Chapter 183: Parallel World Figure Skating (31)

Su Zhe learned of the public opinion turmoil on the Internet from Jiang Hanning after things had subsided the next day. However, the topic he discussed with Su Zhe was not on this, but Su Zhe quit the entertainment circle. After receiving such a drama from Shen Zheng, he cried and asked Su Zhe whether it was too late for him to learn figure skating.

Su Zhe ignored Jiang Hanning’s questioning. After throwing a string of violent emoticons to him, Su Zhe briefly reviewed the previous public opinion events, and after confirming that the matter had no tendency to expand, he opened it. WeChat contact, sent someone a loving emoji to express gratitude.

In the next week or so, Cui Yi has also completed his trip abroad and returned to China with Chen En. As the COC season approached, Cui Yi began to ponder "Breeze" with Eliza and Su Zhe. The techniques and the artistic arrangement details of "Blowing" and "Fallen Watchmen".

Unlike the last figure skating championship, this time the COC is Su Zhe's first appearance in the international arena.

Whether it is Cui Yi, Eliza or the ice fans who are watching the event, they all have great expectations for Su Zhe's participation in this competition.

Unlike the previous National Championships, COC has always been attractive to ice fans because many international figure skating stars have come to participate. Over the years, the COC ticket attendance has performed well. In previous years, COC two With one day of schedule and one day of performance skating, about 70% of the audience can sit.

Of course, this is previous years.

This year, after the launch of COC ticket sales, there is not much difference in sales from previous years. However, from one day, COC tickets suddenly became popular, and sales reached new highs. Finally, one day there was a swarm of ticket buyers. Tickets from the S seat to the top of the mountain were all grabbed.

The popularity of COC tickets was also seen by the scalpers, so the COC tickets were also rarely fired up for a while, which made the ice fans who bought tickets normally in previous years complained.

The people in the figure skating department also paid attention to this situation. At first, the staff was also confused-when did figure skating become so popular?

After some investigations and visits, the staff in the department finally discovered that the reason for the popularity of COC tickets this time was because of the new figure skating player Su Zhe.

Not long ago, the official announced the list of players selected for the COC. In the men's singles, Su Zhe was on the list.

The domestic ice collaboration is the organizer of the ISU Figure Skating Grand Prix (GPF) China Cup (COC), and it has the opportunity to select up to 3 athletes in each event.

In the past, the officially announced selection list will not have much impact. After all, well-known players have already been on the list of ISU selections, and the domestic supplementary selection players are usually only those domestically considered to have more potential. Or it is an encouragement to the veterans who are still competing.

At first, ice fans just habitually followed the official update information, but when they found Su Zhe's name in the list, someone quickly posted the selection list of the Domestic Ice Association to the Ice Kingdom Forum.

Subject: [Latest News! ! Su Zhe will participate in the China Cup in City B on November 3! 】

Nothing else was put in the main post building, but the list of the domestic ice association's selection was directly posted.

Unlike the previous National Championships held in City J, this time the COC will be held in City B, where there is a good figure skating atmosphere. It is also more convenient for domestic ice fans to come to watch the competition, except for watching the competition. In addition, you can also take a trip, so there are many ice fans in the forum who choose to come to watch the game.

However, Su Zhe’s appearance on the list of contestants has increased their interest in coming to City B to watch the game. Not long ago, at the National Championships, Su Zhe’s three wonderful performances have still been repeatedly pondered by many ice fans. Repeatedly watched classic program content.

If you ask in the forum of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, do you want to see the scene of Su Zhe’s game? At least nine out of the ten answers were thoughts, and the remaining one was probably a fan who never watched men's singles.

On Weibo, the big Vs of various figure skating events also forwarded the news that Su Zhe would participate in the COC and make his debut in international competitions.

Nowadays, many of Su Zhe’s fans are from figure skating circles, so most of Su Zhechao’s fans also got news, and then some fans said that they must just go to City B to see their cubs. Show on ice, throw him a cute tiger doll.

As of this time, although the COC ticket service has been popular all the way, but it has not yet reached the level of scalpers. The reason why the scalpers will finally go to the sea is because of the recent public opinion incident.

The "Poetry Talk" movie and Wen Bowen and other starring and directors are attracted to ice performances-such a performance, can you let go of it?

Coupled with the fact that many Chigualu who have seen the Su Zhe Championships before have quietly purchased tickets, some ordinary ice fans buy tickets normally, and the participation of ticket buyers from all walks of life has led to the appearance of this COC. A grand occasion that is hard to find.

For such a situation, the Ice Association and the figure skating team are of course happy to see it happen. After all, this proves that Su Zhe does have the potential to become a figure skating star, and this kind of star athlete brings non-ice fans. This part of the audience is the target that needs to be radiated to expand the influence of the project among the ordinary people.

