Chapter 215: Parallel World Figure Skating (63)

Su Zhe straddling the two events of figure skating and sprinting has caused a lot of heated discussion in the sports circle, but everyone also sees that both the figure skating team and the track team are doing their best. Deal with this matter low-key.

The only official voice from the three parties on this matter was the three Weibo posts. After that, they quickly turned to a low profile and stopped mentioning the matter repeatedly.

The hot discussion caused by this incident on the Internet is due to the lack of follow-up, and Su Zhe has not achieved actual results in the sprint project for the time being. The general public and Chigualu do not understand what is special about the Su Zhe practice data released by the national track and field team. So, except for a few who have been serious about eating melons and eating melons in professional forums, the discussion on this matter was soon overshadowed by other entertainment circles and current affairs news.

After this, the figure skating enthusiasts and track and field enthusiasts who are still concerned about this matter, the discussion battlefield between the two sides has once again moved from Weibo to their respective professional forums.

There are also many people in the sports circle discussing this matter online. Even the professionals in the circle have never seen this kind of cross-sports method. Most people feel that this kind of cross-sports is private. The method is indeed too capricious, but I really want to say that if Su Zhe chooses one of the projects to train alone, everyone in the circle has their own opinions and can't say which project he can focus on to achieve better results.

Regardless of how people from all walks of life in the online and online education circles discuss this matter, the training of Su Zhe by the figure skating team and the track and field team is still carried out in accordance with the original plan and continues to be detailed according to the actual situation. Adjustment.

The coaches of the figure skating team and the track and field team originally thought that the discussion on the Internet would have a little impact on Su Zhe, but in fact, they only saw that Su Zhe was still receiving training calmly every day. He has nothing to do.

This discovery made the coaching staff on both sides a little surprised and relieved in private. After all, for athletes, the psychological state is also an important factor that affects their personal state and performance.

During this period of time, the previous short programs "Breeze Blowing" and "Fallen Watcher" and the performance of the sliding show "Book and Sword" have received wide acclaim, which also led to the scheduling of the new program to Su Zhe's coaching staff and The choreographer Eliza and others also brought some pressure.

Previously, it was quite hesitant to just select songs for new programs.

Up to now, the new season programs including the Jinchuan Brothers and other top players have successively premiered in various sub-stations of the Grand Prix. These programs prepared for the new season, not surprisingly, will be their next 4CC or even Program content during the Winter Olympics and World Championships.

In fact, the two programs prepared by Cui Yi during the offseason for Su Zhe will theoretically run through this season of Su Zhe. It is just that Cui Yi and Eliza did not expect that Su Zhe in the arrangement. Zhe Hui became famous in World War I during his first competition this season, and even got the full support of the figure skating team, and he was directly included in the 4CC list.

At this stage, the only advantage of re-selection and arrangement at this stage is that you already know the current selection of other players, so you don’t have to worry about colliding...

It’s just that Su Zhe’s previous two programs used music, which has always been a popular choice for figure skaters, so I didn’t have to think too much about the issue of collision.

In the first few days of selecting the songs, Eliza, Ai Na, and Cui Yi didn't sleep well, basically they were repeatedly auditioning and choosing with their music library and classic song list.

In fact, the selection of figure skating is not a simple matter.

In the selection of figure skating repertoire, it is often necessary not only to have a beautiful and distinctive repertoire, but also to make an arrangement suitable for the players to perform together. In addition, it is also necessary to consider the theme that the music must have sufficient characteristics to support. Finally, Most of the judges of ISU still stay in the classic opera repertoire. Too novel music may also affect the judge's perception. The entanglement of these is quite a headache.

Fortunately, after repeated screening, the short program and the performance of the slippery track were finally set.

In the following time, since the repertoire was set, both the coach of the figure skating team and Su Zhe were too busy to take care of the comments on the Internet.

The current time has entered December, and 4CC will be carried out at the end of January. They need to complete a sufficient level of program composition and arrangement according to the new short program and free skating music that have been selected within a limited time. Su Zhe has enough time to complete the entire program.

In the process of practicing, they also need to constantly adjust the composition of the program according to the effect of the show and Su Zhe’s feelings in the actual performance. After all, the choreographer and coach cannot actually arrange the composition of the program. Performing exercises on ice, if you want the athletes’ dance, technical movements and music to achieve a perfect fit, you can only make detailed adjustments during the actual practice. Otherwise, it is very likely that there is no problem in the arrangement plan. In the actual performance, it is possible that the connection between the actions is tight due to the short connection of the music part, which leads to an increase in the probability of technical errors.

During this time, Su Zhe not only had to fully cooperate with Eliza, Ai Na, and Cui Yi's ideas on programming, but also carried out 4Lz jump training with the assistance of the fishing rod coach.

As a jump that has been completely learned in the sand sculpture system, the blade method of 4Lz left foot outer edge take-off, the take-off force point, the jumping axis, etc. Su Zhe has actually mastered it, but after rebirth, in his consciousness Although there is still this kind of exertion method and habit, but in terms of physical coordination, this memory has not been completely re-carved, so since this period of time, he has been constantly doing it in the training space of the sand sculpture system and daily training. Restorative training.

