Chapter 161: Parallel World Figure Skating (9)

The next morning, when the figure skating team members were still training on the side of the training field, Cui Yi and others also arrived at the training ground, and then called Su Zhe away to the ice gym alone.

The players in the men's figure skating team are all young and curious. One of the players, Wang Wei, is the son of the team coach Wang Hongming. So he rubbed against his father and asked his father with a smile that they would take Su Zhe. where to.

After all, there are all teenage boys in the team. These days, their relationship with Su Zhe and Chen En is pretty good. At this moment, the team will be killed to take away Su Zhe. In addition to curiosity, it also carries a sense of care.

Wang Hongming looked at Wang Wei amused and said, "What do you do with such gossip? It's not a big deal. Before, Cui pointed out that he had seen a clip of "Fallen Watcher" by Su Zheshua. Today we plan to look at the specific effect of this clip kind."

"Wow, "Fallen Watcher"!" Wang Wei's eyes lit up, and then he saluted Su Zhe's direction: "As expected, it is my brother Zhe! Brother Zhe is awesome!"

Wang Hongming looked at the appearance of his son and laughed: "Okay, this is called the upper brother? Train well, don't fool me!"

Wang Wei also ignored his father, waved his hand alive, returned to the training area, and signaled to the other team members that it was okay, and then everyone discussed Wang Hongming's "Fallen Watcher" that Su Zhe had previously slid.

As the men's singles members of the national team, these children certainly know the difficulty of this song, and their family knows their own affairs, especially for them, at least so far, they are not sure to perform this song well.

"Huh? Chen En, when Cui guided him to select Su Zhe before, were you there? Then did you see him slip and fall to the Watcher?"

The baby-faced Chen En nodded. Of course he remembered Su Zhe’s performance at the time and the shock that Su Zhe’s performance brought him, but he was not very good at expressing. Faced with the curious eyes of everyone, Chen Enyi With a serious face, she couldn't say much about it.

On the other side, in the figure skating stadium, Cui Yi and the other coaches have also explained to him the purpose of calling him over. Su Zhe immediately said that after a brief warm-up, he put on skates and went on the ice rink. He slid to the center of the ice rink with a relaxed attitude and squatted down.

The staff on the ice rink has already tuned up the music of "Fallen Catcher" according to the request of several coaches. After Su Zhe on the ice signaled that he was ready, the staff clicked the play button.

Seeing Su Zhe's preparations, Cui Yi raised his brows. Compared with the last time when he was almost casual, Su Zhe's opening today was obviously prepared for the song before.

With the sound of the watchman music, the coaches who were still discussing with each other on the sidelines were all attracted by Su Zhe's movements on the ice.

On the huge stage of Ice Surface, even if there is no spotlight on the stage, Su Zhe's body still seems to have light gathering, and everyone's eyes are involuntarily attracted by him.

When the music first started, his open arms were like the wings of the archangel Lucifer wrapping him. His body movements were soft and full of a magical comforting power, making everyone who saw it Involuntarily falling into a peaceful and beautiful fantasy, it seems that the person he sees is really the archangel from the legend.

But everything that was peaceful was only a short-lived illusion after all. When the temptation of questioning and degeneration began to appear, the once pure and flawless archangel also fell into a struggle.

The fast turn 3 pace is accompanied by gradual intense music, and the final rotation is like the archangel has fallen into the vortex of justice and darkness.

After the jump at the climax of the music, the angel's illusion disappeared, leaving only the indifferent and ruthless devil.

At the end of the music, the perfect outer blade big character and Su Zhe's open arms are like the devil Lucifer, who is arrogantly scorning the scornful people before him.

In the end, when everything returned to its place, Lucifer was also standing in the middle of the ice, extending his right arm indifferently, looking at everything in front of him, with arrogance of alienation.

From beginning to end, whether it is the archangel Lucifer, or the ultimate demon Lucifer, even if both are from the performance of Su Zhe, but the transformation of temperament is natural and smooth, and at the same time, the two The extreme temperament between the writers is not at all inconsistent.

When the music entered the climax of the transition between the two roles, the fierce emotional changes were vividly expressed in the emotions of the characters and captured the hearts of every audience.

After watching Su Zhe's performance, the coaches present also understood Cui Yi's mood at the time-whether he was a professional player or not, he did not hope that in the future, he would not see such a wonderful experience in figure skating.

Eliza and Ai Na are the two most excited of all the coaches. Su Zhe's performance not only met their expectations, but even far exceeded their expectations.

They have been looking forward to meeting a player of this type for a long time!

Except for Eliza and Ai Na, the other coaches were also very satisfied with Su Zhe's performance.

The emergence of Su Zhe means that among the men's figure skaters of the national team, there is one more player with extraordinary talent in artistic expression, which will surely make the Chinese men's figure skating an extra heavyweight.

