When the gorgeous music ends.

The lingering sound of "Fallen Watcher" dissipated. Su Zhe was still standing on the ice rink. He slowly retracted his outstretched right arm, withdrew all emotions from the music, and then returned to that somewhat indifferent place. Teenager standing on the ice rink.

In the scene, even though all the performances were over, everyone still held their breath, looking at the person on the ice, unwilling to believe that the dream had disappeared.

Obviously it was a neat and clean performance ending, but it made everyone want to continue to be immersed in dreams.

On the edge of the ice rink, Chen En looked at Su Zhe on the ice, hesitated for a long time, and finally just said to the coach Cui Yi next to him: "Coach, he is really amazing..."

Starting from Chen En, everyone on the edge of the ice rink finally gradually became sober, then applause began to spread on the scene, and finally continued for a long time.

Outside the ice rink guard, the camera did not cover the area. Shao Xingchen just put down the camera. He silently glanced at Su Zhe, who seemed to have recovered calm in the field, and glanced down at the preview on the LCD screen of his camera. A photo-on the screen, the teenager who has finished his performance, there seems to be a trace of dismay in his eyes.

Japan, Fuji TV live

"This is a grand visual feast!" Tsuruta Yang opened his mouth and looked at the picture in front of him dejectedly: "But, this is also a feast for only this time. At this moment, I am extremely sure, Hua A true genius was forever missed in the skating world."

"...I am really sad now." Tsuruta Yang looked at Su Zhe on the screen: "I long to see his live performance, even if only once? But I also missed him forever... Oh , Damn, why is his father so cruel?!"

Ippei Ishida looked at Su Zhe in the picture, with a look of regret on his face: "Our beautiful snow leopard boy on the track and field stadium, he also has an irresistible charm on the ice rink, but he belongs to the track and field track after all. Yes, I think this is his fateful choice..."

On the daily push, after the live broadcast of the program ended, in just one hour, the content of the discussion about Su Zhe's figure skating performance had already reached the first place.

Key words such as the arrival of the devil, the fallen watchman, and Su Zhe's figure skating also quickly rushed to the hot list.

[Unbelievable! I felt the moment when the angel fell! And the birth of the devil... Su's expressiveness is really amazing, I can't believe that he is a sprinter, and I was once fascinated by his appearance on the track and field track! Oh, and now, I am fascinated by this person for the second time. How can there be such a beautiful person, how can there be such a beautiful performance... Once in a lifetime, I am so sad now. 】

Almost every comment on the daily tweet praised this performance, and also stunned, why this is the only performance.

But it is also this kind of incomplete beauty that is full of regrets, but it makes everyone more enthusiastic about the discussion of this, and began to review this video repeatedly on Fujidai's official website.

Domestically, when Su Zhe's performance in the live broadcast ended, the comments on the barrage first broke out like flash floods, and after the first round of crazy praise, it was the voice of countless people petitioning.

[QAQ really will not have a future? ? ? I want to see the scene once, just once! 】

[Too cruel... I now want to split Su Zhe into two different people, one maintains his competitive state and works **** the track and field, and the other is responsible for being beautiful in the world of figure skating...]

[I also thought, but this is impossible... once in a lifetime ice show, this is really a grand and magnificent show, why is it only in less than 1 minute? I now want to watch the cub’s ice show again in a 360-degree circle without dead ends... Fruit stage, come on! ! ! I know how many camera materials you have, give me all of them! ! ! 】

In addition to the people who spoke in the barrage torrent, there are many people who are still immersed in the atmosphere not long ago. They have seen many different aspects of Su Zhe, the imposing sprint on the sprint track, 110 meters The clever hurdles on the track, the constantly changing dazzling image and alluring charm in the advertisements, and this time, they saw a brand new side of Su Zhe.

Above the ice, his temperament is indifferent and alienated and he seems to have absolute control. Just in the performance just now, the absolute kingly aura he showed, the feeling of an ice and snow emperor, makes people seem to be renewed and once again. Got acquainted with him.

