Chapter 247: Parallel World Figure Skating (95)

At the Helsinki Stadium, the faces of the spectators in the auditorium were covered with incredible.

This Chinese player, who had no reputation and performance in the world track and field circle before, not only steadily surpassed famous players such as Dlamini and Hilm in today's competition, but also in the final sprint stage. In, forcibly caught up with the gap with Sandy, and even crossed the finish line almost at the same time with Sandy.

Not only the audience at the scene, but even after crossing the finish line, Sandy looked at the figure who had crossed the finish line at the same time with a horrified look.

"My God, friend, your speed..." Sandy looked at Su Zhe, and the expression on his face was full of surprise in the final buffer.

During the entire race just now, he can still pay attention to the situation on the surrounding track from the corner of his eye. In the part running on the way, this Chinese player has not yet approached him, that is to say, the final sprint stage, The Chinese player he had never seen caught up with him with a frightening speed.

How terrible is this late acceleration ability?

No, it's not just the ability to accelerate in the end. If the Chinese player makes any mistakes during the start and acceleration phases, then even if his ability to accelerate in the end is strong, it will not be able to completely restore the irreversible gap.

Of course, even so, the strength of this Chinese player is already amazing enough.

Su Zhe smiled and nodded with Sandy.

"I only knew your compatriot Chen before. His speed in the first half of the journey was really amazing." After Sandy stopped, he turned to look at Su Zhe: "And your ability to accelerate in the back is just as fast. It's incredible."

"Nice to meet you, friend, you can call me Sandy."

Su Zhe also stopped at this time. He and Sandy shook hands, and then ran a shoulder very naturally. This is the most accustomed action among their old opponents, no matter on the track. How fierce the competition is, after the game, they will greet each other shoulders.

At this time, Evanson at the front also turned around. He was in excellent form in this field. Although the results have not been announced yet, judging from his state, he is very satisfied with his performance today. of.

After Evanson looked back and saw Sandy and Su Zhe, he also greeted them.

The giant screens on both sides of the stadium are playing back Sandy's dashing moment at the last moment of the game just now. After watching, Evanson also smiled and gave Su Zhe a thumbs up.

The atmosphere between the players was harmonious, but the audience in the auditorium was appetite.

[Oh, my goodness, who are the second and third players? 】

[Is that the Chinese player who won the second place? 】

[Unbelievable, have you seen his final sprint? That speed is really amazing! 】

These live audiences were clamoring with each other to discuss the results of the game on the field. On the domestic Internet, the track and field fans who have been completely mad at this time are even more anxious.

[Fuck, what is Zhe Shao's number and number... It feels like it's only two minutes, why is it so painful to wait for me! 】

[Ahhhhh, fuck, it doesn't matter which number is, grades! Hurry up and give the score data! Shao Zhe and Sandy crossed the line at the same time! Sandy is in a brave state this season. The previous two games were within 10 seconds. What about this one? ? ? 】

It is not just these track and field fans who are far away in China who are scratching their hearts and minds at this moment, and even the field management centers who are watching the games at home, can't calm down at this moment.

Zheng Wensheng made a call directly to Sun Zhihai's hand.

"Old Sun, did you watch the game? Su Zhe's game! Crossed the line with Sandy at the same time! Do you think this score can break ten??"

Zheng Wensheng’s voice on the phone was full of excitement, and he couldn’t help but he was not excited. For domestic players, Chen Zhi was the last one to make him so excited. Although Chen Zhi is genius, he still has a track record of his achievements. Every year in training and his competitive state for a period of time, he can roughly figure out his state level, when will he have the opportunity to refresh the pb, these are not only the national team’s coaching staff knows, their field management center these people There can also be a guess in my heart.

But Su Zhe is different!

In terms of his role in both figure skating and track and field events, let's not talk about the domestic, looking at the international, who can have this kind of span? Not to mention Su Zhe's previous achievements in figure skating.

Not only figure skating, since the beginning of the track and field season, he has only participated in 3 games so far, from 10 seconds 06, 10 seconds 08 to 10 seconds 03 against the wind, and at this moment, a group of international stars It was not inferior before, and even crossed the line almost at the same time with top players like Sandy.

On the phone, Sun Zhihai's voice was also a little excited: "Amazing, amazing!"

