Chapter 238: Parallel World Figure Skating (86)

"There was thunderous applause. This is to congratulate Su Zhe on his successful performance, and also to thank him for sending us such a wonderful ice show!"

In the live broadcast room of the Sports Channel, both Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan were very excited, and this inspiration naturally came from the excellent performance of their national players on the ice.

The people applauding are not just the spectators in the audience, like Zhang Hongguo, who is standing by the baffle of the ice rink watching the game, or Yu Tsugawa, who has just finished the game but took off his skates and went to the edge of the ice rink to watch the game with the coach. People, wait, wait, everyone is cheering for the boy on the ice.

At this time, Su Zhe had already greeted the audience, then bowed away from the ice, took the jacket and the water glass from Cui Yi's hands, and the two walked to the equal seats together.

After the live camera simply tracked Su Zhe's waiting time, it soon switched to reviewing Su Zhe's highlights in the game.

In the live broadcast room, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan are also watching these exciting clips, reviewing and explaining the show as a whole.

"Similar to yesterday's "Song of Puppets", today's "Sonata of Delusion" and the previous first edition have also been adjusted to some extent. The overall opening focuses more on the rendering of dreams. At the same time, the arrangement of successive steps and the entry and sliding of jumping Corresponding changes have also been made in the design."


At this time, the scene is slow-playing Su Zhe’s 4s+3t jump in the game, and Lin Ya also turned the front of the conversation here: "For example, the group of jumps that are being played in the picture now. At the climax of the audience, it represents Lal. The 4s+3t when Wes is about to reach the summit in the dream world. Before this jump, Gallardo's adjusted version uses a lot of footwork to emphasize the state of mind of Ralfs at this moment. He is full of conceit. A sense of ostentation and a sense of ostentation, here is inserted a string of outer blade big word + turn three + Mohawk plus turn three Mohawk footwork series, which is to continuously strengthen and emphasize his state of mind, and then This emotion was completely exploded in the jump of the pace."

"Not only that, starting from this set of jumps, it has entered the second half of the show. The jump at this stage has begun to test Su Zhe's physical ability and stability, and he completed this jump perfectly."

In the picture, Su Zhe's set of jumping trajectories began to appear. Whether it is high distance or jumping posture, it can be called impeccable.

Soon, the screen switched to his last joint rotation, from the swallow rotation of jumping into the squat rotation and the final vertical rotation. During the final vertical rotation, Su Zhe unexpectedly entered a very high speed. He turned his body, and at the same time stretched his hands upwards, his head was raised high, which was obviously a very painful posture.

At this stage, Ralves is trying to keep the dream, he would rather stay in the dream and continue to control everything, but all this is impossible to achieve.

This was his last cowardly struggle, which was also mixed with traces of his inner pain.

The entire process of joint rotation is full of tension, and the emotion that overflows from the depths of his heart also spreads with his rotation, making everyone involuntarily captured by him.

Even through the slow-motion playback at this time, people can feel the painful emotions.

"From today's show, we can see that Su Zhe has enhanced the difficulty composition of the show, including the 4s+3t we just saw. This jump should be a 4Lo single jump in the first version, and at the same time In the second half, in conjunction with the battle between Ralfs and the'Dream Devil' and his wanton manipulation of his dreams, in this crazy mood, he also used a lot of jumping to vent and express this. Kind of emotion."

"This approach is very clever, not only did not destroy the original work atmosphere, these jumps were also perfectly integrated into the entire program."

In the second half of the show, there were a series of dazzling jumps such as 4s+3t, 3f+2t+2lo, 3a, 4t+3t, 3f, etc. During the entire program, Su Zhe also completed 8 jumps. Five of the jumps were arranged in the second half of the program. Among all the jumps in the entire program, a total of four jumps were completed.

In fact, this is really an extreme challenge to Su Zhe’s physical fitness. In this program, Su Zhe originally needed to use a lot of physical movements to express the madness of Ralves, and at the same time, to reflect Ralvi. In this state of mind, the "sense of exertion" he showed is also real. In this state, "performance" already needs to consume part of his physical energy.

Including the continuation steps and dance moves that Gallardo adjusted, they can't be done easily on ice.

