Chapter 184: Isolation (3)

Chapter 184: Isolation (3)

... Shortly after Hong Bi-Yeon left Stella.

Baek Yu-Seol immediately followed suit.

In preparation for any unforeseen circumstances, he packed various magical tools and items.

Alterisha’s skills had grown rapidly over time, and there were many things he could now use effectively in real combat situations.

With this level of technology, Baek Yu-Seol thought it would be possible to manufacture ‘space storage’ with the help of Eltman Eltwin in the near future.

"You're going after her?"

Edna grabbed Baek Yu-Seol, who was about to leave, with a worried expression.

"What... exactly is going on?"


"If you're going, I'll go too."


Edna spoke with a stern expression, but Baek Yu-Seol shook his head.

"No. It's okay. I'll handle it."

"How? Even if it's you, this isn't something you can handle alone."

"Right. And it's not a problem that can be solved just by having you tag along."


It was a valid point.

Aside from being students at Stella Academy, both Baek Yu-Seol and Edna were ordinary commoners.

They received treatment almost equivalent to nobility anywhere in the world as long as they showed their Stella student ID and graduation certificate, but there were still limits.

It was best not to even think about presenting Stella's student ID to the Adolveit Royal Family.

Of course, aside from that, Baek Yu-Seol had quite a unique background for a commoner.

He had a close relationship with the Elven King and was also a co-developer of the item.

But... So what?

Even if Baek Yu-Seol had power and authority rivaling that of Adolveit, this was someone else's family matter.

If the Queen wanted to exile her own princess, what right did anyone have to interfere?

Even if there were a superpower in this world greater than Adolveit, it would be impossible.

"Well. Then what's the plan...?"

"Hmm. We'll have to find another way."

"... And I'm not needed for that?"


After casually saying this, Baek Yu-Seol turned around and was about to put on his backpack.

Normally, Edna would have said something lively even if it was just a word, but today, she remained silent and lowered her head in a dejected manner.

*‘... What's going on?’*

Today, Edna appeared strange.

Was there something wrong with the conversation?

It was usually just a casual chat.

No matter how much Baek Yu-Seol thought about it, he didn’t really understand.

*‘Is she upset?’*

That was also a bit strange.

Baek Yu-Seol knew that Edna wouldn't get upset over such a conversation.

She was quite cool-headed.

Baek Yu-Seol, who was about to ask what was wrong, immediately closed his mouth.

**[Blessings of the Yeonhong Chunsamweol]**

Through the other person's expression, he could infer their psychological state and see the color of their heart.

It was a deep blue.

Edna was feeling a deep blue emotion at the moment. It was a color she had never felt before, but he could understand.

It wasn't a clear and refreshing blue.

It was more like... a bruised blue as if her heart had been hit hard by something.

*‘... Did I say something so harsh?’*

What hadn't been visible until now suddenly became visible. Her emotions were so delicate and clear.

No matter how unaware Baek Yu-Seol might seem, she knew well how to behave in such a situation.

"No. Well. Then, it can't be helped. I have things to do at the academy, so..."

"It's because it's dangerous."


"I've never been in a situation like this before, so I don't know what might happen to me. That's why I'm not taking you. It's dangerous."

"Uh. Uh... Okay."

As Baek Yu-Seol said that, Edna felt a little dazed.

That was clearly a comforting word.

"I'll go."

As Baek Yu-Seol turned to leave, Edna waved his hand and casually bid him farewell.

As he had walked for quite a while until his back was no longer visible.


... She unconsciously kicked the tree next to her.


With a perfectly centered axis of rotation of 720 degrees, it was an extremely sharp and impressive kick.

"Argh! You idiot! Seriously. It’s so frustrating!"

She couldn't manage her expression like an adult at all. Over such a trivial matter, she made someone who was going for such an important affair feel nervous.

"Hoo, hoo... Huh........"


Hong Bi-Yeon had no intention of playing along with her sister's teasing.

Even with her subdued response, Hong Si-hwa grinned gleefully, finding something amusing about it.

As someone who knew well that she was emotionless, Hong Bi-Yeon found the whole mask repulsive.

The conversation was one-sided.

Hong Si-hwa chattered, and Hong Bi-Yeon replied.

To pass this boring time somehow, Hong Bi-Yeon didn't let go of the teacup in her hand.

The red milk tea was one of the few scents she liked.

Then, accidentally, the worst happened!


One of the maids spilled tea on Hong Bi-Yeon’s dress by 'mistake.'

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The maid immediately bowed in apology, but Hong Bi-Yeon froze while holding the teacup. She just stared at her without saying a word.

She did it on purpose.

Having lived subtly ignored within the palace, Hong Bi-Yeon understood it well.

Such treatment was now familiar to her.


She wasn't exactly angry.

She was just pondering how to respond.

Should she get angry?

Then there would be rumors circulating within the palace saying, 'Even as a princess, she's tainting the atmosphere with her temperament.’

Then, her enemies would increase, and she would continue to live in the palace being ignored without even a chance to redeem her tarnished image.

Should she forgive?

It was difficult at the moment.

No matter how much Hong Bi-Yeon was ignored, the maids were... They wronged someone from the royal bloodline.

Simply brushing it off and forgiving would only lead to the same things happening again.

Subtlly ignoring and pretending it was a mistake was tormenting.

As time goes on, Hong Bi-Yeon power of speech would continue to diminish.

The wisest course of action had been determined from the beginning.

First and foremost, inquire about the family's misdeed and quietly investigate it.

Then, intimidate them by explaining how severe the offense against the royal family is. As if punishment is imminent, before exercising discretion and forgiving them.

Not expressing anger but still asserting her dignity as a royal to the palace staff might not eliminate subtle disregard and disdainful glances entirely, but it could be highly effective in preventing groundless rumors.

Perhaps, positive imagery might follow her wise judgment, portraying Princess Hong Bi-Yeon as actually compassionate and intelligent.

However, even with that in mind...

*‘I don't like it. I don’t have to behave like that.’*

Without further ado, she rose from her seat and slapped the maid's cheek.


The slap was so forceful that the maid's cheek turned as red as fire. Facing the fallen maid, Hong Bi-Yeon spoke with a cold gaze.

"Consider yourself fortunate I didn't burn you."

"Yes. Yes...!"

"The family."


"Tell me about your family."

"It’s Herael Family of Baron Haraen."

"Baron Haraen? I've never heard of him. I'll remember. Your family."


After saying that, Hong Bi-Yeon stood up straight.

"I'll go first."

"Oh my..."

Leaving Hong Si-hwa with widened eyes, Hong Bi-Yeon immediately headed towards Cheongryeong Palace.

Was she truly angry?

That's not it.

She was even thankful that the tea was poured so she could stop tea time.

Separately, she wanted to call Baron Haraen and give him an award.

But apart from that.

*‘If I endure all of this, I will get sick and die first.’*

In any case, the fate was to remain trapped for the rest of her life without being able to go anywhere.

Escape was impossible.

Unless she gave up all the magic and power she had, she wouldn’t be able to get out.

Although it was bittersweet, Hong Bi-Yeon decided to accept that fate.


Even so.

*‘I won't tolerate it.’*

*‘I think they are planning to ignore me and suppress me...'*

There was no way.

*‘Just because I have no power or influence doesn't mean I can't do anything.’*

At least while she was trapped here... She would make all the courtiers fear her name.",