Sun Zhihai was sitting in front of the computer at his desk, watching the screen anxiously at this moment, waiting for the score statistics of the on-site referee team.

After taking a deep breath and calming down a bit, Sun Zhihai tried his best to calmly said in a steady voice: "In this event, the players on the scene performed very well. Su Zhe's results...promising!"

In fact, Zheng Wensheng made such judgments in his heart, but judgments belonged to judgments. At this time, the tension in their hearts has long since overflowed. Who can completely trust their judgments so calmly?

Especially Su Zhe's score this time is likely to break 10!

What is this concept?

Letting go for a few years, when there was no Chen Zhi, or even when there was Chen Zhi, the incident of breaking ten hundred meters in a long period of time had only existed in the dreams of Chinese people.

Just like in Japan now, Nanshan Yuki's personal pb is 10 seconds, which is only a little short, just unable to step into the 10 second mark.

Many experts in the early years have always said that 100 meters and 10 seconds is an insurmountable forbidden zone for the yellow race, so that when Chen Zhi’s results were also stuck at 100 meters and 10 seconds, many domestic public opinions were not optimistic. He broke ten a hundred meters.

Now, not only is Chen Zhi breaking the Asian record last year, but the second domestic player to break 10 in 100 meters may also be born!

Zheng Wensheng and Sun Zhihai on both sides of the phone were nervous, for fear of missing any second of the live broadcast.

At the Helsinki Stadium, the referee team has already called up the parallel picture taken by the finish camera, and at the same time put the slow-motion parallel picture on the big screen.

Above the screen is the posture of Su Zhe and Sandy when they are about to finally cross the line. Under the parallel slow motion picture, it can be clearly seen that Su Zhe has already crossed the finish line at the last moment. There is a more obvious gap with Sandy on the screen.

"Woooo!" When the Helsinki commentator saw the final picture, he also made an amazed voice: "The final second place winner is Su from China!!!"

While this screen was playing, cheers rang out from the audience, sending the most enthusiastic shouts to this Chinese player who brought them a wonderful and exciting game experience.

After seeing the slow-motion video of the scene, Sandy hugged Su Zhe again.

"Hey, Sue, the next winner must be me!"

"Then see the result in the next game?"

Sandy and Su Zhe looked at each other and smiled. Hilm, Dlamini and others nearby also greeted Su Zhe one by one, and met this newcomer from China again.

Although he lost to Su Zhe in the final sprint, Sandy was quite satisfied with his state today. Except in the final sprint, because he didn’t know his opponent and didn’t try his best in the final sprint, Sang Di clearly knows that his results today should have been very good.

Su Zhe also had this judgment.

With his experience, he can also feel that in this game, due to strong opponents such as Evanson, Sandy and Dlamini, this kind of stimulation allowed him to perform beyond his current average state. Judging by his sensitivity to speed, today's results will certainly not be bad.

As for the final result...

On the scene, during the broadcast, the voice of the on-site commentary has been heard.

"Now the final results of the men's 100m runners at the Helsinki Base Station in the World Athletics Challenge are announced!

"First place: Evanson (USA), 9 seconds 92 (+0.2m/s), second place: Su Zhe (China), 9 seconds 98 (+0.2m/s), third place: Sandy (Nigeria), 9 seconds 99 (+0.2m/s)......"

With the voice of the commentary and the row-by-row performance of the players on the big screen, the Finnish track and field fans present have already cheered first.

In this inconspicuous sub-station in the World Athletics Challenge, it turned out that in the men's 100m event, 3 players opened the 10-second mark at the same time!

You know, even in the Diamond League, there are not many such exciting games!

The audience at the scene was excited for watching such a splendid game, and in front of the live broadcast, those Chinese audiences who had clenched their fists and were nervous for 4 to 5 minutes were in front of their computers. There was a loud shout!

[Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! Su Zhe did a great job! ! ! 】

[Broken ten? Fuck, it really broke ten! ! 9 seconds 98! Su Zhe is awesome! ! 】

Not to mention how many people in the home of these track and field fans were frightened by their sudden shouts, just say that Sun Zhihai and Zheng Wensheng were connected to the phone, and they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

What else to say?

Well done, well done!

