Chapter 210: After I quit the entertainment circle, I became a big star Parallel World Figure Skating (58)

Even in the figure skating team, not all the players know about Su Zhe concurrently in figure skating and sprinting, and the track team has not revealed the relevant tone for the time being.

It's November, and it's the figure skating season.

As Luo Chao said before, the Winter Management Center and the figure skating department really want to increase the training of Su Zhe, including inviting him more well-known choreographers and selecting him to participate in competitions for exercise.

However, this concurrent incident caused the Winter Management Center to hesitate to achieve the effect of the subsequent resource tilt, so that the originally planned plan was retracted and the meeting was negotiated again.

Regarding these news, Cui Yi also told Su Zhe one by one during the training.

"Try these three words are easy to say, but after these three words are spoken, the resource tilt that you might have enjoyed will probably be restricted. When you encounter things like today, you really do well Are you ready?"

Cui Yi held his chest with both hands and looked at the disciple in front of him seriously.

Su Zhe was sitting on the instructor's seat on the edge of the ice rink. He calmly looked at Cui Yi, his eyes still firm.

"Coach, I know."

Cui Yi twisted his eyebrows and did not speak much. It is not difficult to tell how stubborn his disciple's character is.

These days, the figure skating department and the Tianguan Center are still discussing how to quantify Su Zhe's performance fluctuation data, and based on the changes in these data, determine whether this impossible concurrent project should continue.

There are also some voices who always think that such a side event is irresponsible to the athletes and also irresponsible to the event.

These voices and objections are not only known to Cui Yi and Su Yinsheng, but also to Su Zhe.

After the test and the proposal of the project, it took three full days before Su Yinsheng called Su Zhe again.

"Since you really want to boast about making this proposal in Haikou, and now that you are boasting, then you should carry both projects to Lao Tzu! After that, Lao Tzu, no matter how hard you are, if you let it go, you will call Lao Tzu. Falling teeth and swallowing blood, the rest of the training, don't think about you, I will be soft!"

From this series of'Lao Tzu', we can also imagine that Su Yinsheng’s anger has not completely retreated, but Su Zhe knew in his heart that the reason why his father agreed to the invitation of the national track and field team this time was because he saw Chen Chen. Zhi’s training rhythm is problematic, and the second is because of him.

Regarding his father's words, Su Zhe is of course willing to accept them all, and the meaning of his father's words is also his idea.

This time, since he has already praised this Haikou, he will use all his strength to achieve his best. He must not be ashamed of these two projects and anyone who has given him support and trust.

Su Zhe looked at Cui Yi and said calmly: "The re-evaluation of resources in the Winter Management Center is a normal way to be cautious when treating projects. Since I made such a choice, I will not regret it. "

After a pause, Su Zhe continued: "Regardless of whether the winter management center's investment in my follow-up resources will change, I will strive to do my best. If there is a chance to be selected for the competition, of course it is very good, but if not, Just follow the original plan to participate in the b-level competition in the season, and at the same time strive for the qualification for the Figure Skating World Cup."

"As long as I accumulate enough figure skating points, there will be a wider field waiting for me next year."

Speaking of this, Su Zhe smiled: "Coach, please believe me, I will work harder and diligently than before. Even if I cannot qualify for the competition this year, I will definitely be able to enter the list next year with my results."

Cui Yi looked at Su Zhe's seriousness, and his eyes even seemed to be looking forward to the next training schedule. He couldn't help but secretly smiled in his heart-he was using resources to educate people here. But what the educated guy is thinking is that he can do it himself even if he doesn't have the resources.

In the past few days, it is not that the coaches in the team worry that Su Zhe will be distracted by sprinting when discussing with him, which will affect the training and performance of figure skating. But these days, Cui Yi is watching Su Zhe every day. Training, of course, he knew exactly whether this disciple was distracted by the sprint.

Although I still felt that Su Zhe's decision to join the project was too impulsive, Cui Yi suddenly felt that he was willing to wait a bit to see how far Su Zhe could go between the two projects under such a heavy load.

Thinking of this, Cui Yi smiled and glanced at Su Zhe: "Okay, I heard what you said, but have you finished memorizing your technical movements and basic score table?"

Seeing Su Zhe who was stunned because of the sudden change in the topic, Cui Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "If you haven't finished memorizing it, finish memorizing it as soon as possible. There are new jump exercises training already on the schedule. The next training There will be fishing rod coaches on call at any time to facilitate the training of the new breed of jumping around."

Hearing Cui Yi's words, although Su Zhe was a little stunned, he smiled and nodded soon after the stunned.

In fact, after the coc ended, these were originally planned arrangements.

In this China Cup competition, in the free skating stage, although Tian Haiyi's artistic expression of his works was not as amazing as the short program part, his jumping ability in the free skating part surprised many people. .

According to rumors, the action difficulty schedule he presented in the coc free skating part is not the final version. At the Winter Olympics, Tianhaiyi will also try more difficult free skating schedule content.

While Tianhaiyi’s performance was surprising and admired, some people began to reprimand him, asking, "Does figure skating win the world by jumping?" ’,’ A project that requires artistic expression, but was dominated by a jumping machine. Is this the orientation ISU wants? ’.