This is a young man who is hiding a treasure. When countless people have been conquered by his strength, people approached him and discovered that what they saw was only the tip of the iceberg of this treasure.

After the live broadcast of the day, Weibo was unsurprisingly screened by the program "Almighty Sports King" again, and the program group was also very simple, uploading Su Zhe’s figure skating performance fragments directly, so that the audience could directly Watch this video separately.

This piece of Su Zhe's single figure skating performance, accompanied by the anticipation and screams of countless people, began to spread out in waves, attracting more and more passers-by to see it and be amazed by it.

On the figure skating forum, the live discussion post about "Almighty Sports King" has been covered into a tall building of sixty to seventy pages. Countless ice fans have witnessed the building process of this building and witnessed the people in the post gradually being Su Zhe's skating and jumping on the ice was attracted by his temperament on the ice, and finally, when the performance of the Fallen Watcher was completely over, the building fell into a short silence.

Is this an ice performance by a non-professional figure skater?


Is this an excellent ice show?

The same is true.

[...I now fully understand what Chen En said, and want to watch his ice scene again, but this seems to be a longing and unattainable dream. 】

All the ice fans who have followed Chen En's Weibo can remember that under the Weibo, the sentence Chen En replied-never seen again.

At this moment, revisiting Chen En's sentence, the ice fans have a deeper understanding of the sad emotions expressed in it.

In this tall building, ice fans discussed every detail of Su Zhe's performance, his interaction with the camera, and his unique temperament in the performance.

[It’s so rare. For such a player with a burst of expressive power on ice, his expressive power and even his personal temperament are rare in the current figure skating circle. On the ice, I even think that it belongs to His world...]

[Actually, I did not expect that Director Cui would really complete a set of short choreography for him, and the degree of completion can reach this level, swallow, rotation, jump, step choreography, such a short time, he can perform together... When I finished reading it, it was really incredible. 】

[Unbelievable +1, I am still a little confused until now. In fact, his whole set of movements is not too difficult except for jumping, but the expressiveness is enough to overwhelm everything, the kind of eye that attracts you keeps on The ability to chase for him and then immerse in the world he presents is truly incredible.

If possible, I really hope that he will switch to figure skating, even if he is now too old, but I believe he can also have a name in figure skating. But the fact is that he belongs to another world...]



Okay, this discussion can hardly continue.

In Su Zhe’s super talk, the "philosophers" are also dancing with passion. Before this episode, even Su Zhe’s veteran fans never knew that their cubs could still do this on ice. Performance.

[Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ma Ma is proud of you! ! ! 】

【_(:З」∠)_A cub’s old mother is already lying flat, feeling that since Cub has turned to the sports circle, she has been waiting for Cub to take us to fly all the way, feeling the joy of lying down. 】

【? ? ? Everyone, are you all so Buddha-nature? I just watched the cub’s performance. I’m already crazy. I’m addicted to sucking cubs every day. Every time I feel like I’m going to get up from the cub’s pit and enjoy normal life, then the cub will have a new crit. I kicked back into the pit from the edge of the pit...]

[Huh! What to climb? Of course, it's happily sucking cubs together in the pit and lying flat! 】

In Su Zhe's super words, although there are many salted fish meal that has been driven by Su Zhe's strength and the peaceful nourishment of sports circles over the past year, there are also a group of big hands who are passionately produced every day.

Soon after the live broadcast of "Almighty Sports King", there was a row of new figure skating Q version beautiful pictures and video clips and retouched pictures released in Chaohua, and even a big hand made a devil costume for Su Zhep, which was the last performance. At the end of the moment, the black wings spread out behind his back, and his long dark hair was like a waterfall. He held a scepter in the palm of his outstretched hand, and the attitude of overlooking the sentient beings and the coldness in his eyes made people tremble.

In the yelling voices of the "philosophers", the big players who posted the pictures are still feeling that the video released by the fruit station is still not clear enough, if there is a live photo, it would be great.

After seeing the feelings of the big hand, everyone involuntarily thought that there should be countless people in the inventory who should have hidden pictures of Su Zhe on the spot.

