Chapter 176: Parallel World Figure Skating (24)

Over the past ten years in Japan, many talented players have appeared in men's singles. Especially the twin brothers Tsugawa Yuto and Tsugawa Yuto, who were promoted to the adult group at the age of 16 years ago, were even more affected. Known in Japan as a genius once in a thousand years.

Although the pair of brothers are twins, their styles on the ice are different. Youto is good at expressing passionate emotions, while Youren is more restrained and soft. The brothers are also called by Japanese ice fans. For the twin princes of ice and fire.

In addition to the artistic expressions of Uto and Uto brothers, who are called the "top on the ice" by Japanese ice fans, there is also a Japanese who has mastered 4 types of quadrilateral jumps and has huge advantages in jumping and spinning techniques. Player Tian Haiyi, he is also known as the ruler of ice skills in Japan.

Although from the point of p (program score), Tianhaiyi cannot be compared with Youdou and Youren brothers, but relatively, Youdou and Youren brothers cannot catch up with Tianhaiyi from the t score (technical score). height.

In recent years, in various international figure skating competitions, Tian Haiyi, Youdou, and Youren brothers have often taken turns to win back men's singles championships in Japan. The three of them are also proudly called the three on ice in Japan.

For Japanese ice fans, in addition to the threats brought to them by talented players from the United States, in Asia, Japanese figure skating men’s singles are already in a dominant position, with the existence of the'three on ice'. Not afraid of the challenges of any Asian country at all.

However, under the premise that they have absolute confidence in their own players, Japanese ice fans still sink into those two videos after watching the videos uploaded by Michiko.

[I am guilty... I actually feel that the po owner is quite right? I don't believe that humans can achieve such a sense of beauty. This person must be a fairy turned into ice and snow? Otherwise, why isn't he on the ice like a human being living in the same world as us? Ah, my language system is too messy to express. Is this really the beauty of real human beings? 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah! Really a **** on ice! These are my favorite tracks "Breeze Blowing" and "Fallen Watcher"... Don’t wonder why my favorites are these two tracks with very different styles, but I have really imagined that someone can be perfect on the ice countless times Performing these two songs... Thank you Po Master, my dream has come true! Ahhhhh...]

[I just watched two performances, it really doesn’t look like a human being... Shocking beauty! It's really great. Fortunately, I was able to see such a performance. Can the po host upload more information about this player? More about his performances, please, please! 】

On Twitter, Michiko added a figure skating label. Occasionally, users who refreshed their search to the relevant label can see the post from her, and almost every user who saw the content she posted, clicked After I liked it, I forwarded it to my homepage and added my compliment again.

Compared with the speed of spread on Twitter, the posts posted by Michiko on the Japanese figure skating discussion board can really be called popular.

In the first few floors of this post, users came in and reprimanded the host for using too exaggerated words. Among the current male figure skating players in China, there is no such thing as a **** on ice.

But after a limited number of replies, a few viewers who clicked on the video link with the mentality of'I just barely took a look', after watching two performance videos, quickly returned to the post and started to reply and post frantically Michiko who wrote the main discussion thread.

13L: [Is there any more information and information about this player? Please upload more to us, please! 】

15L: [The me before I clicked on the video-I must see what kind of performance it was. The post is really exaggerated! (Angry face); After I clicked on the video-ah, ah, why haven't I seen such a player in the past? (Moneyman face) The Ice Association of the Chinese Empire is really too cunning. They deliberately hide such players and don't want people from other countries to see such gods? I swear that the post owner is really not exaggerating at all, everyone who clicks into the discussion post must open the video! 】

18L: [Really a performance shining with the light of the gods (tears), whether it is "Breeze Blowing" or "Fallen Watcher" all express the ultimate beauty... I fully agree with what the host said. God on the ice'! ! This is completely the limited ice world belonging to this Chinese empire player. It's so bad. At this time, I hate my lack of language and can't praise the beauty of one in ten million! 】

22L: [Damn it, I also fell! Is the post owner still there? Why doesn't it appear? Miss Michiko? Don’t disappear after posting attractive content! 】

With the replies and top posts one after another, this post by Michiko has been repeatedly appearing on the homepage of the discussion board. Her exaggerated words in the post title have also attracted more Japanese ice fans to open the post and click to open the post. After the video in, these followers became the new responders who posted urging and request information.

Michiko certainly did not disappear. In fact, after posting her posts on Twitter and the figure skating discussion board, she just returned to the domestic Weibo to search for more information and content related to Su Zhe. After collecting the solo of Su Zhe's retirement, the narcissus videos edited by fans, etc., after rearranging a copy, it was quickly uploaded to the Japanese website.

[Official introduction! This is the rookie figure skating men's single from the Chinese Empire-Su Zhe! Yes, this is a player who has not had any competition experience in the past, so the two videos released today are the first figure skating events he has participated in publicly.

