Chapter 267: If there is an entertainment world (below) end

From the end of the fourth issue of the sixth season of "Infinite Challenge", everyone on the Internet or in the program group began to get nervous.

[Already the fourth pass! Can he tie the previous 5 pass records? ? ? 】

Including the program group also began to feel nervous for Su Zhe, worried that he would not be able to pass the fifth stage in the end.

The program group was even discussing whether to find an excuse to give the challengers an extra chance to draw cards, but this idea was quickly stopped by the director.

This approach is completely contrary to the previous style of the program group. Once the opening is opened, the subsequent programs will no longer have credibility, and the audience will no longer have the same enthusiasm for their programs as they are now.

Although the program team really wants Su Zhe to continue to win all the way, but they have also made a new plan behind them, waiting for possible changes at any time.

In such a tense atmosphere, in the fifth episode of the program, the program team lost all members to the assessment team of the top domestic drama troupe, allowing 5 challengers and hundreds of professional drama professionals. Participate in the assessment of joining this national theater company. Only those who pass the first round of screening and assessment can qualify for the second round of challenge.

Naturally, the so-called second round of challenge comes from the joint review of multiple chief examiners in the theater-to confirm whether the challenger has the qualifications to enter their top theater group.

Compared with the previous 4 episodes, this episode is extremely friendly. At least Fang Wen and Tong Shen among the challengers are from the entertainment industry. As a figure skater, Chen En also has a certain artistic expression ability. , Although the new mascot challenger who came in to fill the seat does not seem to be particularly outstanding, but it is also a small flower from professional colleges.

Suddenly, the level of friendliness that appeared in the fifth issue caused everyone to ask if the program group was releasing water.

However, this remark of letting water disappeared after seeing hundreds of people at the primary election site that day. After all, in this vast crowd of people, the instructors in the assessment looked at the candidates one by one. After his performance, even a actor-level challenger like Tong Shen needs to work hard to have a chance to pass the first round of assessment.

What Chigualu cares most about is Su Zhe’s performance. After all, Su Zhe didn’t have any performance experience before this. Under such circumstances, Su Zhe was able to stand out from the crowd of candidates. ?

Regarding the situation that everyone is worried about, even the staff in the program group have come to consult Tong Shen's opinions, and Tong Shen just shook his head to relieve the director group.

"Do you remember the shooting of François' Luna? Don’t think it was a shooting specially prepared for him by François and Victor. If he does not have enough expressiveness and acting skills, then no matter how outstanding the modeling is, the shooting It will not go so smoothly."

And as Tong Shen said, even if Su Zhe participated in the assessment with countless equally outstanding drama performers this time, he still successfully passed the examiner's examination, and under the examiner's surprise eyes, he successfully entered The second round of challenges.

The content of the second round of assessment is an excerpt from the world's classic works, many of which are famous dramas adapted from operas such as "Hikali" and "The Great Artist".

After Su Zhe selected Ralves's excerpts from "The Great Artist", in the eyes of everyone, under the eyes of all the examiners, people felt and experienced the The sad and absurd life of Larvis.

When his performance came to a curtain call, everyone who watched the assessment in the same room gave the figure on the stage a sincere applause.

There are no other roles in this segment, only the excerpts from Ralfs of Su Zhe's one-man show. After the show was broadcast, the program team also solemnly posted the complete segment of Su Zhe's performance on the Internet for everyone to comment.

This open attitude, as well as the unquestionable performance in the video, made everyone put away their doubts and sincerely sent blessings to Su Zhe.

After that, every fan of the show who had eaten melons and "Infinite Challenge" began to look at Su Zhe, waiting for this young man who was full of miracles all over his body, and watched him be able to make his way in "Infinite Challenge". Up, how far to go.

The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth period...

Whether it’s music-related challenges or sports events such as swimming, or Chinese martial arts challenges that people have never thought of, challenges in the field of dance...

Among these projects that seem to have almost no intersection, the figure who has always been indifferent to talk can be able to successfully overcome the obstacles set by the program group in the sight of people's surprise, so that the objects he challenges are also right. He exclaimed.

