According to the program team's plan, the next day will be a grand pool party...Ah no, it's related shooting at the swimming center.

Whether it is a few stars in the star team or athletes such as Su Zhe, everyone has limited time, not to mention the high-traffic cycle of the Olympics, the overall shooting schedule seems a bit rush.

However, as long as the program team shoots the content that the audience is interested in, the program is considered a success.

In the previous day's shooting, although the athletes were not as good as the entertainment stars, so that the game stage was relatively plain, but Su Zhe, Shao Xingchen and the hunting and shooting team members were enough for the show team to play a wave. In addition to the shooting competition as the focus at the end, Su Zhe led the track and field team to win the final victory with a reversal under 1 point. This content, through the later editing, was enough to become the final highlight of the show.

After the first day of filming, everyone in the director group looked in the direction of Su Zhe uneasy.

"Su Zhe."

Zhou Yunzhi spoke on behalf of the directors.

"?" Su Zhe replied with a questioning look.

"Are you good at swimming?" Zhou Yunzhi asked cautiously.

"Well, I'm not very good at that." Su Zhe replied very sincerely.

"Oh... okay." Zhou Yunzhi looked at Su Zhe with suspicion, but he didn't say much, and finally nodded.

The second day’s swimming theme shooting continued the rhythm of the previous two days’ shooting theme. The first day’s program recording focused on daily training. The head coach of the swimming team Cheng Yang customized a complete set of swimming training for everyone. The program allows everyone to truly experience the life of the swimming team in daily training.

As for the director team, after the first phase of the devil image overturned, Zhou Yunzhi gave up the treatment very simply and changed the director team’s own positioning from the devil to a shameless bandit-we just prepared a bunch of props and rewards for you, but You must follow our rhythm, otherwise don't even think about us releasing the bonus items!

Now, go change your swimsuit first, don't think there is another way to take the bonus items from us!

? ? ?

After the director group had spoken this passage brightly and normally, the athletes looked at them with suspicious eyes, and then silently turned to change their swimsuits.

Watching the athletes turn and leave, the remaining star team members couldn't help laughing, especially Jiang Hanning, watching the director group set up by the bandits also roll over, laughing until they couldn't stop holding their stomachs.

The director group who spoke looked at the athletes who were leaving neatly, and for a moment they were frozen in place like ice sculptures-we didn't mean that, the rules can be broken, come and break our rules!

Obviously, the athletes did not cooperate with the director team's plan. They really changed their swimsuits very honestly. This result was honestly recorded by the photography VJs, and it became another example of the director team's consolidating the nasty critics.

During the shooting cycle of the swimming theme, the late team of "All-around Sports King" is also working overtime to start the post-editing of the show. The fruit station has already arranged a suitable schedule for this short-term variety show. Therefore, together with the post-editing After submitting for review and approval until it is officially launched, the cycle time of the entire program group is extremely limited, and everyone is working in a continuous mode.

Since the director group’s nasty criticism was verified again, the entire director group headed by Zhou Yunzhi has no longer struggled.

Athletes are not as good at creating variety effects as stars in the entertainment industry, but under their straightforward behavior mode, the overall effect is not bad.

The shooting of the swimming theme is less accidental than the shooting theme, but the swimming team training program customized by the swimming team for all members still makes everyone start to respect the swimming team's daily life.

In the two shooting periods in the morning and afternoon, which are actually the daily training period of the swimming team, everyone is required to complete the specified run within a limited time, and the average run range for everyone is 5000 meters.

According to Cheng Yang, the head coach of the swimming team, this tour is actually a discount for athletes who have not undergone relevant training. In fact, in the daily training of the swimming team, according to individual events, the minimum tour is also 6000 meters. Going up, if you are a team member participating in the 1500-meter freestyle event, the daily training distance will even reach 20,000 meters in the training period before the competition.

