Chapter 180: Same Dream (1)

Chapter 180: Same Dream (1)

Around the time the 7th Guard Division was establishing itself, in the strategy room of Traunstein Castle, Grand Duchy of Ostarica.

Here, the fate of those who had been dishonorably discharged and surrendered from the Reich Empire was being discussed.

“I really wonder if we can trust those traitors. After all, they are the heirs of prestigious noble families of the Reich Empire, aren’t they?”

“They were heirs. After deploying spies to investigate their treatment, I heard they were dishonorably discharged and even stripped of their right to inherit titles for endangering the Crown Prince during the last Swiss expedition.”

“Even so, we can’t fully trust them, can we?”

The debate over whether they could be trusted continued, but everyone here shared a common thought.

‘It would be too wasteful to simply kill them and cut off any future problems, like the other surrendering officers.’

Even though they were dishonorably discharged, using the heirs of prestigious noble families to demoralize the Empire’s soldiers by saying they surrendered was not an option.

Regardless of the reason, purging former officers of a potential enemy nation who surrendered could be a hindrance when trying to persuade commanders of enemy nations like the Reich Empire in critical situations.

“Anyway, weren’t they somewhat useful before their dishonorable discharge? Moreover, as they claimed, the information they brought is classified as second-level secrets of the Empire’s military. They’ve brought a heap of such information, so we should at least pretend to trust them.”

Hearing this, the commanders and staff of the army stationed at the castle nodded in agreement.

If it turns out that the secrets they brought were incorrect after purging them all, it wouldn’t matter, but what if the information they brought was all true?

It would be like cutting open the goose that lays golden eggs.

After a bit more discussion, Major General Schweitz, the commander of the army stationed in this castle, said,

“Bring one of the five we have imprisoned here. It’s important to verify if the secrets are accurate, but we also need to see if they truly betrayed the Empire. If they prove to be useful, we should appease them and keep them laying golden eggs.”

Then, Major General Schweitz made a throat-slitting gesture with his finger, adding,

“If they prove to be useless or the frequency of laying eggs decreases, then we can deal with them accordingly.”

Matthias von Griffin’s heart was trembling, and his palms were already drenched in sweat.

“You might have heard on your way here, but I am Major General Schweitz von Virgenstein, the commander of the army stationed at this castle.”

“Yes, Major General...”

“To put it simply, your lives depend on me. Remember that. Don’t even think about causing any trouble.”

As he said this, the eyes of the staff present all turned towards Matthias at once.

So, he nodded to signal him to continue the story.

“The more terrible fact is that even the right of succession to my family was taken by my younger brother. In the Reich Empire, I didn’t have any more chance of recovering. I had to live a miserable life, worse than a serf, receiving only a small allowance from my family, and being unrecognized and miserable wherever I went. That’s why I came to the Grand Duchy of Ostarica—to have the opportunity to live like a human being once again.”

Major General Schweit and his staff thought after hearing Matthias’s story.

‘Other traitors claim they came out of respect for the Grand Duchy of Ostarica or wanting to fight under a general or commander they admire, spouting flashy nonsense. Seeing him only talk about his miserable situation and not such stories, it doesn’t seem like he’s lying, at least.’

“Then I shall ask you this... What do you think about the Crown Prince?”

When Matthias heard this, he remembered what General Yaeger had said and replied...

“He’s a despicable coward who only chases after women and takes no responsibility. Someday, as an officer of Ostarica, if I fight against him, I’ll tear his limbs apart, kill him, and throw him to the dogs and crows.”

Despite having insulted his former lord in a way that no noble should dare, there was no hint of hesitation or reluctance on Matthias’s face.

Seeing this, Major General Schweitz was convinced.

These bastards might lack the minimum conscience and shame as human beings, but their hatred for the empire and loathing of the Crown Prince were genuine.

Thus, it was believed that their desire to surrender to the Grand Duchy of Ostarica was not a lie.

‘If the information these bastards have brought is correct, we will be able to seize the fortune that rolls into our lap. So, we should milk them for all they’re worth for a few years and then purge them when they’re no longer needed. After all, they’re not the nobility of the Grand Duchy of Ostarica, so there will be no guilt in killing them.’

“Until we can verify that the secrets you’ve brought match the truth, I’m afraid we must keep you confined. However, from today on, your quarters will be changed from prisons to private rooms for officers. You will also receive the same ration as the officers.”

“Thank you for trusting us, Major General.”

“And looking at your faces, it seems you’re in need of women. I will assign women to serve you. You may go now. We have many other things to do.”

The reason Major General Schweitz assigned women was simple.

Even the most thorough spies tend to reveal their true selves when mixed with women and alcohol.

Moreover, assigning women to serve and monitor them around the clock, rather than men, was much more advantageous, showing trust in Matthias and the four lieutenants while keeping them under surveillance.

Two months later, the information brought by Lieutenant Matthias and the other four was confirmed to be actual military secrets of the empire.

Thus, these five were granted special permission by the military command of the Grand Duchy of Ostarica to begin serving as lieutenants.

From then on, as if driven solely by the desire to someday avenge themselves against the empire that had reduced them to this state, they fought valiantly across various fronts, sparing no effort or risking their lives.

Gradually, they began to be recognized as reliable officers by the military command and nobility of the Grand Duchy of Ostarica.Read latest novels at