"Infinite Challenge", a program group known for its rate of guest replacement, ushered in the most stubborn "nail house" guests in history. Whether it is the program group or the audience, after the ninth episode of the program is over, all I already look forward to the first in my heart...and it may be the birth of the last "Infinite King"!

However, everyone in the program group looked at each other after watching their initial program plan.

"...Let's not cool down the first and only challenger who has the hope of becoming the infinite king in history?" The deputy director of the program group looked at the plan in his hand and fell silent.

At this time, in the office of the program group of "Infinite Challenge Season 6," all the core personnel squatted quietly in the office, and then stared at the project that they had been familiar with. Everyone was silent.

At the beginning of the sixth season, they didn't even think about the possibility that someone would make it all the way to the final period, and even have the opportunity to hit the "Infinite King".

Because of this idea, in the initial planning of the show, of course they would wave whatever they like, and play whatever they want.

As a result, isn't this a problem?

They never expected that in this season, they would encounter a monster like Su Zhe, who could be tough with Holness, surpass Wang Yisheng, and be called the muse of inspiration and beauty by Victor and François.

Not only that, he can even fight in acting, music, dance... and even martial arts and rock climbing.

In the end, he rushed all the way to the final challenge of the tenth period.

Only this issue is left.

Only in this period, he will achieve an unprecedented throne of "King of Infinity"!

Even among these 9 programs, the advertising bidding costs for each of their programs have been rising steadily, and even some brands have already released words. As long as Su Zhe can win the ultimate infinite king in the final period, Then they can be reimbursed for all the rewards of Infinite King, and the advertising costs in the middle of the program are also easy to say.

So, now comes the problem.

What is their final challenge goal?




_(:з」∠)_Figure skating.

In order to be worthy of the tenth issue, they made a big death. Not only did the challenge target change from one person to three people, but also last year, that is, in 2020, the world figure skating championship winner, second and third place.

The program team had never thought that someone could pass the tenth challenge, so they let go of the wave. Although Chen En, a top domestic figure skater, was invited, the time for Chen En to make up was very early, so It doesn't matter whether he can pass the tenth round of the challenge.

In the tenth challenge, the three top players in the world will each specify an action. Only the challenger can successfully complete this action before they can proceed to the second round of challenge.

The so-called second round challenge is actually more like a small matchup between the world's top men's singles.

The program team also invited the referee team of the International Skating Federation, and all the players will be officially scored.

"...How was this project settled in the first place?" The deputy director looked at the case again, his face full of unrequited love.

The other members of the program group around him ignored him.

How could it be settled?

Of course it was decided by the big guys together!

If the previous challenges are already **** difficulty, then the challenge this time is the **** max level.

When they first decided on the plan, their mentality was: if the audience likes to watch the program group mad criticism, then let them see it completely!

Who would have thought that in the end, he would swell his feet?

"Maybe we... don't need to be too pessimistic?" A staff member tentatively said: "Before we have notified the 5 challengers of the theme of the last issue and the content of the training needed, there seems to be nothing special about Su Zhe. Feedback... Maybe, he actually also figure skating?"

The staff's thoughts moved everyone's heart, which is not impossible.

However, after they moved in their hearts, they remembered their sb challenge plan, and finally sighed.

Even if Su Zhe is really good at figure skating, can he really compete with the world's top figure skaters?

Not to mention this, even if he really can compete with the world's top figure skaters technically... What about the show? In the second round of challenge, the challenger and the challenged players will have a formal competition in front of the figure skating judges!

If there is not a complete figure skating show, or, that set of figure skating shows cannot compete with other players in terms of technical difficulty and score...

Thinking of these questions, the staff of the program group sighed.

This is the end of the matter, what else can you do if you don't want to reduce the compulsion of your show?

Let's cool it!

With this feeling of breaking the jar, the program team also put the final challenge plan on the Internet in advance as planned, and carried out the "Ultimate Challenge" ticket sales channel on the Internet.