Jiang Hanning is amused, because he doesn't know how to swim, but in order to cooperate with the members of the team and help everyone get bonus items and attack items together, he puts a swimming ring into the water.

He swam 200 meters with difficulty and when he reached the shore, he happened to hear the 20,000 meters number introduced by Cheng Yang, and his face immediately turned green.

"20,000 meters?!" Jiang Hanning trembling hands: "Even if I walk, it can break my leg, and I have to swim 20,000 meters in the water..."

After thinking about it, Jiang Hanning sent his spiritual condolences to Su Zhe who also swam to the shore: "Azhe, is your track team training like this?"

Su Zhe shook his head amusedly: "That's not true. Our training direction is different. In fact, the training plan of the swimming team should not be static. According to the athlete's personal state and the degree of adaptation to training, there will Changes."

Jiang Hanning was stunned by these words. After a while, he looked at Su Zhe who had taken off his swimming goggles. After staring for a while, he suddenly said: "I think the director team should give you a mosaic."

? ? ?

Jiang Hanning's words made Su Zhe not only confused, but also the director group members who were listening to Cheng Yang's introduction of the training plan also looked confused.

"Ah? Don't you think?" Jiang Hanning looked back at the land with a righteous expression: "A Zhe has a fairer skin than a girl, this kind of face, this kind of figure!!! Are you sure about the TV? Can the thousands of boys and girls in the past hold it?"

After hearing these words, the VJ who was in charge of shooting Su Zhe by the swimming pool couldn’t help but nodded subconsciously. In his camera lens, Su Zhe, who emerged from the swimming pool, took off his goggles. When the water droplets on his hair fell, he didn't even think that what he was shooting was just a sports variety show.

"Ah, of course, a handsome guy like me also needs a mosaic...especially my swimming ring..."

Jiang Hanning's remarks were not finished yet. On the other side of the lane, Shao Xingchen, who also just finished the one-way swim, patted him on the shoulder expressionlessly, and then pointed to the task that was standing on the side of the pool. aims.

Seeing Shao Xingchen's instructions, Jiang Hanning helped his swimming ring as if lingering, and again resolutely began to swim to the other end of the pool with difficulty.

After the related training in the morning, the athletes who are used to doing physical training also felt the huge consumption of physical fitness. After all, the training on the water is different from their daily training direction.

When Su Zhe got ashore from the swimming pool, a bath towel was put on him. When he looked back, he saw Shao Xingchen standing by.

"Ah, thanks." Su Zhe smiled and nodded. Just when he was about to say something, he heard his teammates shouting, and said to Shao Xingchen individually, turned and walked in the direction of his teammate.

In the next few days, the program team completed the recording of swimming and track and field themes.

The recording of these two themes, for the program group, lacked some unexpected surprises, but according to the original plan of the program group, the overall program recording was very smooth.

Including the full relay against the 1500m freestyle champion, setting obstacles for the champion swimmers on the swim lanes, and increasing timekeeping, etc., from the fun of variety show to the display of professional strength of athletes, there is sufficient performance.

In the recording of the entire variety show, apart from the accident from Su Zhe in the first episode, the remaining two themes have shown the hardship and boring of athletes in daily training according to the established plan, and they have also shown practically. It shows how powerful each special athlete is in this event.

When the athletes of various events experience other events, they still need a lot of cheating to fight against the top masters of these original events with the physical stamina and sports nerves of professional athletes. The star team as the experiencer has witnessed and confirmed the ordinary The distance between a person and an athlete in the same event.

After the recording of the first three events, all the members including the three coaches of the swimming team, the track and field team and the shooting team were taken to the National Winter Training Center.

It was not until the film crew handed the full set of curling clothes to Su Yinsheng and other coaches that Su Yinsheng discovered that he had also been sold by the boy Jiang He from the Tianguan Center.

In the final Winter Olympics experience project, in addition to the star teams, each team was taken away from each team to experience figure skating. In the curling project, 1 team had 4 people. In the end, they were not enough. The coach had to go on ice personally. "Feel" the charm of curling.

