Chapter 220: Parallel World Figure Skating (68)

After the sound of the music stopped, the audience was still immersed in the previous world, unable to extricate themselves, even the eyes of the audience were slightly wet, until the delicate puppet boy on the ice stood up and bowed to the surrounding audience. , They suddenly touched their eye sockets, and released their grip on their chests.

Many viewers remembered that this short program was over after seeing Su Zhe stand up, so they saw many people in the audience grabbing their prepared dolls and starting to throw them on the ice.

There are also not many dolls carried by the audience. After the last round of Tian Haiyi's performance, they have thrown their dolls on the ice, so that they now want to send some dolls to the boy on the ice to express themselves Love, but no doll can be cast.

Nagasaki Masami is like that.

In the previous COC, she only watched the performance videos of the two Japanese players Tian Haiyi and Tsugawa Yudou on the Internet, and did not pay special attention to Su Zhe.

In today's game, she actually prepared a lot of dolls, but she has already thrown almost all the dolls in the first 4 groups of games. She finally left two dolls, and they will all be after Tian Haiyi's performance. Throw it on the ice.

She didn't expect that immediately after Tian Haiyi, there would be another player like this who could bring such a heart-shaking performance.

"so amazing……"

After the performance of "Puppet Song", Nagasaki Masami was stunned for a while, and then immediately looked nervously at the big screen, took a picture of Su Zhe's name, and decided to check the player's name carefully after going back. After filming Su Zhe’s name, Nagasaki Masami took out her doll’s bag, which was empty.

There were also many ice fans around her who were in the same dilemma as she did not have a doll. Everyone looked left and right regrettably, watching those ice fans who madly throw dolls on the ice, showing envy in their eyes.

On the ice, Su Zhe smiled and bowed to the ice fans around him. He saw a green and red doll with the same color as his puppet doll on the ice. He smiled and bent over when he felt a coincidence. I picked up the doll on the ice, grabbed it and waved to the surrounding audience, and greeted the surrounding screams again.

Many ice fans could not help but make up their minds when they saw Su Zhe’s smiling face when he was holding the doll and waving his hand—when you arrive at the scene tomorrow, you must bring enough dolls and throw them all to the boy in front of you!

The ice fans at the scene were immersed in the grief without a doll, and in the live broadcast room of the sports channel, Lin Ya's voice of admiration was also echoing.

"This is an amazing show."

Lin Ya's first words set a very high tone for the evaluation of "Song of Puppets".

"As we all know, "Song of Puppets" was used by many players at that time as their program music in the 12-13 season, but the players at the time usually preferred the chapter of "Miracle Gems" in "Song of Puppets". For performance, the next choice is the chapter of'Love'. In these two chapters, the role of'Yon' is in a state of'human', and the difficulty of performance and interpretation is focused on the first time that Puppet Yon acquires a human soul. With the body' and'Ion from ignorance to focused love'.

In the 09-10 season, the classic chapter of "The Song of Puppets" brought by the former Russian star Ogle was also a complete interpretation of the puppet Ion's from ignorance to falling in love with Shikari, and then to being aware of his identity, his love fell into End. Ogle's "Ion" performed on ice is simple and fierce. It is indeed a rare classic. "

Having said that, Lin Ya paused, and the conversation changed.

"But I still want to say that the "Song of Puppets" performed by Su Zhe today is bound to be a classic chapter that is no less than that of Ogle."

"This is an extremely bold performance. In addition to the fact that "The Puppet Song" has disappeared from the stadium in recent seasons, what is more important is the ambition of Su Zhe and his coach and choreographer team for the word'complete'."

"Not only did they choose "The Song of Puppets", a piece that almost no one used, but they also boldly pursued the ultimate meaning of the word representing completeness in just over two minutes."

"They are not only courageous, but also really have the ability to show all of this. Su Zhe...I have to say that he is indeed what I have seen in the field of figure skating so far, and has the strongest performance and artistic expression. A strong player.

Among the current male players, no one can surpass him on this point. "

Lin Ya's decisiveness, even the audience in the live broadcast room was surprised after hearing it.

"During this limited short show performance time, he showed us the complete life of'Puppet Ion', from the soulless puppet to the flesh and blood Ion, and then from ignorance to fiery love. And finally fighting the fire for the moth of love."

"With his extraordinary expressiveness, he successfully separated the puppets of Ion from different periods. If you have to say that the whole program has any shortcomings, it may be due to it is a short program after all, although Su Zhe has already put us It is brought into the story of Ion, but the performance time of the short program is limited, which makes the connection and conversion in the performance seem a bit hasty."

