Chapter 165: Parallel World Figure Skating (13)

Since Su Zhe’s 4s fell on the ice, although the distances between Su Zhe, Cui Yi and the fishing rod coach are different, they all fell into a strange silence for a while.

The fishing rod coach and Su Zhe looked at each other. Su Zhe was really embarrassed to ask the question, "Why didn't you catch me?"

After Cui Yi was silent for about 1 minute, he waved from a distance and called the two of them to the front.

Su Zhe followed the fishing rod coach to Cui Yi. He still seemed to be calm as if nothing happened, but he was actually thinking silently about how to deal with this embarrassing situation.

Cui Yi called Su Zhe and the fishing rod coach to the front and back without talking, but looked up and down Su Zhe. After seeing Su Zhe all over his body, Cui Yi said with a calm face and said, "Let’s talk about it. thing?"


What can you say?

Of course nothing can be said.

Su Zhe's face was paralyzed, and he looked very determined: "Well, about the second time I tried to jump, I felt better. I was lucky and succeeded."


Cui Yi said indifferently and turned to look at the fishing rod coach.

The fishing rod coach also thought it was a bit speechless and funny. After coughing twice, he said: "When Su Zhe jumped for the first time, there was no problem with the speed and the point where he entered the jump. I shouldn't have any problems at that time. I helped catch him, but I was afraid that I made a mistake in my judgment, so I still shot."

"When Su Zhe jumped for the second time, I still felt that his jump was indeed okay, so although I was still prepared to prevent him from falling into the ice, I didn't need to take action in the end."

"...Oh." Cui Yi nodded, and then turned his gaze to Su Zhe: "The four-week jump in the back inner loop, are you quite fast?"


When Su Zhe faced this problem, he had no choice but to nodded as if nothing had happened: "Ah, it seems to be."

As a athlete who has been in the track and field events for more than ten years, he has enough experience and experience of the strokes of sprint and hurdle events, but to be honest, even so, as long as people who are familiar with athletes or professional athletes, More or less you can see that the athlete is paddling.

This is true for track events, let alone figure skating?

In figure skating training, Su Zhe has been training alone in the systematic training space. He doesn't know much about the score composition and training aids of real figure skating events.

Under this circumstance, Su Zhe didn't expect that in the first training with the fishing rod coach, he would be seen how well he mastered the round jumps of the inner loop.

Su Zhe's phrase "it seems to be" made Cui Yi smile angrily. He stared at Su Zhe and read it up and down again: "Oh? What kind of jump do you think you can quickly master?"

Cui Yi's question made Su Zhe embarrassed for a while. After a moment of silence, he still hesitated to say: "Then... the outer ring will probably also work?"

From the training space in the previous system, the first ice jump training courses he obtained have allowed him to master 6 types of jumps from easy to difficult. After that, he has successively drawn advanced courses on various ice jumps. During the study of these courses, he also mastered various 4-week jumps one after another.

It’s just that during this period of time, the sand sculpture system is relisting him for thousands of class hours of attribute recovery training, only to complete this training.

Only by practicing the project can his personal physical strength and state gradually return to its peak state.

At present, although he is really not sure to completely restore all the jumps he has mastered, he has tried it in the training space. With his current physical strength, 4Lo already has a higher success rate. The jumps are all arranged into the free skating program. With his current physical state, I don't know if he can load it.

Cui Yi didn't know what Su Zhe was thinking. When he heard the four words "Houwaijiehuan", his eyebrows jumped again.

This kid, Su Zhe, can see that although he has never participated in competitions in the past and is really unfamiliar with the rules of figure skating, his skills have reached an eye-popping level.

He thought about it and didn't know whether there was any figure skating coach he didn't know in S City who taught such a freak.

Cui Yi glanced at the fishing rod coach, then waved to Su Zhe: "Go, try to see if you can jump out of the ring and jump around."

After all, Cui Yi doesn't have much doubt about the result.

Sure enough, although a fishing rod coach was watching closely, he did not take a shot. Su Zhe also relied on his own strength to complete a back-outer loop jump around. However, after comparing his 4t and 4s, this 4Lo's The finish quality is slightly lacking.

After Su Zhe finished this 4Lo, Cui Yi rolled his forehead blankly, pointed at Su Zhe and shook his head, then directly took out the phone and called Eliza and Aina to the scene again. The two of them were directly dragged on the seats on the edge of the ice rink for a meeting.

Su Zhe, the "culprit," was also pushed by Cui Yi to the side of his seat and joined their discussion.

Eliza and Aina still don’t know what’s going on. Cui Yi said: “Fallen Watchmen and Breeze Blow”. Be prepared for choreography and increase the difficulty, especially the basis of free skating. Try to pull it above 85."


? ? ?

Eliza and the two were a little surprised, and they persuaded: "Cui, this is impossible! Su currently has limited types of 4-cycle jumps. In this case, it is meaningless to pursue a high bv (basic) score. What we need It is a more interesting arrangement, such as choosing a better way to jump in and slide out, show Su's advantages, and get high goe scores and p scores with Su’s action quality and excellent arrangement, instead of pursuing what we can’t do right now High bv score!"

Cui Yi is used to being a very reasonable and sensible coach. Eliza and Eliza don't know why. Cui Yi, who has not expressed any objections before, will have such a big change in attitude today.

With these scores and the content of the program arrangement, Su Zhe still sounds a little strenuous now. It was only after today’s jumping and overturning that he clearly realized that although he had mastered a lot of figure skating skills, he had indeed embraced this project. I have regrets, but before he actually joined the project, his understanding of the project was still too insufficient.

