On variety show? !

Where did you hear this gossip? Is the mind of the person who preached the false news okay? Is it possible for him, Su Yinsheng, to take his players to any variety show? !

It is impossible to think and know!

Faced with Su Yinsheng’s righteous rhetorical question, the reporter who asked the question was also dumbfounded for a moment, and then looked at each other as if they had confirmed something, and then one reporter gathered up the courage and said: "Su Coach, this is the news released by Director Jiang of our Field Management Center...The national track and field team also confirmed it!"

Director Jiang of the Field Management Center...

When Su Yinsheng heard this name, he passed it in his mind-wiped it, this is the kid from the marketing department!

After hearing that the national track and field team had also confirmed the news, Su Yinsheng only felt that the veins on his forehead had exploded with a bang--these guys, did they really plan to let him lead the team to participate in a variety show? Isn't this just a mess? !

No way! This is impossible! ! !

The members of the sprinter and hurdles, as well as Lu Fei and the coaching staff of the two groups following Su Yinsheng, couldn't help laughing when they saw Su Yinsheng's appearance.

A variety show led by Su Tiger? This courage is really great!

The reporters who were blocking the way obviously thought the same way, so they were extremely happy when they saw Su Yinsheng. Even if Su Yinsheng's face says "You will die if you ask questions again," it can't stop them from asking questions.

"I heard that this is a fun program for the exchange of the main events. In addition to the summer events, there will also be Winter Olympic events... I heard that there will be competitions for the adaptation of the team members to other events. Coach Su Do you have confidence in your leader and team members?"



I can’t talk this day!

When Su Yinsheng took the players all the way back to the national team, Chen Guangping and Jiang He were already waiting for him in the national team. Obviously Jiang He knew that he couldn't control Su Yinsheng alone, so he brought Chen Guangping over to suppress him. .

"Eh eh eh, old Su, don't be angry, don't be angry!" Chen Guangping saw Su Yinsheng's face, and immediately stepped forward, stopping the menacing Su Yinsheng.

"Oh, Lao Su, look at you like this. Isn't this all to promote our track and field team? Look at every national team in every event after the Olympics. Who doesn't pick up shows and variety shows everywhere? They all took advantage of the high degree of attention from the audience before and after the Olympics, so hurry up and publicize at this time, just to expand the influence of our project!"

To his own person, Su Yinsheng didn’t hide anymore, he immediately rolled his eyes: “What do you mean by letting me lead the team? Don’t think I don’t know. The coach led the team to the show, and the team brought a row of people. Gold medal players, why don’t our team let the gold-winning coach take the players? Must hold me tight?"

Cough cough cough.

This was really hitting the nail on the head, and asked the point.

Chen Guangzhi immediately gave Jiang He a wink. Jiang He had to come forward with a warm smile: "Ah, coach Su, look, this Olympics, our sprint and hurdles are not gold, but better than gold. Several of our athletes have received attention during the Olympics, but they are no less than those athletes who won gold events!"

Chen Guangzhi's wink made him not at all distracted. No matter how Su Yinsheng's eyes rolled up to the sky, he was also full of smiles.

Su Yinsheng is still overwhelmed by Jiang He's flattery, but looking at the attitudes of Chen Guangzhi and Jiang He, we also know that the Tianguan Center has signed the contract long ago, and it will be by now. Just coax him into submission.

He also knew that after returning from the Olympics, the team members would inevitably have to go on a variety show, interviews, or something. What he didn't expect was that he would be sold together in the team this time!

Su Yinsheng has a quick temper and goes quickly. Although he is really fierce when he is fierce, it makes sense to reason with him.

Chen Guangzhi also knew that Su Yinsheng was actually a sensible person, so he dared to let Jiang He accept the invitation of variety show first. This program was also screened by them and the marketing department. It is most suitable for the track and field team, as well as the production team and The best program on the broadcast platform.

Chen Guangzhi simply ordered the names of Su Zhe, Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue, and Ye Jun, and then took them to the conference room with Su Yinsheng, and then showed the plan ppt given by the program team.