Before everyone could say that there is no live picture of "Brother Zhan" this time, some people in the super chat shouted: "Go and see Shao Xingchen's Weibo! ! ! 】

? ? ?

What are you doing watching his Weibo?

Although they felt puzzled, many people poked open Shao Xingchen's Weibo, and when they opened it, they saw a group of pictures of Jiugongge, which was the scene of Su Zhe's figure skating!

In Shao Xingchen's shots, everyone once again saw the various emotional details that belonged to Su Zhe that were not fully captured by Guoguotai's shots.

[... Wipe, Dao Shao actually saw Zai Zai's figure skating scene? ! 】

After the astonishment, everyone finally remembered that Shao Xingchen was also in this variety show. He would appear on the scene and be able to take photos of Su Zhe, which is actually natural.

It’s just that although they know this thing for granted, many people still feel that their mood is a little bit subtle.

[Ah, no matter what, start my screen licking mode, thank you boss, you are the light of "philosopher"! 】

After the doubts were over, some people put their doubts behind their heads, and began to lick the screen with the photos taken by Shao Xingchen, and at the same time asked Shao Xingchen to put out more pictures.

Others switched to their own trumpets, secretly came to the super chat of a certain unpopular CP on Weibo, and issued a rallying slogan.

Weibo, Xingwei You Zhechao Talking

[Everyone, do you think it is really unnecessary for the big guy to participate in this variety show? He is totally different from the others in his team, right? This variety show is dominated by athletes, and the entertainment star team is used as a control group to set off the athletes. There is no benefit for the big guys to go to this variety show? 】

【you are right! At first, I thought that this variety show could be happily eating candy, but in fact, the chances of the big guys interacting with the cubs are so pitiful...to be honest, I have been thinking about the big guys to chase the cubs to the variety show, but Obviously, he did not succeed. 】

[Ohhhhhh, who said there is no interaction? When Cub was out of the swimming pool, didn't the boss immediately give him a big bath towel and quickly wrap him up? 】

[Puff... Sisters have a brilliant perspective! I also noticed at the time, and I could hardly wait for Yazi who would immediately wrap Zubzai's body so that no one could see it! 】

【_(:З」∠)_It’s too difficult, do we really want to eat sugar in the corners like this...]

[Hey, what does it mean to eat sugar? If it's not love, the big guy will take this variety show that is of no use to him, is it to chase idols and play photography? 】

As soon as this conclusion came out, everyone was silent for a moment, and it seemed... really unreasonable, huh?

This evening’s Weibo was captured by "Almighty Sports King" and Su Zhe figure skating, Su Zhe shooting and other related topics. Soon Scissorhands specially edited Su Zhe’s various competition scenes and in this variety show. At the same time, in the video, Su Zhe’s detailed data comparison in each game is also attached, as well as his shooting strength and figure skating strength in the variety show.

While everyone was still discussing enthusiastically, someone suddenly raised a question-from August 16 when the program was recorded to September 13, when the program was now broadcast, it seemed that it was only in August. Su Zhe also had some public itineraries in the middle and late ten days, such as various commendation meetings and participating in various school meet-and-greets. Since the end of August, Su Zhe has re-entered his invisibility.

Chigualu on Weibo also realized at this time, because the concentrated broadcast of Guoguotai variety shows during this period gave them the illusion that Su Zhe has been active, but in fact, since the end of August, Su Zhe seems to have not participated in any additional activities.


Those who were surprised by this fact turned over Su Zhe's Weibo and found that he hadn't been online for more than half a month. This was also his normal performance in the competition cycle and training cycle.

The people who eat Gualu were in a trance. After the Olympics, how long did they rest? Did he start intensive training again?

With doubts, the Chigualus found the Weibo of the national track and field team, flipped forward, and saw a piece of news related to Su Zhe. Since August 27, the members of the national track and field team have returned one after another. The national team’s track and field base conducts systematic restorative training. Among them, @苏哲 has begun preparations for the next Diamond League under the arrangement of coaches @苏寅生 and @吕飞.