"But I have to say that this rush is also an excellent performance of Su Zhe's strength. At this frequency of music conversion speed, his music is perfect, jumping, spinning, stepping, and even his every movement. The rhythm seems to be embedded in the music node."

"This is also one of the craziest Hele stepping players I have seen so far."

"If possible, I hope that in the future, I will have the opportunity to see Su Zhe perform a more complete "Puppet Song" for us, leaving a more exciting interpretation."

While Lin Ya commented on Su Zhe's performance just now, the barrage also began to surge like crazy.

[Fuck, fuck, fuck...! 】

[I cried... I really didn't expect it to be "Song of Puppets", I really didn't expect it to be "Song of Puppets"...]

[Damn it, Puppet Ion makes me cry QAQ, Su Zhe is too beautiful to make me cry...]

[When I saw "Song of Puppets", I felt a little bit in my heart, thinking it was going to be bad, but the result was really beyond my expectations. The transformation from puppets to humans is amazing, the feeling of having a soul suddenly It's awesome! 】

[I said that my friend with a soul suddenly waits for me...! So did I, and I felt that "Puppet Ion" really came alive. That moment really praised the miracle gem, and Su Zhe really gave the beauty of the moment when the miracle of life was born. 】

Not only the domestic live broadcast, 4CC is the top international figure skating competition. At the same time as the competition, there are also media platforms from other countries that are broadcasting or broadcasting the match.

If Tian Haiyi, the former Su Zhe, created his most classic short program performance so far by virtue of his personal temperament and clever selection of music, then Su Zhe is extremely powerful with his outstanding artistic performance. People presented this most beautiful performance.

After watching Su Zhe's performance, figure skating commentators from various countries couldn't help but uttered unconcealed admiration.

[Spanish commentary]

"My God, he dare to say, this is a miraculous teenager born for figure skating. The performance of this "Puppet Song" made me feel like I witnessed the life of'Puppet Yon' with my own eyes. My heart is still I'm grieving for him, how can there be such a poor and cute puppet boy?"

[English commentary]

"I want to say that this is the most shocking performance of this 4CC so far. His artistic expression has surpassed all the players present. His performance made me cry again. In this 30m area. *On the 60m ice surface, he controls everyone's sight and attention!

I willingly followed him closely with my eyes, for fear of missing any detail of him. This is a classic performance that is worth looking back countless times!

There is no doubt that he is the king today! "

【Canadian Commentary】

"It's not only brilliant in art, but the technical details he presented are also amazing! Believe me, if he doesn't have enough proficiency, you will never see the amazing'puppet dance' in the opening stage.

Thinking back again, I still want to admire the magic of the creator god, it is he who created such a perfect and powerful player, we can see this incredible performance!

Although the programming of the show is a bit cramped, it doesn’t affect his perfection at all. I just want to praise the Creator again and again. This is really a beautiful dream. I can’t help but want to go back and collect more of this player. Performed.

Technically clean, proficient, artistically... Oh, I must say, thank the Lord, he brought the messenger of beauty to the world! "

While the figure skating commentators from various countries were admiring Su Zhe's performance, the commentary from Japan has also completely fallen into madness.

In Japan, it is the well-known Japanese figure skating commentator Yoichi Tsuruta who is responsible for this 4cc live commentary.

While commenting on the player’s performance fairly, the narrators certainly have their own private aesthetic inclination. Some narrators are technical genres and are keen to watch the purely technical performance of the players on the ice, while some narrators are More adhere to the balance of art and technology in figure skating.

Yoichi Tsuruta is a very demanding commentary on the beauty on the ice. Among the three Japanese children on the ice, he has always appreciated the Tsugawa brothers who are more excellent in artistic expression.

Because of the changes in Tian Haiyi’s song selection skills this year, just before Su Zhe’s performance began, he also praised Tian Haiyi’s performance-[This is the most perfect unity of technology and art for Tianhai players so far. 】

Before Su Zhe opened, he also briefly introduced the Chinese player to the Japanese audience.

[This is a Chinese player who made his new debut this season. Although his debut time is short, he has already gained a certain reputation on the Japanese Internet. This is a player with extremely high talent in artistic expression. 】

[I have enjoyed his three shows, "Breeze Blowing", "Fallen Watcher" and "Book and Sword", all of which are rare and wonderful performances.

But what puzzles me is, why did he choose a new program in this 4cc game? It’s not a good arrangement to arrange a new show during the season, and his selection for this new show is "Song of Puppets"?