This is a program tentatively named "Sports Almighty King". The program group intends to invite three teams: shooting team, track and field team, and swimming team, as well as an experience team composed of entertainment stars, who will challenge shooting, sprinting and swimming together. In addition to the three events, the four teams will also go to the National Winter Training Center to experience figure skating, curling and other winter events.

Su Yinsheng curled his lips, and when he saw the name of the show, he spit out: "Huh, this name is so earthy and vulgar!"

Chen Guangzhi coughed, ignored him, and then introduced: "Shooting and swimming are two events, all of our participating players have to experience together, in addition to the two events of figure skating and curling, the program team has passed with us. Chi, figure skating is an experience event, just send one player to it, and they picked Azhe..."

From seeing the 4 words of figure skating, Su Zhe had a rather speechless hunch in his heart. At this moment, he officially heard Chen Guangzhi hit his own name, and Su Zhe only crossed the word'it really is so'. 4 words.

The day before, he was still complaining about the lottery conditions of the hidden turntable lottery with the sand sculpture system. Today, he understands that all hidden lottery conditions are false. The only truth is that the system has no bottom line for the operation of the big pig's hoof black box!

He bet that if he clicks on the turntable lottery now, ninety-nine percent of the skills drawn are related to swimming, and the hope of 0.1 is probably because the system does not want to expose itself too obviously, so the others reserved may be pitted in the future. His skills.

Su Zhe was still talking about the system in his heart. On the other side, Su Yinsheng and Chen Guangzhi stared at them again: "Shooting and swimming are fine. What do figure skating and curling mean?"

Hearing Su Yinsheng’s question, Jiang He immediately explained: “Doesn’t the Summer Olympics come to an end? The next step is the Winter Olympics in China. The program team wants to promote our Summer Olympics. At the same time, we will bring our Winter Olympics, and by the way, look forward to the Winter Olympics two years later."

This is a valid reason.

Su Yinsheng curled his brows: "...Why did you operate with a black box? What does it mean to pick Su Zhe for figure skating?"

"Ah, this." Jiang He said this, and he was amused: "It's not just our track team, swimming team and shooting team. The players who experience figure skating are also people selected by the coach of the figure skating team. At that time, there was an experience project of jumping on the ice. I was afraid that the random candidate would be inappropriate, so it was safer to go in the dark in advance.

Su Yinsheng's speciality is sprinting, and he doesn't know much about figure skating. Hearing this statement by Jiang He, he was taken aback: "Isn't it just jumping? What's wrong?"

"In our case, the main thing is height." Jiang He explained: "Athletics and swimming teams, each with tall and long legs, are actually not suitable to experience figure skating, especially jumping. The coaches in figure skating are also worried. It’s fine to experience sliding and spinning, but if you experience jumping, it’s too hard to jump for such a tall and heavy weight..."

Although he disliked what variety shows his players were going to participate in, Su Yinsheng was not happy to hear other coaches dislike his players.

"Why do you have to jump? Why don't you need to jump?" After a pause, Su Yinsheng suddenly remembered something, staring at him: "And jumping on ice, I think that athletes in figure skating are not easy to fall. Is it? Let our team members experience this...what are you thinking about?!"

Seeing that Su Yinsheng has a tendency to refuse again, Jiang He immediately explained: "Don't don't, isn't this the most eye-catching thing about jumping? Other variety shows must also pursue a little variety effect! And it is said to learn to jump. , Surely it won’t let our players do dangerous moves. The program team has already said that they have all hired professional fishing rod coaches. At that time, there will be fishing rods with our players for practice, which will definitely ensure the best of our players. Safety."

"It's just that, even if someone has a fishing rod coach, they definitely have to choose players with shorter height and lighter weight... And wearing costumes for figure skating, isn't Su Zhe the most suitable for our team?"

What Jiang He said was finally soothing Su Yinsheng, not to mention anything else, just talk about the costumes of the figure skating show...