Most of Chigualu did not follow the official Weibo of the national track and field team, so the news at the time did not attract widespread attention. Only the sports fans tweeted thousands of them, cheering for Su Zhe one after another. I wish him good results in the next Diamond League Lausanne and Brussels.

And when most of Chigualu paid attention to Su Zhe again because of today's hot topics, they discovered that it was already September 13th, and one day has passed since the Diamond League Lausanne station on September 12th? !

Turning over the official microblog of the national track and field team again, everyone discovered that in the latest Weibo released by the national track and field team, it was mentioned that Su Zhe won in the Lausanne Diamond League with a time of 9.95 seconds. The first place in Lausanne in the Diamond League, Su Zhe’s current diamond points in the Diamond League’s 100m event are enough for him to enter the final of the Diamond League 100m event.

After seeing the news, the majority of Chigualu was stunned. They did not expect that at the same time that the variety show at Guoguotai was exploding, Su Zhe had actually quietly reinvested in intensive training, and once again Won such an outstanding result in the Diamond League.

You Chigualu thought of the existence of the Athletics Kingdom forum. After scanning the recent posts one by one on the Athletics Kingdom forum, many people found that track and field fans had already discussed Su Zhe’s next schedule. Many rounds.

Sometimes there are discussions about Su Zhe’s shooting and figure skating in variety shows, but the final discussion focuses on whether Su Zhe’s talent and love for these projects will affect his own track and field. Achievement.

Until today's live broadcast content came out, the track and field fans in the track and field forum were relieved. During the program, Su Yinsheng's resolute attitude and Su Zhe's feedback made them feel at ease.

Of course, what really reassures them is the Weibo of Su Zhe’s return to the team for training released by the national track and field team, and the good results that Su Zhe achieved in Lausanne in the previous day’s game.

[No matter what kind of talent Su Zhe has shown for other events, his top talent and love are still above track and field events. 】

After the track and field fans clarified this idea, they were much more peaceful. In their view, as long as Su Zhe continues to maintain a good state in the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles, other interests that do not affect their own competitive state, There is no problem.

After discovering that Su Zhe had long been out of sight of the public, returned to the team for training, and quietly won the first place in the 100 meters in the Diamond League, the mood of the Chigualus has a touch of complexity.

In the hustle and bustle of the Internet, the person they followed has already taken off the previous halo, has also left the attention of countless spotlights, and has quietly stepped on to the one that lacks halo attention and needs. Countless sweat on the road.

Is it because he has his father and coach by his side to spur him forward?

Many people quickly rejected this idea after issuing this question.

On the road Su Zhe is facing at this time, it is no longer meaningful to rely solely on the spurs of others. Standing in the ranks of the world’s top athletes, the breakthroughs and efforts he has to make can only rely on himself. With firm will and pursuit, it is possible to go deeper and further on this road.

On the Internet, many people who eat melons suddenly quietly put down their melons after watching this series of performances by Su Zhe.

Someone posted a comment full of real emotion on Weibo.

[Suddenly feel that I really admire him. Two breakthrough bronze medals in the Olympics, as well as the performance of overtaking the Japanese team in the relay and finally winning the silver medal. His strength in the 100-meter event can be said to be equal to Chen Zhi, and at the current 110 meters. On the column item, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in China today.

Not only that, in the judgment of many commentators, his future achievements are limitless.

This is his professional achievement.

In addition, there is no doubt about his popularity in variety shows this month. Even in the fashion circle, he has directors and designers who admire him. At the same time, he wants to invite him to shoot commercials, variety shows, and TV stations. Endless.

During this period of time, what we have seen, his talent in shooting, his talent in figure skating, his expressiveness in advertising shooting and facing the camera, these are his capital enough to play around, but He did not.

Now that the Olympics is over, and the survey is just over a month away, even if he continues to enjoy the glory of his previous games during this time, I don’t think most people will have any opinions and will enthusiastically support him.

However, he did not lose his goal and path because of these auras and glory, but at a moment when no one was noticed, he quietly returned to his battlefield.

With such a firm heart, but also with such outstanding talent.

His success is not without trace, but with a solid foundation.

