Chapter 174: Parallel World Figure Skating (22)

On the evening of October 15, at the same time as the figure skating championships ended, the Weibo topic craze from the previous day continued. Su Zhe’s performance of "Fallen Watcher" in the free skating event was also extremely fast. The speed rushed to the hot search.

With the spread of the enthusiasm of the eaters, more ordinary passers-by have also seen this wonderful table.

For ordinary passers-by, the passion forwarding of Chigualu and Amway is the starting point for people to be curious, and after clicking on the video, the performance of Su Zhe in the video is the ultimate reason for them to participate in forwarding and content dissemination.

After the results of the night's competition were officially released, the official account of the figure skating championships also officially released a series of results of the current figure skating championships. At the same time, @了player, and released their own competitions for each player separately. The video and the sub-table are for reference and analysis by ice fans.

In the forum of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, a short essay was published just after the short program the day before, discussing Su Zhe’s "Dance on Ice". After the official blog of the National Championships today released the player video highlights and sub-table reference, Soon a new post was published in the forum.

Theme: [A brief analysis of the internal and external echoes between the change of pace and emotional transformation in Su Zhe's free skating "The Fallen Watcher"]

This is a relatively pure technical post. At the beginning of "Dance on Ice", the video address of Su Zhe's game was directly displayed, and a large number of gifs were prepared to correspond to her analysis.

[After watching Su Zhe’s free skating performance yesterday, I’ve always been very excited. After the game was played back, I personally appreciated the performance again and again, but I still couldn’t restrain my emotions, so I simply got it right. Su Zhe made an analysis of the technical content of this game. If there are any mistakes or omissions, I hope you all can correct me.

The reason why I chose the pace as the starting point for the analysis of the program content is that in the short program performance of "Breeze Blowing", the pace arrangement is relatively simple. In contrast, the footwork in free skating completely broke the previous guess. It gave me a deeper impression. The second is that in this performance, the layout of the pace is indeed very delicate, closely linked to the emotional transformation in the show, the performance space in this is really worth a book, not much to say.

First of all, at the beginning of the performance. At this stage, Lucifer is still a pure and flawless archangel. At this stage, Su Zhe’s state is bright and righteous and fearless. At this stage, with harp and gradual rise After a short stretch of the piano sound, Su Zhe rotates counterclockwise and directly connects to the counterclockwise step and then enters the continuation step (stsq).

1. Loop (knot)-Chokta-turn three-counterclockwise bracket step-chokta-turn three-knife tooth step to stop the ice.

The performance of this part of the step is mainly free of stretching, including body movements, from stretching the body to retracting in rotation to opening again. The movements of each part can make people feel his relaxed and natural from the visual observation. In keeping with the music and performance, his floating leg movement design and body dance also completely match the standard of difficulty of the movement. When watching his dance steps on ice with music, you can see a person bathed in light The archangel in the middle, he was spreading his wings, patrolling and guarding every inch of pure white territory in the kingdom of God.

This is the initial stage of an angel that was not tempted by darkness, but the dark temptation that followed quietly emerged. In the performance of the pace and the matching body dance, there were corresponding struggles and tensions-inner hook step, outer hook The combination of step, loop (knot) and twist step. In this small series of combinations, the mood is no longer pure, and there is a trace of vigilance and resistance from the bottom of his heart. This is due to Lucifer's instinct for darkness. To resist, he had discovered the invasion of darkness, but darkness had already invaded quietly when he was unaware.

With his hands close to his chest, he struggled to hold his head, and his body was shrinking again, trying to resist threats from all directions with his hands. This part of Lucifer is experiencing the process of discovering the invasion of darkness-bewitched by darkness-having doubts about the belief in light-and hating his lack of faith.

Next, he made a series of continuous turns, which is exactly the portrayal of Lucifer’s inner suffering. It fits closely with the intensely played theme of the piano, so that we can’t help holding our breath while watching. Began to worry about the fate of the archangel.

In the second half of the music, the former archangel has fallen into a demon king, and his footwork has also begun to become magnificent, dizzying, and at the same time surrendering to his dominance.

A super-large blade change, accompanied by the large movements of the floating legs and upper limbs, his body, arms, and floating legs are fully opened. This is a prelude to the momentum from the demon king Lucifer, and all subsequent steps are the same posture and range of motion. Big, but at the same time majestic, even from the playback video, you can feel that the design of every body movement has a sense of oppression, which matches the identity from the archangel to the devil Lucifer Conversion.

In the whole set of movements, the structure and arrangement of the footwork are very good. The whole set of paces are very closely related to the music. At the same time, many large-scale movement designs are added to the difficult footwork and rotation. The action that affects the skater's center of gravity, while coordinating with the presentation of music and expressing the space of music connotation, will also have a considerable impact on Su Zhe himself.

This set of footwork can be said to be extremely difficult, but Su Zhe's execution in the overall performance of the program is almost perfect. From the inner performance of the character to the presentation of the step technology, we have not seen any conflicts. The part of influence seems to be what it should be, and that is how it should be.

If the jumps and rotations at several key nodes in the program arrangement successfully cut the role transition from Lucifer to Lucifer, then the pace has also successfully shaped the role image in three different stages. .

It is precisely the different and perfect execution of the footwork stage of Su Zhe that can clearly establish the image of the three stages separately, and it is precisely because of this that this section of "The Fallen Watchman" will be able to convince us. Persuasive.

I would like to praise the spin and jump in this program, but I would like to praise the classic footwork arrangement in this program. While taking into account the difficulty, it satisfies the overall program content.