Taking advantage of the momentum, the figure skating department also posted a number of tips on popular science figure skating items and promotional articles on Weibo to let more people know what the China Cup (COC) is and the participation in this COC. How many awesome players are there.

In the forum of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, the masses are also discussing the well-known players in various events that came to participate this time. In the inventory of the men’s singles, only Su Zhe was dissatisfied with the debut of the 12 men’s singles players who participated 3 years, even this year, the first time the players boarded the field.

The rest of the players are strong players who have been promoted from the junior group to the youth group and the adult group from childhood. Even players who are basically the same age as Su Zhe are already Su Zhe's seniors in figure skating.

In this China Cup, Su Zhe, Xu Yihe, and Wang Wei participated in the competition. Among the famous Japanese players, only Tian Haiyi and Tsugawa Yuto chose to participate in the China Cup. The Japanese twins Tsugawa Yuto this time Did not come.

In addition, Russian star Igor, American star Kim Smith, etc., are all players with extremely high reputation and strength in figure skating.

In the past international competitions, as long as Tian Haiyi, Tsukawa Yudou or Igor participated in the competition, the first title has almost been locked in among them, but in this China Cup, Bingxue The ice fans in the kingdom can't help but look at Su Zhe, who was selected to play this time just because of the location of the China Cup.

The wonderful performance of Su Zhe at the last National Championships keeps the ice fans obsessed with it. Although knowing that in such a short period of time for the second time, the programs that Su Zhe can produce should still be "Breeze Blowing" and "Fallen Watch" "Students", but different sessions, meticulous crafting of the same show, and repeated performances are also situations that figure skaters must face.

Furthermore, the performance emotions and state stability of the players when expressing the same program, as well as the performance of the players on the same program in different sessions, are also important standards for measuring the strength of a figure skater.

First, ice fans want to see Su Zhe’s expression of the same program in different sessions and how the quality of the program fluctuates.

Both, Su Zhe’s last performance has captured the hearts of ice fans, and it has also ignited a little extra expectation in the hearts of ice fans-if Su Zhe can still maintain the same program quality as before, then this time In the COC, can Chinese players try to hit the top three results?

In the eager anticipation of the ice fans, November 3rd will come in a blink of an eye.

Lin Wei was originally just an ordinary gossip eating melon road, but when I was eating melon before, I accidentally saw Su Zhe. When returning to pick up Su Zhe’s past historical video, Lin Wei was hit by Su Zhe’s retiring solo. Later, there were three videos of his figure skating show, which directly hammered her to death in the pit of the'philosopher', unable to climb out.

After watching Su Zhe’s three figure skating show videos, Lin Wei has always wanted to see Su Zhe’s figure skating scene with her own eyes. After learning that the COC was held in City B, she decisively won the two days of competition plus Three tickets for the S-seat show in one day, I decided to have a good time this time.

The COC competition venue is quite large. After working hard to line up to enter the venue, Lin Wei is ready to find a place to buy water and toilets in the venue in order to prepare for a protracted battle.

I didn’t want her to walk two steps, and saw a long winding line in front of me. Because the line was too long, Lin Wei couldn’t see the head of the line at a glance, so she hit a little girl in front of her. Hello, and ask her what line they are in.

What Lin Wei did not expect was that the little girl in front of her turned her head, with Bambi's watery eyes open, then looked at her with a puzzled look, and finally said in very difficult English: "I'm sorry. ,I am Japanese?"



? ? ?


Lin Wei looked at the little girl in front of her with a little bewilderment. After nodding her head to express her embarrassment, Lin Wei walked two steps forward and found a beautiful sister with a long straight black head for questioning, but the other party was the same With a bewildered expression on her face, she replied with the same crappy English as the little girl in front of her.

In the end, until Lin Wei saw with her own eyes where the end of the team was, she didn't understand why there were so many Japanese spectators at the game scene today? ? ?


Flattened, too sleepy, cough, cough, and finally 1k words were uttered by me...

But today, although there is no day to 10,000, but it is also 9k? ? ?

_(:з」∠)_Tomorrow, I will take a little time for the dishes and take a break during the day. The update time should be around 0:00, but there will be a normal 6k update, so see you in the next chapter!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-2123:09:12~2019-12-2201:46:19~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Shuangshuang, 1 bean sprout;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Ling; 10 bottles of Qiqiqi, Kapok and Morning Glory, Huahuahuahuahua; 6 bottles of Youran Pinellia, bean sprouts; LR3 bottles; Y2 bottles that can’t be extricated from indulging in novels;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!