In this case, the adjustment of jumping difficulty is even more dangerous. Once the physical fitness is insufficient, a series of mistakes are likely to occur, leading to the eventual failure of the show.

Fortunately, Su Zhe succeeded.

When Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan analyzed and explained Su Zhe’s technical movements one by one to the camera, Su Zhe, who was sitting in the equal section, looked a little pale. Cui Yi watched him carefully from the side and took Su Zhe’s hands. The thermos cup filled with physical supplement drinks opened, signaling him to drink water to supplement his physical strength immediately.

The photographic lens also happened to capture Su Zhe’s pale face at this time. At this time of severe physical insufficiency, the teenager under the lens has a more delicate and charming feeling. It seems that this sense of vulnerability after physical loss makes him appear even more. Nothingness is not like a real person.

In front of the live broadcasts of various countries, countless viewers felt a critical blow to their hearts at the same moment.

At this time, Su Zhe no longer has the uncomfortable arrogance of Ralfs in the show, and he is just a little relieved but always calm. This state of affairs has doubled the hearts of countless people. Love.

On Weibo, Chigua Road, which was originally just for a casual look following the day before, has completely fallen.

[Woo, awsl, how can there be such a cute boy, don't stop me, Ma Ma, I want to fan him! 】

[Ah, Cub is so weak, he must be tired from the game just now... Hurry up and take the coach’s water and drink a drink to replenish his strength...]

In various foreign TV stations that are broadcasting the Winter Olympics, there are countless figure skating commentators who have already become fans of Su Zhe. At this time, they have just finished the whole performance of Su Zhe frantically, and see that Su Zhe is a little pale When facing the face, the hearts of these interpreters were picked up.

[French commentary]

[From ignorance to madness, to being swallowed by greed, Su’s performance already contains too much content. This is a program worth watching repeatedly. Even I think I would recommend him to all operas Lovers of "Artist", I think they must also be willing to see the perfect interpretation of Ralves on ice...

Oh my goodness, we can see through the screen that our little Ralves looks too tired, I think he needs a good rest, his appearance is really heartbreaking! 】

【Canadian Commentary】

[Obviously, this program is too difficult for Su’s physical fitness test. In fact, he shouldn’t have to challenge the limit like this, such as those exaggerated actions that make us feel a sense of perfect substitution, but if he doesn’t, we Maybe you will get an excellent show instead of the perfect show that now drives us all crazy.

Thank God, thank Sue for choosing! All of this is indeed as beautiful as a dream. During the performance of this show, I thoroughly enjoyed the performance. 】

[Japanese commentary]

[I'm sorry Zhu Jun, it is difficult for me to express the feelings in my heart. Of course, the performances of the Tianhai players and the Jinchuan brothers are equally excellent, but Su's artistic sense is unique!

I think that since Su was in this Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, he will be watched by figure skating fans all over the world. In the field of art, he is the king on the ice!

If, I mean, if, one day, Su can further catch up with Tianhai in the difficulty composition of the show, then he will be the devil in the men's figure skating event that everyone can only look up to. 】

Domestic, at the Snow Kingdom Forum

After Su Zhe’s performance was over, the forum was again plunged into an atmosphere of joy and joy.

The medal is stable!

Many ice fans have the same idea.

Although Yuto Tsugawa's program is excellent, even in terms of the difficulty composition, Su Zhe's "Sonata of Delusion" today has not lost to Yuto Tsugawa at all.

In today’s game, Su Zhe, Tsukawa Youren, Tsugawa Youto, and Garcia, all four of them also completed four four-round jumps on the ice. Tianhaiyi’s five four-round jumps are indeed enough to make people look up. The difficulty composition of 4 people can be regarded as the reference line of the current world's top players.

Although the four of them had different types of jumps around, except for Su Zhe, the remaining few were similar in completion degree and basically all succeeded in falling ice, but some of the jumps were more or less unstable in falling ice.

From the scores and sub-scores that have been announced so far, it can be seen that the Jinchuan brothers and Garcia have not been clean in the jump of the whole program.

At this point, although Su Zhe looks like he is out of strength, he did not give people such a feeling at all during the game. The most serious problem is that there is a more obvious squat when jumping and falling on the ice. He borrowed this trend of squatting and quickly stabilized his sliding, without any impact on subsequent performances.

