Chapter 206: Parallel World Figure Skating (54)

"Little Zhe!"

After Su Zhe left the airport, he saw his father and Chen Zhi at the pick-up point.

"Brother Xiaozhi." Su Zhe first said hello to Chen Zhi, and then when he saw his stubborn father, he called out after a pause, "Dad."

Su Yinsheng hadn't planned to give his rebellious son a good face at this moment, but he looked like a scary face.

Although Su Zhe was accustomed to his father's look that looked fierce as soon as he put down his face since he was a child, he was still imaginary at the moment, and he didn't say much.

Chen Zhi smiled and rubbed his head, then took the bag in Su Zhe's hand, and pushed his master out by the way, setting up a moderator between the father and son.

Since Chen Zhi entered the national team, the three of them have not been together like this for a long time. At this moment, Chen Zhi was talking softly to Su Yinsheng in the middle, and Su Zhe did not dare to open his mouth to make his father angry. After the three of them got into the taxi, Su Yinsheng's expression gradually slowed down.

After the three of them got into the car and reported their destination, the driver said "Huh", turned his head and glanced at the three of Su Zhe, then his eyes were fixed on Chen Zhi.

"Ah, Chen Dashen!" After seeing Chen Zhi sitting in the co-pilot, the driver's eyes flashed, and the whole person was excited.

"Oh, I was lucky today. I didn't expect to bring you to Chen Dashen! I am your fan. I must watch every game of yours. The Asian Championships were really exciting at that time! The moment your results came out, I yelled that the whole community was about to hear it, and the property almost came up to warn me!"

This driver master is indeed a loyal fan of Chen Zhi. Not only that, but he is also a **** track and field fan. He is interested in various events such as the 100 meters, hurdles, long jump, and high jump. Speaking of domestic athletes, he is also very precious.

"Hey, it's a pity that you didn't refresh your personal pb at the World Championships like the Asian Championships, but it was already very exciting to break into the finals at the World Championships! However, the current domestic sprinters are a little bit blue and yellow. Except for you, the domestic competition is really annoying sometimes. In the previous domestic Grand Prix, the first place player scored only 10 seconds 50?"

"This is a national competition! You said that the championship result is not within 10 seconds 30, so I can understand, but 10 seconds 50 is a bit too much..."

This driver was particularly able to talk along the way, perhaps because he was excited when he met his idol, and it was difficult to stop his confession during the whole process, but he also revealed a worries in addition to Chen Zhi. 'S sprinter can't keep up.

"Oh." The driver sighed as he said, "I'm afraid of when Chen Dashen will retire, but don't be like the 110-meter hurdles. After Song Chen retires, he will be stunned...I am now every time. Watching the 110-meter hurdles race, I feel terrified. Although Jun Ye is fine, Jun Ye is now only the top in China, and it is a bit difficult to compete in Asia. Compared to Song Dashen’s time, it’s really..."

Having said that, the driver suddenly woke up and kept apologizing: "Oh, look at my mouth, Chen Dashen, if you want to see Mr. Jun, don't tell him this! Mr. Jun is also very good. Don't put pressure on him in the game..."

On the way, the masters were chattering back and forth, until Chen Zhi promised him that he would definitely not mention this to Ye Jun before the master gave a snack.

After rest assured, while waiting for the traffic lights, the taxi master finally had time to look through the inverted mirror and glanced at the two people in the back seat who couldn’t talk much after getting in the car. After a closer look, the taxi master’s eyes lit up again. Up.

"Oh, this is not Old Su...Ah no, is Coach Su?"

For track and field fans, the two coaches Su Yinsheng and Lu Fei are also idols. One brought out Chen Zhi and the other brought out Song Chen. These are the actual achievements of the coaches.

The driver master touched all his idols today, and smiled all the way along the way. When he saw Su Zhe, he asked who this was?

After Chen Zhi smiled and introduced that this was his junior brother Su Zhe, the driver knew it again.

"Oh, I know I know, this is Coach Su's son who went to the national figure skating team, right?" The driver master didn't notice. After this sentence was uttered, Su Huo's face became stiff again. He was still right. Su Zhe said with emotion: "Oh, little brother, you are Coach Su's son, why didn't you practice sprinting?"

These words were really a heavy hammer, and Su Zhe had to scratch his head awkwardly, pretending that nothing happened.

After sending Su Zhe, Chen Zhi and Su Yinsheng to the training base of the national track and field team, seeing them enter the door, the driver master couldn't help but share today's fate on the Track and Field Kingdom Forum.

Subject: [Oh, the person who hit my car today is actually Great God Chen! He also took the sons of Su Huo and Su Huo. At this moment, the three of them entered the training base of the national track and field team. I also asked Chen Dashen and Su Huo for an autograph. This is really lucky! (With photos)]

This post was quickly picked up by the big brothers in the forum, and many people gave expressions of envy and hatred.

After chatting with the driver master for a while, everyone was excited.

