Chapter 190: Parallel World Figure Skating (38)

So far, the first score to surpass Su Zhe in the short program has appeared!

The audience exclaimed for a while, but after reviewing the entire performance of Tsugawa Yuto during the competition, he and Su Zhe gave the audience the same strong aesthetic feeling on the ice, and because of the different music styles, they were full of enthusiasm and passion. "Fire", which has just finished the performance, is naturally more impressive than the gentle and gentle "Breeze".

These are two completely different aesthetics, but they deserve the same enthusiastic applause and encouragement.

Su Zhe in the audience also gave a sincere applause to Jinchuan Yudou. This short show performance, whether it be the strength of the body, the coordination to the artistry, has reached a sufficient height, it is indeed commendable.

"Today's short program was newly arranged by Tsugawa Yuto during the offseason. The arrangement of this program should be mainly for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in a few months. Today is its premiere. The current version should It's not the final version of it." Cui Yi took advantage of the gap between the games to explain the related content of this short program to Su Zhe and Chen En.

"After Tsugawa Yuto and Youren started practicing figure skating since childhood, in addition to basic ballet classes, the two brothers also chose their favorite dance styles to learn. Among them, Tsugawa Yuto is also breaking (break dance) in his spare time. A master of ), this is also one of the reasons why he can maximize his charm and artistic expression under the warm and wanton music style."

"Although many of the actions of hip-hop can not be shown on ice, in today's "fire", he still uses a lot of relevant elements in his action arrangement, which is one of his usual personal characteristics."

After a pause, Cui Yi added: "Jin Chuan Yuren has studied modern dance since childhood. His expression is more abstract and relatively introverted. His artistic expression on ice is also very outstanding and has distinctive personal characteristics. ."

Chen En knows a lot of these contents. After all, he has been learning in figure skating since he was a child. Learning and researching the world's top players is a homework that every athlete will not miss.

Most of what Cui Yi said was to explain Su Zhe. After all, Su Zhe currently does not know enough about figure skating.

In the sound of Cui Yi's introduction, Igor, the second-to-last player, has also played for the final warm-up.

After this beautiful Russian boy, known as the prince on ice, played, there was another commotion on the scene. After all, the beautiful blond boy wearing a silk shirt that looked like a nobleman was indeed elegant and charming.

After Igor's debut, Cui Yi did not forget to explain to Su Zhe: "Russian women's singles have always been talented, and there have been dominant talents in men's singles. However, in recent years, Russia is the most famous. The men’s singles is Igor."

"He is called the'Prince on the Ice', in addition to his superior appearance, but also because of his selection of music in the program arrangement and personal performance style. From the perspective of the age of learning figure skating, he is currently among the top players in the world He started to learn figure skating at the latest. Before he was 12 years old, he had been studying ballet. He also had a very outstanding talent in ballet. He once aimed to enter the Royal Ballet of Russia as his goal."

"Even after he started to learn figure skating, he didn't leave the ballet study at all. From a pure ballet point of view, he is judged by the industry to have a high level of professionalism. This also determines his style when performing on ice. It is delicate and flexible, elegant and powerful."

While listening to Cui Yi’s explanation, Su Zhe watched Igor’s warm-up action on the ice. Indeed, even if he just lifted the floating leg and glide on the ice, he stroked his chest with one hand and his left hand was raised. You can feel the persistence of graceful posture from the inside in the details of the movements such as the head slightly upward.

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, many passersby Yangou were also screaming on the barrage.

[Ahhhhh, this player is so handsome! Why do I only start watching figure skating now? I regret...! 】

【_(:З」∠)_ Whether it’s Su Zhe, or the cute Japanese player just now, and now this beautiful Russian blonde... ooh, I think I’m going to be directly hammered to death in the pit of figure skating , This is really a paradise for Yan Gou! 】

[Wow, the beauty of this Russian boy is comparable to that of Su Zhe, with a different style and the same beauty... Can't help but suddenly want to be a man again? 】

After the short final warm-up, Igor returned to the center of the ice and stood still with a T-step, with his left hand behind his back and his right hand extended to his side, making a reserved and elegant invitation posture. At the same time, his head slightly Lifting sideways, showing a hint of arrogance.

In the commentary room of the live broadcast, Lin Ya is also giving a brief introduction to Igor's performance.

"Now playing is Igor, a well-known men's singles player from Russia. The repertoire he used in today's short program is an excerpt from the ballet repertoire "Sapphire Night", "Dance at Dinner Party."

"Sapphire Night" tells a shining and timeless love story between a prince and a princess, and is also a classic chapter in a ballet.

The proud prince and the equally proud and noble princess knew each other because of a sapphire, but even if they had a hazy affection between them, the hostile relationship between the two countries prevented this relationship from happening.

When the two came to a dinner party in a third country at the same time, this night was the only opportunity for a wonderful love to have a point of intersection.

The paragraph of "Dance Invitation to the Dinner Party" is divided into three different stages, namely the inner struggle of the prince and the princess, and the two from temptation to dance to emotional bursting and reluctance after the dance.