In the double jump and triple jump jump composition, Su Zhe's difficulty composition will never lose to the other players.

Theme: [Pray for Su Zhe's scores]

Subject content: [After reading Su Zhe’s "Sonata of Delusion" today, from the perspective of the difficulty of jumping, Su Shen was cruel this time. I think the jumping technique is not low, especially the 4s+3t. The footwork of sliding in and out is very beautiful, and it fits the music perfectly. If the referee is personal, I think there is no problem with the goe score of 3 points (18 years is the goe 3 points era).

There is no problem with the current feeling of the continuation step. Although I didn’t calculate it carefully during the process I just watched, the whole set of dance moves during the continuation step is really exaggerated. There are several steps in my impression. Achieved in two directions, rating 4 should be available.

The only thing I'm a little worried about is that I'm a little bit confused about the rotation. I don't know when the grade will be reached? 】

3L: [Pray for Su Shen's score +1, and the ball referee team will be their individual today! 】

6L: [Today's "Sonata of Delusion" is already perfect. If we can win a medal more perfectly...! ! ! 】

8L: [Tianhaiyi scored 317.11 points, Garcia scored 306.25 points, Tsukawa Yuren 299.78 points... I am not greedy, I just want the total score to exceed 300! 】

10: [Su Shen's technical points will never lose to Garcia and Tsugawa Yuren. The p-score will definitely be higher than them. As long as the referee team is willing to be a good individual, medals are not a dream! ! Oooooo...]

12: [It feels like a century has passed since Su Shen's performance, why haven't the scores come out yet? 】



Not only ice fans, but Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan in the live broadcast room are also waiting nervously for Su Zhe’s final score. In order to make everything less urgent and not to set too high expectations temporarily, Lin Ya still brings the topic to In the direction of as much ease as possible.

"In yesterday’s competition, Su Zhe’s fourth place in the short program has set a record for Chinese players in the men’s singles event in the Winter Olympics. Today, his perfect performance and the difficult Performance, all of these are the best new appearances of Chinese athletes in the Winter Olympics and in front of figure skating fans in the world. Whether or not Su Zhe can get the final medal, I believe that Su Zhe’s performance in these two days , Will also become an indelible classic presentation in the hearts of all figure skating fans!"

"Yes." Wang Yuhan swallowed a little nervously, and then took a deep breath: "Su Zhe's performance in the past two days, I believe it has attracted the attention of the whole world for him and for my country's figure skating event. With his continuous growth, he will definitely bloom even more in the world figure skating events..."

Before Wang Yuhan's words were finished, he just watched the monitor screen flash.

"Ah! Su Zhe's results are out!!!"

Wang Yuhan yelled first, and then, after seeing the score before him, he let out a surprise shout: "Su Zhe...the short program scored 101.71, the free skating scored 204.67, the total score was 306.38!!!"

"Su Zhe's score surpassed Japan's Tsugawa Yuren and America's Garcia, the silver medal! It was the silver medal!!! Su Zhe successfully won the first silver medal in my country's figure skating men's singles event at the Winter Olympics!!! Let We congratulate Su Zhe!!!"

After various previous psychological constructions of Su Zhe's hopelessness of medals, this sudden achievement made Wang Yuhan's voice almost hoarse and torn.

"Congratulations Su Zhe!!! Congratulations to the Chinese figure skating team!!! Congratulations to us!!!"

The reality that Su Zhe won the silver medal in figure skating made Wang Yuhan completely ecstatic, and Lin Ya beside him could hardly maintain her peace at this time, her voice also trembling.

"Since China began to lead the team to participate in the Winter Olympics, due to the late start of China's winter events and lack of talents, the figure skating event has always been centered on Europe and the United States, facing the strong rise of European and American players and the strong rise of Japan in East Asia. In figure skating, our country has never been discouraged or given up, and has continuously increased the selection and training of talents. Finally, today, our men's singles players in figure skating are in today, at this moment, in the winter of PyeongChang, South Korea. For the Olympic Games, the Jiangling Jiangshang Gymnasium won us the first Chinese men's singles Olympic silver medal!"

