Chapter 109: The Tilted Scales (3)

Chapter 109: The Tilted Scales (3)

“Ah, yes, sure!... Th-thank you! I’ll eat well!♥”


Yuris, positioned between my legs, gently placed her lips on the tip.

Indeed, it was Yuris, the ‘lewd monster’.

Contrary to what one might expect, she adhered to her rule of a kiss before proceeding, even in such a moment.

‘I’m sorry.’

Meanwhile, I glanced at Estelle, who was blissfully unaware and asleep, and offered a silent apology.

I tried to steer clear of impure thoughts...

But truth be told, they were overwhelmingly present.

Squish- Squish-

“...Ah!♥ Chomp♥... Suck!...!♥ Huff!”

As Yuris commenced with earnest, waves of intoxicating pleasure surged through me.

Glancing at the clock, it had been 6 hours since the exorcism began.

Thus, my period of sexual abstinence also reached 6 hours.

It might not sound extensive, but these were not ordinary hours; they were 6 hours spent intimately with Estelle.

This challenge felt significantly more demanding than the 72 hours of enforced abstinence I had previously endured.

“Kehak!!...♥ Cough!... Hack!♥... Hoop!... Gulp!..♥”

Twitch-! Twitch-!

As Yuris took me deeper, the imminent sensation of release overwhelmed me.

“Ooh!!... Huh!♥...♥ Huh!.. Chomp!♥... Ha!... Hoohe!♥”

Sensing the climax approaching, Yuris intensified her efforts, her hair fluttering with her movements.

“I’m cumming!”

“Huff...!♥ Heh!..♥... Heave!... Yep!♥... Master♥... Huff...!!... Cum.. please cum for me!♥”

Blurble-! Blurt-!

The purpose of the fellatio was to energize Yuris from the start.

At the brink, I reached my climax, releasing directly into Yuris’s mouth.

“Kuh-huh!?♥... Uh♥... Ha!♥.. Gulp!!... Ooph!!♥ Gulp!♥”


With each gulp, the glow of ‘recovery’ radiating from Yuris’s hands grew stronger.

-I came while playing with Estelle’s vagina.

-Yuris consumed my essence while facilitating Estelle’s healing.

-Estelle regained the strength needed for our continued sexual connection.

This cycle seemed like the perpetual motion machine that sorcerers have long sought.

“Chomp!♥... Ke.. Hehe!♥.. Ha... Ha.... Master♥.. the semen... is very... thick♥.. Ha..♥.. Oh.. a bitch... full of it in the throat♥... Heehe!♥”

Yuris, having drawn even the last remnants of semen from the urethra, murmured with half-lidded eyes.

From the way she spoke, it must have been incredibly thick.

I, too, felt as if I were ejaculating solids rather than liquids at that moment.

Had I ejaculated this concentrated semen into a real vagina instead of Yuris’s mouth, it would have felt much better...

‘No! All my stamina is for Estelle’s pussy!’

Even if I resorted to using Estelle as a means of masturbation out of sheer necessity, everything I was doing was solely for the purpose of exorcism!

Gulp-! Gulp-! Gulp-!

As Yuris’s recovery power returned, I also increased the pace of ‘pounding’.

Twitch! Twitch! Thud! Pssh-! Psh-!

Then, Estelle’s lower body, once calm, began to thrash as if in its final struggle.


But that was it.

‘The Devil of the Scales’ did not flee or resist.

In fact, the current thrashing seemed more like a reflex action driven by pleasure rather than a conscious act.

If the ‘Demon of the Scales’ had been free to act, it never would have allowed Estelle the opportunity to seek revenge on her own.

‘Ian... what about Delphicia?’

‘...She’s safe.’

‘Please... don’t lie to me. What... what happened to Delphicia...don’t tell me...she’s dead...’

‘No. She’s injured, but it’s not life-threatening.’


Yet, knowing it was an excuse, Estelle cautiously reached out towards Ian.


She carefully examined Ian’s forehead as she brushed his hair aside, but there was no scar.

“How is it? Clean, right? I told you I wasn’t hurt.”

“...Yeah. That’s rig...huh...?! Ian? You were awake?”

Despite her caution, she had awakened Ian, who now had his eyes open.

“Sorry... I woke you...”

“No, it’s okay. Did you sleep well, Estelle?”


Soon, Yuris also woke up but still seemed tired as she greeted them with a long yawn.

“...Miss Yuris.”

“Yawn...Yes!... Miss Estelle. How are your legs?”

“Yeah, how are the legs?”

Thanks to Ian’s presence, Estelle had a good night’s sleep for the first time in a while.

...However, to be honest, she didn’t feel any different about her legs.


Estelle tried to move her toes, but as expected, they didn’t respond.

“...They don’t move.”



The news that her legs still weren’t moving visibly saddened their expressions.

“It’s okay. I appreciate the effort. So don’t make that face... huh?”

As she leaned forward, Estelle felt something was different.

‘Before I fell asleep, it was definitely up to my navel?’

It was impossible for her to mistake this.

But the sensation she felt now...

Thump- Thump- Thump-

Estelle slowly moved her fingers downward from her chest area.


Her eyes widened at the sensation she felt at her navel.

The curse had diminished.

It was evident.

The curse that had once reached up to her navel was now noticeably lower, around her pelvis.

“Why? Estelle? What’s wrong? Don’t tell me...”

Misinterpreting Estelle’s expression, Ian inquired with a serious tone.

“No, no! ...Ian!”

Many had attempted to break the curse before, but none had succeeded.

“My curse... it’s lessened...”

That’s why she was so grateful and happy when Ian arrived, but she tried not to harbor any expectations.

So now, Estelle was taken aback.


In Estelle’s life, unexpected misfortunes were common, but she was not accustomed to unexpected good fortune.

“I don’t know what expression to wear at a moment like this.”


“Just think about smiling.”

Holding Ian’s hand made Estelle’s mouth curve into a smile.

She was still unaccustomed to the sensation of touching someone.


But now, she yearned to embrace that unfamiliar sensation.

“...Thank you, Ian.”