Chapter 151: Shooting Fanwai: New Legend (4)

As the ace players in the domestic 10-meter airman and gun event, Wang Yisheng, Tao Wen and He Xiaobi naturally all advanced to the finals.

Both Wang Yisheng and Tao Wen are members of the national shooting team. They were assigned to the second half of today's qualifying match, so they did not officially meet Su Zhe until the final.

Since Zhou Tianjue took Su Zhe and his team to visit the training center of the national shooting team, especially the variety show of Sports All-Around King, Su Zhe has maintained a good relationship with the shooting team members.

Including the decision to switch to shooting after retiring, Wang Yisheng, Tao Wen and other members of the national shooting team played a lot of side drums.

But after really retiring, including entering the provincial shooting team to start formal training, the few people have not seen each other for a while. This game is also the first time that they have met on the official arena.

After meeting with Su Zhe, Wang Yisheng and Tao Wen both expressed emotion.

"You guy, really amazing." Wang Yisheng admired: "When you didn't start training, your gun was stable. Now that you have trained for this little year, your level is really nothing to say."

Tao Wen nodded and smiled and pointed to Su Zhe: "With you here in our shooting world, our pressure will be even greater next."

Wang Yisheng and Tao Wen are both old members of the shooting team, but the so-called guns are old and stable. The two have a high level of competition and outstanding psychological quality. They are ace players in the shooting team that can give people a sense of security.

In the earlier qualifying rounds, the two of them scored 580 and 578 respectively, ranking third and fourth in the qualifying round.

In the final, Wang Yisheng was placed at the fourth target position, Tao Wen was placed at the fifth target position, and Su Zhe and He Xiaobi were placed at the second target position and the first target position respectively.

After the finalists’ target positions were allocated, everyone first stood in a row, waved to the audience and the audience, then turned back to their positions, took out their firearms, started debugging the firearms, loading bullets, and testing. A series of preparations such as guns.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, the commentators sitting in the live broadcast room at this time are Liu Hong and Li Wenbin, the famous shot commentators.

The two had already obtained the list of entries and the information of each participant before today's live broadcast, but even so, when the two of them watched the webcast of the qualifying match together, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Both of them are professional commentators of the sports channel. They are also close friends with Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan. Since Su Zhe retired, these two old friends have been feeling that they have not explained the game without Su Zhe. A bit of passion.

Good guys!

As a result, although Su Zhe retired, but this returned to their shooting project.

Liu Hong and Li Wenbin were also amused for a while, and then sent a message specifically to Zhang Jing and Wang Miaochuan, asking them to watch the live broadcast of the shooting tournament.

After the official live broadcast started, Liu Hong and Li Wenbin began to introduce each player present as usual. When the camera turned to Su Zhe who was carefully inspecting the guns, the two commentators opened the topic.

"The audience before the live TV broadcast should have noticed that a brand new face appeared in the finals of the 10-meter airman and gun at the National Shooting Championship today."

Li Wenbin smiled and said, "In fact, it’s not quite right to say that it’s a brand new face. I think that the audience sitting in front of the live TV broadcast should all know the contestant on our No. 2 target-yes. He is our legendary athlete in track and field, and the famous track and field athlete who retired after the Olympics last year, Su Zhe!"

"Hi." Liu Hong smiled and shook his head: "Why is this introduction so awkward? Yes, after retiring from the game, Su Zhe, a famous track and field athlete in China, passed an application and a series of tests and joined the provincial shooting team in a low-key manner. The shooting team has excellent results in various tests. This time, Su Zhe represented the provincial shooting team in the 10-meter air hand and gun competition of the National Shooting Championship, and hit 589 in the qualifying round. He has the world's top level of results, ranking first in the qualifying competition.

"In fact, Su Zhe's strength in shooting events, especially the 10-meter airman and gun, can be seen from the variety show he participated in more than ten years ago, but the variety show at the time was mostly entertainment effects. No one thought that Su Zhe actually had the strength of a top professional player in the 10-meter air hand and gun project."

"Yes." Liu Hong couldn't help but exclaimed: "There may be some viewers who don't know what the 589 ring represents. Let's put it this way, 6 groups of 60 bullets and gun qualifying records, so far The Olympic record is 591 rings, and the world record is 594 rings. The birth dates of these two groups were 2009 and 2004 respectively."

