Chapter 168: Parallel World Figure Skating (16)

In today's game, among the players currently on the field, the player who scored the highest sp (short program) score is Xu Yihe, a player who is very much looking forward to before the game.

In today’s game, he presented a brand new program prepared for the season, and the performance of the whole program is very confident and calm. Although the performance of the jump still failed to meet expectations, it has made the ice fans present feel more. satisfaction.

Before Su Zhe played, Xu Yihe temporarily ranked first in the short program with a short program score of 73.5 points.

After the second player in the adult group finished his game, Su Zhe and Cui Yi finally appeared in the entry channel of the players.

Cui Yi was holding the white sports jacket that Su Zhe had worn before. As he walked, he reminded Su Zhe of the things he needs to pay attention to.He also held a thermal water cup in his hand, which was prepared for Su Zhe. Of warm water.

The audience on the scene saw Su Zhe appeared, and there was already a warm applause. The deep impression that Su Zhe left on them during the warm-up before has not disappeared. Now Su Zhe is finally going to play, almost It was every audience who had a lot of expectations for Su Zhe.

The referees and technical experts on the referee's stand also noticed the audience’s enthusiasm for Su Zhe. In the previous warm-up phase, the referees also saw Su Zhe’s performance on the ice. For this man who had never appeared in China before. The players on the field and the referees also showed interest.

After a simple preparation, Su Zhe took off the sleeve of the ice skate and slid easily to the center of the ice surface.

His lower body is a piece of ordinary black tight trousers, and his waist is a dark green belt, which draws out his narrow waistline.

His upper body is a slightly loose silk fancy shirt. The corners of the shirt are tied around the waist. The loose cuffs have complicated ruffles. The whole shirt is from pure white to dark green. The color gradually fades from the waist up to the neck, turning into pure white.

Apart from the complicated ruffled sleeves and slightly loose version, this top does not seem to have any particularly prominent design, but Su Zhe, who is standing on the ice in this costume, gives people a refreshing and refreshing look. The feeling of calm, sometimes there is a gentle taste.

In the auditorium, there were fans who had fallen into the pit because of the stage solo where Su Zhe retired. At this moment, looking at Su Zhe on the ice, recalling Su Zhe’s indifferent and attractive appearance when he retired from the solo, it’s a bit I don't dare to confirm that this turned out to be the temperament of the same person.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, Lin Ya also introduced to the audience Su Zhe's appearance ranking and the personal situation of the players. At the same time, he finally introduced the track used by Su Zhe in this short program, "Breeze Blows."

"Breeze" is a music sketch that has a certain reputation worldwide. The overall atmosphere is very lively. The ensemble of violin and piano shows a feeling of majesty blowing by you in spring and day. When the majesty is occasionally naughty The long hair around people's necks will give people gentle comfort.

This music sketch is a classic song that many people have heard before, but like "Fallen Watcher", in the figure skating project, few people have used it as a selection of the show in recent years.

The former is because the transition between the two roles of Lucifer and Lucifer is difficult to show, while the breeze blowing is seemingly simple in the repertoire. In the actual performance presentation, it is difficult for someone to accurately express the music. It means that in the past few years, several players chose "Breeze Blow" as their selection, but after the final result was not good, no one has put it on the ice for a long time.

Many ice fans who heard the introduction of this selection were very surprised. After all, although the content of the song "Breeze Blows" is very simple, it is by no means the artistic expression direction that most domestic men's singles players are good at. .

This selection inspired the audience who knew something about the song to see if Su Zhe could interpret the interest of the song.

After Su Zhe settled in the center of the ice surface, the live music also sounded.

With the piano's percussive sound, in the center of the ice surface, Su Zheku, who had previously closed his eyes slightly, opened his eyes suddenly and released the arms that embraced his body.

He made a light turn on the ice surface, his arms stretched slightly forward, and his upper body bent forward and softly, like soft branches and leaves blown by the breeze, trembling slightly under the caress of the breeze.

The spring breeze is gentle, refreshing and playful, just like Su Zhe's sliding on the ice at this time and his dexterity and every twist of the music.

At this time, Su Zhe on the ice is like a breeze, opening his arms in the gentle and intoxicating tune of the piano, and the breeze that comes up when he slides is like the playful breeze in the music, blowing over him. The body brought up the ruffles of his cuffs.

Every bit of softness presented in his body fits perfectly with the softness presented in the music, and the gentle breeze will occasionally change the tone.

With the insertion of the violin, the sound of the piano as the main melody of "Breeze Blowing" has also entered a slightly fast-paced section, just like the original soft and refreshing breeze suddenly whirled, bringing people a little bit of trouble. accident.

And when the breeze was spinning lightly in the air, the figure on the ice also jumped up on the ice after a series of rapid counterclockwise rotations.

This segment of the four-round jump that many people think requires full effort, but Su Zhe on the ice did it as if there was a light breeze supporting him, just like the naughty whirling breeze, light and elegant, so easy to bear. Can't help but make a sound of admiration.


Many live audiences had this word in their minds at the same time, and then couldn't help being attracted by the figure on the ice.

When he was skating on the ice, every step and turn, as well as his sense of rhythm that fits the music deeply, made people think from the bottom of their heart that everything in front of him should be so.

"Breeze blowing" should be so beautiful and moving;

Every rhythm and change in "Breeze Blowing" should be interpreted by the person in front of him.

This naughty wind has not stopped its drift and change. When this piece of music enters a new climax, the erratic breeze suddenly fascinates the eyes, and the figure on the ice is just like this fast melody. , Entered a period of intoxicating rotation.

