Chapter 34: Otherworldly Anal Masturbation Gallery (2)

Chapter 34: Otherworldly Anal Masturbation Gallery (2)

[Author: EightTimesaDay]=[Ian]

"Guys, I've been interested in anal masturbation lately, is this beginner vibrator okay??"][81]

(HappyNight Vibrator Image.jpg)(BananaShop Vibrator Image.jpg)

I thought about trying with a dildo, but I'm a bit scared, so I'm starting with a vibrator, haha

Which is better, HappyNight or BananaShop? I'm open to other suggestions as long as it's remotely controllable and quiet.

HealthyNickname32: ??? Why isn't this considered trolling?

TenantFarmerFan: Seriously! I came here for cute kid images...

(211.209): Is this guy really not arrested by the Empire?

TenantFarmerFan: Farmlong

(124.804): ....The more I see, the more the admin seems like an idiot.

JustSayNiceThings: The more you see? He's been an idiot from the start.

(124.804): Don't bash; at first, he was somewhat okay.

JustSayNiceThings: It's common sense. Unpaid, deleting tactical nukes, managing idiots, how could that be normal That's why these floating IDs

MojitoDeliveryman: (Horror, Bizarre) There are two unpaid slaves working in the gallery?!

(511.462): Who's the other unpaid slave mentioned above? Are there two admins?

(122.39): No, no, talking about that graduate student

NeverGetAnA: .

NeverGetAnA: .

NeverGetAnA: .

(211.209): Still, a gallery admin is better than a grad student. Doesn't the admin get 3.67 million Eris as a salary?

HealthyNickname32: Really?? Make me an admin too.

JustSayNiceThings: How stupid can you be to believe that? Obviously nonsense.

HealthyNickname32: ...Then why would anyone be an admin without being threatened with a knife?

JustSayNiceThings: Because they're idiots, idiot.

(177.96): But... JustSayNice, didn't you desperately look for an admin when they disappeared? (Link)

As expected, the comments were full of curses.

Did I really want to write such a post?

I was hugely interested in penetrating Evelyns anal, but not at all in mine.

Hahaa!!Do Dont!!Seriously!! Dont! Ill Seriously!! Get angry!!

I once tried to tease her to the brink of climax, but she genuinely got angry and protested.

Cant you recommend something quickly

There were two reasons I wrote this post with a heavy troll-like title about anal masturbation.

First, I thought I could get better information with the admin buff.

Second, it was to throw a smokescreen so Yuris wouldnt notice.

EightTimesaDay: Alright, it's fine to curse, but which vibrator is good? It's really urgent.

PengChakFyul: Eh? Is the admin serious? Not joking...

(892.151): If you live near the imperial capital, buy from Poporing Shop. Really good.

Whoopee: Is this viral? I've never heard of Poporing Shop before.

SpaceDirtSpoon: If you're unsure, always go for RedRose. Yep.

EightTimesaDay: Does RedRose Shop also sell adult toys?

SpaceDirtSpoon: RedRose Shop sells everything except for what doesn't exist.

(892.151): Whoopee, it's not viral. I've really tried HappyNight, BananaShop, RedRose, and Poporing, and Poporing is the best.

PengChakFyul: Eh? Why so many vibrators...

JustSayNiceThings: Seriously, it's going to wear out

Whoopee: No!! So what is Poporing Shop!!! Where is it!!

(74.890): Sorry, but I'm a regular at Poporing Shop. It's run by a real craftsman; they don't make adult toys.

(892.151): I bought a vibrator from there; what are you talking about?

(74.890): That means the vibrator was made for relieving shoulder tension, not as an adult toy.

(892.151): So what? If a customer wants to use it that way, they will Can't do anything if they don't like it

(74.890): ...Seriously, don't use it like that. The craftsman would be so sad to know.

A cookie? It looks homemade, doesnt it?

Made by the maid. Eat it.

Okay, Ill enjoy it. Thanks, club president.


As I bit into the cookie, it reminded me of the first time I ate a cookie made by Evelyn.

How is it?

Umm! Its not good.

..I see.

Estelle seemed somewhat downhearted at the negative review of the maids cookies.

But honesty was important in these matters.

I remembered praising Evelyns cookies as a child, only to suffer until she discovered the truth.

Such experiences are enough for just me.

There was no need for Estelle to suffer from eating bad cookies as well.

Whats wrong with them?

Just a second


As I tasted the cookie again, I chose my words carefully.

Well, its not specifically one thing thats bad, but overall, its a mess. It seems like it was made based on intuition without proper measurement or temperature control. Baking requires precise measurements, unlike cooking.


But at least you didnt mix up sugar and salt. Evelyn made that mistake.

Its okay. You dont have to eat. Ill throw it away.


As Estelle reached to take the half-eaten cookie with her robotic hand, I quickly stuffed it into my mouth.

What You said its not good.

It definitely doesnt taste good

Then why eat it?

Sure, the cookie was tasteless.

But the reason I remembered Evelyn, covered in flour while earnestly making cookies, wasnt just because the cookies were bad.

Its like its full of affection. Too precious to throw away.


Yeah, thats it. You should treat the maid who cares so much about her master well, president.


At that moment, Estelle closed her book with a voice that was slightly quicker.

Lets go home Ill finish early today.

Why? Are you mad, president?

Im not mad.

Estelles doll-like face was slightly red, raising some doubt

But according to my Evelyn Anger Management Level 1Estelle Anger Management Level 3skills, she didnt seem angry.

Really, not mad?

Im not mad.

Okay. But why end early?

Just I have something to do. Ill lock up today so you can go first.


Since I had finished organizing the books and the library was closed, it seemed fine to leave.

Then, should I visit the Poporing Shop?

Having finished early, I chose to stop by the Poporing Shop.

Alright. See you tomorrow.

Okay see you tomorrow, Ian.

After hearing Estelles gentle farewell

I made my way toward the Poporing Shop.