Figure skating training is not like his sprints and hurdles, the content that athletes need to consider, more is to actively cooperate with the training needs given by the coach, and to communicate with the coach in a timely manner when he understands his own shortcomings, and master his own Running rhythm, there is enough state on the field to sprint, challenge, etc.

In figure skating, just like the basic scores that Cui Yi threw to him before, he needs to keep in mind the basic scores. Athletes also need to know the latest rules of the current event, as well as the composition of their own program scores. , The overall choreography performance content has a deep understanding, so that you can add your own ideas to the choreography and programming, and gradually form your own style.

Before today, he couldn't even consider the problem of a fishing rod coach making him rollover online. Perhaps in terms of mentality and knowledge reserves, he is far from being a qualified figure skater.

After realizing this problem, Su Zhe gave birth to a real sense of guilt. He has always believed that he should be a serious and responsible athlete for the events he participated in. However, during the period since his rebirth, he has remained hot despite being hot. The state of serious training, but not enough in mentality and consciousness.

Cui Yi glanced at Su Zhe, and saw his looking introspective. He didn't say much, but explained to the two Eliza: "Su Zhe has mastered the back inner ring and back outer ring. I am sure that we can consider these two jumps in the overall programming of the program."

Eliza and Ai Na didn't expect this to happen. The two of them looked at Su Zhe in surprise, and after seeing Su Zhe showing some uncomfortable smiles, they looked at each other.

"Wow, Sue, you should have told us earlier." Eliza smiled slightly jokingly: "But it's not too late. Fortunately, the arrangement of the short program has not yet started. We can choose the type of four-round jump A little more."

In the following time, Cui Yi rewritten the original action plan in the song "Fallen Watcher", and began to discuss with Eliza and Aina whether to adjust the music speed ratio again. , The preparation time for the entry of the first jump and the adjustment of the entry action, as well as the adjustment of the other originally scheduled three-week jump action to the four-week jump action and the corresponding entry and exit action adaptation.

"Isn't the jump in turn 3 too common?"

"In this part of the climax jump, I think we should add a little more complicated entry footwork design to make its goe score as high as possible."

The discussion between the three people was full of various complicated considerations, from the basic scores of technical movements to the ratio of jumping, footwork, and rotation, to the physical distribution of various movements, and the movements were also considered. The compatibility with music and the complexity in the middle made Su Zhe bald.

Even after he devoted himself to sprint training in his last life, Su Zhe never experienced the current atmosphere of scumbag.

He looked at the very complicated action planning sheet in front of him, and even had a sketch of the graphic structure of the whole set of actions that Cui Yi had said roughly, and felt that it was really difficult for him to catch it.

"Why? Impatient to hear?" Cui Yi glanced at him silently.

Su Zhe smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, I just think I still have a lot of things to learn." After a pause, Su Zhe said seriously: "But I will try my best to write them down. I hope that in the next programming time. , I can also add my own ideas."

Hearing Su Zhe's reply, Cui Yi raised his eyebrows, and then hummed: "Then you can do your best. Go back and give me the basic score sheet."

Although I felt a headache for those score scales, Su Zhe nodded.

In the next period of time, Eliza, Ai Na and Cui Yi made some changes to Su Zhe's free skating and short programs, especially the free skating programs, in the original artistic atmosphere. , And it raises its degree of difficulty.

With continuous corrections in practice, before the 17-18 season officially came, Su Zhe finally had his own two program arrangements of free skating and short programs.


Flattened in front of the computer, the spicy chicken dishes are now infinite circles...

The sub-table & thesis & arrangement composition & the footwork before and after the jump is endlessly looping before my eyes...

I began to reflect on why I wrote figure skating...sluggish

Although it is very difficult, there should be an update after 0:00 tonight. The update time depends on the knowledge points involved in the content written in the evening. QvQ......


Weird Little Theater

Cai Cai: =. = Cub, what are you doing?

Su Zhe: (indifferent) back points, count points

Cai Cai: ...This is really difficult! Cub, how did you get a skill like jumping on ice in the first place, and then you want to do figure skating? QAQ

Su Zhe: (sighs) Grandma, isn't this asking you?

Cai Cai: QvQ...... (Hold your headache and cry)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-0800:26:15~2019-12-0819:53:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Aqi 1;

Thank you for the little angels who threw landmines: 3 flyingsai; both, flying fish, sweet baby 2009, Bing Qinyuan, Chi Xiaochi, have been quiet, drunk drinking Shuanghe, and 233,331 cute;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 80 bottles of deep fish in still water; 54 bottles of Yingjin; 50 bottles of Tuhai; 39 bottles of intimate panties; 36 bottles of celia; 30 bottles of Shuyan; 20 bottles of Jingxi; 15 bottles of vegetation dyeing; private sky , Just come and have a look, go to the bamboo horse, always very quiet, Cici aj, Mo Yin, Qushui Liuqi 10 bottles; 9 bottles of original potato chips; 8 bottles of Mao Jiu, Wen Yi; Yun Shu, the devil by his side, Yun Su Another day of cat’s 5 bottles; Qiaoxiao Yanran, 2 bottles of Dream Mirror in dreams; Y, who is addicted to novels, can’t extricate himself from the novel, smiles and sees a red-haired girl, 55667788, two dogs smashing legs are super short, so much more_(:з」∠) _, 1 bottle of pear warm flower wine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!