22L: [Oh, Su Huo, is he finally willing to join the national team? That's great! 】

26L: [But why did Su Huo his son also join the national team? It looks like Su Huo and Chen Dashen are going to pick him up, but isn't Su Zhe from the figure skating team? 】

30L: [Speaking of which, do you know a joke? It was said that Tian Fangzheng and Zhang Ye wanted to go to the figure skating team to dig people, and wanted to get people into the track team. 】

33L: [? ? ? WTF? The national track and field team goes to the national figure skating team to dig? Are you talking about this Su Zhe? Are you crazy? Can this be transmitted? 】

34L: [Hey, I have a nose and eyes, it is said that Zhang Yetuo's relationship has found the physical test report of the figure skating team, and then I started to want to dig people...]

37L: [Hey, this is a good joke, but if Su Zhe is really talented in sprinting, can Su Huo let someone go to the figure skating team? Thinking is impossible! 】

In the discussion of everyone, the master driver as the host also remembered a detail at this moment.

40L: [Speaking of...just now when I was in the car, I mentioned why Su Huo his son didn't practice sprinting with his dad. At that time Su Huo glared at his son. Chen Dashen also smiled and shook his head. I don’t think the atmosphere is right. Today, why do they seem to press Su Zhe into the national team...]

At this point in the discussion, many friends in the circle were strangely silent.


What type of situation is this? It can’t be said that the track team’s plan to grab people on the figure skating team is true, right?

Discussions on the Internet Su Yinsheng and others did not know. After a few people entered the track team, Su Yinsheng drove Su Zhe to change his clothes, and then threw it away to warm up.

After Su Yinsheng came back, Tian Fangzheng and other members of the track team coaching staff also arrived on the scene.

The track team’s coaching staff knew about Su Zhe for a long time, and they all watched Su Zhe’s surveillance video that day. Although the monitoring is not clear enough, Su Zhe’s starting and rhythm can still be seen. In my eyes, compare his performance in the two runs before and after, and Su Zhe's performance in the physical test on the figure skating team.

After several comparisons, everyone has long been concerned about Su Zheji.

While warming up, Su Zhe watched the familiar coach appear in the training ground with a wry smile and sighed in his heart.

Okay, he knew he had to face this situation today.

As he warmed up, Chen Zhi was also beside him, and the two of them were doing various warm-up preparations together.

Su Zhe glanced at Chen Zhi, hesitatingly said: "Brother Xiaozhi...?"

Chen Zhi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's run around with brother and I."




Anyway, death is death, and now he is not qualified to choose the posture of death to look better.

While they were talking, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi's warm-up preparations were almost done. They walked to the starting point of the training ground, and the various timing equipment in the training ground were ready.

Su Zhe and Chen Zhi adjusted their starting blocks, squatted down, flicked their hands on the ground and kicked them onto the starting blocks, making preparations.

Zhang Ye personally took the electronic starting gun and stood at the starter's position. After seeing Su Zhe and Chen Zhi both adjusted almost, he also gave out instructions.

"Everyone, prepare..."

In the sound of each seat, support the ground with both hands, raise the hips, and prepare the posture.

The coaching staff member and Su Yinsheng who were staring at the scene at the side squinted their eyes after seeing Su Zhe's preparatory posture-from the naked eye, the preparatory posture was very good.

Zhang Ye also narrowed his eyes on the side, and then quickly fired the electronic starting gun in his hand.


After a gunshot, Su Zhe and Chen Zhi immediately broke out their strength, kicked off the starting blocks, and began to conquer the 100-meter track.

Chen Zhi's starting and starting acceleration are always his biggest advantages, and his future speed is the magic weapon for him to achieve excellent results in international competitions.

In the domestic competition, even if Chen Zhi releases the water, he will have a significant effective distance from the surrounding players in the first 30-meter stage of the start and the acceleration run.

For the coaches of the national team, usually by looking at the effective distance difference between the players and Chen Zhi in the first 30 meters, they can roughly judge the level of these players.

After the two started, the members of the national team coaching staff were completely surprised during the first 30-meter acceleration stage.

"This speed...?!"

Many coaches who were standing a little far away, after seeing the gap between Su Zhe and Chen Zhi, couldn't help but step closer to the runway.

Although Su Yinsheng knew that his little boy had concealed his sprint performance before, but when it came time to watch the scene, Su Yinsheng was really surprised by Su Zhe's speed.

On the track, Su Zhe knew that he could not hide it this time, and did not intend to hide it again. He simply let go and ran. Although his current physical fitness state is still far from the peak, his previous skills are carved into him. What's in his mind, not to mention that even after rebirth, in the training space, he is doing sprint-related training every day. As for his body and skills, he is now at a stage where he can use it skillfully.

He did not panic at the stage of starting and accelerating. His experience in countless races has already made him humiliated on the track, but this pleasure of competing side by side with others on the track still allows him to bear. Can't help but become more excited.

Compared with the last time he simply ran and vented on this track, this competitive state made his competitive state even more different.

After entering the mid-run stage, Chen Zhi's speed has slowed down, but he still maintained a very high speed, while Su Zhe's state is very stable.

