Chapter 121: Can You Show Me Your Penis Just Once (3)

Chapter 121: Can You Show Me Your Penis Just Once (3)


Poporing, who let out a cute scream, froze with her gaze fixed on the cock.

“What are you doing?”

“ Th-that’s...”

“Are you just going to stand there? Aren’t you going to measure it?”



Poporing, who slowly approached my cock, kept glancing sideways and observing.

“Why do you keep glancing like that?”

“Uh!... S-sorry... it’s just... I feel like... Ian-nim’s... aura... has changed...”

“What’s different?”


“It’s the same, Poporing.”

In fact, Poporing had perceived it correctly.

I was fundamentally a warm person, but I was cold to troublemakers.

“P-P-Poporing?!! Y-you’re right... it has changed..! Suddenly... you’re calling me by my name...”

“So, does Poporing not like it?”

“N-no... i-it’s not that I don’t like it... it’s just a bit... surprising...”

“Then it’s fine. Actually, since I’m showing you my cock, I can at least call you by your name. You should call me Ian instead of Ian-nim too, Poporing.”

“Uh?!!... Just by name?... Is... is that okay?”

“I told you to do so.”


Poporing, who seemed to have something to say, hesitated before speaking.

“Instead of Ian... can I call you Ian-oppa?”


“Yes... you’re older than me... and I’ve always dreamed of having an oppa since I’m an only child...”


“Ah!... Hehehe!... Th-thank you... Ian-oppa...”

Poporing’s giggly smile softened my heart, so I spoke more firmly.

‘I don’t negotiate with troublemakers.’

Only a firm response to troublemakers could prevent the birth of more troublemakers.

“More importantly, aren’t you going to measure it? Should I go home?”

“Uh!... Ah, no!... I-I’ll do it!... Measure...!”

Resolutely, Poporing swallowed her saliva and answered.


“But... Ian-oppa...”

“Why do you keep calling me?”

“Uh...s-sorry... but... could you... uhm... get rid of the erection... we need to measure it before it’s erect...”

“What are you talking about? It’s not erect right now.”

“Uh?... What?”

“It’s not erect.”

“B-but... it’s... this big...”

“Are you saying I’m lying, Poporing?”

“N-no!!... That’s not... what I mean... if this is... without an erection... then... if it’s erect...”

“It’ll get about twice as big.”


Poporing’s mouth went dry.

The cock in front of her was more beast-like than human, but if it was fully erect, it was within the ‘understandable range.’


If it’s this big without an erection?

Poporing couldn’t imagine Ian’s cock fully erect.

“It’s hard to believe, but it’s the truth.”

I was an ordinary, characterless guy...

But I wouldn’t concede when it came to the size of my cock.

“Uh!... Y-yes... th-then... I’ll measure... Ian-oppa.”


With those words, all sorts of tools, including a tape measure, poured out from Poporing’s bag.

“First, the length...”


“...So... now... you can put... your cock...♥ away... I think...”



“Uh?... Ah... Ian-oppa?”



“...A-are you okay?... Oppa?”


It was impossible.

There was no way I could calm down with such breasts in front of me.

“What are you going to do?”

“Huh?... Wh-what do you mean?”

Poporing blinked in confusion, not understanding what I was saying, so I shouted at her.

“You’ve been fiddling with it since earlier... what are you going to do about my erect cock!!”

“Huh?! Y-yes?! Wh-what do you mean!!... B-but... I was just measuring...!!”

“Shut up! I only agreed to show it to you, I didn’t say you could touch it! Not only did you touch it, but you also licked it. Are you just going to leave it like this? What if my erect cock bursts? Are you going to take responsibility!?”

“Uh...! Th-that... I’m... s-sorry!... I’m sorry!... Please forgive me... Ian-oppa...!”

Seeing Poporing sniffling and looking sorry made me feel a slight pang of conscience.

[This gallery is great because there’s no alcohol or drugs][4]

[Today’s admin highlights][7]

[Area Expansion - Muryeongtteutya, Ttteyayi, Ttteyttya, Wutteya][81]




Remembering the trouble Poporing caused in the gallery, my guilt disappeared instantly.

“If just saying sorry solves everything, why do we have laws and police!? Take responsibility for my erect cock!”

“Uh...!! Th-then... what should I do...?”

“You’re asking the victim? It’s the perpetrator who should think of a solution!”

“Uh... I... I don’t know...”

Poporing’s tears fell, but I couldn’t be fooled by the troublemaker’s tears.

“Haa... It can’t be helped. Show me your breasts.”

“...Huh?... M-my breasts?... Why... all of a sudden...”

“Hurry up before I pass out! Do you want to be responsible if my cock bursts?”

“Ah...!! Okay... Just don’t get mad... please...”

Trembling, Poporing lifted her wet T-shirt...


A concentrated scent of sweat trapped in the T-shirt filled the air.


“Uh...!!... Ian-oppa... please... don’t smell... it... I sweated a lot... so... my smell...”

“Stay still! Do you really want to go to the police?”


Contrary to Poporing’s concern, I didn’t feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, I felt like burying my nose in her chest and dying happily.

Why did the same sweat smell so different between men and women?

‘Now that I think about it, there was a study that said people who are genetically compatible find each other’s scent pleasant...’

Given that I had never found the scent of any partner unpleasant, it seemed that all of them were genetically perfect matches for me.

“...Oppa... is it... okay now?”

“What do you mean okay? We’re just getting started.”

“Ah... uh...!”


While Poporing was sniffling, I slipped my fingers under her bra to pull it down...

“Wait...! Ah... Ian-oppa!... You can’t... do naughty things...”

“Is touching my cock okay?”

“Uh...! Th-that was... for measurement...”

“This is also for measurement!”


Interrupting Poporing, I pulled off her bra, revealing her bouncy, well-shaped breasts, reminiscent of perfectly cooked stone-boiled eggs.