Chapter 212: Parallel World Figure Skating (60)

The Nice Cup, as a level b competition of figure skating, has always received little attention from the outside world in the past. When the figure skating team went to Nice this time, only some of the long-term attention to figure skating media made simple travel reports, and the other was figure skating. The official blog of the national team released some information about the team's departure for the Nice Cup in France.

In addition to the ice fans who have paid attention to these messages, what is most concerned about the results of the Nice Cup is that the figure skating team also has a series of staff from the national figure skating team and the national track and field team.

It can be said that the results of the Nice Cup will further confirm the stability of Su Zhe’s performance and state. For the coaching staff of the two teams, whether Su Zhe’s two-sport training in the past week will affect his competition. The status can also be seen from his performance in the Nice Cup.

The ice fans on the Internet do not know the reason for this, but unfortunately, because the Nice Cup is not a highly valued game, there is no broadcast of the Nice Cup in China, only the ice in Nice, France. Fans can go to watch the game live and broadcast live on the forum.

In the men's singles forum of Ice and Snow Kingdom, ice fans who were already in Nice started a live broadcast post and gave live text and pictures of the performance of Wang Wei, Xu Yihe and Su Zhe on the field within three days.

Topic: [Live broadcast of Nice Cup in France-I could only watch the webcast before, this time I can finally see the live performance of Su Zhe on the scene! 】

There is no doubt that this post is a hot post in the forum in the next few days, which successively gives the first day short program results of Wang Wei, Xu Yihe and Su Zhe and the second day free skating results.

When Su Zhe appeared on stage, the poster also recorded a fairly clear video with his mobile phone and uploaded it to the forum.

It can be seen from the video that when Su Zhe debuted in the short program competition, the Nice audience at the scene did not know Su Zhe, but gave polite applause.

But after Su Zhe's performance, the enthusiasm of the audience was thoroughly mobilized.

The short program "Breeze Blowing", even if you just watch it through the mobile phone video, you can feel the beauty of it, not to mention the feeling of watching it on the spot.

The poster who posted the post sent an excited reply in his post.

Owner: [Before just watching the video of the show, I already felt very beautiful, and watching live is a completely different feeling! Although there is no close-up shot during the live broadcast, the romantic beauty of this live watching is really exciting! The French people around me are all excited, and now they are praising Su Zhe, saying that he is the incarnation of the **** of romantic beauty...]

After the game on the first day of the short program, Su Zhe temporarily ranked first with a total score of 90.73. In this combination of scores, these Nice Cup referees all gave very high scores on the p score, expressing They love this short program in their hearts.

In the second day of free skating, "Fallen Catcher" also gained the hearts of all the audience and referees with an undisputed attitude.

After the free skating competition ended, the free skating score of 185.22 also pushed Su Zhe's score to the top, allowing him to win the Nice Cup men's singles championship with a total score of 275.95.

Three consecutive competitions, three consecutive high-quality performances, Su Zhe's performance not only breathed a sigh of relief for the ice fans, but also made the figure skating team determined.

When Su Zhe returned to China with the national figure skating team, it was already November 25. After he returned to China, the new arrangement notice of the figure skating department was also issued to the national figure skating team.

As Luo Chao said before, the figure skating team will list Su Zhe as the selected player in the 4CC and other competitions starting at the end of January. It is hoped that through continuous competition exercises, Su Zhe can adapt to the pressure of this top competition as soon as possible. At the same time, we can further observe how Su Zhe can perform in these events.

When the arrangements for these events were determined, Su Zhe had to face a new round of training needs, and Cui Yi and others quickly began to discuss whether to prepare a new program arrangement for the next series of competitions.

From the end of November to the end of January, the 4CC competition starts. If you want to give a new short program and free skating arrangement within this limited time, then whether it is Su Zhe or the figure skating team’s choreographer Eliza, music director Aina or Cui Yi, the pressure on them is not small.

But if the new program is not arranged, it is just composed of the current "Breeze" and "Fallen Watcher" programs, I am afraid that in the competition, facing the top players such as Tian Haiyi, Jinchuan Brothers and other top players in the final version of the program Arrangement, then the results will fall further.

The two programs "Breeze Blowing" and "Fallen Watcher" have reached a stage that is more difficult to modify after repeated adjustments. It is necessary to appropriately add difficulty components without destroying the original art of the program. The effect may be more difficult to achieve than planning a new program, and it may even be self-defeating if you are not careful.

In the end, it was Cui Yi's typesetting decision to immediately prepare for the new program. Regardless of the pressure, since the figure skating club is determined to give Su Zhe resources for exercise, they will try together to find out what level they can achieve.