For track and field old people like Sun Zhihai, tears are already in their eyes, and they just keep saying to the phone, "Okay!" it is good! it is good! ’.

"9 seconds 98, this is 9 seconds 98!" Zheng Wensheng was very excited. He began to talk to the phone non-stop: "Old Sun, we now have two 100-meter-breaking contestants! Next year! It is the World Championships. Chen Zhi and Su Zhe must have no problem meeting the standards. Oh, I'm afraid that the IAAF will have to go according to the international rankings. We have to pay attention to this.

If it goes well, at the World Championships next year and the Tokyo Olympics the following year, two players in the men's 100 meters can compete at the same time. This is of great significance! Chen Zhi's strength is no problem in entering the semi-finals. Su Zhe, depending on his current state, as long as he maintains it well, I think he can make it to the semi-finals by then! "

"If two players make it to the semi-finals at the same time, this is also our historic record! If there is another one to make it to the final..." Zheng Wensheng talked about the future, and the excitement completely occupied his brain. , I can almost immediately think of the Chinese team winning medals at the World Championships and Olympics.

Sun Zhihai was also happy in his heart, but he soon calmed down. He smiled and said: "Okay, Lao Zheng, take it in, hurry up, let the children in the propaganda team give the announcement, and the press release should be as soon as possible ."

After a pause, Sun Zhihai said again: "Ask if the Sports Channel has sent foreign reporters based in Helsinki to the scene to interview and take pictures. If there are, I need a copy of the photos. If not, I will upload the old photos or the game videos. Our own People also give out the propaganda as soon as possible."

"This time, give me a good publicity!"

Hearing Sun Zhihai mentioning work, Zheng Wensheng also calmed down his expression: "Okay, I will inform the children in the propaganda team so that they can do more for us this time!"

In fact, on the Internet, there is no need for the propaganda of the Tianguan Center. At this time, there are already a group of spontaneous naval forces going crazy on the Internet.

#苏哲百米9秒98# This topic has quickly reached the forefront of the topic hot discussion list, even if compared with the hot searches of a few popular stars at this time, the popularity of this topic is not inferior, or Said it is already catching up quickly!

【#苏哲百米9秒98#? ? ? 100 meters in 9 seconds 98, fucking, is this another athlete in our country who broke 10 in 100 meters? 】

This is a passer-by who didn't care about the sports circle at all before, and was completely insensitive to sports topics, but after seeing this result, he felt a little bit in his heart.

After all, before Su Zhe, in the early years when Chen Zhi broke ten in 100 meters, there was a wave of crazy celebrations in China, celebrating that China finally had a player who could break ten in 100 meters.

The public opinion at that time was even higher than the current carnival level. It can be said that almost everyone who can smoothly browse the Weibo on the Internet has brushed up on the topic named #陈志,黄种人的傲#.

The difficulty of opening the 100-meter ten-second mark is clearly understood in the hearts of every Asian. After all, in the 100-meter stadium, there are always people who say with certainty that the limit of speed does not belong to the yellow species. people.

In fact, a large part of everyone agrees with this statement. After all, from the perspective of China, there is only one Chen Zhi in a large country with 1.4 billion people over the years, and after Chen Zhi, before Su Zhe appeared , Not only track and field fans, but even ordinary people have thought that after Chen Zhi, can anyone reach the height of Chen Zhi?

After all, the hurdles that Song Chen led back then can still be said to have no successor.

And today, just today.

For most people, Su Zhe's achievement is a sudden surprise!

[In our country, another player broke 10 in 100 meters? ! Wipe, where did this genius pop up...Wait, Su Zhe's name, why do I look so familiar? ? ? 】

Yes, why does the name Su Zhe look so familiar?

Many passers-by who have seen the name Su Zhe on the hot search but did not pay attention to it are all a little confused at this moment, but soon, someone on the Internet cut two pictures very funny.

One is a picture of the official micro-figure of the national figure skating team, and the other is a picture of the official micro-figure of the national track and field team.