"Su Zhe's 589 ring score in today's qualifying round has already approached the Olympic record wirelessly." After a pause, Li Wenbin added: "And this is just his participation as a 10-meter airman and gun professional. The first battle."

In front of the live screen, there were many spectators who started to watch the shooting competition purely because of Su Zhe. After listening to the explanations of the two commentators, they also had a clearer concept of Su Zhe's previous qualifying results.

While having the concept, everyone couldn't help but admire at the same time-this is really awesome!

From track and field cross-sports to shooting, let go of the legendary halo of the past, and fight again in the new project.

What is worth admiring is not only the admirable personal strength after Su Zhe has shown the qualifying results, but also the ordinary heart of daring to remove the halo and even face doubts.

The official competition has not yet started, but after the news from Weibo, major gossip forums, or word of mouth, the people who have received the news from all walks of life, track and field enthusiasts, Su Zhe’s fans and other different groups of people, At this time, the TV live projection was turned on, and I watched the game at this time.

The person in charge of the live broadcast of the National Shooting Championship of Sports Channel is naturally sitting in the control room for the audience, while waiting for real-time data.

From the time Su Zhe appeared on the stadium, the person in charge of this live broadcast knew that the results this time would not be bad, but after seeing the real-time data graph, the backstage staff couldn’t help but **** their mouths. Chill.

"Fuck, Su Shen's appeal is absolutely amazing?"

In the real-time data in the background, there are several different benchmarks, one is the average viewing curve of related live events in the past, the other is the highest viewing curve of related events in the past, and the other is the lowest viewing curve.

In addition, in the reference baseline, there are several others, which are the average ratings of other popular sports events.

Under the comparison of these baselines, the staff in the background can not only see the current live streaming trend curve through the real-time live streaming data trend, but also see the gap between the current live streaming trend curve and other reference lines. Compared.

The live broadcast of shooting events, as a project with a relatively narrow audience in live sports, has not been very good in the past live broadcast data.

Except for the special events that compete for the first gold blessing during the Olympics, shooting live broadcasts at other times, the audience is so small, and no matter how floating it is, it is very limited. Compared with popular live broadcast events such as basketball, football, and track and field. , The gap in the middle looks almost insurmountable.

But today is different.

Today’s live broadcast of the 10-meter airman and gun finals has surpassed the highest peak of previous shooting competitions from the beginning. With the advancement of time and the spread of news, the ratings of this live broadcast have gone straight to all kinds of hot spots. The excellent data of the event is gone.

This posture of never returning and flying straight to the sky made everyone stunned.

At the final scene, neither the audience nor the players knew that the ratings were soaring.

After all the players were ready, the players put on their own special glasses and special soundproof earplugs to bet on the upcoming game.

Unlike the qualifiers, this event has been in use since the finals format was changed more than ten years ago-in the finals, the scores of the qualifiers are all cleared. From the start of the finals, the 8 finalists will shoot 2 sets of 6 rounds in total. The scores of these 6 rounds will be used as the player's base score. After that, for every two shots, the player with the lowest total score will be eliminated. , Until finally decided the champion, runner-up and third place.

Every shooting final is a cruel knockout. The finalists must bear tremendous pressure and ensure that their state is always stable before they can have a chance to win the final victory.

It is precisely because of this that the shooting skills of a shooter and their own psychological quality have always been the main points that determine the performance of the player.

Not only that, in the finals, the number of rings will no longer be the same as in the qualifying rounds. The more accurate ring number data after the decimal point will be erased. Instead, each ring will be divided into 10 equal parts, and the results of each ring will also be Accurate to one digit after the decimal point.

The finalists not only need to be able to hit the '10 rings', but also need to be able to hit enough'good ten rings'. Only in this way can they have enough competitiveness to compete with other players for the final medal.

At the shooting competition site, since the rules were changed, the audience is no longer required to keep quiet. Instead, when some players have achieved good results, enthusiastically applauding is considered the current shooting competition etiquette.

Only at today's final scene, the audience involuntarily calmed down. Everyone was nervously watching the figure standing in front of the No. 2 target in the final field, waiting for him to shoot the first two sets of bullets.

In today's game, the nervous people are not only the audience, but also some finalists on the field.

It can be said that Su Zhe’s appearance was beyond the expectations of many people. The qualifying time was okay. These players did not know Su Zhe’s strength, but when the qualifying round was over, they faced Su Zhe’s qualifying scores and in the finals. Some young players with unstable psychological qualities became a little impetuous.