Su Yinsheng narrowed his eyes and looked at his cub on the track. After a simple estimation, he roughly judged that after entering the mid-run stage, his son did not have any decline from the maximum speed after the acceleration. He directly Maintaining this high-speed state entered the midway run.

This kind of speed retention...

The coaches nearby discovered this too quickly or slowly. When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but take another breath.

This kid is getting closer to Chen Zhi!

Once this idea came out, many coaches became even more untenable.

Didn’t lag behind too much in the acceleration phase, but still narrowing the distance between Chen Zhi and Chen Zhi on the way?

What is this concept?

This little guy, if you leave Chen Zhi aside, participate in any competition in China, I am afraid that the champion will not be able to run!

Tian Fangzheng's eyes were also a little excited. He and Zhang Yedan knew that Su Zhe's speed could not be slowed down, but they didn't expect that Su Zhe's speed on this track today was much better than what they saw through the monitoring that night.

Su Zhe was not the only person on the track at this time. Chen Zhi didn’t expect Su Zhe to have such a speed and state at first. After accelerating, as Su Zhe gradually approached, his state became more excited. After passing a certain node, the speed that was originally slightly declining climbed to the peak again.

It's just that Chen Zhi didn't expect that although his speed climbed to the peak, after entering the final sprint stage, the pressure from behind became more and more intense.

The members of the coaching staff nearby were also stunned.

This late acceleration ability...? !

Su Yinsheng has always known that Su Zhe’s late acceleration has potential, but he did not expect that at this speed state just now, Su Zhe still maintains his late acceleration ability, and the acceleration sprint is getting faster and faster. !

When Chen Zhi and Su Zhe crossed the finish line, the surrounding coaching staff still did not react.

Just now, in the final sprint stage, if it weren't for Chen Zhi's sufficient advantage in the start and acceleration stage, I am afraid that Chen Zhi would be pulled off by Su Zhe in the final sprint!

After Tian Fangzheng and Zhang Ye looked at each other, they also shook their heads in admiration.

They know that Su Zhe's speed is fast, but they only feel that it is the current domestic first-line level, but after just this game, they have made a new look.

At this time, it is not a competition cycle. Chen Zhi's personal state is at a low ebb. This is understandable, but even at low ebb, Chen Zhi can easily run within 10 seconds and 20 seconds.

In the test run just now, Chen Zhi's condition was obviously good. In terms of speed, Tian Fangzheng and others judged that it might be within 10 seconds and 10 seconds.

If this were the case, Su Zhe, who was about to catch up with Chen Zhi and pulled him off his horse just now in the final sprint, was at what speed?

Soon, Chen Zhi and Su Zhe's Chen Zhi were in front of everyone.

It can be seen on the illuminated electronic timer screen.

Chen Zhi: 10 seconds 07 (0.149 at starting reaction)

Su Zhe: 10 seconds 10 (0.151 at starting reaction)

The 100-meter results of the two people are almost the same from the start reaction to the final results. If Chen Zhi ran out of this performance as it should be, then Su Zhe’s results are like a thunder. In front of everyone on the scene.

"This speed..." Tian Fangzheng repeatedly watched the final timing results several times, and then looked back at Su Zhe from head to toe.

The faces of the coaching staff present were also pleasantly surprised.

It can be said unceremoniously that Su Zhe's current performance is already the second place among active domestic sprinters.

But these coaches hadn't waited for the excitement to climb higher, and suddenly remembered something.

This kid who ran out of the best results among the domestic active players except Chen Zhi, is now a member of the national figure skating team.

Just as everyone remembered this, a few more people came to the training ground.

When everyone looked back, they were a little stunned. Only Su Zhe shouted, "Coach Cui, Director Luo."


_ (: З "∠) _ ooo, ooo ooo, ooo hum, cushions 6 minutes, painful

QvQ, but today's total word count is almost 1w1... It's flat, so Caicai I went to sleep, then see you tomorrow night!


Weird Little Theater

Shao Xingchen: ...? ? ? My scene just passed?

Cai Cai: 0.0...Yes

Shao Xingchen: ...Do you remember that I was the attacker in the text?

Caicai: 0.0...... (tapping on the shoulder) It's okay, you still have a chance to play, think about the text, be content.

Shao Xingchen: ==+


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-0521:08:21~2020-01-0600:10:38~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Chi Xiaochi and 1 foodie, A Lingmiao;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 133 bottles of foodie A Lingmiao; 120 bottles of Yue; 93 bottles of Dudu; 66 bottles of cold salad; 63 bottles of tears; 40 bottles of Hidden Shadow; 30 bottles of Calm and Handi; 24 bottles per month; Daji of Huatianxia>3, Qishao, Ningxiye, only 20 bottles; 11 bottles for patients with advanced lazy cancer; 10 bottles of Ning Feng, Yueyu Xinhua, ZOZO; dx, Liuliuluolulu 6 Bottles; 5 bottles of Bayun Yaoyin, Ginkgo, Gardenia, Water Elf Baby; 4 bottles of Tomato Egg Soup; Meow Meow, Niaoguan, Dongxue 15 degrees below zero, and Tan Yufan 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, and I will continue to work hard!