Yes, the ultimate challenge of this issue, they used the live broadcast method, including the first round of challenges. The challenged players will send the designated technical actions to the challengers in advance, and only the challengers who have passed , Can be directly on the field as a challenger in the second round on the same day.

In the arena, the challenger and the challenged are equal, and everyone is fighting for the last throne named first.

On the Internet, Chigualus were happily waiting for the tenth issue of the Infinite Challenge, looking forward to whether Su Zhe could become the first challenger ever to win the title of Infinite King.

However, whether it is Chigualu or the fans of the show group, after seeing the challenge plan given by the show group, they are all feeling cold.

[...Program team, how are you guys? @Psychiatric Clinic, do you want to consider going to this place to see your brains? 】

【_(:З」∠)_I, the same sentence——I know that the program group has been madly criticized, but I don’t know that the program group has been madly criticized to this extent...The program group, you sincerely don’t want to give the "infinite king" Is this title? 】

You know, in addition to the crazy challenge plan that was released by the program group at the same time, there is also a list of the three challenged.

Tianhaiyi, Garcia and Tsugawa Yudou, the world's top figure skating giants.

Even if Chen En, who is equally lucky to persist to the tenth issue, no one can guarantee that he can beat these people on the field. Now, these people have been successfully invited by a variety show and will become a challenge for the players. aims.

The challengers even need to formally score the programs performed by the players under the scoring system of the official referee.

Suddenly, public opinion on the Internet fluctuated. No matter where it came from, Gugua Road was silently complaining about the program group, and then felt sorry for Su Zhe.

[Dominate for 9 consecutive periods! But Su Zhe may miss the title of "Infinite King"! 】

[The tenth issue of "Infinite Challenge"! "Almighty Challenger" Su Zhe may face failure for the first time! 】

The major public accounts and the big Vs in the entertainment and sports circles have all stopped, and the topic of the tenth issue of "Infinite Challenge" has been hyped to the top of the hot search on Weibo.

During this period of time, due to Su Zhe’s legendary strength, the topics related to him have long since been unheard of at the beginning. Since these 9 issues, the ratings of "Infinite Challenge" have risen steadily, and have already surpassed them before. Classic time.

Prior to this, many people were discussing that if Su Zhe will reach the top in this issue of "Infinite Challenge", then the program of "Infinite Challenge" may also usher in the highest popularity ever, and it will also achieve an impossible Copy the classics.

It's a pity that everyone sighed with regret after the wave of operations of the program group.

However, sigh and sigh. Even if Su Zhe failed to pass the final challenge in the end, both the program group and Su Zhe himself have achieved a classic height that other people and programs cannot reach.

The idea of ​​comforting myself with Chigualus is: [It doesn't matter, sometimes regret is also a kind of beauty. 】

However, this kind of self-comforting "beauty of regret" lasted for less than a day and was broken the next day.

What broke this lack of beauty was a video released by Shao Xingchen. The background of the video was an ice rink. On the ice rink, a thin figure wearing a black training suit was sliding. His sliding posture seemed very smooth. With a touching beauty that makes people very comfortable after watching it.


Who is this? !

All the fans of Chigualu or Shao Xingchen who clicked on this video were taken aback for a moment, and then a familiar name flashed in their minds.

Damn it!

No way?

Is this Su Zhe? !

Soon, everyone watched the figure on the ice skating quickly to the other side of the long side of the ice rink, leaping, spinning, and then falling steadily.

This is a four-round jump...?

Do not!

This is a four-round hook jump plus a three-round jump on the back side ice? ? ? ?

Chigualu looked at the person in the picture who jumped easily, the kind of control on the ice, the height when jumping, the perfect axis and falling ice...

[...What did I see? ? ? 】

Someone read it one step at a time and then stayed in place.

[Who will pinch me up? How come I saw Su Zhe’s 4lz+3t video...]

[Upstairs, I seem to have seen it too...]