Such discordant voices have emerged one after another. Not only are Chinese ice fans discussing this topic, but there are also a large number of foreign ice fans discussing this topic. This is almost every time Tianhaiyi wins the championship.

Especially in the past competitions, Tian Haiyi’s artistic expressiveness still lags behind that of the China Cup, but his p-score is not always too low, so some ice fans who pay more attention to the combination of technology and art have been I have discussed in a long space,'p increases with t (the score of p is not based on the actual situation of the five standards, but the referee subconsciously raises the p score as the player’s technical difficulty arrangement increases) whether this phenomenon reasonable'.

In fact, although ice fans are still discussing this issue, the increasing technical difficulty of the show and the mastering of various quadrilateral jumps by top players have become a major trend.

Comparing the final scores of the top 6 players in the World Figure Skating Championships in the past five years, the ratio of t score (technical score) and p score (program content score) has gradually changed from the high percentage of p scores in the early years to at the beginning of this year. The percentage of t-scores for all players in the World Championships is high.

Although ISU has been talking about lowering the score of the four-week jump or reforming the figure skating event, it still cannot stop this trend from spreading throughout the event.

In Cui Yi's words, "After two years, if you can't master the three types of quadrilateral jumps after going out, you are embarrassed to say that you are a men's singles player of the national figure skating team."

Although there is an exaggeration in this remark, it is not without a target.

For Su Zhe, his artistic expressiveness has been sufficiently affirmed. In this regard, all he needs to do is to maintain the current state. In addition, in terms of the technical level and the difficulty of programming, they are catching up. Top players such as Tianhaiyi can't go around.

Just like jumping.

Jumping is a kind of technical action, regardless of what players can do in practice, but the single jump in practice and the jump that is actually programmed into the program are two completely different concepts.

From Su Zhe’s personal point of view, in fact, there are already a lot of four-round jumps he can use at present, namely 4t, 4s and 4Lo. Among these three four-round jumps, 4t has no problem even in the success rate of the program. , 4s's success rate is already very high, only 4Lo's success rate is not too good.

However, it was not until Cui Yi forced him to see the basic scores that Su Zhe had a headache to discover that the three types of four-week jumps that he showed up in front of Cui Yi were the three with the lowest basic scores among the four-cycle jumps.

Among them, 4t10.3 points, 4s10.5 points, 4Lo is 12 points.

After he read the basic score table in the technical manual for the first time, he was speechless. His coach Cui Yi smiled happily on the side and asked him with a'kind and kind' face. Know how you feel after the score.

In fact, among these three types of jumps, only 4t is indeed relatively simple. 4s and 4Lo are blade jumps. When exerting force, they cannot borrow force through ice like t jump, but rely solely on the legs. Power to jump.

In the words of Cui Yi: "The score of 4s is only 0.2 points higher than 4t. The s jump is not suitable for a jump combination as a connection. As a single jump, there are too few people who can jump cleanly. It’s not good to goe down, the final score is less than 4t everywhere, except for nerds like you who lack common sense, there are more people who practice 4Lz than people who practice 4s! 4Lz has practiced basic points. There is 13.6, isn't it better than 4s?"

At that time, before Su Zhe continued to ask 4Lo, who was also the blade jump, Cui Yi continued to attack.

"4Lo is not much better than 4s. It's difficult. It's also a blade jump. It's not easy to exert force. Currently, there are more 4f players than 4Lo, but the score is lower than 4f."

Speaking of this, Cui Yi bet on Su Zhe to look at the idiot, his eyes still seemed to have a bit of "love and love".

In any case, Cui Yi is quite speechless about the order of Su Zhe's four jumps.

Whether it is from the consideration of scores, difficulty, or from the level of impact on top players, Su Zhe's mastery of new jumps is imperative.

In the next short period of time, in addition to adjustments and exercises in the programming, according to Cui Yi's requirements, Su Zhe, accompanied by the fishing rod coach, practiced 4Lz continuously.

After about 10 days, Luo Chao finally came to the figure skating training hall of the national figure skating team with the latest decision of the figure skating department.


Flattening...Finally finished the update, sorry it is too late today, I glanced at it and time was a bit sluggish

Spicy chicken dishes, I'm going to get sleepy first QvQ

The update during the period before the Chinese New Year is about chaotic mode, but we will still try to ensure that it is updated at least daily. If there is missing weight, we will try to make up for it on the weekend

See you in the next chapter


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-0802:12:05~2020-01-0905:20:29~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Tomato Egg Soup is my favorite 2; that Duo Yunna, caca, sister Fantouzi, Aqi, K01550214, and Ashu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 56 bottles of glutinous rice **** pillows; 25 bottles of loveleconte; sister fantou, I have the look you like, calm and beautiful, 20 bottles of left-handedness; 15 bottles of Summa; Ripple Qingfang, Xiaoxiaolan, 10 bottles of tomato egg soup; 9 bottles of Mu Muxi; 6 bottles of Paradise Sea; Mo Ruo Xi Yao, this is a bunch of inconspicuous gibberish, 5 bottles of Weiwei; a happy silly rabbit who is addicted to sucking knives , Ye_3 bottles; piano @琴, 冬雪 -15 degrees below zero, four, purple fish rain, Morimoto Akuna w, Cindy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!