After discovering this fact, Su Yinsheng, Zhou Shoufu, and Cheng Yang had to smile at each other, recognizing their fate and **** with their respective players, and following the curling coach, they practiced this project that had never been studied before.

Although both are ice events, the ice surface required for the two events of figure skating and curling is not the same. The training venues of the two events are not in the same area. A certain distance.

"Fortunately" selected to participate in the figure skating experience are Su Zhe of the track and field team, Yang Jing of the shooting team and Deng Mingze of the swimming team.

Among the three of them, Deng Mingze of the swimming team is the tallest. The big man with a full 1.91 meters is already the smallest person selected by the coach of the figure skating team from the swimmers participating in the variety show this time. .

When the three of them appeared in the figure skating hall at the same time, the head coach of the figure skating team Cui Yi was already'waiting for it', but seeing Deng Mingze's height, the head coach of the figure skating team still showed a desperate face.

As for Deng Mingze’s height and weight, let alone other things, Cui Yi had a lot of brains when he prepared the skates for him. This height is already too high even in double skating events, the size of the skates and the skates The choice of hardness also requires careful consideration.

For Cui Yi, among the few people who came to experience figure skating this time, the most suitable height should be Yang Jing of the shooting team. The height of 172 is just right for men's singles.

Before going on the ice, Cui Yi gave Su Zhe each a set of figure skating training suits. At the same time, they also sent a variety of protective equipment, from hip pads to knee pads and elbow pads and soft palm protectors. Gu, Cui Yi can’t wait to provide Su Zhe with all of them—not to mention, these are the baby players in the national teams of various events. If there are any accidents when experiencing figure skating, let’s not talk about the program. Team, the figure skating team will also feel sorry here.

As the extra part of the winter event of "All-around Sports King", the curling team still uses the model of the previous three events, and the experience of figure skating is really a real experience project. The suggestion of the program team is, Let the three athletes who come to experience learn a kind of jumping, and it would be good to have a 30-second display on the ice with music.

When the director team put forward this suggestion, Cui Yi ruthlessly rejected the director team. Under his ruthless suppression, the final experience project became a professional fishing rod coach prepared by the figure skating team, so that each player could try to experience the ice. Jump up.

As for the 30 seconds or so soundtrack display... Then forget it, just two or three days, but anyone who hasn't really been on ice and wants to practice sliding is still choking, so where is there to practice jumping? And actually want them to be able to perform on occasion?

Even the simplest and basic 3-character jumps are choking, let alone the six more difficult jump techniques to learn?

In such a short time, it is almost impossible to learn a formal jump, even if you just want to try a week jump.

After Su Zhe and his team had finished changing their outfits, Cui Yi took the program group and Su Zhe to the ground training hall on the side of the ice rink for a visit and experience.

The figure skating ground training hall is equipped with professional equipment that many figure skating players need to use during ground training, such as a spiral plastic machine that can perform spinning exercises. This equipment can help players find their own The center of gravity, for example, the rotating core training that exercises the strength and stability of the players. In addition, there are various equipment to help the players perform different trainings such as strength, endurance and flexibility.

Deng Mingze and Yang Jing were a little dazzled after seeing these devices.

"Wow, there are so many ground training equipment for figure skating..." Deng Mingze was a little surprised. In fact, the swimming team also has a lot of on-land training parts, but on the training equipment, figure skating is not as complicated as it looks.

Yang Jing also sighed in the same way: "Sure enough, every project is specialized in the field of art."

Cui Yi, who was leading the way for everyone, heard the discussion between the two and turned his head back with a smile: "In the past, there were not so many training methods. This is also due to the development of training concepts year after year, and also absorbs many foreign training concepts. Only then have we gradually accumulated and developed various training techniques."

After visiting and experiencing these ground training equipment, Cui Yi returned to the ice rink with three people.