During this period of time, eating melons and wandering around to this day, I must say one thing, I admire him, and admire everyone who thinks like him, whether in the trough or at the peak, whether in the bustling attention, or They are athletes who always maintain a firm heart and move toward their goals in a quiet and remote place.

Thank you, it is because of your presence that we can talk about the glory of our country so lively on the Internet. 】

This comment, after being posted on Weibo, has been reposted by many people one after another, and when every reposter was reposting it, he sincerely attached his own gratitude-thank you, thank you everyone for bringing us Athletes to glory.


...A huge, couscous vegetable, has soaked itself in the hot pot, and has already sliced ​​itself...everyone...freely...come on... (holding his head and shaking)

Tomorrow, theoretically it will be updated at 4 pm... (continues to tremble), everyone, see you tomorrow...

(From a dish that has been too long to read reviews)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-11-1214:15:56~2019-11-1319:24:19~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: 1 baa;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Jinzi;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenade: 233,331 of them were cut and killed;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 2 rosemary; Fodu Qingyi, +_+ya, Zhaoyu Lingxie, Yunyun Rabbit, Yuanzhi, Yishanyuan, Senna, Hyoscyamus, __Ss, Wenyi, lana, douzipmy , Langfeng, Slightly Cool Night, 24540580, 26587301, Fanfan, Ether, Bottle, Mr. Nan’s Zimumuya, Yunqi Pine Nuts, Mengdie 23333, Esteban, 8608672, ZOZO, Huagu Xiaojun 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 116 bottles of fanfan; 100 bottles of Jia Huan; 90 bottles of Chenchen who doesn't want to get up, Xiao Xiaoshuang; 79 bottles of Little Cute; 70 bottles of Fujiwara Feixue; 68 bottles of Su Yiyi; 60 bottles of Red Cat; My Neighbor Totoro 56 bottles; one-thousandth of a scoop, a smile with a faint smile, 50 bottles of Umy_joy, Meow King, Edamame, and Yan Lingshi; 40 bottles of sunny, Wuyuan, Daobi Ke, Jiujiu; Feng Qingyun Light, plum, count the prosperous, Wu Muzi, green frog, full moon, sweet ﹎. Sweet 30 bottles; Nangong Yilu 25 bottles; Crystal 21 bottles; Xiao Fujiwara, Limo Bumo Li, Olivia, Xiaojingzi, Jun, Youyoubao , Yin Tianxin, Ji, @薇兰~, 魍琞, Mengmeng second element, 20 bottles of hot orange juice; 17 bottles of Luohua and Wenyi; 15 bottles of Senna; Xuanyuan Jiujiu, hardtoget, gorgeous little Dingdong, Moxi, Feng Demon, love, favor, tuaner, luna, beware of stupidity, wall to countless, blue, btsmin, art, kaya, Neleeya, kkkkkkan, meow, susu, linda, misty, drunk Yinshuanghe, Pingxie Heihua irreversible, aa, Xi Youling, saites, devil by your side, lovecra, Qijiu 10 bottles; yuyuyu, baa, Cynthia 8 bottles; Langfeng 7 bottles; Guoliner fruit picking in progress, imaginary leaves, but Please sleep, don’t laugh, dx6 bottles; Yang Mumu, original potato chips, Chinese **** author, Qiao, Sansan are also very helpless, Songsong, Meng, 00, Qingkong, Xiaoxiao, yuffie, Yanyanyanyan, Shang Bei, elegant and violent, Yi Xi, fnws 12025 bottles; Mu Mu Xi, cxll, Zhixi 4 bottles; Xin Yue, Liushuang 3 bottles; I am super fat, Yu Xiao Yanran, Esteban,, Shen Jiang, working hard, 2 bottles of Yubao, Poqing, Orange, and Evil Witch; moom, Liuliu Liuhe, Ben Witch One Thousand Years Old, niki, Ruo Qianyou, 24317725, broken, a happy silly rabbit, green Clouds, small kelp drifting in the wind, Bai Jinzhi, great request for more _(:з」∠)_, 偸筽, the supreme of the gods, 炏xi, a bottle of thoughtful text;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!