For them, no matter how strong Su Zhe is, he is also a track and field player. Now that he stepped into the shooting world, he actually won such an outstanding result. This sudden and strong opponent made their state a little difficult to calm.

Among the players present, only Su Zhe, Wang Yisheng and Tao Wen are in the most stable state. He Xiaobi is too close to his idol, even if he has adjusted his state in time, and devoted his attention to the next game. However, other people are at the target position adjacent to Su Zhe, so emotionally they will inevitably be affected.

Regardless of their respective emotional states, they must adjust in time and set a better benchmark score for themselves before the beginning of the next final elimination phase!

Among the 8 players, the first shot was shot by Wen Qing, a young player from Province J who was in the 6th target position. Although his face was bold, it can be seen from his final score that he was still in a nervous state. .

The player who shot the first shot in the final had 9.6 rings in his first shot.

Obviously, Wen Qing himself was not satisfied with his first shot result. He frowned, lowered his gun arm, began to take a deep breath, and readjusted his game state.

After Wen Qing shot, the players on the other target positions also started shooting, but overall, these players performed very ordinary in the first shot.

Su Zhe did not care about the situation of the players on the other target positions. After wearing soundproof earplugs for shooting, the quiet environment reminded him of the empty and quiet feeling in the familiar system training space. At the same time, the simple and powerful heart The throbbing sound also came in his ears, giving him a vague illusion that he was still fighting for speed on the track and field.

From running to shooting, from moving to static.

What has changed is the form in the game, and what has not changed is the heart chasing victory.

Su Zhe adjusted his breathing quietly, standing with his feet horoscope apart, with his left hand inserted in his trouser pocket, and a stiff posture. The black loose T-shirt is a bit big on his body, matched with white loose sweatpants. With a black baseball cap and plain glasses, he can't see his 35-year-old age at all.

Before the live broadcast, the audience looked at Su Zhe's movements and posture, and couldn't help being a deep compliment-shooting is really good, shooting is really handsome, although Su Shen on the track is also handsome, but where is the track and field training uniform Are you handsome?

Coupled with Su Shen's calm and calm feeling.

Ah, one word-Su!

Su Zhe calmly raised his arm, pre-squeezed the trigger, closed his left eye, and confirmed that the notch on the gun gauge and the front sight were in an even relationship... Then, relying on his shooting intuition, he quickly and decisively pulled the trigger!

After one shot, warm applause was remembered at the scene. These applauses were not for'Su Shen', but for the wonderful results he brought at this time.

10.4 Ring.

This steady opening 10-ring score was enough to make the scene burst into applause.

Immediately after Su Zhe, Wang Yisheng, He Xiaobi and Tao Wen also pulled their triggers one after another.

Among the three people, Wang Yisheng and Tao Wen both achieved excellent results. They scored 10.5 rings and 10.6 rings respectively. What a little bit, it seems that the impact is really not small. The first shot only scored 9.2 rings. His face changed on the spot.

During the live broadcast, Liu Hong and Li Wenbin also noticed He Xiaobi's situation.

"Everyone who has been following the shooting competition all the time should know that He Xiao must be a diehard fan of Su Zhe. It seems that the same game with the idol today has a lot of influence on him."

"Yes, I hope that in the next few shots, He Xiao will be able to adjust his state in time and get a good result!"

For shooters, the first shot often plays a vital role. Generally speaking, it can establish a player's confidence in the next.

It is true that there are players who get more frustrated, but most players lose their mentality easily after the first shot, which leads to the collapse of the final game results.

In the case that the first shot results were generally not ideal, the players in the other several target positions were affected to varying degrees in the next five shots, which was slightly off-standard compared to the previous results.

He Xiaobi, as a new star in the shooting industry, his psychological quality and competitive level are indeed commendable, even if the first shot is not ideal, but in the next 5 shots, he played well. During the period, he even scored a high score of 10.7 rings, and successfully saved himself from the dilemma of losing the first shot.

Su Zhe played steadily in the first 6 shots, scoring 10.4, 10.4, 10.2, 10.0, 10.7 and 9.9 respectively. After 6 shots, he temporarily ranked second with a total score of 61.6.

Wang Yisheng and Tao Wen are worthy of the ace veterans of the national shooting team. Among them, Wang Yisheng temporarily ranked first with a 62.5 points advantage, and Tao Wen temporarily ranked third with a small gap of 61.4.

