Chapter 123: Can You Show Me Your Penis Just Once (5)

Chapter 123: Can You Show Me Your Penis Just Once (5)


A strange moan escaped from Poporing’s lips, buried deep under the blanket.

The memory of the ‘data measurement’ they did a while ago wouldn’t leave her mind.


Luckily, they got a call saying the session was over; otherwise, they might have crossed the line that day.

‘...But, is it really lucky?.. Maybe...I feel a bit...regretful?’

To be honest, she felt like she lost half of her life.

For 20 years, she thought that sexual acts were just a way to relieve sexual desire, but she never knew it could feel this good.

Of course, she learned from her grandmother that sexual acts were bad...

‘Pleasure that surpasses it is fine, right?’

Poporing nodded.

Everything in the world was relative.

Everyone knew smoking was bad for the body, but why did it still exist in the world?

Because the pleasure it gave surpassed the harm to health.

But sexual acts were good for health!!

[Fabbs Selection: 12 Positive Effects of Moderate Sexual Activity on the Body]

It wasn’t just Poporing’s personal thought; there were even papers on it!

“’s grandpa’s fault, right...?”

In the end, it was clearly grandpa’s fault for not properly teaching grandma about pleasure.

If grandma had known such pleasure, she would have definitely taught that sexual acts were good!

“Yes! That’s right? I’m sorry to the grandpa I don’t know, but.... times have changed! So, I’m not bad, right? It’s okay to do sexual acts, right?”

Poporing nodded.

Although it seemed self-praising, it was indeed a very logical thinking style, typical of an INTP.



Of course...

Poporing did have a conscience, so she wasn’t sure if what she was doing was ‘moderate’ sexual activity.

Since that day, whenever she had time, she was rubbing her areola like this.

But no matter how much she rubbed, her nipples didn’t pop out like when Ian oppa rubbed it with his penis.

‘...Ha...!♥ Ian...oppa...liked my breasts...if I...become a master of paizuri...will things...with me?♥’

As Poporing was about to start nipple masturbation to become a master of paizuri...

Beep- Beep- Beep-

The alarm she set in advance rang.

“Huh?... It’s already time for the Gallery?”

Poporing, who devoted her life to the Gallery in a different way than Elfrida, thought.

After experiencing an event like ‘paizuri,’ it was not a right but a duty to brag in the gallery more than six times a day.

Click- Click-

[Writer: ᄋᄋ(74.825)]

[No Black Marshmallow Cow over 20 has never had sex~? LOL][0]

(A pink-haired kid lying down saying 'It's all done' con)

No way~ LOL Seriously, what’s the fun in life if you haven’t had sex? LOL Not kidding, really curious LOL.

Although what Poporing did wasn’t ‘sex’ but ‘paizuri,’ some level of exaggeration was acceptable in the Gallery.

‘...And honestly, it’s basically sex, right?’

Sex was putting a penis into a vagina and thrusting.

In that sense, paizuri, which involved putting a penis into ‘breast vagina’ and thrusting, was also sex!

Midchaiyaayaa■: Honestly, if you haven’t had sex over 20 years old...I think there must be some problem.

ᄂᄋᄋ(74.825): What problem?

ᄂPuingquackroom■: Parents were murdered? ᄃ

ᄂᄋᄋ(211.209): You’re being too harsh, damn LOL.

ᄂᄋᄋ(74.825): No, that’s a bit;; too harsh, isn’t it?

ᄂMidchaiyaayaa■: Oh, don’t do this. It wasn’t me who said that.

ᄂEightTimesADay◆: I’m having sex right now?

[This is... a bit different...][2]

[Spam.. Spammy Spammy Spam!!][0]




But, the admin.

EightTimesADay◆ was not an easy opponent.


[The post does not exist or has been deleted.]

You will be redirected to the gallery shortly.

This level of ‘spamming’ was enough to surprise even the most seasoned veteran users, but...

The admin quickly and skillfully blocked the VPNs, despite being a newbie who had only started using Gallog recently.


However, Poporing actually liked it.

In an era accustomed to ignoring troublemakers, just having someone to throw bait to was enough to make Poporing cause even more chaos.

“Yes! Come on, come on, come on, come on. Yes! Try blocking me! Block me! Come on! Yes, yes, block me! Block me, I said, block me!! Block me!!!”


As Poporing’s excitement peaked, the spammer’s activation reached its maximum, emitting intense heat.

Was this how the war between ‘dragons’ and ‘demons’ in the dark ages unfolded?

As the battle between the spear (VPN) and the shield (block) continued without any concession...

[Ugh... Gallery people... want to spam...][0]

[Damn it, someone explain what spam is][5]

[Who made the spammy con][3]

[Spammy spammy][0]

[Spammy spammy spam?][0]

[What the hell is spam, everyone’s freaking out?][4]

[Spam.. Spammy Spammy Spam!!][0]

This time, it wasn’t Poporing, but other gallery members who started ‘spamming resonance’ as if they were infected by a plague.


Seeing the gallery members reacting as planned, Poporing’s body shivered with excitement.

This was it.

It was for this moment that she had secretly pushed ‘spam’ as a trendy word in the gallery for days.

At first, the gallery members treated it as nonsense, but at some point, they slowly started to ‘spam’ because of its unique catchy sound...

With the appearance of voice replies, and when the top user BabyNapmi■ created a song with ‘spammy spammy,’ it skyrocketed as a definite gallery trend.

“I turned the gallery into spam! I can rule the gallery!”

While Poporing was intoxicated with a sense of power she couldn’t feel in reality, the admin made a move.

[Enough of this nonsense. Anyone who spams above this post will be banned for 30 days with no exceptions. Bye.][0]

“Oh. No, I can’t let that happen. I can’t stop here. Hey, admin... I’m not a monster. Chaos, as you know, is human nature! I’m just an agent of chaos ahead of its time!”

At this moment, writing a new history of chaos, it was time for Poporing’s secret weapon to come into play.

“Field Deployment”

As Poporing crossed her middle and index fingers, a creaking sound was heard from her finger joints.

“Gate of Spam.”


Forget the previous spammers.

The latest spammer, created by gathering all of Poporing’s magical knowledge, automatically copied titles that previously made it to the top posts and changed only the content to ‘spam.’

“─────Welcome to this wonderful chaos space.”

The problem was that she had spent most of the money she got from Ian oppa to make this...

‘...It’ll work out somehow!!’

She could resist hunger, but not the urge to use the Gallery!

To prove that even an ordinary gallery member could cause chaos with just one trendy word, money wasn’t important.

What was important was the message!!

“Now────────────. Admin. Let’s see who can create more chaos.”