Su Yinsheng looked back at the 4 people who followed into the meeting room. Even though Su Zhe has grown a lot taller this year, he is still the shortest among the 4 people, and he is in tight-fitting clothing... ...Su Yinsheng glanced at Chen Zhi, Ye Jun and Zhou Tianjue, and felt that no matter which one wore figure skating costumes, it was the result of spicy eyes.

Jiang He hadn’t finished speaking, and he smiled and said: “The coach of figure skating is still having a headache. He said that the best height for figure skating men’s singles athletes is between 170-175. He hasn’t taught us this height. The coach said that Su Zhe looks better because of his slender figure. At least the reels are more slender, and the swim team members are the only ones who make him have a headache."

When Zhou Tianjue on the side heard this, he laughed first, and Ye Jun and Chen Zhi on the side also showed amusement.

Su Zhe's height is average for the track team. If it is placed in the hurdle group, then it is not enough to see. Didn't he and Holness form a short-king combination?

As you can see, in another event, the coach of other figure skating thinks that it is too high for others.

Regarding this result, Su Yinsheng is also quite speechless. Anyway, this variety show is also accepted, and the show should still be available.

After thinking about it, Su Yinsheng said again: "I can tell you that the Olympics have just returned for more than a month, and normal training will start to be resumed in the future. Su Zhe's diamond league has not yet finished running. These guys still have to participate in the championships, no matter how dare to give them any variety show, even if it is the grandson, don’t expect me to agree!"

"Fine." Jiang He nodded immediately: "Isn't this just for this period of time? That... In addition to this variety show, there are several invitations, all for the players... Take a look? "

Su Yinsheng waved his hand silently: "Okay, do you really think I am the overlord? Let you go, don't forget what I said."

Chen Guangzhi smiled and patted Jiang He, and gave him a "Look, there is no problem, right?" Jiang He smiled uncomfortably with the look in his eyes.

Although Su Yinsheng was still uncomfortable, since he agreed, he still spoke and asked Jiang He to find the program team and hand over the list of other people participating in the program. He looked at the basic conditions and arranged training together.

The recording time of this program is not long, and the whole process is only about 10 days. It is said that the training is arranged, but in fact it depends on the athlete's qualifications.

Of the three events, the best one is about the sprint that Su Yinsheng is responsible for. After all, whether it is for the swimming team or the shooting team, including those stars, who doesn't run a two-step physical exercise?

Of course, really wanting to run well is not so easy.

We are talking here, Su Zhe received a message from Jiang Hanning on WeChat.

Hanning Jiang: [Hahahahaha, Xiaozhezhe~~~ We are going to be on the same variety show! 】

Su Zhe: [...Sports Almighty King? 】

Jiang Hanning: [Yes! 】

Su Zhe: [...I have a question, I remember you said before, what is your 50m test score? 8 seconds 8? 】

Jiang Hanning: [...]

Su Zhe: [Military training misses the target? 】

Jiang Hanning: [...]

Su Zhe: [Have you learned swimming this year? 】

Jiang Hanning: [...enough! What about love? Hey woo woo, I'm going to cry with cpf and tell you that you don't love me anymore! 】

Su Zhe: [...]

After closing the chat box with this dramatist, Su Zhe unexpectedly discovered that Shao Xingchen had also sent him a message. The message showed that it was a photo, which seemed to be a contract, and the name of the show party was Sports Almighty King. .

Su Zhe: [Huh? Are you coming to this show too? 】

Shao Xingchen: [^_^]

Shao Xingchen's way of speaking was completely different from Jiang Hanning's funny comparison. Su Zhe was stunned by the sudden smile, and then he remembered something.

Su Zhe: [Why do you have time to participate in this variety show? 】

The shooting time of this variety show is either long or short. The main reason is that the shooting time is relatively concentrated and requires a short period. Moreover, this kind of sports variety show requires time to practice well, even in order to make it look better. For some stars with tight schedules, participating in this variety show is actually not a good deal.

For example, Jiang Hanning, whose limited contract for The Third Combination has expired, is now following Chen Cheng and he has Chen Cheng’s contacts. It’s quite appropriate to get him such a variety show. For Shao Xingchen, it seems not to be on this variety show. Then it is necessary.