By the end of the first two groups of 6 bullets fired, the competition has truly entered the most intense knockout stage.

From next on, every two shots will eliminate one player who is at the end of the total score. If you don't want to be eliminated from the field, the players must play a twelve-point spirit and play better than their opponents!

In front of the live TV screen, many viewers who watched the game for the first time were surprised after hearing the commentary explaining the elimination rules.

This kind of final elimination competition is enough to bring people full of oppressive excitement and sense of expectation.

According to their usual habit, after entering the finals, the forum audiences who are shooting the world will open 8 scoring posts in the corresponding sub-sections of the forum. Every time a player is eliminated, the player’s Pinned posts will be unpinned until the last post that belongs to the champion of the match is left in the pinned posts.

Today’s game is no exception. At this time, the finals have just begun, and there are 8 posts in a row of different players still hanging on it.

In the discussion area below, many friends have started to bet again-who will be the top king in today's game?

Because Su Zhe came suddenly, apart from his performance in the athletic all-around king variety show more than ten years ago and his excellent results in the earlier qualifying competitions, shooting enthusiasts really don’t know him enough, so they are not sure whether he can reach the top. The discussion is also the most.

[The result of the qualifying round can explain the problem, right? Looking at Su Shen's performance graph, the more stable he goes, the more stable he goes. According to this trend, today's final champion is none other than him! 】

[Although I admire Su Shen very much, we still have to pay attention to the basic law in everything-Su Shen participated in a shooting competition for the first time, and it was also the first time to experience this knockout mode. This is a test of the players’ psychological quality and stability. , I’m afraid it’s still a bit hanged...]

【? ? ? The big brother upstairs, if you think about other things, just forget it, worry about Su Shen's psychological quality, which is a bit unreasonable! 】

Discussions continued on the forum. During the live broadcast, Liu Hong and Li Wenbin were also analyzing the game situation on the field.

Liu Hong: "So far, the final round has passed halfway. After the 14th round of the game, there are now only the top four players left on the field. They are Su Zhe, Wang Yisheng, Tao Wen and He Xiaobi."

"The situation between the players is very stale. From the previous stage of the competition, these players have always occupied the top 4 rankings, but the rankings between each other occasionally change."

"In the current game, Su Zhe is temporarily ranked first with 143.2 points, Wang Yisheng's current total score is 141.2, Tao Wen scored 140.4 points, and between him and He Xiaobi, who is ranked fourth, the score is only 0.2. Minute."

"The next two shots will eliminate the fourth place in the game!"

At the critical moment of the top three decisions, the tension on the scene has intensified. The audience held their breath and dared not to influence the players on the field through cheers and applause—even if they were wearing professional sound-proof earplugs. What will be the impact.

Before the live broadcast, many viewers were also infected by this nervous atmosphere. Even in their own homes, they couldn't help holding their breath, waiting nervously for the results of the next two shots.

After the two shots, the positions of Su Zhe and Wang Yisheng remained unchanged, but because Su Zhe made a slight mistake on the 15th serve, only scored 9.2 rings. Although the 16th round pulled back the score with 10.8 rings, the two serve After the bullet, the score gap between him and Wang Yisheng narrowed from 2 points to 1.2 points.

Before these two rounds, the difference in points between Tao Wen and He Xiaobi was already very small. After the two rounds, Tao Wen made a mistake, and he was finally overturned by He Xiaobi against the wind, hammering down the throne of the top three and taking fourth place. The results are out of the battlefield.

At this time, the scores of the three players on the field were Su Zhe's 163.2, Wang Yisheng's 162, and He Xiaobi's 159.8.

Given the difference in points between He Xiaobi and Wang Yisheng and Su Zhe, if he still wants to headwind, unless he can win two good 10 rings in a row, he also needs both Su Zhe and Wang Yisheng to make mistakes at the same time.

Even in the face of such a disadvantaged situation, He Xiaobi did not give up. He frowned and slammed the last two bullets steadily. For these two bullets, he did hit a very high standard, and they won. High scores of 10.6 points and 10.4 points, but before him Su Zhe and Wang Yisheng also successfully got the standard results.

In the end, He Xiaobi won the third place in the National Shooting Championship with a score of 180.8.

Only Su Zhe and Wang Yisheng were left on the field.

These two people, one is a fledgling shooting "newcomer", the other is a domestic ace veteran. At this point in the battle, everyone can see that the difference in strength between the two is not that big, and they are already among the top in the world. 10 meters air hand, gun level.

