Chapter 180: After I quit the entertainment circle, I became a big star Parallel World Figure Skating (28)

The crew of "The Poetry" came to the door. It was the news brought by Luo Chao, the deputy director of the figure skating department of the Winter Games Management Center. When Luo Chao came, Su Zhe was on the ice, and he took the short program "Breeze Blowing". The law layout is communicating with Eliza.

Cui Yi is taking Chen En to participate in the Junior Grand Prix in foreign countries these days. Luo Chao already knew that he could not find Cui Yi. He came directly to find Su Zhe.

The "Shi Shuo" crew wanted to audition for Su Zhe. For the figure skating club, it was originally just a trivial matter, but some time ago, the department just got news. With the 2022 Winter Olympics Gradually approaching, the country hopes to be able to launch their own winter project stars in winter projects.

This so-called winter sports star, of course, requires achievement, and second, it must have considerable nationality.

But as far as the current situation in China is concerned, not to mention that the scope is limited to winter events. Take the most famous sports such as table tennis, basketball, football, diving, and swimming, there are not many that can really launch star players. , Let alone winter projects.

Thinking about it, the Winter Sports Management Center has arranged tasks for winter sports, such as figure skating, which are more popular, and must come up with an executable plan.

Because of this, the staff in the department are also writing plans with their heads bald.

As far as figure skating is concerned, of course, among the candidates for the star push, there is of course Su Zhe who has emerged in a game in recent times, but how to maintain Su Zhe’s popularity and further expand his popularity, these figure skating staff The content that they are not good at is a headache for them. Because of this, the ministry is already considering looking for a special promotion company to consult about the promotion plan.

It was at this moment that the crew of "Shi Shuo" sent an application requesting Su Zhe to cooperate with the filming. Isn't this a pillow when I was about to fall asleep?

Director Shen Zheng is a well-known domestic director, and even has a certain international reputation. He has also been invited to shoot a promotional film for the winter project. His film, reputation and audience will certainly not be lacking.

If Su Zhe can make a face in his movie, his popularity will surely rise. When the movie is promoted, let Director Shen bring a sentence, Su Zhe is a guest performer as a figure skater , The publicity effect is enough for sports.

As an athlete, you can be familiar with the general public and let the audience know that this athlete is a well-known athlete in a certain event, which is basically the standard of a sports star.

Because of this invitation, the figure skating department simply held a discussion meeting. The only thing everyone worried about was whether Su Zhe, as a newcomer, could maintain a stable figure skating performance and whether he really has the potential to become a top domestic figure skater. .

For this reason, the ministry also specially found a full-angle video of Su Zhe during the game, and printed out his sub-score table, repeatedly confirmed Su Zhe’s performance, and finally made an overseas call and asked Cui Yi. Views.

Although from the coach's point of view, Cui Yi didn't want his disciples to increase their popularity through other means besides their project performance, he finally agreed with the statement in the figure skating department that Su Zhe could give it a try.

Luo Chao relayed to Su Zhe the attitude of Cui Yi and the figure skating club, and at the same time conveyed the audition needs of "Shi Shuo".

Regarding this audition invitation, although Su Zhe was a little surprised, he didn't have any comments. He just raised a question.

"It will be the Grand Prix in early November. I will definitely stay in the team for training during this period. I should not be able to leave City B to audition in the near future. This may conflict with the progress of the needs of the crew."

This question was completely forgotten in the previous discussion of figure skating. Su Zhe put it right. For athletes, these fame-enhancing events naturally cannot be ranked before the competition in priority.

"Okay." Luo Chao agreed very simply: "This problem is that we didn't think about it before. You prepare your game well. I will communicate and coordinate with their crew. If it works, let's try it. If it doesn't work. , Still focus on preparation."

Luo Chao said, then glanced at Su Zhe.

After Su Zhe raised this question, it made him a little bit more affirmative of Su Zhe. As a young player, he heard this opportunity to be famous and calmly considered that the competition should be the most important thing. Players can settle down, and of course it is easier to get good results in the future.

With this in mind, Luo Chao said to Su Zhe: "No matter whether the movie can be done or not, the ministry is very optimistic about your future prospects. Go on and keep it up. I believe you will be able to achieve excellent results in our figure skating events. Grades."

Although these words of encouragement sounded like an official tone, it was indeed Luo Chao's sincerity.

After explaining the encouragement with Su Zhe, Luo Chao returned to the figure skating club with questions, and communicated with the crew of "Shi Shuo" Su Zhe's question.

That night, after the training, Su Zhe remembered the news that Luo Chao had come to inform him during the day, so he sent a message to a certain "friend" in the "Shi Shuo" crew.

Su Zhe: [^^ Audition invitation? 】

Perhaps the person on WeChat was rushing to the night scene and did not respond immediately. It was not until Su Zhe finished washing and lying down to rest that he received a reply from someone.

Shao Xingchen: [...Well, the main creative team in the previous crew saw your "Book and Sword" together, and Director Shen wants to invite you to try a role. 】

Su Zhe saw the message sent by Shao Xingchen and easily caught the awkwardness of the other side: "^^ Hmm, then?"

Then Su Zhe saw the dialog box he was talking to, always in the state of "The other party is typing...", and repeated it over and over again. After about 5 minutes, the other party finally assumed a gesture of giving up treatment.

Shao Xingchen, who was far away from the crew, sighed, and finally reluctantly finished entering the message in his hand.

Shao Xingchen: [They think that I am abducting minors to fall in love. 】

Su Zhe had already guessed that the relationship between the two of them had been exposed in the main creative office of the crew, but he did not expect that Shao Xingchen would even carry such a big pot on his back.