"Have you all been on a real ice rink?" Before the three of them went on the ice, Cui Yi routinely asked.

At this point, the three of them all answered yes. After all, the national team's training center is in City B. They live here all the year round, so there is always one or two chances to play on the ice rink.

Hearing the three people's answers, Cui Yi waved his hands to let them warm up, and then went on the ice to watch. If the three people's sliding is acceptable, they can try the three-character jump learning.

After the three were on the ice, the director who followed the figure skating group came to Cui Yi's side and asked Cui Yi if he had any other experience projects besides sliding.

Cui Yi sighed and said, "I know that your show crew wants to take some interesting things, but this technique of jumping is impossible for beginners to master without falling a few times. Just these players on the field, you dare to let Which one fell?"

This answer caused the director of the group to choke immediately, and then he also fell into frustration.

"In fact, some of our figure skating is not just jumping, but also gliding, pace, rotation and artistic expression...Would you like to let them try to learn a few free skating moves?" Cui Yi explained patiently.

The director of the group also sighed. In fact, these program groups also know it, but the athletic attribute of figure skating is more reflected in the jumping. Many audiences don’t understand it, and they will admire when they see the jump. Applause, if you don't shoot jumps, but only slide, step and spin, the variety of figure skating will drop a lot.

The director is still discussing with Cui Yi with a headache, at least to add some interesting learning content to the players, or do some interesting training, if not, let the fishing rod coach directly shoot the content of the fishing rod coach assisted training in the field.

While discussing with Cui Yi, the director wondered in his heart whether the shooting time of the figure skating event could be compressed, or how to add highlights to the figure skating event in the later stage.

The program team originally reserved 4 days for the shooting of figure skating events, mainly because the learning and practice of jumping skills require ample time. If no corresponding training is carried out, it should be possible to shoot in 1-2 days Sufficient material, coupled with shooting several groups of professional figure skating team performances, should also have good results.

I was about to raise my head to discuss with Cui Yi, but the director turned his head, but saw Cui Yi looking at the court with a look of surprise on his face, staring at someone on the ice rink.

Who are you looking at?

Following Cui Yi’s eyes to the ice rink, I saw that Yang Jing and Deng Mingze were still on this side of the ice rink. The two of them were also parked on the ice, watching the ice rink already sliding to the diagonal. Su Zhe on the other side.

This is the first time that Su Zhe has stepped onto the ice rink in reality after acquiring the skills of jumping on ice. During this time, he has done a lot of ice training in the training space, and the system coach has a critical eye Among them, even if his training is ice jumping skills, correspondingly, the basic sliding technique has also undergone a qualitative change.

On the edge of the ice rink, Su Zhe’s exclusive photographer VJ had already aimed the camera at him and recorded every step he took on the ice rink. Even the VJ beside Deng Mingze and Yang Jing also tacitly turned the lens at this time. Su Zhe.

"Huh." Cui Yi looked at Su Zhe's sliding action on the ice and smiled: "Don't say anything else, this Su Zhe of the track team, the action of sliding on the ice is really beautiful."

The director listened to Cui Yi’s praise and turned his eyes to the ice rink again. At this moment, he was sliding a huge arc along the short side of the ice rink and then returning to the starting point. It was exactly as Cui Yi said, Su Zhe was on the ice, just looking at his upright posture and free and wanton sliding feeling, he felt that this person was really beautiful.

People are beautiful, and they are beautiful.

Not only that, compared to professional male figure skaters, Su Zhe's height is much higher, and he also has a different momentum when skating on the ice.

Seeing Su Zhe gliding smoothly on the ice, Cui Yi was also a little interested at this moment. He got to the edge of the ice rink and carefully watched Su Zhe's movements.

In fact, Su Zhe is really only skating very casually on the ice, without any pace arrangement, just simply kicking the ice on one foot and then sliding forward, but his posture is upright, natural and stretched, and this posture is in the viewer. In his eyes, there is a special taste.