Just as the figure skating team began to cooperate with Su Zhe to arrange new programs together, the related track and field training has gradually been on the right track.

Most of the facilities for basic training in the figure skating training hall are complete. During the limited daily track and field training time, the training intensity arranged for him by the track team during the figure skating season is not too great. , Just looking at the training effect and Su Zhe's performance, both sides are quite satisfied.

It’s just that as Su Zhe has been training in dual events in the figure skating team for a long time, the situation of part-time training that was not publicly available in the team has been seen by most people. Some people gossiping with friends in private. Mentioned this matter, although I also said that I would keep my friends secret, but the secret still spread farther and farther unknowingly. Finally, one day, this post also appeared on the Ice Kingdom forum.

Subject: [I heard that Su Zhe is training in the figure skating team, while still practicing sprinting? Does anyone know about this? Is it true or false? 】

Theme content: [The poster has a friend whose relative is in the national figure skating team. He said that he sees coaches of the national track and field team go in and out of the figure skating training hall every day, and now there is a small piece of sprinting in the figure skating team training hall. In the training area, it seems that some sprint training equipment has been specially introduced... It is said that in addition to the training time of figure skating every day, Su Zhe has a period of sprint training? ? ?

Owner, I’m a bit masked now. Can figure skaters still train for sprinting? 】

As soon as this topic appeared, many people who had heard the news in private soon exploded.

3L: [Someone in the forum said early on that people on the track team were interested in Su Zhe, but at that time everyone thought it was a joke. How could the track team go to the figure skating team to dig? But the situation now looks a bit subtle...]

5L: [There was this news some time ago. It was probably shortly after the end of the coc. Someone at the track and field forum took photos of Su Zhe following Chen Zhi and his father Su Yinsheng to the national track and field team. Someone also discussed it on the track and field forum. This matter, but they also think it is nonsense...]

10L: [I also have a friend in the winter sports training center. Although it is not for the figure skating team, he also said that recently I have seen some people like the track team often go to the figure skating training hall at a certain time. He also ran into Two or three times. 】

The big guys thought that this was only heard in private, and it was not reliable, but after the poster of this poster came out, in the blink of an eye, all the friends who heard the news from all walks of life, and took a closer look. , These forum friends who spoke are all old people in the forum, and many of them are big guys who know they have a figure skating relationship.

This confirmed everyone's words, and everyone was confused.


Did the track team really come to the figure skating team to dig people?

Su Zhe is still a member of the figure skating team. Why did he start sprinting in the figure skating training hall?

At this moment, someone posted the announced 4CC entry list. Among the men’s singles, Su Zhe’s name was listed.

The friends in the forum have already known about this before, and they all feel very happy. Su Zhe can participate in the 4CC competition. Obviously, the figure skating team attaches great importance to Su Zhe and wants to give him a chance to exercise. Still discussing how Su Zhe can perform on 4CC.

But at this moment it broke out that Su Zhe was training for sprinting while training figure skating?

35L: [Can figure skating training and sprint training be compatible? It’s not event discrimination, but the sprint body type is really not suitable for figure skating. Even if the explosive power required for both events, the explosive power required for sprinting and the explosive power required for figure skating are also different ways of generating power. How am I I can't figure out how to train these two projects together. If we train together, can we achieve the best results? Don't bother to sprint and miss figure skating, right? 】

Not only 35L’s friends say so, most of the people in the forum have the same meaning.

37: [35L's friend is right, the figure skating event is finally looking forward to the seedling of a top player after so many years, is it going to be so ruined? 】

Suddenly, Su Zhe's concurrent training broke out on the forum.

Not only was the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, the news soon spread to the forum of the Kingdom of Track and Field.


I'm here, cooing _(:з」∠)_

After a little preparation, we will enter the new competition!

Keke, do you have any kind of programs you want to watch?

The next watch is around 10 o'clock, hoo


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-1023:46:20~2020-01-1116:19:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: rich bastard, big-headed cat, love flower, one by one, Pansidong Dongzhu, 1 natural scroll;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 76 bottles for making a good rice dumpling; 328520552 bottles; 33 bottles for lynx; 30 bottles for cats who love to drink Coke; 27 bottles for no trace of wild goose, and 27 bottles for leaves falling silent; 16 bottles of lotus; 10 bottles of Nefertiti, blindly incense; 5 bottles of Weiwei and Meow Baa; 2 bottles of Evil Witch, this is a bunch of inconspicuous garbled; cats and cats, Niaoguan, Mo Xiao 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!