After thinking about the two people's current age, Su Zhe also found it funny: [Just remembered, I haven't turned 19 this year? 】

Shao Xingchen looked at the message on the phone and smiled: [Yes, I'm not yet 19 years old, but I have a lover who has been together for 11 years. 】

Su Zhe: [^^ Isn’t it the former lover who broke up? 】

Shao Xingchen connively looked at the smiling face symbol of Su Zhe in the dialogue, and did not say anything else for a while, just remembering that the two people had rarely separated the two places for a long time in their previous lives. After a while, he was typing The box said: [I miss you. 】

Shao Xingchen: [Even if I broke up temporarily, I have already reserved the future time and location of your side. I am very lucky that we all remember each other. 】

Seeing this message in the dialog box, Su Zhe also smiled: [Okay, I am waiting for you. 】

In the next two days, Su Zhe continued to carry out various training related to physical fitness, flexibility and technical arrangement on the ice step by step. Cui Yi was absent. Regarding the short program and free skating choreography and technical adjustments, Su Zhe communicated with Eliza and Aina together, and then gradually confirmed with Cui Yi through network communication.

Different from the previous schedule at the National Championships, during the championships, among the two programs of Su Zhe, the only one with a relatively high degree of completion was "Fallen Watcher", while on the short program "Breeze Blowing" and online The analysis is the same. The arrangement of footwork and rotation is relatively weak. This arrangement has a tangible ceiling on the basic score. Even if Su Zhe can reach the extreme on the p score, the overall score is also high. It's limited.

During the period after the game, their re-editing focus is on "Breeze blowing", hoping to strive to come up with a mature version in the COC (Grand Prix China Station) in early November, and improve Su Zhe’s short-term The results on the show.

The layout of the new footwork must also take into account scores, music, physical expression, artistic content, etc., which is not easy. Although the layout of the first edition of "Breeze" was lacking in basic points, its overall performance The effect has obviously been recognized by the public, which puts another pressure on the layout of this upgraded version.

Fortunately, Eliza's talent in choreography is indeed extraordinary. After several months of study, Su Zhe has been able to provide Eliza with certain ideas. Finally, the overall effect on the programming of the program is also very good.

Luo Chao once again brought news from the crew of "Shi Shuo" to Su Zhe. It was already three days later. This time, Su Zhe had vaguely known the news. Shao Xingchen told him the day before that Shen Zheng needed to return to city B. Participate in an official event, while taking advantage of this time, will deal with some backlogs in City B waiting for him to deal with.

Sure enough, Luo Chao said the same thing when he came.

"Director Shen went back to City B for something to do. I have made an appointment for you to go over to have a test shot this afternoon. If it is appropriate, the shooting is not in a hurry. Your role will add up to the sky for two or three days. You can definitely arrange for a coc match After time."

Since the audition and shooting are not in conflict with his own project, Su Zhe naturally has nothing to be hypocritical. He happily agreed to Luo Chao and will follow him to audition for the "Shi Shuo" crew of director Shen Zheng in the afternoon.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Zhe completed the training content of the day early. After returning to Su Zhe to wash up, he changed into a hooded sweater and jeans, and followed Luo Chao by car to City B of the "Shi Shuo" crew outside the 6th ring. stronghold.

After contacting the staff, Luo Chao took Su Zhe all the way to the interior studio where Shen Zheng was.

After the two arrived, they saw busy staff going back and forth in the studio. In this interior studio, there was also a director of the crew leading the team to shoot some indoor scenes. At this moment, Shen Zheng is in charge of this part of the content. The director is communicating some things that need attention.

After Shen Zheng had communicated with the director of the city B interior scene group, the staff who brought Luo Chao and Su Zhe brought them to Shen Zheng.

"Director Shen, Director Luo from the figure skating department brought Su Zhe here."


(Very loudly) My exam is over today! ! ! All the results have passed! ! ! The unemployment crisis is over! ! ! (Tears filled his eyes)

_(:з」∠)_This week, due to the exam, the update volume is very short, and it will resume next week

Tomorrow weekend, I will try to make up for the humble update this week. There will be two updates tomorrow. The first one should be before 7 pm. See you in the next chapter! Love you guys = w = yeah!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-1903:49:30~2019-12-2023:26:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Shangshan is like water, tomato egg soup is my favorite, bean sprouts, that cloud, 26587301, (* ̄︶ ̄*), Hana Zifei, Aqi, 32128637, Tian Weiyu, Leng Xuan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 168 bottles of tarnish point; 138 bottles of Qingge; 82 bottles of thousands on the wall; 55 bottles of Anbao's bread sauce; 50 bottles of smelling fragrance; 40 bottles of courtiers and smiles; Xi~~ ~, Pansidong Dongzhu, Dou☆Sprout, Muchen, Plum, Nanar 30 bottles; Tear wound 27 bottles; Haomian 24 bottles; Jingxi 22 bottles; Luo Yan, Hao, (* ̄︶ ̄*), Tsundere Dummy Kang, Peppa Pig, Fuxi, 20 bottles of One Gun Piercing Clouds; 15 bottles of Qing Heyue, Zi Ling; 13 bottles of Jing Yun; Nefertiti, Jinghua Yuxue, Dian Jingzhe, 18699948, Zibuyan 10 bottles of, Fat Bamboo, Sprite, Mu Mu, Work hard in Xia Fan, Nun Feng, Zhaowen, Qianqian Aj; 10 bottles of Yuyou Baobao, Shuangshuang, 366,520,948 bottles; Dim light, budding, Xiaofeiju 6 bottles; xiaoqiaolla52, Fatty Da 5 bottles of jimin and Weiwei; 4 bottles of silver in the soil; 3 bottles of Lindu; 2 bottles of Cindy; stupid+dandan=stupid, purple fish rain, Si, 縤敋, faint Wumiao, 咿呀11啊1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!