...I am a little worried about his next performance. 】

Tsuruta Yoichi was truly amazed by seeing Su Zhe’s figure skating videos on the Internet. He also forwarded Su Zhe’s performance videos and messages on his personal daily tweets.

He originally thought that he could watch Breeze and Watchmen’s new performance again in this competition, but after seeing Su Zhe’s performance schedule, he instinctively thought that the hasty arrangement would not achieve the best results. Su Zhe and his coaching team's hasty arrangement must be a compromise to catch up with the bv points.

This makes Tsuruta a little disliked. He believes that Su Zhe and his coaching team should not waste and squander Su Zhe's artistic expression and let him perform some hastily choreographed content.

But he didn't expect that the hasty arrangement that he thought would be such a feast.

When Su Zhe finally knelt down on the ice, Tsuruta barely controlled himself and stood up from the chair in the commentary room.

He firmly grasped the edge of the table with both hands and took a few deep breaths before he finally calmed his mood.

[He is the son of art, he is the **** of beauty on ice! 】

After barely calming his mood, Tsuruta Yoichi loudly shouted out this sentence that always echoed in his mind during the entire "Puppet Song" short program performance.

"Nothing can be more beautiful than this. The beautiful slide, the beautiful pace, the unexpected jump, the perfect fit with the music, the character himself who is always immersed in the theme of the performance... He deserves all my praise, I I must apologize for my previous wrong estimation!"

"I have seen countless editions of "The Song of Puppets", but this is the first time I have seen'Puppet Ion' in his life. He flashed across the sky like a rainbow, short and dazzling."

"How can such a miracle exist?-While watching this performance, I have always had such doubts in my heart. He broke the impossibility in my mind."

"When'Puppet Ion' encountered difficulties and constraints, I seemed to feel the same pain and suffering."

"He didn't show us the art. You can know that in the short program, he is "Puppet Ion"..."

"It's really amazing. This is the strength of Su! I can't wait for tomorrow's free skating. What kind of dazzling ice stage can he bring us tomorrow?"


This is not only a question of Tsuruta Yoichi, but also a question in the hearts of all the audiences watching the live broadcast.

On the Japanese figure skating discussion boards, Japanese tweets, ins... on the social network platforms of various countries, the name of Su Zhe is indispensable in the discussion of figure skating at this moment.

In the forum of the Snow Kingdom, at the moment when Su Zhe's performance ended, the friends in the forum also set off a frenzy.

Subject: [QAQ is not to kill! Let go of me, I can't bear it, please let me call Sushen respectfully! 】

Theme content: [Blow up "Puppet Song" ah ah ah ah ah! I’m crazy, I was a little worried before watching the show, but now I only have a series of things.

The poster now has no brain to analyze the footwork, graphic structure, rotation, jumping and everything of this program.

I just want to cry for the poor puppet Ion.

Before today, the host, I really did not expect that someone could tell the story on the ice to such a deep heart... No, actually from "Breeze Blowing", "Fallen Watcher" and "Book and Sword" In the middle, Su Shen has really shown his ability, but today's "Puppet Song" is the performance that strikes my heart most.

Perhaps the elves, angels, and demons are too far away from me, and Jun Wen Zhu is too perfect...In short, this little puppet today really makes my heart tremble.

You watched him go from a marionette to his miraculously gaining life and soul.

He should have had a happy and happy life. The love between him and Hikali was too simple and hot, and it was also for this simple and hot love. He briefly had his own life and felt love in this life. And being loved, loved and looking forward to, but also because of this love, he felt sadness and despair in this life.

His short life paved the bedrock of his soul for Hikari to become a queen, but he has also stayed in that sea of ​​fire ever since.

I really can't forget his lower waist step in the second half of "The Song of Puppets". While spreading his arms, he just turned his head slightly, his gaze at that time... and later when he was closing. The movement of hugging her arms tightly, the sorrow diffused in it was so strong that it could not be dissipated.

The beauty of "Puppet Yon" is heart-stirring and tearing.

I really like it too much, and I am too sad...]

The title of this building was originally thought by the ice fans in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow as a mere propaganda post, but after clicking in, the original essay made these ice fans who have just watched the live game a pain.

Yeah, who doesn’t like that simple and beautiful puppet Ion, and who doesn’t feel bad about it?