4lz+3t, this kind of jump that few figure skaters in the world can do, Su Zhe actually showed it in front of them so easily? ?

Is the world crazy or they are crazy...

The Chigualus originally thought that their speculation about Su Zhe was omnipotent enough, but when another side of Su Zhe on the ice unexpectedly appeared in front of them, the Chigualus who showed that they were holding the melon were still shocked. I lost the melon in my hand.

[Ma Ma, I seem to have seen a god. 】

[I saw the fairy +1]

The video of Su Zhe on the ice released by Shao Xingchen was quickly spread on the Internet. At the same time as the video was released, the program group also received a copy from Shao Xingchen’s studio staff. Su Zhe's related video on ice.

After watching Su Zhe's video on ice, all the staff members of the program group who had already wilted were all refreshed!

They originally thought that a decathlon madman like Su Zhe could indeed figure skating, but being proficient was two completely different things.

But after watching the video separately sent to them by Shao Xingchen, they finally discovered that Su Zhe may not only be proficient in figure skating.

The feeling of being able to feel another life on ice through his performance gave them a new and incredible expectation for the tenth live broadcast.

Perhaps, the title of "Infinite King" will eventually fall on the person who belongs to it.

Because of the public ticket sales of the program group, countless people started to scramble for tickets frantically, wanting to witness this possible miracle with their own eyes. On the Internet, all the people who grab the tickets are ecstatic and do not want to transfer them, while those who fail to grab the tickets are hard to get a ticket.

After a period of anticipation, perturbation, and confusion, the audience of the whole network of eating melons and buying tickets finally waited for the day when the tenth issue of "Infinite Challenge" was finally recorded.

In the ice arena of the city b gymnasium, the audience is already full, and just like in the official game, all the members of the referee team are already in place. The live broadcast of the program team even invited Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan. Two domestic top figure skating commentators.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too few players participating in the second round of the challenge, the scene would have looked like an official competition.

Everyone even signed and arranged their order of appearance.

Su Zhe's appearance sequence this time is 5, the last person in the audience.

In addition to him, the other player who passed the first round of assessment is naturally Chen En. Chen En and several players present are also old opponents. This time they met in a variety show. Also smiled and asked hello.

Whether it is Tian Haiyi, Tsukawa Yuto or Garcia, they are very curious about Su Zhe.

In fact, before they came to record the variety show, they had already heard of the name Su Zhe-it all originated from Victor and François's "Moon God" short film, which is so beautiful that people dare not blaspheme The short film was jointly promoted by Victor and François at the same time, and then quickly caused a storm called'Lunar God' in the fashion circle around the world.

When people learned where "Moon God" came from, Su Zhe and the variety show "Infinite Challenge" from China also ushered in the eyes of people from all over the world.

It can be said that these people around the world watched Su Zhe all the way to the final stage, and stood on the final battlefield of the challenge of the "Infinite King" until this moment.

"Can he...can win?"

In the live commentary booth, Lin Ya smiled and was talking to Wang Yuhan.

"This question is very exciting. Before that, I originally thought that Su Zhe might be completely hopeless, but the video released by Mr. Shao before overturned my idea."

"Yes." Lin Ya nodded and said: "That is a very beautiful and neat 4lz+3t. The performance of this jumping action allows us to see more possibilities for Su Zhe on the ice. Not only jumping, we can also As you can see, his sliding on the ice is also very beautiful."

Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan's words have been recognized by countless viewers in front of the TV. All viewers who have watched Su Zhe's ice jumping video have already had completely different expectations for Su Zhe's performance on ice.

Expect him to bring unexpected surprises to everyone.

With this feeling in mind, the audience even felt that the performances of Tian Haiyi and Garcia were not so capable of attracting their attention.

This mood of anxiety and anticipation finally stopped after Su Zhe appeared on the scene to practice.

All the audience began to look at the figure on the ice, waiting for what kind of wonderful performance he would bring.

In the commentary, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan also got information about Su Zhe's performance.

"Oh?" Lin Ya let out a suspicious voice after seeing the track: "The track Su Zhe will bring to us today is "The Ring of Curse"!"