Although Lin Ya forcibly kept her order and clarity, no one could hear the excitement and joy in her voice. The trembling with joy also made all the ice fans sitting in front of the TV or computer watching the live broadcast. Suddenly tears welled up in the eyes of the eaters.

[Waahahahah, it's a silver medal! ! Su Zhe got the silver medal in the Winter Olympic figure skating men's singles! ! Damn, God knows why I am so excited. I'm obviously just a person who doesn't watch figure skating competitions, but temporarily because of eating melons, I ran to watch the road of eating melons for a few hours...Why are my tears streaming out... Oh, it’s not scientific, but it’s really fun! ! 】

[The same is eating melon roads and weeping with tears. I thought there was nothing good about the winter events. Even if I won a prize, I wouldn’t be too excited. Now I’m just hitting myself in the face. I just jumped three feet high and screamed. So big that my mother thought I had a convulsion! But I heard that our Chinese players won the historic silver medal in the Winter Olympics. My mother was as happy as I was. She also said that she must watch the replay of the game later. I was crazy with her Amway and said She remembered to watch Su Zhe’s previous game too! 】

[The crazy cry was covered by my mouth. If nothing else, I will express my heart in a string of words: Ah, ah, ah, QAQ Su Zhe! ! ! I now know why his figure skating fans call him Su Shen, he is really a little fairy! ! ! Su Zhe, I love you! ! Oooooooo...]

There are also spectators on Weibo who watched the game in Pyeongchang, South Korea. They are already in madness by now. They only shouted on Weibo for a while, and then dumped a live video, except for the blurry on the equal seats. In addition to Su Zhe, you can also see Chinese officials outside the baffle of the ice rink. Zhang Hongguo seemed to be stunned at first, and soon he was so excited that he waved his fist, and then he seemed to be a little excited again. As a result, both hands grabbed the original neat and meticulous hair together, but he obviously didn't care about it, with an excited smile on his face and the same flushed eyes.

The whole process was full of screaming videos of'Ah ah ah Su Zhe Niubi', which began to be forwarded by countless people. Almost just a few minutes later, #苏哲史性赢冬奥花滑男单银牌# was the topic It was heated to a boil, and because of its particularity, it was simply placed on the top of Weibo. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, among the hot searches of various New Years, it came out on top, bringing exciting joy to this Spring Festival. .

In the figure skating forum of the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, if the people on Weibo were just so happy that they boiled over, all members here are already in madness.

The figure skating men's singles silver medal in the Winter Olympics is undoubtedly the strongest breakthrough in Chinese figure skating men's singles in the history of the Winter Olympics!

The excitement has filled the hearts of every ice fan. While madly brushing the version, almost every one of them had a face soaked in tears behind the screen.

But this is undoubtedly the most joyful tears. This kind of happiness makes them laugh with tears, and share this joy with every friend in the forum with tears.

At the scene, Wang Wei had changed his clothes and came here after the game on the contestants' stand. At this moment, he was so excited that he held Xu Yihe beside him and shook wildly.

"Ah ah ah ah, silver medal!!! It's a silver medal!!! Brother Zhe is awesome!!!"

Xu Yihe also smiled with a rare excitement on his face, but he was shaken by Wang Wei to fall apart, so he had to pat the monkey beside him, and then, like many people around him, stood up happily and applauded warmly. To celebrate this achievement of Su Zhe.

Most of the ice fans who came to the scene were from South Korea or Japan. There were not many Chinese ice fans who came to the scene, but at the moment, one of them counts as one, and they are all excited to jump out of the crowd. What's amazing is that these Chinese audiences who came to the scene actually brought more than one national flag. At this moment, they happily opened the national flag in their hands and shook, almost shouting Su Zheniu in tears. These sentences are compelling and Chinese are compelling.

In the equal parts table, after seeing the score, Cui Yi endured and endured, and finally couldn’t help showing an extraordinarily bright smile on his face. Then he turned around and hugged Su Zhe, almost smashing Su Zhe with force. Zeller was breathless.

Su Zhe didn't care about this. He looked at the announced scores and felt everything around him. There was a happy smile on his face and a slight moistness in his eyes.