This period of rotation started from the Jumping Swallow Pose, the figure on the ice, his arms extending upwards during the rotation are like soft thin leaves being swept by the breeze, and the loose lotus leaf edge changes different postures during the rotation. And the skeletal and slender hand also twisted and twisted.

As the music changed, Su Zhe on the ice lifted the skates backwards.

The figure spinning on the ice, even at every node of the rotation, still fits this naughty piece of music, as if it has turned into a light wind that is spinning. In the whirlpool of wind, there is another The floating of the soft branches.

Whether it is the live audience or the audience before the live broadcast, most of them have heard the classic song "Breeze Blowing", but on the ice today, they seem to have seen this song. Another form came alive.

That figure on the ice, that person, he is like the incarnation of this song, he is a breeze but also a soft branch.

The wind blows over the branches, bringing it gentle caress, and the wind also has a playful posture. While spinning and dancing, it also brings the soft leaf to blend it with itself.

The refreshing breeze, the playful wind whirlpool, the gentle breeze, every change in the posture of the wind is manifested on Su Zhe's body. Every inch of his body has a gentle posture and dance, like a breeze blowing by. Human heart, people can't help being stopped by his beauty.

Until the music quietly stopped for two and a half minutes, the gentle wind on the ice and the branches and leaves he brought up also stopped dancing, and resumed their static posture.

The wind stopped, as if the world had also stopped.

When the music stopped, it took about five or six seconds before the audience at the scene realized that the short program just now ended? !

This feeling of waking up from a dream made the audience feel a sense of dismay, and then after remembering the excitement of this short show, they couldn't help but applaud Su Zhe.

Among those applauding at the scene, there was no distinction between ice fans, Gua Lu or pure Su Zhe fans.

When everyone at this time applauded, it was for the short phantom dream. In the dream, they almost saw the incarnation of the son of the wind.

The ice fans who understand the whole program arrangement, applaud and recall every subtle change and detail in the short 2 minutes and 30 second short program just now.

Ordinary fans of Chigualu and Su Zhe simply feel that Su Zhe gives them an extraordinarily different feeling compared to the programs they have seen before. They don’t know if this is so-called. Fans filter, but Su Zhe’s short performance did give them a deeper impression of the beauty of figure skating.

When Su Zhe thanked the audience, many ice fans who brought their dolls to the scene came to the edge of the ice rink and threw their dolls onto the ice.

Most of the dolls they brought were originally intended to be given to the players they supported, but after seeing this performance by Su Zhe, how could they resist giving him a gift?

Many ordinary fans of Chigualu and Su Zhe around were a little confused after seeing the actions of the ice fans. After the ice fans’ explanations, they realized that there is such a player in figure skating that they support. The etiquette tradition of throwing a doll.

Many people immediately wrote down this rule and decided to buy some dolls after watching today's game, and come to the scene tomorrow to have a good time!


QvQ is flat...This update time, everyone, should be able to see the extent of my baldness...

Ahem, I saw a little angel asking why the rhythm of Fanwai is slow. One is that the previous chapters are interspersed with other content (such as the big guy) to explain. In addition, the overall competition atmosphere of figure skating and track and field is also different. Yes, if the figure skating is written too passionately and too stimulating, there is always a sense of something wrong jio, and the length of the chapter I updated recently has changed from before. Before, it was a complete chapter with 6k words per day. Recently, because of work The reason is that it is often split into two shifts, and sometimes the content of a single chapter advances slowly.

Spicy. Today there is a chapter about rainbow farts and scores (QvQ). The update time is temporarily unclear, but it must be within today...I don't dare to set flags at the specific time... Then see you in the next chapter


Weird Little Theater

Su Zhe: 0.0 Grandma, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?

Cai Cai: QvQ wow wow wow, cub cub, grandma thinks that you practice sprinting and hurdles very well, shall we switch to the project and go back?

Su Zhe: ...0.0 I think there is no problem, but grandma, will your reader little angel agree?

Caicai: QvQ...Wow, why should I be cheap? why? (Xianglin’s sister-in-law’s questioning cycleing)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-0920:06:28~2019-12-1003:02:38~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Moe Huanquan and Yang Juanjuan are fat guys;

Thanks for the little angel who cast the grenade: Pinellia, 1 Yanlingshi;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: Dudu and Yang Juanjuan are two fat guys; Sweet Baby 2009, 40965084, Meng Le Meng Meng, Pinellia, Who am I, cc, the only one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 74 bottles of Fan Lulu; 55 bottles of Dudu; 50 bottles of Qi and Yue Chinese cabbage; 30 bottles of autumn cashmere, kk, beans, and shucong; who am I, Mo Ming, the revival of ink, it is better to **** a cat in love , Hu Shiyu, Hyoscyamus, Unique, Pansidong Dongzhu, Violet 20 bottles; Xinyue 18 bottles; Night cat's Meow Meow 15 bottles; It is difficult to name, fan language is very difficult, grace, TR, lanlan, Zhuqian Chuan, hahaha, ahaha, you remember the first meeting of flowers, Lantian Yushengyan, original potato chips, yellow Ahuang that eats soil, Linglingyuluo, I am a little chicken, 10 bottles of Duxi; Luo Luoxi 9 bottles of rain; 6 bottles of rabbit; 5 bottles of steamed sea bass, non-toxic, pine pine, Xia Xia Xia Xia, Evil Witch, Meow Bae; 3 bottles of youth swaying in memories; Jiuyue@拾月、55667788, Lingling Luoluo 2 bottles of Flowing Cream; N., Dumb + Dan Dan = Dumb, February Chang'an, Yue Chuan, Yi Er, 24487074, 縤敋, Meow Meow Meow, Green Cloud, Lean Ye, Fhp_昭尔__1 bottle ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!