence, and formally accepted the reward settlement throughout the Olympic schedule.


Achievement settlement for the Olympic schedule.

1. Achievement reached in the final of the Olympic men's 100-meter sprint

2. Achieved the top three achievements in the men's 100-meter sprint in the Olympics

3. Achievement in the final of the Olympic 110m hurdles event

4. Achieve the first three achievements in the Olympic 110-meter hurdles

5. Achievement reached in the final of the Olympic Men's 4*100m Relay

5. Reached the top three achievements in the Olympic men's 4*100m relay

6. Refresh the best results of men's 100-meter sprint and 110-meter hurdles

The above rewards have all been settled and distributed


Perfect idol training space training hours * 600 hours

Deep learning mode training hours * 60 hours

Number of turntable draws*3

Free attribute points*6"

When he saw the reward of the turntable lottery, Su Zhe couldn’t help but think of the last lottery. This sand sculpture system not only provided him with a training course for the expressiveness of the lens, but also gave him an “unobvious” attitude. I won the one-time body repair halo that was badly needed at the time.

Although he still calls it the sand sculpture system in his heart to this day, he actually regards the system as a worthy partner in his heart.

After seeing the rewards issued by the system, Su Zhe was quite interested in opening a lottery draw.

In his current state, he doesn't actually have any special skills needed. Now when he clicks on the lottery, he is more interested in the psychology-or, the heart of drawing cards suddenly dropped, and he decided to draw it for a try. test.

When I clicked on the turntable this time, it showed a series of performing arts resources and sports skills. With the mood of clicking at random, Su Zhe poked the lottery options, and then saw that the turntable in front of him started to spin all the way to gradually. Slowly, in the end, the pointer of the turntable fell on a skill that made him feel a little confused-the ice jumping skill.


Is this skill the one he knows, the ice jumping skill of figure skating?

Su Zhe was stunned. If it is said that the shooting skills he acquired before, at least occasionally in his daily life, then the skill of jumping on ice, for him, basically jumped from the summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics. Among the projects.

The span of this made Su Zhe quite dumbfounded.

With the emergence of this skill, the Sand Sculpture System really released a training course for him at the same time, so that he must learn this skill thoroughly.

Very good, this is fully in line with the inertia of the sand sculpture system.

In order to prevent another painful situation where he had to forcibly complete various course packages last time, Su Zhe decisively withdrew from the lottery system and instead opened the idol training space he used for daily night training.

At this time, the training space has indeed become an ice field, and the system coach responsible for course guidance has also been on the field, waiting for his arrival.

Well, I owe a lottery draw, crying and have to finish the course.

With this mentality of a strong man breaking his wrist, Su Zhe shook his head and carefully walked from the ice to where the system coach was.


_(:з」∠)_Lying flat, I, finally finished, due to something, I need to catch a plane tomorrow morning, there are a lot of things to prepare tonight, so the code time at night is not enough

Tomorrow people will be out of town, they will bring the notebook codewords, but the update time tomorrow is not sure, but surely it will be updated~~ Oh!

Kekeke, although there is not much content left, there is still something called Fanwai in this world!

There are already a lot of fanatics that I want to write about, including the shooting that everyone cares about. The shooting competition should be placed in the fanatics, but it is guaranteed that the content of the shooting competition will not be less than 10 chapters (??). In fact, there is one more I really want to write...=w=I won’t say what the specific stalk is (being beaten)

So I went to bed first, and got up in 4 hours to catch the handjob... See you tomorrow night! ~~~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Romance to death, Zuoyou, xgd, douzipmy, half a tea;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Summer’s Little Orange Cat 185 bottles; 100 bottles such as Xiaosheng; 83 bottles of Liuli&Xinyu; 160 bottles of Japanese and Korean?h??vx:wzxan; 50 bottles of Mo, Lizy2002, Zuoyou; 47 bottles of Yunqi; Xixue melted , Natalia, 30 bottles; Leilei 24 bottles; Meishan 23 bottles; I haven't figured out what the nickname is, I am a little chicken, Izreal 20 bottles; Momomo Moran 14 bottles; liusuliusu, Jingzhao, wskiss419, Jiuhe, Xi Xiaoduo, bingruo, Chenxi, Lantian Yushengyan 10 bottles; Hc6 bottles; Gan Liao, yuffie, bubu, Joe, if you are well, it would be a sunny day 5 bottles; mc Mengmeng, Huaxie 3 bottles of self-cherishment; 2 bottles of sugar, Candice sauce, Lost in Ren Che, Queen; 1 bottle of Mu Muxi, Jiu, Deng Deng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!