Chapter 245: Parallel World Figure Skating (93)

As a famous sprinter in China, Su Yinsheng has been studying sprinting for most of his life. From the selection of athletes, the training of sprinting techniques and skills, to the psychological counseling of athletes, all these have been carved into his bones. It can be said that whether a player is talented or not, and where are his physical advantages, he can see at a glance.

For nearly a year, Su Zhe had so many weird things that he couldn't understand figure skating, but this kid couldn't hide his sprint from him.

Su Yinsheng couldn’t bear to let his son start sprinting directly when he was young, but he also took his son for training. Although Su Zhe’s training was mostly just meaning, but about his son’s basic sprinting skills. He still knows which level he has learned.

In the surveillance video sent to him by Tian Fangzheng and Zhang Ye, the maturity of the sprint technology shouldn't be seen on Su Zhe, who has been away from home for only a few months and has been training for figure skating.

Especially since Su Zhe officially started part-time training, Su Yinsheng has also paid special attention to him. This kid, who needs various technical details, understands and digests very quickly, is completely in the state of a senior athlete.

Not to mention, when Su Zhe was first training, the starting leg was originally the right leg, but now he stepped on the starting blocks, the starting leg of the first burst has been changed.

With all these signs, even if Su Yinsheng is already a mature middle-aged person, but sometimes he can’t sleep all night and he can’t figure out what happened to his son, or maybe, the more terrifying and inexplicable thought is , Is this his own son after all?

When this terrible thought came to his head, Su Yinsheng could hardly sit still for a few moments, but after all he could bear it.

To this day, when Ye Jun’s coach Wang Zhenghai sent him this recording and asked him if Su Zhe was also interested in hurdles, Su Yinsheng felt that he couldn’t help it.

Whether it is a man or a ghost, I have to make it clear to him today!

When Su Zhe was in the same place, when he heard his father asking him whether he was a human or a ghost, he probably understood in his heart that there was too much stuffing on his body. If outsiders can get it through, his father and him Mom can't be fooled.

Seeing the angry look in his father's eyes, Su Zhe coughed dryly, and said, "So what, it's actually like this...just, I don't know what happened. I woke up that day and went back to the summer vacation of 19 years old. That day..."

Hearing Su Zhe's words, Su Yinsheng's frowning brows slightly raised.

This kind of thing, although it sounds like a fantasy, I feel as if I have a brain hole when I say it, but once I speak, it will be easier to say a lot.

After Su Zhe bit his head and said roughly what could be said, there was a long silence in the hotel room.

Su Zhe was a little worried whether the impact of this incident on his father was too great, and then he saw his father raised his eyes and scanned him up and down, his eyes were so sharp that he was doing a laser scan.

Su Zhe looked at his father's face amused, and after a round of "laser scanning," it was obvious that his father seemed to be in a better mood right now.

of course.

As for Su Yinsheng, who has an amazing brain and has already guessed countless versions that do not conform to the content of prosperity, democracy and harmony, as long as this is his own son, many other things can be said.

Oh, no, there is one more thing that must not be let go.

"...You just said that you originally practiced sprinting and hurdles later, what happened to that figure skating?" Su Yinsheng always thought of his son's refusal to follow him to practice sprinting directly, but instead practiced sprinting. Slippery, there was a breath of air in my heart.

Su Zhe coughed again: "...My technical maturity is already very high. If I followed you to the provincial team training at that time, then I couldn't help it."

Su Yinsheng sneered when he heard this, "Speaking as if you are hiding it now."



It makes sense, he couldn't refute it.

After revealing something here today, Su Zhe was actually relieved. After all, he himself knew that there were too many unreasonable things about him, and his parents could not have no doubts in their hearts.

This time it is completely open. At least he has his father and his mother behind him. If there is any possibility of showing off in the future, his father and mother will help him round up.

Thinking of this, Su Zhe thought of the hurdles again: "The hurdles, I accidentally oversaid it..."

In the past, whether it was the coach or these friends in the track team, he had a lot of discussions about technical defects and details, and most of them knew everything about it. He looked at Ye Jun that day, but originally wanted to talk about it. Keep a little bit, but when we started talking, I accidentally forgot.

Su Yinsheng snorted coldly when he heard this, "Oh!"

Su Zhe looked at his father, then smiled, and quietly sat on the sofa and closed his mouth.

Su Yinsheng was pacing back and forth in the room. Today I talked about this matter. The shock to him was not small, but behind this shock, at least his son was still his own son, even if he really grew two or three. Ten years old, but this dog's temper and stupid energy still needs his father to stare behind.

He was more troubled than this. For example, if Ye Jun's coach came to ask questions, it was actually something that could be prevaricated in just a few words. He was troubled by other things.