"Curse the ring?" Wang Yuhan on the side was also taken aback when he heard it.

"The Ring of Curse" is one of the classic selections of figure skating performances. To say that it is classic does not mean that there are a large number of people performing it, but before that, there was a famous figure skating player. His classic work is "The Curse ring".

The classic level of this work even reaches the point where people almost think of the player's name when they hear "The Ring of Curse".

Because of this, there are fewer and fewer players who choose it as their own performance. After all, if you can't surpass the previous player, the show is likely to become mediocre.

The players do not want to make such an attempt, so if it is not for strong self-confidence, or for the newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, no player will choose this track.

"Su Zhe chose this track...Is it because I don't know the classic level of this track?" Wang Yuhan hesitated: "Or, because there is no professional choreographer instructor, I consider reprinting the previous version of "The Ring of Curse" by Pusha. ?"

Lin Ya was unable to make a judgment on this: "The possibility you said is not impossible, but if the choreography of "The Ring of Curse" is adopted by Pushia, then in terms of technical composition, it is already doomed to be impossible. Surpassed the previous players."

As a famous figure skating player more than ten years ago, Pushia was not an era dominated by four jumps as it is now. The difficulty composition of the program back then is of course not comparable to the present.

If Su Zhe really used Pushia's version, then this time Su Zhe's "Infinite King" challenge would be doomed to fail.

With such hesitation, Lin Ya and Wang Yuhan looked at the figure on the ice.

On the ice, Su Zhe is undergoing warm-up exercises. At this time, the temperament of his whole body is very different from his usual state. If you really want to speak...

The person on the ice at this time can be easily reminiscent of the protagonist of "The Ring of Curse", Sylvie.

"The Curse of the Ring" is a classic film 20 years ago. It has won numerous international awards. Although the title of this film looks like a niche thriller, it actually tells It is a story of love and redemption.

The protagonist Sylvie is the son of an earl born in a territory. This is a glorious family that has lasted for hundreds of years, and there is a secret hidden in this family.

The patriarch of this family possesses a cursed ring, which has magical powers and can guarantee the longevity of their family.

The price to guarantee the longevity of this family is that the patriarch of this family must wear this ring, find a wife who truly loves him, and give this ring to his wife.

The wives that the patriarch falls in love with will give birth to excellent descendants for the patriarch, and then every patriarch’s wife must die after giving birth to the eldest son.

This family tree has always maintained the glory that never falls for hundreds of years, but every patriarch is always immersed in the pain that is separated from the love of life and death, and is entangled for life.

When the ring and its story were passed to Sylvie's hands, Sylvie already had a beloved girl, and that beautiful girl also admired him.

This would have been a beautiful love story, but after the death of Sylvie's father, the ring of curse was passed to Sylvie's hands.

This young man who truly loves the girl, is unwilling to let his beloved girl die in the hands of the cursed ring. He tried to abandon the cursed ring, but found that the ring began to return to his hands. As he continued to resist, the ring He even began to **** his vitality, pushing him step by step to the edge of death.

In accordance with the requirements of the ring, continue to fall in love with the girl, and finally embark on the sad path of the family, or continue to resist the ring, let the ring **** its own life, and then stand short of this sad family destiny in your own hands ?

The thin young man in that story, he always loves the cute girl in pain, but it is precisely because of this love that he is not willing to let the girl fall into the quagmire.

It is a classic and tear-jerking film. Almost all people who are interested in the film have seen this film and are deeply impressed by Sylvie in the film.

It was a thin young man who always smiled at his beloved girl even though he was suffering from the pain of the cursed ring.

That figure on the ice just then.

Although Su Zhe is still warming up, in a daze, people always feel that the person who is sliding on the ice seems to give people a particularly gentle feeling. His eyes are so focused, as if he is looking at his beloved girl. .

Seeing Su Zhe's warm-up and practice on the ice, people were immersed in it for a while, without time to think.