Finally, thank Su Zhe, and thank Su Zhe’s coach and choreographer for bringing us such a wonderful performance. The two days of "Breeze" and "Fallen Catcher" made me really see the flowers of our country. The possibility of skaters going to the top ranks in the world, I believe that it is not just us, as long as everyone who can normally feel the'beauty', after seeing these two performances, they will be shown the art of this. Conquered with beauty. 】

The content of this analysis of "Dance on Ice" is much longer than the analysis of the short program "Breeze blowing" the day before. It is enough to see her inner joy and excitement when writing this analysis. .

After her post was published, it was quickly added as the essence by the moderators in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, and she hung up on the top discussion for 3 days.

In the past two days, the appearance of Su Zhe and the strong strength he has shown are what every figure skating enthusiast has talked about-this is a talented player who will change the current domestic figure skating men’s singles. The pattern of items.

Almost every ice fan who has some knowledge of the current domestic figure skating situation has reached such a conclusion in his mind.

Under the post of "Dance on Ice", some people also discussed this issue, and the focus of the discussion was often a comment.

3L: [Thank you Sister Wu for the analysis. Compared with this analysis, I watched the performance of the Watchmen twice again, and I feel that I have gained new results. It’s just that I still don’t understand why such an excellent player has never appeared on the ice before? Not even a small game? He even went to the draft show after the college entrance examination...It is really hard to imagine. If Director Cui didn't select him for the national team and he didn't retire halfway through the competition, now we can't see such an excellent performance at all? 】

5L: [emmmm, although, the figure skating training center in Province S has also brought the team to the competition in the past two days. Someone from the figure skating team in Province S has heard a little gossip. It is said that Su Zhe’s second uncle is a deputy director of the Figure Skating Training Center in S Province. He suggested that Su Zhe learn figure skating when he was a child, but Su Zhe’s family did not agree...]

8L: [Puff, I have also heard of the gossip on the 5th floor. It is said that Director Li was also the one who was taken away by Su Zhe by Cui before, and only then did I know that Su Zhe still has this kind of strength. 】

10L: [This... Is it because Su Zhe's father wants him to learn sprinting? Isn't Su Zhe's father said to be the best sprint coach in China? Su Zhe also has the national second-level athlete certification for sprinting! 】

Part of the discussion in this building was quickly taken away by gossip, and the subsequent masses began to discuss happily again, saying that Su Zhe’s beauty is not a waste of figure skating. It is hard to imagine him going everywhere. It’s what it would be like to run a sprint in a muscular man’s sprint.

When Wang Wei and Chen En showed this'Dance on Ice' pace analysis post to Su Zhe, they were still sighed, saying that the pace analysis post is well written, but the discussion below is quite funny .

Wang Wei put a hand on Su Zhe's shoulder, shaking his head with emotion: "Hi, Brother Zhe, did your dad really intend to send you to be a sprinter? Hi, just like you, how wasteful running sprints is. It’s better to show off your beauty in our ice project."

While talking, Wang Wei was also looking for an alliance. He looked at Chen En and asked: "Chen Xiaoen, how can you practice sprinting because of your beauty like Brother Zhe? Besides, what is the qualification for a national second-level sprinter? This time, Brother Zhe, the national champion, the title of national master has been obtained! No way, it is more promising than the second national sprinter!"

With a baby face, Chen En nodded with approval after hearing Wang Wei's questioning.

Among the three, Su Zhe was the only one looking at them with a complicated expression, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.


_(:з」∠)_ Kneel, sorry, my footwork analysis made me bald for a while, and the speed was too slow. The remaining 5k characters will continue to fight after dinner, and update before 12 o’clock.

Ow, thank you all for your encouragement, okay

Sorrowful, Caicai, I am a game dog planner. This certification is the company’s internal standard, and the main test is game-related content.

However, our department’s examination requires some cross-job content, so the content of the program script QA turned Caicai into a pure-blooded bald dish... I never expected that after more than 7 years in the company, the unemployment crisis would From the exam... (Weeping)

So update first, and see you in the next chapter tonight!


Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-1400:29:47~2019-12-1418:13:30~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: cupboard cupboard, Bethofani #^_^#, Daobi Ke, and Lin Mian;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Xie Qingchen, anita, Lengxuan, that cloud, sleeping cat, Sanskrit, Wutong Concubine, Jasmine?, Qing, 22138155, Y, 28896018, who is obsessed with novels. , Sweet Baby 2009, 233,331 adorable babies;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 217 bottles of Sanshen Liuxing; three thousand 119 bottles of Fuyun; 100 bottles of ruoruo; 75 bottles of liar; 59 bottles of Yunqi pine nut candy; 50 bottles of Xi Ruo; 48 bottles of Drunk Alone; Xia Xue’s Cloud 39 Bottles; 30 bottles of Jiu'er; 25 bottles of Qiancheng; it is better to **** a cat in a relationship, the moon is beautiful today, watch chess without words, love to eat, eat, lulu 20 bottles; 15 bottles of mint; Mo Shu, chill Call a Mao, Qiu Guoran, Yang Yang, Feng Yaozi, Nizi Ah, Love Candy, Fat Cat Meow, 10 bottles of PIV-TAE; 9 bottles of Xiaobai; 8 bottles of Yao 17 and Zhen Qiong; ISOSTATIC, youth sway in memories , Budu Devil Cry, Wind Pass Wuhen 5 bottles; Swordsman 4 bottles; Mingzhai 2 bottles; Mr. Nan’s Zi Mumu, Evil Witch, Meow Meow, Drunk Meow, N., Hold the milk can tightly and don’t let go , Ergou’s super short legs, moon-jizz, Mo Xiao, Y1 bottle that is addicted to novels;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!