3L: [QAQ host, don’t say anything, after watching Su Zhe’s performance, I also shed a few crocodile tears. You call him Su Shen and I agree. In the artistic presentation of the show, I am really convinced of his strength. 】

5L: [I agree with the original host’s true feelings. As for footwork analysis or something, wait for @冰上之舞]

8L: [To be honest, I just wandered around in places like Japanese push, INS, etc. The real-time discussion content of the 4cc game was also praised by Suzhe. This feeling shocked the eyes of people all over the world. , That's awesome! 】

There are also many guys from the kingdom of track and field squatting in the Forum of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow. They also got the live broadcast address of the game before the game. After watching the live broadcast, they came back and saw the full version of "Song of Puppets". Discussing, these guys looked at the full screen of posts, and they were also a little confused.

Occasionally, there are a few people who accidentally ran into this host's propaganda post. After reading the short essay in the topic post, they also understood the content of Su Zhe's short program.

13L: [...I’m from the forum next door. I just watched Su Zhe’s performance. To be honest, I didn’t quite understand it when I watched it. I just saw the main building and I can feel it, but don’t say anything else, he Good-looking skating is really good-looking, but the more I look at it, the more panic I get, especially when I come back to see your posts that praise him like this, if he is so awesome in figure skating, then I can still have time to come to our track team later. Go to the competition? 】

The big brother's speech on the 13th floor also made the ice fans in the Kingdom of Ice and Snow burst into laughter. Although the man's worries were genuine, the ice fans didn't care at all.

Yes, look at this performance by Su Zhe, this expression!

This is actually a work that was temporarily arranged during the season? !

Not only that, in the process of arranging and practicing this work, Su Zhe also concurrently performs daily training for the national track and field team!

Thinking about it this way, the ice fans have been worried about Su Zhe's sprint training will affect figure skating.

The people who are relieved are not only the ice fans, but also the coaches of the two national teams who are paying attention to the 4CC competition's figure skating club, field management center, figure skating and track and field.

In figure skating, the considerations of Luo Chao and others go further.

Of course, they also saw the excellence of Su Zhe's short program, and at the same time, they also saw some cramps and shortcomings in the short program, which is unavoidable in short-term programming.

The figure skating team quickly made a decision to speed up the contact with the top international choreographers and invite him to further improve Su Zhe’s program, so that Su Zhe can have more in the subsequent competitions. For excellent play.

At the scene, Su Zhe and Cui Yi certainly didn't know what happened on the Internet, figure skating and other places in the short period of time after his performance.

He carefully circumvented the dolls on the ice and the ice boys who came to pick up the dolls. Then he came to the edge of the ice rink, took the ice blade cover from Cui Yi's hand, and put the baffle on his ice blade. Knife set, and then walked to the equal section with Cui Yi.

After sitting on the waiting table, Cui Yi handed the insulated water cup to Su Zhe's hand, then smiled and gave him a thumbs up, praising him for his outstanding performance this time.

In fact, Cui Yi certainly knows Su Zhe's performance in usual practice, but Su Zhe's performance on the ice in the official arena still exceeded his expectations.

[This is a light concentrator born at the center of the ice surface. In a formal game, the larger the field, the more people it can attract. 】

This is the comprehension in Cui Yi's heart, and this comprehension also made him sigh.

In the audience seats, Wang Wei and Xu Yihe were also immersed in Su Zhe’s performance just now. They hadn’t recovered for a long time. After regaining their consciousness, Wang Wei looked at Su Zhe in the equal part and couldn’t bear it. Shizhang sighed again: "My brother Zhe is really my brother Zhe. It's really beautiful on the ice."

After a pause, Wang Wei said with a complicated expression: "But to be honest, even now, I still can't imagine what a peerless beauty like my brother Zhe would look like in a sprint competition."

Hearing what Wang Wei said, Xu Yihe was stunned. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the audience shouting behind him.

"The short program score is out!"


_(:з」∠)_Although the flag is very sloppy, but today I successfully released the promised 6k update!

Oh, so, Caicai, I went to sleep first, good night everyone...? See you in the next chapter!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-1622:13:00~2020-01-1703:21:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Lingchuan;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: A Zhou, Shuangshuang,-Medicine can't stop °1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 26 bottles of Witch’s Crucible; 25 bottles of kalia; 20 bottles of Tianweiyu, Didudoudou and Peas; 15 bottles of original potato chips and Lingmao; Ning Feng, Ruoruo loves meat, 10 bottles of childlike heart; 5 bottles of Luo Yunxi’s cute, fat times who don’t want to lose weight; 3 bottles of Baoning without a name; 2 bottles of 15 degrees below zero in winter snow; 1 bottle of small kelp, virtual leaf, and Yier ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!