Soon, his practice time was over, and the audience was in a daze. Then they watched Su Zhe calmly come to the front of the referee's bench, squatted down facing the referee's bench, stroked his chest with his right hand, folded his left hand on top, and then calmly Closed his eyes.

The original sound of "The Ring of Curse" sounded. This is a piece of music with a little sad emotion. Its melody and tune make people feel a little pain. In a quiet environment, it can easily drag people into a sad mood. Emotionally.

The figure on the ice stood up a little blankly after the music sounded. He was a little staggered, and seemed to be unable to accept what was happening before his eyes at this time.

But the inheritance of the family and all the known stories are telling him that all the legends in the family are true.

He is also in this cursed family, and will once again face the threat from the cursed ring.

He ran hurriedly on the ice, his constant turning and flustered steps are telling the pain in his heart at this time. This painful emotion accumulates and makes him collapse. Then, at a dazzling pace, After turning, in a series of jumps, he completely vented this painful emotion that exceeded his psychological load.

Sylvie, he is the sad noble Sylvie.

He has a beloved and beautiful girl, but they are destined not to love each other.

Sylvie is unwilling to use that girl's life to continue his family-this terrible curse, this family that survived and gained glory by virtue of the curse, let him cut it off!

Sylvie began to evade the chase from his beloved girl. He didn't want to tell this sad story to that kind and simple girl.

As a result, he continued to flee, but the Cursed Ring was already angry because of his resistance, so as he ran away in a panic, his life was passing fast, and he began to become weaker and weaker.

This is a process that cannot be stopped.

He must use his life to repay the cursed ring, and only in this way, only if this sad cursed ring is cut off in his hand, all sad stories will end.

He has no choice.

The figure on the ice is so sad and so painful.

It was so painful that everyone who saw his performance couldn't help but grab their hearts.

Sylvie... This is a perfect Sylvie. He has the pride and dignity of a nobleman, as well as his own bottom line. He respects life and the love between himself and a girl.

He decided to end everything with his life, even if the cost was so staggering.

Before the performance began, some people were still worried about whether Su Zhe would apply Pushia's performance to make this performance a less successful classic.

However, at this moment, no one thought of the name Pushia again.

The thin figure in front of him is Sylvie. He is no longer someone else, not Su Zhe, not Pusha, or any performer.

He is the living and fragile being, and he is appearing in front of everyone alive.

People looked at each of his sliding curves, looked at the gentleness in his eyes, and watched him occasionally raise his hands, seeming to lift up the girl’s forehead...

This lovely pair of lovers cannot continue to love each other.

After all, Sylvie pushed away his beloved girl in pain, and a series of jumps and spins released the unspeakable pain in his heart.

It's just that he is more willing to keep this pain in his heart instead of letting his beloved girl bear this terrible suffering for himself in the future.

Finally, the Cursed Ring couldn’t bear Sylvie’s life. It drew Sylvie’s life madly, and while it was absorbing this life, it also attracted a wave of “love” from Sylvie’s body. breath.

On the ice surface, the originally painful figure suddenly slowed down, and everything seemed to be suspended.

The power named'love and light' caused the cursed ring that lived in the darkness into pain, and when Sylvie’s girl also learned everything and came to him desperately, between them His love finally made that terrible ring completely collapse.

The curse power from the dark depths cannot resist the redemption from love after all.

The most sincere love between the two is the only way to break the ring curse.

When the light finally came again, the figure on the ice finally showed a weak but warm smile. He thanked him for his persistence, thanked his beloved girl, and thanked the world, after all, there was the best power.

That is love.

During the last spin, the music gradually ceased, and the audience, who had been holding their hearts in pain, finally smiled at the figure on the ice.

They have forgotten that this is just a challenge in variety show, and they have forgotten the so-called "Infinite Kings" battle. They began to applaud the figure on the ice enthusiastically. This applause is purely for him to bring everyone The touch and warmth that came.