After Su Zhe got off the ice, Cui Yi asked with interest: "Have you prepared for this show?"

Su Zhe smiled and nodded. Cui Yi helped him arrange the clips of this show. After his only performance, he repeated the content of this song in the system's training space according to his own preferences. Expanded and improved the arrangement.

Cui Yi smiled and said, "You have good luck." After a pause, he added: "My luck is also good."

In fact, the clips that Su Zhe slid that day were not exactly the same as today's full version, and they did have a more casual meaning, but the familiarity of the track naturally brought a bonus to Su Zhe's performance.

Cui Yi said that Su Zhe was lucky, and he said that he was also lucky because he was really optimistic about Su Zhe. After seeing the performance of this full version today, he was further convinced of this.

"However, who made your entire set of action arrangements?" Cui Yi frowned and said, "Some of them are fine, but they are basically for artistic expression and fit services with the repertoire. They are used in performance skating. It's okay inside. It's totally unqualified for use in official competitions."

"Uh..." Su Zhe smiled awkwardly: "This is indeed what I did while sliding myself..."

Including the short choreography Cui Yi made for Su Zhe at the time, it was also for the "Almighty Sports King" program. Of course, there is no need to consider the technical sub-combination and so on like the competition program. Later, Su Zhe skated in his training space. , I am even more entertaining, relying on my own preferences and understanding of the song, to highlight the role of the music as much as possible.

Just like Cui Yi said, if the whole set of movement arrangement is used in figure skating competition, it is totally unqualified.

Before, the coaching staff had not made a final conclusion on Su Zhe's staying or going, but after the show today, there is no doubt about Su Zhe's going or staying.

If this is the case, the coaching staff will then begin to arrange competition programs for Su Zhe, and at the same time apply to ISU to give Su Zhe grade certification and qualifications for the domestic competition.

For Cui Yi, he brought Su Zhe back to the team. After he officially joined the national team, he would also guide him, and he would take care of ISU matters.

As for the selection of the repertoire for Su Zhe's competition, "Fallen Watcher" will of course be the best choice for free skating at present, but in the overall program arrangement, naturally, it can no longer be done casually like it is now.

Eliza and Ai Na have already discussed a lot of excitement on the side. From the re-editing of music to the adjustment of dance choreography, they are discussing almost non-stop.

The few minutes that Su Zhe had just performed on the ice had already inspired them infinitely, and we waited for the detailed discussion later.

In the next half month, Cui Yi was dealing with a series of related matters such as Su Zhe's application for the figure skating grade examination, and at the same time helped Su Zhe sort out the key content of the assessment. After the application was approved, Cui Yi took Su Zhe to the ISU assessment venue, and accompanied Su Zhe to complete the grading assessment that had undergone special application approval.

After the assessment, Su Zhe finally got a stepping stone to participate in the national professional figure skating competition.

During this period of time, Su Zhe’s personal relationship was officially transferred to the national figure skating team, and he was accepted as an official figure skating national team men’s singles athlete.

In addition to Su Zhe, Chen En's assessment and training has also ended ahead of schedule, and together with Su Zhe transferred the relationship to the national team.

Chen En is still young and he is not yet 16 years old. Regarding his training plan, Cui Yi has already had a belly draft before. One has to re-adjust his jumping technique for Chen En. Before he adjusts his technical movements, Don't consider letting him try more difficult jumps for the time being.

In addition, courses related to Chen En’s dance, music and other related courses were urgently scheduled by Cui Yi. Chen En is still young now. As long as he undergoes certification adjustments, he must still be able to learn about art in the future. There can be more room for improvement.

At present, Chen En is still young. Although he will not be allowed to stay in the U-series Junior Tournament, at most he will be allowed to participate in the Youth Tournament and gradually adapt to the competitions of different age groups. As for the promotion to the adult group, there is no need to do so. Anxious.

But Su Zhe is different. Su Zhe will be 19 years old this year. At this age, once the competition starts, he will enter the competition in the adult group.

As an ordinary person who has never participated in a related game, Cui Yi's worry about Su Zhe is not only whether he can quickly adapt to the training life of the national team, but also whether he can well follow the needs of the coaching staff and play well. The official arrangement of the content, and how will his performance be in the official game?

Will it be as good as usual, or will it lose due to tension and other reasons in the game?

Various unknown factors cannot be revealed before the official competition.

During this period of time, the busy people are not only Cui Yi, Eliza and Anna have completed the overall choreography of the dance for "Fallen Watcher", determined the music selection and the overall program framework, and that is New dance moves were screened for this show.

In addition to Su Zhe’s original opening and closing styling, Eliza has also prepared several sets of different opening and closing styling moves as options. At the same time, during the game, the space composition of the arena and the jump are also considered. Footwork, choreography and grading footwork and other elements, not only that, but the players will also consider jumping in front of the referee's stand and some figure skating performances, in order to make the judges leave a deeper impression on the players.

