Chapter 58: Live For Me, And.....

Chapter 58: Live For Me, And.....

For beings who live in eternity, a moment is fleeting.

It was only towards the end of the battle, when something akin to calm had finally settled, that she realized the adopted daughter she had raised now harbored hatred towards her birth mother for being unable to contain her emotions and fleeing.

With such power, you could have simply fled.

Yet, the battle was relentlessly brutal until the very end.

The race you sought to protect is one that doesnt need saving. They are fools, tired of living, who, by merely disappearing, believe themselves to be the rulers of this worlda foolish and arrogant race!

In the end, the so-called hero gasped for air, having exhausted most of her innate power by burning her entire physical being.

Even the remaining strength was more than enough to annihilate humans.

Even if not all were killed, crumbling their proud civilization would plunge them into despair, never to rise again.

Do you think they will be grateful to you for protecting them?

She resented her own daughter for obstructing this.

The one who caused confusion and stood in her way, sword drawn.

Those she sought to protect began to seem as despicable as her daughter.

Those selfish ones who gave you nothing but the title of a hero and eagerly await your killing me do you truly believe they are worth protecting to this extent?

She pleaded for her to step back.

In a cry filled with desperation for the first time, the hero answered.

I believe it is. Because I, raised by such a being, am the same as them.

Despite appearing to crumble at any moment, her gaze still held strength.

She did not hesitate to assert her beliefs.

I realized they have dignity, beliefs, and lives. Despite fighting due to different thoughts, humans are capable of understanding such differences.

All of that is meaningless to me.

But I thought you were no different from them.

It wasnt the last of her fighting spirit but her sympathy that halted her advance.

What do you mean?

I felt love from you, just like the people who took me in and raised me afterward

Having lived in emptiness, she tried to comprehend the clumsiness of her last whim through a human who had grown close to her.

The reason I fled back then was just because I was clumsy and immature. Even after living for ten thousand years, it was my first time raising a child.

Hatred towards the mother who abandoned her was also a first.

In the place where the last flames of her life had risen, what remained was understanding and forgiveness towards her.

As a human, I believe I understand you.

The fallen dragon merely listened to those words.

Maybe one day, you the humans youve trampled on will understand you too.

Even though her lifespan had reached its limit and she was only days away from burning her last flame.

She felt her mind engulfed by the words of the only human who could restrain that impulse and stand in her way.

Please give me a chance to prove that the beings you have so far deemed insignificant have a worth to continue existing in this world.

Perhaps these words were the key to understanding the reason for the confusion she felt.

The attacks of humans, which she could have simply ignored and avoided, annoyed her, and she ended up mercilessly crushing their resistance, continuing her march

What if, even after giving them a chance, they remain the same?

What was the true nature of these emotions that she herself couldnt understand?

Before her life ended, she might understand.

If you, trying to stop me with such a body, concede yourself that humans arent worth protecting will you then quietly accept if I continue what Im doing now?

She hoped for a response, but none came, even with time.

With her last request, the human who had burned everything died.

No matter the dragons power influencing her, her fate was predetermined by her inherent limits.

If it were you

Whatever the reason, it was fine.

If shed choose this man to replace the living corpse that could hardly stand, then observing from now on would be enough.

Ill give you that weapon.

Wasnt it that man who quickly awakened the long-suppressed consciousness?

If it was in the hands of such a man, swinging and handling it, its growth would accelerate, and eventually, it would fulfill the conditions she desired.

You wanted that weapon, right? Ill give it to you. Just take it.

No longer feeling self-destructive about being controlled by a body forced to recover.

Finally, the moment to be freed from this filthy feeling arrived.

Yes, Ill accept it.

To such a hasty proposition, the other party responded after a moment of silence.

Accepting without having heard the conditions

There must be a reason, but she also deemed that inconsequential.

Because thats what humans are.

Not caring what value this weapon had or for what reason it came into his hands.

Even if the person receiving this weapon died, leading to the extinction of humanity, as long as it wasnt the end shed face, it didnt matter to them.

What do you expect from me, Tacchia?

To the question chosen by the byproduct of the being she wished to protect, the declining dragon answered.

Nothing much. Just do whatever you can with that weapon.

Thats all?

Yes, thats everything.

One step closer to fulfilling that condition, one step closer to achieving more than before.

The declining being, feeling that only one step remained, expressed her earnest wish.

Please, for my sake.

For my sake.

Live with that weapon.

Struggle and then die.

Do your best until you can, with all your might.

Do your utmost to appease the heart of that replica.

Thats all I need.

If that child were still alive, she would surely come to the same conclusion as that weapon.

If she realized there was no hope in that desperate struggle and end, then she could also let go of these emotions and rampage.

Just do that and take the weapon.

Hiding such intentions.

The being who prolonged life on a whim, as defined by herself, poured out desperation towards the hope that had come at this moment.

Regardless of the reason or the goal.

Desperately struggling to prove the value inherent in being human, and then, hoping for death in the end.


And this man would surely not understand such sentiments.

Even though he definitely should.

I will accept it. As per your wish.

The face confronting her now clearly revealed the emotions he felt towards her.

Unaware that the fate of humanitys existence or extinction hung on him at this moment.

Showing only kindness towards her, who was feeling triumphant in this moment.