"I didn't I was able to be on the scene of this game, because of the performance of a non-professional player, I was moved to tears." Lin Ya smiled in the live broadcast room: "He is such an excellent flower Skaters, I have to use the word'figure skater' to call him."

"I'm sorry, until now, until this moment, we didn't know this boy on the ice. He is so good and exudes a charming light."

"Regardless of whether he can challenge successfully today, whether he can win the title of'Infinite King', I think I will remember him, always remember his Sylvie..."

"This is a wonderful, classic performance! He has completely surpassed Pushia back then. From today, from now on, Sylvie's name will belong to Su Zhe!"

During the live broadcast, Lin Ya's voice was so firm, and the audience on the scene and in front of the TV was so affirmed in their hearts after hearing everything she said.

The young man in front of him deserves such recognition, his body seems to be shining with infinite radiance and miracles.

At this moment, he was standing in the middle of the ice rink, greeting the audience around him, and his body seemed to be gathering infinite light, which made people nostalgic for him.

On the ice, after Su Zhe thanked everyone, his gaze suddenly turned to the edge of the ice rink that was always occupied by the coach in the past.

At this time, Shao Xingchen was standing there, looking at him quietly, his eyes revealing infinite tenderness.

After waving gently with all the audience, Su Zhe smiled and slid to the edge of the ice rink. Amid the applause and blessings of everyone, he came to Shao Xingchen and hugged and kissed him with a smile.

The figure between the two of them is so inseparable, and so harmonious and timeless.

All the audience who saw these two people also showed gentle and content smiles.

In this "Infinite Challenge" ending event, the name that represented a miracle finally won the title of "Infinite King", and the title of "Infinite King" was also spread around by Su Zhe and Shao. The two stars, a pair of figures full of tenderness who always embraced each other tightly.


_(:з」∠)_Finally, it's over, and it's successful!

But suddenly I was very disheartened. Thank you everyone for accompanying the spicy chicken dishes all the way to the present. More than 8 months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Refill, love you guys!

Caicai, I said before, if it weren’t for everyone’s support, I couldn’t write it like this. Obviously this sentence is still the same.

Thank you for your support. It is your support and encouragement that made me stick to it till now, =w=! Oh, love you!

The next article that I started to update is: After I quit the sports circle, I became a chef

At the same time, I promised everyone that the love variety show will also be updated in the extra episode, but the update speed may not be as fast as it is now, but we will definitely finish writing the extra extra! Oh, love you! I hope to see you in the next book =w=!

PS: If you can, after the game is over, the ball is well received hahahaha, yamyada=w=! ! See you in the next book (or extra)!


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-0223:57:02~2020-03-0323:59:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 nanar;

Thank you for the little angel who cast the grenade: smell the fragrance and know people, Miss Ben, and Xiao Miao;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 3 lemons; silver bell, hyoscyamus, pure purple yinyi, sen Miaomiao, lemon candy, 芣苢, zhuozuo, xxxx, between, a vegetable bag, purple ice orchid, Huan Huan_ck, Zeng Wu and Yi, 1 cat called Mi Miao;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xiqiao sauce ~ 312 bottles; 62 bottles of salted fish and eggs; 60 bottles of Dongyue Tweet; 54 bottles of "Girl"; 50 bottles of Prosperity and Xiaomiao; I can 49 bottles of Lu Yi; 18699948, 30 bottles of people's heart; 25 bottles of Chinese raccoon flowers; zhuozuo, Jialingjiang crisp shell snails, Auzery, bamboo thousand pendants, staying 20 bottles; Yue 16 bottles; JMX 15 bottles; 10 bottles of Rainbow, Sleeping God Xiaoyou, Su Yuchen, Bu Juejue, Su Yuchen; 9 bottles in between; 5 bottles of Yuxuan, Xinyue, Crystal Stone, Huachu, Sansanya; Qiongtu, Huanhuan_ck, N.3 bottles; February, Fuer, Meilulu, Moxia 2 bottles; Qiqiu. , 21942898, a small kelp blowing in the wind, rotten clothes, Jin Luli, 1 bottle of Junjun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!