Shao Xingchen: [The previous movie has been finished, and the later stage is about to be completed. Various publicity activities are also being prepared. It is just right now to join this variety show. 】

Su Zhe: [...Oh, see you then? 】

Shao Xingchen: [^^ See you then. 】

Although Shao Xingchen said so, Su Zhe always felt that according to Shao Xingchen's flow and connections, there should be many variety shows to choose from...

"Xiao Zhe, what are you thinking about?" Chen Zhi patted Su Zhe on the shoulder, then pointed at Jiang He.

I saw Jiang He was holding a stack of documents in his hand, looking like he was waiting for him.

It should be said that the Olympic cycle is indeed a golden period for the popularity of athletes, such as Chen Zhi, Zhou Tianjue and Ye Jun. This time, many brands have come to the door and want to invite them to shoot commercials or act as endorsements.

For businesses, inviting athletes as spokespersons or shooting advertisements is not only a positive image, but also quite affordable. Especially in this golden period after the Olympics, some sports stars cast during the Olympic cycle are extremely popular with businesses. Advertising candidates.

Variety shows are also set. In terms of advertisements, Jiang He's suggestion to him is that the quality is not too expensive, and for the time being, not to consume too much personal image value.

This suggestion is very pertinent. Many well-known brands at home and abroad are keen to use athletes as spokespersons. At this point, the favor of male athletes is even more obvious.

And if you want to attract higher-end brands, in addition to athletes’ own strength and continuous breakthroughs to win more awards, whether the current endorsements of sports itself conflict with the endorsement types of high-end brands, and whether the endorsements of athletes will affect their own brands Forced style, etc., will be important considerations for brands when choosing a spokesperson.

"Your current popularity and strength have laid a very good foundation for your personal brand image. Next, as long as you continue to play well and get better results, there will be better endorsements waiting for you in the future... …"

Jiang He's chatter continues: "Let's work hard and be our China's Talos in the future."

Talos is currently a world-renowned star. His endorsement fee has been the number one sports star for three consecutive years. He has completed the transformation from a pure athlete to idolization. This star has an extremely powerful influence worldwide. force.

Seeing Jiang He Yue's words, Su Zhe was a little bit dumbfounded, so he nodded his head and responded seriously one by one.

When Jiang He finished speaking, half an hour had passed. He slapped his head suddenly and said with a smile: "Oh, look at my nagging...Anyway, Azhe, don't worry, our Tian Management Center has been in business for so many years. In terms of value, you are definitely the first person after Song Chen, and the previous Brands advertisement has actually broadened your advertising route completely. Apart from anything else, this time just invite you to shoot the cover of the high-end fashion magazine Quite a lot. During this period of more than a month, the Marketing Department will help you to arrange the time. You should also pay attention to the time. I will contact you at any time."

Since Su Yinsheng agreed to participate in the show here, Jiang He and Chen Guangzhi have given him vaccinations. For the effect of variety shows, the show team will use some materials of relevant personnel as the propaganda of the show.

The field management center will also pay attention to the review, but the appropriate standard freedom still has to be released to the program group.

After hearing this, Su Yinsheng immediately understood what Jiang He and the others meant. After a few seconds of blackening, he still agreed with an angrily.

The program team was approved by Su Yinsheng and the Tianguan Center, and immediately announced the official music program. At the same time, cue the track team as the first batch of official variety show members. Then, the hot search was arranged in a happy way.

#运动全能王 challenge impossible#

#Track and Field Team Variety Art First Show#

#Most impossible to participate in variety shows#

#Participate in variety show? Are you kidding me? ! #

In this series of hot searches, the eaters outside the track and field circle didn't quite understand what was going on at first, and the eaters in the sports circle hahaha all the way.

Friends of the Athletics Kingdom even took the lead to open a post, and began to suppress whether the tiger will be a black face in the variety show.