The study of 4Lz is also to increase the types of jumps and improve bv scores through advanced four weeks. After all, on the stage of 4CC, he will face a group of top players from four continents, and the figure skating department gives him this selection. Obviously there is still a sense of inquiry, and they are also waiting for him to shine again in this game, whether he can score enough excellent results, whether he is in the current state of concurrent training , Still able to support the figure skating department's expectations of him.

Su Zhe's intensity in figure skating training and the pressure he is facing are also seen by the coaches sent by the track team. Tian Fangzheng hesitated to discuss with Cui Yi to reduce sprint-related training.

But his proposal had not been formally put forward, so it was directly rejected by Su Yinsheng.

"Now the proportion of sprint training is very low. If you want to maintain effective training results and make training gain him, then this training proportion cannot continue to be reduced, otherwise continuing to maintain training will not have any effect. It is better not practice."

Su Yinsheng's face was stern, and he didn't leave any feelings for these words: "Since he has chosen two events, he must be prepared to bear the training pressure of the two events. Now it is the figure skating season. When it comes to important events, the preparation cycle is heavy and training. But then in the track and field season, he will also encounter the same problem. If every time one of the events reaches the important event cycle, the normal training plan of the other event is interrupted, then there is no What effect can regular training have on him?"

Su Yinsheng's words suppressed Tian Fangzheng's mind to compress the track and field training plan, and he couldn't help but sigh with Su Yinsheng.

"Old Su, your temper, you can be so cruel to your own son."

Su Yinsheng's face remained as usual: "He chose the road himself. Since he has made up his mind, don't be afraid of hardship and tiredness."

Seeing Su Yinsheng's stinky face, Tian Fangzheng was also quite amused. The father and son were the same stubborn temper. Don't say who it was.

As the 4CC season approached step by step, on the Internet, friends in the Ice Kingdom Forum began to look forward to this top event.

Subject: [The national team is about to compete in 4CC. Why not guess the final results of Wang Wei, Xu Yihe and Su Zhe this time? 】

Posts like this appeared one after another in the Ice Kingdom Forum, and all the friends in the forum were a little worried about whether Su Zhe’s simultaneous figure skating and sprint training would affect the performance of this competition.

7L: [Since this season, Wang Wei's four jumps are fairly stable, but his footwork arrangement has been a bit weak, and the connection of the whole program is not sufficient, and the beauty of body expression still needs to be further strengthened. Crane's words, this season's new program has a breakthrough in the layout, but his jumping and difficult moves are indeed shortboard. Su Zhe was originally the most anticipated, but now he is still doing part-time training. It is really hard to say how he will perform in the end...]

10L: [The same worry +1 is not only a problem of part-time training, but at the same time as part-time training, this time 4CC has also carried out new programming in a limited time... I can’t figure out why it has to be so short A new program is scheduled within time. The two programs of Breeze and The Watcher are very complete. Although the bv score is low compared to Tianhaiyi's programs, what if the new program misses it? Compared to the new show, I hope he can just perform Breeze and Watcher, which is more stable...]

12L: [I am still looking forward to the new program, but in this situation, I am a little worried about what quality the new program can achieve? This is an issue worthy of concern... If it is only for the pursuit of high bv scores and ignores the beauty of the programming, I also think it is better to continue to use the two sets of Breeze and Watcher...]

At the moment when the majority of ice fans are worried, the time has turned to January 23. All 4CC players of the national figure skating team will take the opportunity to go to city t on this day. This year’s 4CC will be drawn in city t, China. The curtain opens.


orz……=. =Sorry, something unexpected happened today, but now I am going to make the first update

The next watch should be directly after 0 o’clock, I’m not sure if I can finish this little fairy every day, if it’s too late, I will owe QvQ first.

Weep and lie flat, Caicai, I'll go eat something and continue with the rest of the update. See you in the next chapter! (Don’t wait too late!)


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-1201:54:35~2020-01-1220:32:48~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 25511139, Pomelo, A Zhou, Zui Yin Shuang He, Mo Qi Lian, A Qi, Ning, Shuang Shuang 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 45 bottles of Swallow; the authors are all little angel, Mu Xi, 30 bottles of yogurt jelly; 26 bottles of taro mashed milk and sago milk; 25 bottles of Shengge; 24 bottles of ordinary girls; Siyue, crystal stone 15 Bottles; scopole, shmily, a raw drunk hairy crab, "YZH", Ashu, Daobike, kyo, Guanqi, Zhuxinghuanyu 10 bottles; 9 bottles of lemon; Summa, Shuiyue Qingyin, K, Yu Xiaoyanran 5 bottles of Nuoningdan; 2 bottles of ether, leisurely pinellia, and a happy silly rabbit; a vegetable bun, bird officer, stupid + Dandan = stupid, Si, Peter Pan and Xiandu Ruila, Heaven The sea, the cat will have it, the natsuki571 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, and I will continue to work hard!