Although Su Zhe didn’t elaborate just now, he knew in his heart that if he was willing to let this kid practice both hurdles and sprints in the life his son had experienced, then his talent for hurdles must not be the same. Will be weaker than sprinting.

And what is the talent of this kid in sprinting?

You can tell by looking at the results of his training for half a year and the results of the challenge that just ended.

The talent of this stinky kid in sprinting is undoubtedly the kind of epoch-making genius that the domestic track and field circle has been waiting for.

This is true on sprints, but on hurdles?

As a brother event, of course Su Yinsheng also knows how long the domestic hurdle event has been waiting for an outstanding player. He also knows that if Su Zhe does not participate in figure skating at this time, then even if he is not happy in his heart, he will eventually Will again agree with Su Zhe's hurdles.

Just, there is no if.

With Su Zhe's current achievements in figure skating, he will definitely have the burden of winning the card in the 2022 Winter Olympics in City B, and it is naturally impossible to give up in the 100-meter event.

On the basis of 100 meters, Su Zhe will definitely have some training energy put into the 4*100 relay training.

100-meter training, relay training, and also uninterrupted figure skating training.

These trainings are enough to squeeze people out, even if you are an iron man, you can't handle more projects.

On the one hand, the selection of hurdles is difficult, and on the other hand, it is already unbearable.

These two things caused Su Yinsheng a headache, and while pacing in the hotel room, he glared at his stupid son.

Until this step could be around for half an hour, Su Yinsheng suddenly frowned and turned to look at his son.

"After you retired, which team coach did you do?"

Su Zhe was stunned, and suddenly understood what his father meant, but he frowned and said honestly: "Nothing, Brother Xiaozhi later took your class, and Brother Ye followed Coach Lu there."

Hearing Su Zhe's answer, Su Yinsheng glared at his son again.

Generally speaking, after these top athletes retire, the metropolis will become coaches of the project and continue to use their years of experience to train the next generation of athletes.

"What did you do without being a coach?"

Su Zhe glanced at his father, only to feel that the last layer of skin on his body was almost lost.

"...I changed the team."



? ? ?

Su Yinsheng was really shocked at this moment: "...Transfer to team? What team did you transfer to?!"

Su Zhe had already broken the jar at this moment. He coughed twice and said, "Shoot the national team."

Shooting the national team?

This tm is a big gold medal player in the domestic team, the kind that is full of players in every Olympics.

Even if Su Zhe is in the track and field team, he is still in the same system, but can ordinary retired players really transfer to the national shooting team?

Su Yinsheng squinted to look at his son: "Have you gotten the Olympic quota?"



Su Yinsheng was convinced at the moment. He didn't bother to ask about the results after the competition. He only glanced at Su Zhe and said, "Are you really versatile?"

This kind of thing, how to say it is his own son's arrogance, Su Yinsheng can't even find a source of scolding at this moment.

He has always felt that his son has a certain talent in sprinting, but he really did not expect that his son’s talent is far more than just sprinting. You can count it from figure skating to 100 meters. , And then from hurdle to shooting.

This is really no blind spots in all directions. Su Yinsheng just feels that he is messing around in his mind at the moment, and only feels that these are like his own son joking with him.

But from the details, we can see that none of these things can be faked.

Su Yinsheng sighed, finally giving up treatment with a face.

"If you look back and take the time, write down all the training plan for Ye Jun, the technical reform plan and the planned training effect, and the cycle plan. I will talk with the hurdle team here, and first transfer Ye Jun to the country for a long time. Team training and see how effective the training is."

"At figure skating, you can't get off before the Winter Olympics. Hurdle here. When Lao Lu comes back, you can follow him and stare at your former teammates."

Although Su Zhe guessed his father's thoughts, he still had a headache: "I am not qualified as a coach, and I have no brains, and it is impossible to apply my training program to athletes with the prefix of the Chinese character..."

"Okay, I don't have the ability to make you a coach. Just be an assistant in the training gap and follow Lu Fei to learn a little bit." After a pause, Su Yinsheng said again: "It's impossible to write your plan. It is directly used on Ye Jun. When Ye Jun transfers to the national team, Ye Jun’s coaching staff, original coach, and team’s data group must all conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the plan, and finally determine that the plan is no problem, or Lao Lu There will also start to adjust the plan together, and finally let Ye Jun try to carry out technical reforms according to the plan."

"There are many doors and ways here, so don't be lazy for Lao Tzu in the next sprint team. For the technical analysis seminar of the coaching staff, you will be present for Lao Tzu to participate in the analysis."

At the end of the day's conversation, it basically ended with Su Zhe's confession and lenient. After Su Yinsheng explained how Su Zhe wrote the training plan, he also turned and left Su Zhe's room, and went back to his room to relax.