Main building: [Hahahahahahahahasu tiger is on variety show! ! ! I laugh first! 】

1L: [Hahahahahahahahaha, sorry, Su Yinsheng you also have today! 】

2L: [Although I didn't watch variety shows before, I will make an exception this time. I am going to see Su Laohu's black face scene in person. 】

3L: [I tm laughed to death. I watched the format of this show. Those star players will be trained by him under Su Huo? This summer, even if the variety shows are short, after the recording period, those star players can't get rid of their skin? 】

5L: [Thinking about yesterday’s airport news, Su Huo looked incredulous, ‘nonsense? ! Where did you hear the news? ! How can it be? ! "Hum, today this is really going to be a variety show! 】

13L: [Hahaha, brother on the fifth floor, how can you speak? Oh, when you hit such a sentence, Su Laohu's voice and his incredibly face reverberated in my mind now...]

15L: [Cough, cough, cough, brothers, we must respect the meritorious coach of our sprint team...Let’s laugh and keep a low profile! 】

After being confused for a while on the Internet, the melon-eating nature made them quickly touch the kingdom of track and field, and there are also many'enthusiastic people' in the kingdom of track and field who happily spread science to the masses of people on Weibo. 'S stalk.

This happy stalk was immediately spread, and the scissors hand moved quickly and accurately to throw out a group of black face videos of Su Huo. The last picture of the black face video was him staring at the reporter at the airport. A fragment of'how is it possible'.

The people who saw the video laughed and reposted the video happily while saying "po master is awesome, we don't even see that you are the navy of the show team".

Jiang Hanning, who surfs the Internet happily every day, also saw this video for the first time, and immediately forwarded it to Su Zhe hahaha.

After watching the video amusedly, Su Zhe suddenly came up with bad taste and forwarded the video to his mother.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before he saw his father repost the original video on Weibo, and then sent 3 more black-faced [angry] emojis.

The first publicity of this show was completed under several different keywords such as [Athletics Team Variety Show], [Athletes Challenge Different Events] and [Iron Face Coach Su Yinsheng].

After that, the program team quickly announced the two gold medal winners of the shooting team and the swimming team. Up to this time, the Chigualus have been looking forward to it. Many people want to see the top professional athletes. What will be the effect of challenging these 3 projects with a large span?


Kneel...Finally I added the update. It will update normally tonight, but the time should be a bit after midnight.

See you tonight, okay!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 Sanyoumu; Dou☆Sprouts, Shumita, Garfield Eating Lemongrass, 19419018, 1 Tropic of Cancer Lavender;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

76 bottles of Fengyan; 50 bottles of Yanxu; 38 bottles of Xiabeicheng; 30 bottles of Yunge Xia Yue, Daobi Ke 30; 25 bottles of Michaxiao; 21 bottles of Axun; Tea Yiyi, Wei Tian, ​​Naduo Yunna, Pudding, Keli Bing^_^, water and stone Dongming, triple snow on the eaves, much more _(:з」∠)_, 20 bottles of Meng Jun; 15 bottles of a dream like a dream; 12 bottles of big chinchillas; grilled fish sauce, nonsense, skin 11 bottles of skin shrimp; it's tangled to have a name, Ikegami Pinglan, Xiaoshijie, Junkai 1009, anita, oops, Deng Deng, cf, QAQ, PIONY, Lin Mao, Glacial Washing Sword, Zhu Jian’s Mizuki 10 bottles of Mu Na, Tianbian Fairy; 9 bottles of Goose Crossing Wuhen, No Sound of Leaf Falling; 7 bottles of Qingxunzi; 5 bottles of Nancy, Shangxiang and Monday; 3 bottles of 55667788, Tian Tian and its kitten, Chinese scum author; Evil Witch , Mr. Nan’s Zimumu, Huanhuan_ck, Huaxie, Xixiang, Xiying, Queen, Lingling Luoluo, Quiet, lq222 bottle; Weilan is expected, duckweed life, Jiu, ink dyed Xihua, Jun A bottle of Ying, Yaomeier, and a happy silly rabbit;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!