Figure skating national team official micro: [#苏哲百米9秒98# In today’s World Athletics Challenge Helsinki Base Station at 4pm, Finland time, my country’s famous figure skating player @苏哲于男’s 100 meters competition In the game, he won the second place with a time of 9.98 seconds. He is also the second Chinese player to break the ten-second mark on the 100-meter track! Congratulations on his excellent results! 】

National Track and Field Team Official Wechat: [#苏哲百米9秒98# Our sprinter @苏哲, in the men’s 100m race at the Helsinki Base Station of the World Athletics Challenge at 4pm, Finland time today, he scored 9 The score of seconds 98 won the men's 100 meters runner-up in this challenge. At the same time, this is also the second player in my country to break the 100 meters and ten seconds mark!

Player Su Zhe has come out of his debut this season and has consecutively won outstanding results. This is inseparable from his amazing talent and diligent training. I sincerely congratulate him on his excellent results and look forward to his success. In the next game, Lian Zhan Lianjie can achieve another great result! 】




? ? ?


Unknown passers-by, after comparing the contents posted by the two official microblogs, looked confused: [Did the national figure skating team send the wrong message? Write the track and field star as a figure skating star? ? ? 】

At this time, there are sympathetic people who eat melon pass by and reply.

[Friend, is the village just getting online? Do you still remember the name of the player who historically won the silver medal in China's first Winter Olympic figure skating men's singles during the Spring Festival in February? 】

[Passing by, my friend, quickly use the search engine. Think carefully about the name of the silver medalist in the Winter Olympics figure skating men's singles. 】

What's your name?

What else can it be called?

Of course it's Su... That Zhe? ? ?

After seeing the passers-by of Village Netcom finally remembering the names of the players who had won the silver medal in figure skating men's singles before, Chigualu will show kind and gentle eyes, and then happily watch this unknown ordinary passerby crazy Batch.

[Fuck? ? what's the situation? Isn't tm a figure skater? Still a figure skater who won the silver medal in the Winter Olympics? ? ? Is this world alright? Will such athletes still participate in track and field competitions? Break ten in a hundred meters? ? ?

Is the world crazy or am I crazy? Can't it? Is this fake?

Who will tell me this is fake? ? ? 】

After happily seeing the confused and stunned faces of the people in the village network, these happy eating melons will leave a sigh [Oh, another crazy one], and then continue to happily find new ones on the Internet Lost passers-by and conduct kindly popular science for them.

Therefore, after the topic #苏哲百米9秒98# was pinned to the top and'exploded' at the same time, a new topic was added on Weibo-who is #苏哲? #

Hi, who else can it be?

[Of course it is a figure skater/track and field athlete! 】

Seeing the two voices that appeared on the Internet at the same time, the Gua Lu people are happy again. In fact, while Su Zhe’s ice fans and track and field fans appeared, they have been following Su Zhe since the draft. The'philosophers' had already squatted in the corner after a carnival, and shivered again after seeing this topic.

These philosophers had a lot of fighting fans during the draft early on, and they were pushing their hands. As a result, as Su Zhe retired last year and left a group of fighting fans who simply liked to fight, Su Zhe later turned to the sports circle. They licked their faces all the way and became mother fans with peace of mind. They said that our cubs are awesome when they are willing to post a selfie, and when can cubs be online on Weibo.

It can be said that after Su Zhe retired, almost all philosophers waited for their cubs to take flight after Su Zhe retired, and then happily watched various videos and photos licking their faces. They had long lost their combat effectiveness.

For them, their own cubs can do whatever they want-[There are games to watch, there is a face to lick, what more bicycles? 】

Seeing the topic of their own cubs, they are about to happily send out their cubs-from idols to figure skaters to track and field athletes, the same cub, with different looks, come and lick the cubs together!

Even before the Amway post was sent out, they discovered that under this topic, ice fans and track and field fans had already preempted the square.

What to do?

The philosophers turned their heads and discussed: The Amway posts that should be posted still have to be posted! Zai Zai is so awesome, of course we must let more people know about his awesomeness! Although they have been counseled for so long, earlier because they didn't understand that the sports circle was making up crazy lessons, now it's time to sell Amway, can you be a mother?

That definitely can't!

Soon, Su Zhe’s Amway post made by philosophers was quickly posted. This post summarized Su Zhe’s photos from the idol draft period to the solo stage when he retired. Then come to his figure skating competition videos one by one, and then the competition videos and photos since the beginning of the track and field season.

