Chapter 10: Today's Daughter.jpg (3)

Chapter 10: Today's Daughter.jpg (3)

[Author: Sacred Power Container] = [Yuris Petunia]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][0]

(A baby bottle overflowing even when held with both hands.jpg)

If it were smaller than this, the baby would starve...

After removing three shots and looking again, her breasts still seemed unbelievably large.

Despite their enormous size, there was not a hint of sagging, and the pink nipples, slightly visible between the fingers, seemed as if one touch would lead to enlightenment.

Honestly, would even a tactical nuke be worth seeing?

Partial tactical nukes are this arousing; what would a real tactical nuke be like!

Someday, if someone posted a tactical nuke, I promised myself I would check it out.

But how can this not attract attention?

Could it be because it was a gallery only for women, as the goddess said?

No, that couldnt be the reason.

[Author: (511.462)]

[The hotter the girl in the picture, what do you eat for a delicious dinner?][8]

(A sly-eyed cute girl covering her nipple and privates with one finger in front of a mirror.jpg)

Is steak possible?

Tenant Farmer Fan: Steak and sushi are both possible.

(74.812): Eat mint chocolate chicken skewers.

Healthy Nickname32: (Blonde girl flicking her tongue with a cone) You have gourmet tastes.

Flame Sandwich: Ugh... get that mutt out.

(74.812): For real, try it before you criticize. It's killer!

Virginity Identifier: ...Barely a virgin.

(53.71): This is... a virgin? Then what have I been calling virgins until now...

Virginity Identifier: Not fragrant, but there's a hint of virginity. Consume quickly before it spoils.

In this way, even mere exposure or a pretty picture received this level of attention.


[Sacred Power Container]=[Yuris Petunia]

[Post 842 Comments 0]

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[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][0]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][2]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][0]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][0]

No matter how much I searched, Yuriss steady posts had suspiciously garnered no interest.

The view count was in the single digits, and the average comment count was nearly zero.

[Author: Sacred Power Container] = [Yuris Petunia]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][2]

(A picture with whipped cream piled on breasts, held together by both hands.jpg)

If it's smaller than this, the baby will starve...

(74.812): Ah, damn, I clicked in by mistake. I ruined my eyes because of the fake tactical nuke.

(125.225): Just don't even comment on this. These kinds of posts just enjoy getting comments.

Even the few comments she received were nothing but malicious.


I couldnt understand the real reason.

The only difference between Yuriss pictures and other risqu ones was the overwhelming breast size, so why the cold treatment?

Could it be jealousy, as suggested by a term I learned in the gallery?

After a brief moment of thought, it was clear that I, a newcomer, couldnt possibly know the reason.


In the end, with a short sigh, I saved the photo and moved my fingers.

She had already inadvertently commented on a post about a childhood friends penis being as big as a forearm!

Though she immediately deleted it, the phrase penis as big as a forearm remained etched in her mind.

(89.74): But it's really hot, just one thing's a bit disappointing...

Sacred Power Container: What is it...? Don't you like it?

(89.74): It's just that everything is covered. Isn't there one where the nipples aren't covered?

Thump! Thump!

Ah, an uncovered photo! Thats absolutely not okay!

Not that there werent any she had plenty saved!

But she couldnt show them to a stranger she had just met!

Three seconds after making that firm decision

Sacred Power Container: (Link) Here... I can't post it as a new post because it would be deleted, so I edited an old post to upload it...

(A photo with lewd writing on her body, exposing her breasts.jpg)

Ah!! Im, Im crazy!!

She couldnt believe she had so easily given in, even though she knew it was wrong!

Along with the thought that this might be the guidance of fate, Yuris, with half-closed eyes, waited for the comment.

Thump Thump Thump

But no matter how long she waited, (89.74) didnt comment.

Eh?.. Wh Why?.. Why no comment

Did she scare him off with a photo that was too vulgar?

Was she really the 0.5 tactical nuke others said she was?

Why Why is it suddenly so cold What did I do wrong

The thought that she had lost the first person to show interest in her in two years due to one mistake brought tears to Yuriss eyes.

Ah From now on, Ill only post less vulgar photos

She wanted to plead even with a comment, but she was too afraid, thinking she might get blocked.

Sob Hic Dont dont go please

Just when tears were about to fall from Yuriss eyes

(89.74): Ah, crazy, I jerked off as soon as I saw it, lol


The user hadnt disappeared.

Not only that, but Yuris trembled in ecstasy at the extreme praise of having jerked off again using her photo.

Sacred Power Container: ...I thought you had disappeared.

(89.74): Ah sorry, couldn't hold back and just jerked off. But for real, this pic is insane; it makes me wanna have sex so bad.

Sacred Power Container: You shouldn't... The girl in the pic might not like it...

(89.74): You think a pervert like her would really hate it? Seems she's asking for more, honestly.

Haah Ha No I I really hate it Please stop

She couldnt believe it.

Every comment by (89.74) precisely stimulated Yuriss warped sexual desires, which were already manipulated by UnderneathIsPinkToo.

No! I really if this continues Ill come to see this person I just met as my destined one

Even as a candidate for the next saint, she tried to stay rational and keep her composure

(89.74): For real, if I knew who she was, Id ravage her like a dog. Makes me wanna rape and cum inside.

The final blow was struck.


Her lifelong cherished purity was being trampled upon by male lust in her thoughts.

Once she started imagining such forbidden scenarios, Yuris couldnt stop herself.

..Hah haah I cant resist anymore

She hadnt yet acknowledged this person as her fated one.


Absolutely not!! She definitely hadnt acknowledged it!!

Sacred Power Container: ...This is... me.

She wanted to reveal who the subject of his masturbatory material had been.