Cui Yi said with emotion: "Su Zhe's sliding is really good-looking, fast and tasteful. There are some small players in our team who can only use sliding, and some may not be able to catch up with him."

The director on the side didn't quite understand this, but he felt the "good-looking" in Cui Yi's mouth.

Although Su Zhe has been calling the title of "Dwarf King" with Hornis of Jamaica in the track and field circle, in fact, when I see him, I know that the shortness of other people's houses is really two different things.

With a height of 182, wide shoulders, slender waist and narrow hips, the proportions of the body are also perfect. Coupled with the good-looking appearance, you will never miss him when you glance at the crowd.

With this height, put on skates and step on the ice skates, watching him gliding on the ice and passing by, the first thing that comes to mind in your mind will not be the words such as the fairy on ice, but the magnificent archangel.

The director looked at Su Zhe’s performance on the ice, the setting he had suppressed in his heart, and was about to move again. He looked at Cui Yi and tentatively said: "Director Cui, look, Su Zhe is on the ice. There is no problem with sliding, so is it okay to practice jumping?"

When Cui Yi heard this question, he smiled and shook his head: "Okay, sliding is the basis of figure skating, yes, but there are several mountains between sliding and jumping, but I think Su Zhe is so skilled on ice. Maybe he has learned three-character jumping when he played before. He has this foundation. Then let him try lunge sliding or big one. Maybe he can really follow your thoughts and have a set of continuous Action." After a pause, Cui Yi said again: "But don't think about Hele or something."

Hearing Cui Yi's words, the director was also a little excited. Although he can't jump, if Su Zhe can really have a set of continuous combined actions on the ice, then this wave is not bad!


Appear quietly wearing a mask......=. = I was beaten again by Cai Lieping who was hit by his updated flag...

Keke, sorry, the update time this week is too unstable, but tomorrow will be the weekend, Caicai will adjust her state on the weekend, and let the update time stabilize next week!

If there are no accidents in the next chapter, the update time should be before 2 noon tomorrow, see you there! (Cover your face and run away)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: Fat Ding, Bing Bing Kun, Chi Xiao Chi, Sweet Baby 2009, Stout, Moon Birth, Dian Heng Piao Na, 18788382, Garfield Eating Lemongrass, Original Potato Chips, Fat Doudou, Na 1 Duoyunna;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Small from 100 bottles; FDT, Miaomiao, 2307508160 bottles; ︶ ㄣ ㄣ charming ゞ Xiao Lai prisoner 〆 50 bottles; Fat Doudou 39 bottles; Weiwei sauce 37 bottles; Ruowei, Changbai Wuhen, stout 30 bottles; Su Xu 26 bottles ; Young Master, Intimate Sky, Wen Yi, Scopolitan, Luna, Only 20 bottles; Alas, 19 bottles; Crystal 18 bottles; Lillium sinensis and Silent Momo 15 bottles; Wuying 14 bottles; Xiaoxiaojing 11 bottles; Qijiu, Ask who, Hanshu Road, Xinqing, Shida La, Botu, Pig Rabbit, Ziya, Mu Qiqi, Di Di Dou Dou Dou Dou, Gentleman Hao Jia 10 bottles; Qing Tong is like water 9 bottles; 8 bottles of yuyuyu; 7 bottles of Lingmao; 6 bottles of dx and Qiongqiong; Mingzhai, 40621965, Yuguang, mc Mengmeng, Qiao, Yingyu, Yin Su,-Medicine can not stop °5 bottles; Xiangxue Hanmo 3 bottles; Peter Pan With Xianduruila, Mengmeng^ω^2 bottles; silver in the soil, a 窎, a great request for more _(:з」∠)_, evil witch, Jingzhao, Qiqiu. , Jubilant fried chicken nuggets, 55667788, Xiaoluyu, 1 bottle of monthly delivery;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!