The selection that Igor chose to perform was naturally the part of the prince’s solo dance. In this part, the proud prince saw the princess who made his heart beat, but his pride and the hostile stance between the two made him vacillate. On such a night where nobles from all over the world gather, invite that beautiful girl to dance and leave unforgettable memories? Or do you forget her completely and stop having the dream of embracing her?

When the string and piano intertwined music sounded, Igor stretched out his inviting hand forward, but quickly retracted it, and then he slid back on the spot after a regular pace, and began to interpret this band. Dance steps of inner struggle.

Every physical movement belonging to the proud prince is reserved and elegant, whether it is complicated footwork or fierce jumping and spinning, all interpret his inner struggle.

The arrogant reservations and the fiery love sparks in my heart are struggling and colliding with each other, this kind of emotion is beautiful and bitter.

Seeing the beloved girl, she is beautiful and charming, countless aristocratic youths are lining up to invite her to dance until she subtly swept her gaze towards herself, the implicit expectation and the spark of love finally lit the prince. Determination.

Igor on the ice finally opened his arms and slid to the end of his beloved goal on one foot.

Although the prince was still arrogant and reserved at this time, the firmness in his eyes had already explained his determination at the moment.

When the music finally ended, everyone saw that the elegant prince on the ice was sending out a sincere invitation to his only dance partner in the most elegant manner.

After Igor's performance, he also received a lot of applause at the scene. Such applause also showed the audience's recognition of Igor's performance.

In the live broadcast room, Lin Ya is also making the final comment on Igor's performance: "Igor is worthy of the reputation of the prince of ballet on ice. He is also the most religious figure skating in the current men's singles. A player who interprets the "Ballet". The ice performance of this section of "Dance Invitation to the Dinner Party" has his usual standard, elegant, noble and charming, but I have to say that Igor and Jinchuan brothers are also limited in their personal style. It is very clear. Even though his performance is a brand-new arrangement, from the perspective of the audience, such a performance has become more and more difficult to arouse the audience's "amazing" emotions. This may be what Igor will do in the program arrangement in the future. Problems that need to be solved urgently."

As Lin Ya said, the ice fans on the scene or in front of the screen felt the same about Igor's performance.

Although there are thousands of classic ballet repertoires, the image of the prince in ballet is difficult to break out of certain fixed categories. Igor's past shows have performed the noble, elegant or arrogant prince to the limit. , If he can't break through himself, it will be difficult for the audience or the referee to be amazed by his newly arranged program.

"Every time the program is arranged to the limit in the direction that I am good at, but too much homogenized interpretation can cause aesthetic fatigue. But every time the program is arranged in pursuit of freshness and difference, it may make the players After encountering Waterloo in a field that I am not good at, or after making the audience amazed every time, there will be more pressure in the arrangement of new programs in the future."

Cui Yi smiled and said to Su Zhe and Chen En: "The two different roads have their own shortcomings, but for the Jinchuan brothers and Igor, their fatal problem is that they can’t guarantee that after changing their different styles, Is it possible to maintain the current high level of artistry."

After speaking, Cui Yi said: "They are currently looking for new choreographers and related coaches, but at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, they should continue to deepen and polish their programs with their current style to ensure that they are in the Winter Olympics. The results at the meeting."

After Cui Yi introduced the situation of Igor and the Jinchuan brothers, Igor's score was also revealed at the scene-Igor, with a total score of 83.77 in the short program, is currently ranked second.

At the same time, Su Zhe's short program performance temporarily fell to third place.

Looking at Igor's score, Su Zhe also thought of Cui Yi's evaluation just now. If Tsukawa Yuto has a larger choice of music in the same style, then Igor's personal style is homogeneous. The problem of chemistry is even more serious. From the current judges’ ratings, we can also see the subtle difference in scores between the two.

After Igor's performance, finally, Tian Haiyi, currently ranked No. 1 in the world, officially came to the ice, preparing for his short section to warm up.


_(:з」∠)_Ahem, shouldn’t it be too late now?

This is today's first update, and the next short program should be almost over (sorrowful, why is the figure skating competition so bald to write QvQ)

But there is something wrong with the dishes tonight. It will be very late to go home. The update should be after midnight ← but it is still the second update of today. Of course, the 6k words of tomorrow will be all finished tomorrow, oh!

Then see you in the next chapter, love you guys, yeah!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2019-12-2523:58:55~2019-12-2613:46:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Zhaohai;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 1 Ashu;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Lingling Linglingjiu, joanna, Jun, Hongyeyeyeyeye, cupboard, Hezeye 50 bottles; Chenxiaoyu 40 bottles; delicate old flowers, pipi beauty, Xiaoqingming 30 bottles 27 bottles of Xiaoying; 26 bottles of plant dyeing; 20 bottles of seles, Y Jun; 18 bottles of food for patients with advanced lazy cancer; purple feather, mallow Xiaoli, love flower, bamboo leaf flute, Iris, promise-yyyyy, ghost 10 bottles of Luo and Kaya; 7 bottles of Double Double; 5 bottles of Shuiyue Qingyin, Luming, and Aqin; 3 bottles of Wuming Wumiao; 2 bottles of Xiaoxiao and Qiaoxiao Yanran; moon-jizz, two dogs smashing legs, super short, watermark mm1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!