According to the original plan, the challenge is over in one day. The next day they will fly back to the country. However, the TV station that invited the interview here is quite famous. It is Japan's Fuji TV. Ishida Ippei, a well-known track and field commentator in Japan, and Yoichi Tsuruta, a figure skating commentator.

The Japanese invitation was sent to the national team. The national team obviously would not refuse it. So while the track team returned to the country, Su Zhe stayed in Japan and prepared to go to Fuji TV to accept relevant interviews.

After the national team and Su Zhe agreed to the interview request, the action at Fuji Station was also quite fast. On the same day, a clip mixed with Su Zhe's figure skating competition and sprint competition was put on the TV station's prime advertising time.

[The first figure skater in the Chinese Empire? The top 100 meters on the track and field sprint track! An incredible player across two major projects! An interview with Su Zhe is coming soon! 】

After Osaka TV released the shocking news two days ago, Su Zhe defeated Japan's outstanding athletes in the Osaka Golden Athletics Challenge, and won the second place in the game.

Su Zhe’s name was accompanied by his outstanding appearance and magical experience, which quickly set off a storm named "Su Zhe" throughout Japan.

Before that, Su Zhe had a lot of ice fans in Japan. These fans called him the creator of miracles on ice, the darling of ice or the **** who landed on the ice.

These titles with a little shame, but the true feelings of Japanese ice fans.

They were still immersed in Su Zhe’s wonderful performances at the Winter Olympics and the World Figure Skating Championships. As a result, who would have thought that in a blink of an eye, this **** on the ice became a move on the track. The unopened snow leopard boy.

On the day of the challenge, Ishida Ippei’s commentary was endorsed by most Japanese nationals-the teenager on the track, his beauty is just his disguise, which makes people relax their defenses against him, when you really are When indulging in this beautiful and seemingly weak appearance, the mighty snow leopard will stretch out his claws, completely tearing apart unsuspecting opponents and sinking them into failure.

This superb beauty, seemingly weak appearance, the miracles he created, his huge overtake on the track and on the ice, all of them have completely hit the aesthetic orientation of the Japanese people.

Only overnight, the Japanese people's discussion and popularity of Su Zhe reached its peak.

Many international students in Japan were originally fans of Su Zhe’s figure skating. They thought that Su Zhe’s popularity was only a minority in Japan, but in a blink of an eye, they discovered that whether it was on the Japanese or major forums, Or the chat topics of surrounding students have become Su Zhe.

When these international students in Japan forwarded their current discussions about Su Zhe back to China with a daunting expression on their faces, they found that there were already Japanese students studying in China who had already come out of Fuji TV’s comments on Su Zhe. Interview preview.

Fujidai’s interview with Su Zhe was arranged extremely quickly. The invited guests were not only Su Zhe, but also Tian Haiyi and Tsukawa brothers, as well as Nanshan Yuki, Kobayashi Kobayashi, and Shiraishi Shota.

It's almost like a match between a figure skater and a sprinter.

When Su Zhe’s staff at Fuji TV led to the live broadcast building, the outside of the building was already full of spectators who were selected for the live broadcast viewing permission. These viewers were holding various handwritings related to Su Zhe in their hands. After Su Zhe, he screamed while covering his mouth.

"Ah, he is so cute! The real person is exactly the same as what you see on TV! It really looks like a 1:1 doll!"

The Sakura girls gathered in twos and threes to discuss in a low voice, and then they held their mobile phones to take pictures of Su Zhe walking around. After Su Zhe's figure completely walked into the live broadcast building, the Sakura girls were still excited.

In the live broadcast hall, although this live broadcast is a temporary project, Fuji TV has not relaxed anything about this live broadcast. Of course, they have also been paying attention to the public opinion topics in Japan in the past two days. They are able to invite Su Zhe during the climax of the topic. In this interview, Fuji TV also paid much attention.

When Su Zhe arrived, Tian Haiyi, Jinchuan brothers, Nanshan Yuxi and others were also present. The two parties were arranged to sit in different positions. Among them, the screen behind Tian Haiyi and others was figure skating, and Nanshan Yuxi and others. Behind it is a sprint.

Obviously, this discussion is about his status as a side event player.

After seeing him, Tian Haiyi and others all came up to say hello to him. At the same time, the complex emotions revealed in the eyes of Tian Haiyi and Jinchuan brothers looked at him almost directly forming words in the air. Up.

Nanshan Yuxi and Su Zhe met for the first time during the game, but Su Zhe's performance and strength in the game were enough to surprise them.

When all the audience were seated, Ishida Ippei and Tsuruta Yoichi also arrived at the live broadcast room soon, and asked Su Zhe hello. Whether it was Ishida Ippei or Tsuruta Yoichi, they all expressed great enthusiasm for Su Zhe. .