All these are the content that needs to be considered in the programming of the program.

In addition to the dance part, figure skating is a competitive sport. Of course, it is necessary to consider how to artistically intersperse difficult technical movements in the program. Only in this way can a program with both technology and art achieve excellence in the competition. The results.

An excellent figure skater can not only skate perfectly on the ice with a complete set of programs that have been arranged, but also make mistakes in the course of the game, such as insufficient jumping weeks, unstable ice, falling ice, etc. In situations where points will be deducted from their own programs, experienced players can even adjust their movements in time on the ice to make a perfect jump while taking into account the artistic integrity of the program.

In addition to free skating, Eliza and Ai Na also selected a set of short program alternative tracks for Su Zhe. Among them, Ai Na highly praised a track called "Blizzard".

The protagonist of this song is a vengeful prince. His lover died in his arms in the snowstorm. From then on, his world stayed forever on the night of the snowstorm. His only purpose of survival was revenge.

He is elegant and calm, working at every step, but his heart is always wrapped in frost, his heart is cold and ruthless, but his graceful and decent mask has won him the favor of countless people.

Like Lucifer, who fell from the archangel to the devil in "Fallen Watcher", this is also a character that needs complex expression. Compared with the fallen watcher, this track with specific stories and deeds is more important. The difficult point is that this track is the soundtrack of a well-known film, and the protagonist of this film is the revenge prince.

The actor who played the prince of vengeance at the beginning has a very outstanding appearance, and he is recognized as a beautiful man in the world, and his acting skills are as good as his appearance. The image of the prince of vengeance in the film is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, while making people fearful , And feel distressed about his experience and everything.

Although this film is not a big hit, the classic image of the prince of revenge has always been a benchmark figure that various movie public accounts will never miss when counting related classic images.

With such a jade in front, it is often difficult for latecomers to surpass such a classic. After all, the deep impression of the past and the blurred memory will make people put a layer of beautifying filter on the previous content, which leads to This track is as uninterested as "Fallen Catcher", because such a track is not only difficult to express, but also has extremely high requirements for the players themselves regardless of their appearance, temperament or other qualities.

Although Ai Na strongly wants to recommend this song as a short program track, she also understands the influence behind this song and how high the demands on the players are.

Therefore, after expressing her admiration for this piece, Ai Na regretfully took out another alternative track and submitted it to Su Zhe and Cui Yi.

Indeed, as Ai Na thought, Cui Yi very decisively rejected the proposal of "Blizzard" and began to consider the very relaxed and elegant piece "Breeze Blows" in the alternative.

While Cui Yi was considering other scores, Su Zhe also spoke up.

"Actually, I also have a certain interest in the track "Blizzard"." Su Zhe glanced at the materials and documents prepared by Aina, and thought carefully: "But as a short program, the excerpt of "Blizzard" you chose for Aina, The core it wants to express is too complicated, and the versatility of the role is somewhat similar to the image conflict of Lucifer in "Fallen Watcher", which will cause the audience to stereotype my program."

After Su Zhe earnestly stated his relevant judgments, Aina, Elise, and Cui Yi were all a little surprised.

Especially Cui Yi, the reason why he rejected the track "Blizzard" so decisively, in addition to the original film and classic characters of the movie, there is another important reason, because of this problem.

Although Su Zhe has a strong expressive power, he can show fierce emotional conflicts and the transformation of different temperaments of the same character, but such fierce emotional changes can be used to create a classic on a character. In a short time, It is really unnecessary to use the same technique and repertoire to let Su Zhe interpret a highly similar character.

Such a performance, although Su Zhe may not perform well, it will leave the audience with the illusion that Su Zhe will only perform the same type of character.

The finalization of a figure skating program requires a long time of preparation and polishing. In other words, if you choose Blizzard as the music for the short program, Su Zhe is likely to perform these two repeatedly in the next season. The program, thereby giving audiences and referees an impression of stereotypes.

Although this problem can be solved naturally after Su Zhe changes to a new program next year, since this problem can be avoided when selecting music, why should this problem be left in the follow-up?

Cui Yi looked at Su Zhe with satisfaction and nodded, and then said to Ai Na: "This is the short program, "Breeze blowing", the music rhythm is relaxed and natural, there are no complicated emotional expressions, it just needs to bring people a refreshing feeling. Just fine, it just forms a sufficient contrast with "Fallen Watcher", and can also show the versatility of Su Zhe."

There was no objection to Cui Yi's decision, and Ai Na also showed a sorry expression after hearing Su Zhe's suggestion and Cui Yi's decision.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do what my professionalism should do." Ai Na was a little frustrated: "My personal preferences surpass my professionalism. I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again next time. This happened."