【#Suzhe who is this? #From idols to figure skaters to track and field athletes, every aspect of this is Su Zhe. His charm is not just which athlete he is, but also that he does everything in any field. Work hard. He is talented, harder and more serious. He is Su Zhe, who we are always willing to follow and support! 】

After this post was published, it spread to many people's homepages through a series of reposts.

Many gossip forums have also come to think of it afterwards: [Oh, yes, Su Zhe is not only an athlete, but he has also been in the entertainment industry! 】

But no matter who Su Zhe is or which circle he comes from, these facts have no effect. At this moment, everyone just needs to remember that Su Zhe is the player who once again tore through the ten-second penalty zone of the yellow race, and he --from China.

All of a sudden, all kinds of news congratulating Su Zhe on his excellent results spread all over the Internet, and all the stars and athletes who knew Su Zhe posted their congratulations on Weibo.

Among these people, Shao Xingchen also appeared. He @了苏哲, posted a blessing message to congratulate Su Zhe on breaking the 100 meters, and also posted a set of photos of Jiugongge, expressing regret that there is no time this time. I hope that next time I will have the opportunity to see Su Zhe's wonderful performance on the spot.

In the joyous atmosphere on Weibo at this time, most of the people just sighed, that the group of photos posted by Shao Xingchen are pretty pretty.

But there are also careful people who carefully tasted the product: Hey, wait, this photo was taken from the Osaka game. Look at the style of the photo, it looks like the previous figure skating. Shao Xingchen took it himself, right? And what about the next time you see a wonderful performance, that means you have already seen this in Japan?

It's a pity that everyone on the Internet is not thinking about gossip at all. Even if some people are curious about this information, they didn't go into it. They turned their heads and happily celebrated Su Zhe's 100-meter break ten results this time. .

No one knew, they missed a good time to know some gossip early.


_(:з」∠)_Pinging today finally did not reach the limit of the speed of life and death today, cough, cough, and cover your face. Yesterday, I really didn’t want to write the rankings, it’s really too late 囧

Since Monday, Cai Cai has been humblely working remotely, =. =Because I don’t often go back to my hometown, I only prepared a simple computer desk. Now I squat by the window every day, tears are streaming down my face, my backache and neck hurt QvQ, I miss the company’s comfortable office chairs and spacious desks.

Flat, today, anyway... The big guy [appeared] in the last few paragraphs, so today the small theater that doesn’t zoom guy came out, see you tomorrow? QvQ


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-1123:56:46~2020-02-1223:53:00~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: Zuo You and Axi;

Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: withered grass, Liu Lifeng, red fox, eh?, Yingluo, almond tofu with crab noodles, Yebo’s beloved motorcycle, and 1 Chixiaochi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: (☆_☆) 89 bottles; 85 bottles of Xing Jingjing; 77 bottles of One Autumn Leaf; 50 bottles of Andrea and Amon; 40 bottles of Fat Jijun; 39 bottles of Chacha; 37 bottles of the Global Cloud Rua Cat Association 30 bottles of Yebo’s beloved motorcycles and bookworms; 26 bottles of Swallows; 24 bottles of Fei Jiang; 23 bottles of BlueJa□ine; 21 bottles of beauty; 20 bottles of Dama Guotianhe, Sister Fantouzi; 19 bottles of paint; Crystal, Ye Liangchen 15 bottles of my sister; Cici aj, Zhumo, PIV-TAE, Zhang Xin, ysy, Mo Liang, hahaha ahaha, Mu Qiran, Coudy, Baiyun 鴓, lemon 10 bottles; Pinellia, 261119789 bottles; 沄沨8 bottles; 7 bottles of the knife and pen; Weiwei, Cindy, D: welkhyknvde, Huang Ahuang, Su Yuchen, 5 bottles of gardenia; 3 bottles of Peter Pan and Xianduruila, Sun; 1 vegetable bag , Hehe little sweetheart, stupid+dandan= stupid, 55667788, frost, a happy silly rabbit, 2 bottles of rings; green clouds, Yier, Que dust, two dogs smashing legs are super short, Xingxing is shining, Liuliululululu, Moshangxue↘Baiqiyou, Evil Witch, Fuyiyi, Xiaobai, Huanhuan_ck1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!