In Japan, many viewers who have been following Su Zhe for the past two days have their eyes on this live broadcast.

After the live broadcast officially started, watching Su Zhe standing quietly between the two hosts on the screen, all the Japanese audience watching the live broadcast couldn’t help but admire in their hearts-such a gentle and quiet beautiful teenager, but there is Such a demeanor is really unimaginable!

"I am very happy to invite our Su player from China to our live broadcast room." Ishida Ippei smiled and said: "Standing here and watching Su player with my own eyes, this feeling of facing the beautiful creatures is even more incredible. That's it!"

"Yes." Yoichi Tsuruta also said sincerely on the side: "From the first time I saw player Su perform on ice, I have become a thorough ice fan of player Su. Today I can interview player Su face to face in person. It makes people feel excited."

Under the care and introduction of the two hosts, Su Zhe also smiled and greeted them and the audience.

Of the two hosts, it is true that as they said, Ishida Ippei and Tsuruta Yoichi both have a great interest in Su Zhe. After all, there are too many points in Su Zhe's body that can be digged across the two of figure skating and track and field. This project is the point that people have to say.

Tian Haiyi, Nanshan Yuxi and others also received solemn introductions, and Fujidai invited them to discuss what Su Zhe’s "rival" thought about his concurrent status.

"In fact, until now, I feel that Su is like my elder brother and I have a twin brother." Tsugawa Yuto smiled and said: "One of them can compete in figure skating and the other in track and field. Participate in the competition."

Yuto Tsugawa's answer also received kind laughter from the audience.

From the words of Yuto Tsugawa, we can also know how incredible he felt about Su Zhe's work.

Nanshan Yuxi and others said that they did not pay attention to the news before the game. It was after the game that Su Zhe was also the silver medalist of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

"This is really beyond our expectation." Nanshan Yuxi said seriously: "But at the same time it also ignited my fighting spirit even more. Under the burden of being a figure skater and a 100m player at the same time, Su can still achieve For such results, I should work harder too!"

Except for the interviews with the players in the two events, the focus of the interview is of course still on Su Zhe.

Ishida Ippei and Tsuruta Yoichi asked how Su Zhe became a player in two events at the same time, and how to coordinate the training of the two events. As Su Zhe’s ice fan, of course he also paid extra attention to his current figure skating During the offseason, Su Zhe is participating in activities as a sprinter. Will the practice of new skills in the programming of the new season have an impact?

"There will be an impact." Su Zhe made no secret of this. He said seriously at the same time: "But whether it is the track and field team or the figure skating team, both sides are trying their best to coordinate the project. With this choice, and at the same time I still have this ability for the time being, then I will inevitably devote all my efforts to live up to everyone who trusts me and live up to the projects I love."

This interview was quickly translated into Chinese and uploaded to China, where it also received enthusiastic response.

Su Zhe himself, on the day after the interview ended, soon ended his trip in Japan and returned to China.


_(:з」∠)_ oooooo, it’s about to overturn today, it’s too late to say anything, see you tomorrow!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-0923:50:26~2020-02-1023:55:35~

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: 5 Axi; slytherin, good food, sugar, a vegetable bag, Shuangshuang, and that cloud na 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 129 bottles of GLORY; 56 bottles of delicious dishes; 30 bottles of Lisa Evaner, satoshooo; 29 bottles of Shimaki; 25 bottles of yogurt jelly; Bottles; 19 bottles of slytherin; 17 bottles of Lin; 16 bottles of ice condensed wisteria; 15 bottles of my wife; is not the little bear@, 凝溪夜, 37720155, yuki, Jingjing, Jessica, Zhu Jian’s Mizumuna, Zui Drinking Shuanghe, Suyuchen, Kapok and Morning Glory, Yueer, Summer, Beijing Youxue, King, Wusheng, 10 bottles of Gadfly on Horseback; I don’t know 9 bottles of my **** horse; the sun?, like flowers Brocade FHSJ 8 bottles; Zi Tianyao 6 bottles; Xia Xia Xia Xia, there is always a wallet that Diao people want me, Runan, really bald, K, Yexue 5 bottles; non-toxic, ★Miyi☆, Shenghuawuqi , Dongxue minus fifteen degrees, 4 bottles of e Yueyue; 3 bottles of a happy silly rabbit; ==, hee hee little sweetheart, a vegetable bag, stupid+dandan= stupid, Huanhuan_ck2 Bottles; meow meow meow, green clouds, bouncing frames, cats and cats, super short legs with two dogs, rotten clothes, evil witch, Il, vitamins, 1 bottle of dream mirror in dreams;

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