After this simple episode, Cui Yi also completely determined his short program repertoire and free skating repertoire for Su Zhe.

The short program uses the music sketch "Breeze Blowing", and the free skating is naturally the song "Fallen Watcher" by Su Zhe.

Cui Yi also clearly told Su Zhe that he intends to strengthen his programming and training in the next time. He hopes to catch up with this year's figure skating national championship in November. He has reserved one for him. Men's singles entries.

While Su Zhe was busy for training and competition, on the other side, Shao Xingchen was also preparing for his transformation plan.

On the first day of the rebirth return, Shao Xingchen returned to the studio and expressed to Li Cheng that he wanted to start preparing for the transformation plan immediately. Li Cheng almost thought he was crazy. After all, before that, the two had already discussed and must follow the plan. Slowly guide the fan circle, and then find the right time, first try to start from the small screen, and then consider accumulating a certain word of mouth and related contacts, and then try to go to the film circle to seek the development of film roles.

Shao Xingchen's sudden request for transformation made Li Cheng somewhat unprepared and somewhat difficult to understand.

"Are you ready? Just like this rash transition, can you bear the audience's evaluation of you? Are you ready for acting?"

At this time, Li Cheng really couldn't understand why Shao Xingchen suddenly became so eager, as if he wanted to complete his transformation work overnight.

Of course, Shao Xingchen also understood that the transformation could not be completed so quickly, but after a brief silence, he still asked Li Cheng for assistance and seriously started the relevant transformation plan.

"Why?" Li Cheng looked at Shao Xingchen with a headache: "What do you want to hide from me in our relationship? You are so anxiously preparing for transformation, isn't it because you want to fall in love?"

Shao Xingchen looked at Li Cheng with a wry smile and shook his head. Why does he want to fall in love?

It was clear that he had been forcibly broken up before he started falling in love.

Seeing him shaking his head, Li Cheng just let down his hanging heart when he heard Shao Xingchen say the words "break up", and suddenly he felt a thunderbolt in front of him.

After a while, Li Cheng doubted again: "...No, just because of the intensity of your work and the closeness of me following you every day, why didn't I find that you were in love?"

Shao Xingchen did not reply, but handed a notebook in his hand to Li Cheng.

Since he set up his own studio, there have been many resources to come to him, but none of them are particularly good resources.

In particular, he used to be active as an idol and found his resources. Most of the vase roles were given to him, and he did not expect him to have any acting skills.

The only exception is the book he picked, but it is also a not-so-good exception-this book is also from director Shin Zheng. During the same period in his last life, Shin Zheng was preparing to shoot his ideals. A martial arts film, but there is a role in this film, and he has not been able to find Shen Zheng's ideal actor, so that Shen Zheng has become a permanent regret.

In the last life, after Shen Zheng and Shao Xingchen became a year-long acquaintance, Shen Zheng once looked at Shao Xingchen and said: "If you can have the acting skills you have now when you are young, then you are the perfect one in my mind. Image."

At this time, what Shao Xingchen was holding was the script that Shen Zheng had said, the role's casting invitation.


QAQ... Kneel, I, the car overturned... Wow, wow, sorry... Crying and lying flat

PS: A little angel asked the Fallen Watcher if there is this song ← this is the name of my nonsense, cough cough, but I searched for some songs when I was writing, and I looked back to see if I could find the original song

(Oh, kneel down again, see you tomorrow night)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-0423:52:53~2019-12-0600:14:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Yang Juanjuan is a fat man;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Yang Juanjuan is 4 fat people; Mumu, 40,95084, Lianxuan, Qinghua Fanyueluo, Yuan Nun, +_+ya, 233,331 are cute;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Bethofani #^_^#90 bottles; Weiyang 73 bottles; Fanshu 50 bottles; 00940 bottles; Yunsheng 22 bottles; ャoo butterfly love, the taste of the world is Qinghuan, 20 bottles of Tian Weiyu; 15 bottles of eyes and Xiaoxin without crayons; summer’s little orange cat, if tomorrow, Qiancheng, Xiaoye, Kaikai’s mother powder, Yang Juanjuan is fat, Nafir Titi, yoyo , Mumu, Cici aj, Kaya, Peppermint, Sunny Flower and Moonfall, 10 bottles of Paradise Sea; 8 bottles of Flowing Clouds; 246735276 bottles; Yun, 38129609, 14102592, Phantom of the Night, 5 bottles of Seven Orange Wells; e Yueyue, a happy silly rabbit Chi, Weiwei, and He’s little girl 2 bottles; Evil Witch, Liuliuhe, Yuezai, Zunpin, Wutong Feiyu, Ziyuyu, Yier, 19750255, 288960181 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, and I will continue to work hard!