Not long ago, he even became a semi-debut idol artist. Fortunately, the Chinese team’s guide found him and brought him back to the Chinese national team, making him an official figure skater. We I was fortunate enough to see these two performances.

I just browsed the discussion board of figure skating in China. This afternoon is the performance skating of the China National Figure Skating Championships in which contestant Su participated. The address to watch the performance skating has been edited in the main post. I heard that contestant Su is in today’s performance skating. There will also be a brand new show, let us look forward to his performance! 】

Whether it is on Twitter or in the figure skating discussion board, many people have paid attention to the content posted by Michiko during this limited time and are completely indulged in these two limited videos.

Until Michiko released the second tweet and forum post about Su Zhe, Japanese netizens who had already followed Michiko naturally quickly clicked on the text she posted again.

In the newly released content, Michiko has attached all the content she has collected about Su Zhe—just in less than half a day, she has already looked like a loyal fan of Su Zhe.

However, in this round, Michiko’s editorial introduction was a little rushed. When she was editing, she was editing the text and video content to be released, and she nervously switched the page to the sports channel webcast room, for fear of missing Su Zhe’s appearance. The screen, so that although she said that she had edited the online address of the show slide into the page, in fact she completely missed this link...

Domestically, the performance of the National Championship officially kicked off at 2 pm.

On the Internet, performance skating is still broadcast live on the sports channel’s live broadcast platform. Compared with the previous two days of competition, after two days of online discussion, today’s performance skating live broadcast has reached a new level.

After the on-site staff were full the day before, for the first time today, before the start of the game, they pulled up a soft guardrail for queuing personnel outside the stadium-it turns out that this measure is very necessary. Two hours before the start, spectators arrived and entered the venue one after another. The peak of this kind of spectators arriving at the venue and entering the venue reached the culmination one hour before the performance began.

The staff of the National Championship and the staff of this venue were a little surprised at the crowds. It was the first time they saw a purely domestic competition that could attract such a large audience.

In the stadium

Su Zhe, Xu Yihe, Wang Wei, and Chen En, all of them will perform in today's show skating. In addition to Su Zhe, the others, including Chen En, are their own figure skaters. For them, there are a lot of familiar programs, and several people have already prepared the content of the performance in advance.

Only Su Zhe, he really did not expect that his coach is a big fool.

Xu Yihe, Wang Wei, and Chen En all know that Cui Yi’s statement to Su Zhe the day before was purely flicking, but before that, only Chen En tried to explain to Su Zhe, but Wang Wei stopped him, saying, “You don’t expect Zhe. "Brother's new program?" Such a statement easily made Chen En of the justice camp turn to the Fudge camp.

At this time, Xu Yihe and several people watched Su Zhe finished warming up, they were holding their mobile phones and listening carefully to the music in the mobile phone.

Today's Su Zhe is still wearing the performance costume of "Breeze", but his hairstyle is more similar to the back of the free skating the day before.

In addition to this suit, Su Zhe also asked the staff to buy a prop in the morning. The prop was placed in a rectangular box, which made Xu Yihe and the others a little curious, not knowing what it would contain.

Everyone's curiosity continued until after Su Zhe listened to the music.

When Wang Wei saw that Su Zhe was finally ready, he asked, "A Zhe, what are you going to do for a while in your performance?"

Su Zhe glanced at the curious look of Wang Wei and the others, smiled, and then took out a long sword and a folding fan from the rectangular prop box in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

"Well, I'm going to try... dance a sword?"


_(:з」∠)_Flat, Caicai will give priority to the company’s exams this week, and the update time and word count will be more unstable

When the exam is finished, I will try to do more and more on weekends. Thank you all for your comments and understanding, ya ya da, love you =w=!

Let’s see you tonight~~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-1500:08:14~2019-12-1602:26:32~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: zero one;

Thanks to the little angels who threw landmines: wandering spirit state, 3; Yang Juanjuan is Fatty, Tian Weiyu 2; lilili, Tiamo, He Nai Luo, Chang Ling, Wu Tong Feiyu, Fat Dun'er, Mo Qilian, Chi Kochi, Dou☆Sprouts, Samoyed, Aqian Qianqian, 20091 of the Lan Sizhuan and Sweet Baby that he has planted;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 145 bottles of Yan Qilaan Thrush; 70 bottles of renunciation into Europe; 50 bottles of flowers blooming; 40 bottles of free gifts at home; 30 bottles of FDT and Pink Pig; embracing the fat self, Ying with distress Yu, happy, good, bean sprouts and vegetables, 20 bottles of half-window flowers and moon; 18 bottles of Changyu; 10 bottles of Tianweiyu, 55667788, Chunxiaohuafan, Meirenyu, Weiwei; Luochen Shadow, ISOSTATIC, akemi 5 bottles; 4 bottles of Yau Ling; 2 bottles of niki; 1 bottle of Yi Er, the wall is countless, Wangshan ran to death, the two dogs smashed the legs with super short legs, meow meow, green cloud, Mr. Nan’s Zimumu, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!