His gaze searched in the audience, and then he quickly saw Shao Xingchen who was still in the crowd. The camera was looking at him seriously, and seemed to be recording his excitement and pride at this time.

In front of the TV, a family of three like Wang Zixuan who is watching the game together, who also knows a little about figure skating, is full of excitement and pride at this moment.

"Ah, mom and dad, Su Zhe is really awesome!!!"

Father Wang and Mother Wang were also very excited at this moment, and the joyous atmosphere on the big TV screen made them equally proud.

"This Su Zhe is great, come, today my dad will come to the next cook, our family will have a big meal today to celebrate!"

Wang’s father is one of the best cooking in the family, but he is a bit like his wife Zi Xuan. He is usually lazy and can't easily tell him to cook a table of big dishes.

Wang Zixuan and her mother also laughed now, shouting to eat hard vegetables.

Also in front of the TV, s City’s grandmother Su Zhe’s house, Su’s mother and her family’s relatives are also watching the game on TV. Both Su Yinsheng’s family and Su Wanqin’s family are engaged in sports. The relatives in the sports family of related careers all know how difficult it is for athletes. They also know how much pressure Su Zhe can bear in order to do both. At this time, when Su Zhe’s results come out, the whole family is extremely Excited.

This excitement is not only for the meaning of this achievement, but also for the kid in my own family.

In Su Wanqin's hand, she was still holding a mobile phone that was videoing with Su Yinsheng. Although it was the second day of the Lunar New Year, it was time for the winter training of the national track and field team. As the head coach, Su Yinsheng naturally did not go home for the New Year. reason.

At this moment, Su Yinsheng had just watched Su Zhe's game with Zhang Ye, Tian Fangzheng and other coaches on the track team. On the other side of the video, Su Yinsheng was surrounded by congratulations and praise.

Su Wanqin looked at her husband's face and laughed: "Lao Su, China's 100-meter project will definitely have this day."

Su Yinsheng glanced at the picture on the TV screen, listened to the excited voice of the TV station commentator, and listened to his wife's words, and then nodded silently.

That’s right. Although he may have to struggle for a long time, he firmly believes that China’s 100-meter project will also usher in such a glorious day!


_(:з」∠)_cuckled me again!

Keke, =. =Riwan is just a preview...After all, I am a little worried about being bald when writing performance skating, so I have to wait until the performance skating!

PS: When I see some little angels, sometimes they say literary water or write too finely, _(:з」∠)_ scratching their heads, Cai Cai’s habit is to feel that there are also supporting roles in supporting roles, and only supporting roles are equally enough. Handsome, it’s the coolest when you win (?) I hope you can understand, and if you don’t like watching the supporting role content, you can pay attention to the content summary, it should still be distinguishable.

So happily touched everyone, see you in the next chapter! =w=!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-0223:51:04~2020-02-0323:47:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 drunk lying on the battlefield;

Thank you for the little angel who cast the grenade: cupboard, Jiantaijun, 1 drunk lying on the battlefield;

Thank you for the little angel who threw landmines: 2 for a vegetable bag; today we are not feeding, Chi Xiaochi, 33892469, that cloud na, squirrel fish, you 灬, 棂桄, wjlxh, Huanhuan_ck, eh?, Soon , 1 A day;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 255 bottles of the red fox; 70 bottles of the past; Hc66 bottles; 49 bottles of clouds floating in the sea; 42 bottles of Xiaojun full paddling; 30 bottles of Pink Pig; morning bell, shallow streamer ?, zero, drunk lying in the sand field, 20 bottles of Yi Yao; lotus seeds, Zhang Xiaodiu, love flowers into idiots, Long Qi Qianye Xue, what is the name of the waste, Qingyu case, Yu Mo, Sheng Huawu 10 bottles; cat Ma Ma 9 bottles; 8 bottles for both pairs; 7 bottles for Mu Muxi; 5 bottles for Po Qing, Dumb + Dan Dan = Duan, Wei Wei; 3 bottles of Soon; 2 bottles of Mei Lulu and a happy silly rabbit; Mo Zhu Shuying , 55667788, evil witch, green cloud, Xiaobai, Que Chen, fat times who don't want to lose weight, two dogs smashing legs super short, 33934138, rotten clothes, small kelp floating in the wind, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!