Before the last two bullets, the score gap between Su Zhe and Wang Yisheng has been further narrowed, and the two are 182.3 and 181.8 respectively.

A gap of only 0.5 points is no longer an insurmountable threshold.

In the live broadcast room, Liu Hong and Li Wenbin are also discussing the current situation.

"Su Zhe's strength is already very strong, but at the final critical moment of the finals, he just played 17th and 18th twice and played poorly. It is hard to say that his mentality is unstable or normal data fluctuations."

Li Wenbin interfaced: "I still tend to see this as normal data fluctuations. Su Zhe’s psychological stress resistance is well known. In the game just now, Su Zhe’s performance did not make any obvious mistakes. This kind of fluctuations in the number of rings. , It is quite normal."

When the two were discussing, Wang Yisheng had taken the lead in preparing for the game and knocked his 19th bullet.

10.2 ring!

It is a good result!

After Wang Yisheng stopped, Su Zhe had already adjusted his state. He calmly and calmly raised his arm, aimed, and pulled the trigger neatly.


After a short wait, the 10.5 ring data appeared on the monitor screen.

There was a burst of applause from the audience. The appearance of this result widened the gap between him and Wang Yisheng to 0.8 ring, which basically established Su Zhe's final victory.

But there are no absolutes. Wang Yisheng is worthy of being a veteran ace for many years. Even if the game has reached the final chapter, he has not given up the pursuit.

In the 20th round, Wang Yisheng scored a 10.8 ring!

This also means that if Su Zhe can't hit more than 10.0 in the final serve, he may lose to Wang Yisheng or draw with him, and then compete in an extra match.

After Wang Yisheng's results were released, there was an uproar at the scene. Liu Hong and Li Wenbin in the live broadcast room couldn't help but yelled hello.

"Wang Yisheng's last shot is a fierce counterattack to Su Zhe. If Su Zhe makes a mistake in the last shot, then the final victory may fall to Wang Yisheng's pocket!"

This ending was unexpected by the audience and the audience before the live broadcast.

Could the final victory really be cut by Wang Yisheng?

At this moment, Su Zhe did not think so much. He raised his right arm and quietly turned his head to look at the electronic target 10 meters away. At this moment, the small electronic target occupied Su Zhe’s eyes. The whole world.

He closed his left eye and held the gun at the target position in his right hand. His right eye looked precisely at the notch in the gauge, the front sight and the final bullseye. He could feel his arm sway in an extremely small area. During this shaking process, he will shoot at the most central point for a certain moment.

Su Zhe calmly felt his breathing rhythm and state, and finally, when his arm shaking and breathing rhythm were completely under his control...

It's now!


Su Zhe simply pulled the trigger, then the bullet flew forward, and then hit the electronic target!

Score, what is the score? !

When Su Zhe fired the last shot, everyone's eyes quickly turned to the electronic target monitor screen above Su Zhe's target position.

Then, at the moment when the score appeared, people couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

Su Zhe, 20th round-number of rings, 10.9.



Unexpectedly, at the moment when the update is about to end and the update, my update time for Spicy Chicken and Vegetables has entered a state of chaos again...orz, please forgive a sad social animal

But today’s updated word count should be forgivable? (Covering his face silently)

Love you, see you tomorrow night! (The update time of tomorrow night may not be confirmed for the time being, I will as soon as possible!)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-11-2700:57:04~2019-11-2801:51:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 dandelion;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Shashou, 410138711;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Sweet Baby 200999 bottles; Yugiri, Fuyu Dumpling, Qi Yue Wuyi, Xia Xue’s Cloud, liclovey 50 bottles; DOVE 乄 44 bottles; Yu Yin and Yegu 30 bottles; Miss Raindrop 25 bottles; sicywang, Twice a little rabbit, 20 bottles of Captain America’s little fan girl, Jun, Plate, Wuguichen; 15 bottles of hard work in the world; 13 bottles of deer in the depths of the forest; butterfly dreams, ghosts, haze, slight joy, cute things Canned cats, 10 bottles of hellojuly; one to six bottles; Qingxin 55, Bian Wangchuan, Nannan Yebo 5 bottles; Evil Witch 4 bottles; Peter Pan and Sindorella 3 bottles; Tifa390119952 bottles; 1 bottle of super short, purple fish rain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!