Chapter 15: Spam Email

Chapter 15: Spam Email

Brokers networks, indeed I remembered there were such things.

Not only in Paju, but hackers operating nationwide hacked various networks to disseminate information.

There were many hackers who worked as freelancers, and there were even guilds akin to hackers associations. Was it called the Neuro Kids?

When I didnt say anything, Tudor continued the conversation and she seemed to be in a good mood.

Not just the brokers network, but almost every community, be it in the light or shadow, is abuzz with stories about you. Origin unknown, identity unknown, abilities unknown who is he? With a little more push, he could become the most famous newcomer among fixers this year, couldnt he?

Though I admit I had dealt with the quest in a rather noisy way, it seemed to have caused more of a stir than I had anticipated.

Fortunately, Tudor seemed to have taken a complete liking to me and with such fame, it would likely be a great help in finding clues to escape from this [Cthulhu World] in the future.

Being famous should be advantageous for getting noticed, right? Since I find such tasks cumbersome, could you help me out?

Ah, sure. I was already ignoring the nudges from other brokers. If your taste is for something flashy, Ill pull as many strings as I can~.

Tudor said this while rubbing her hands together in a theatrical manner. Given her fondness for such noisy affairs, she would probably handle it well on her own.

When we entered the office where I had previously received the quest, Tudor sat me down and started fiddling with the safe behind the desk.

Didnt expect you to return so quickly. You really impressed me.

The quicker I work, the sooner I get paid.

Tudor nodded her head and took out some cash.

Here, this is 27 million won, minus a 10% commission. If you prefer, I can pay you in a different form instead of cash.

Although there was a commission, there was the option to exchange for other goods or services, or even to launder the money into an anonymous account.

Most brokers could offer these services, but Tudor provided the most extensive and diverse range of them.

Prepare an ID for me and an account in the name on that ID. And for the money just give me 5 million for now. It would be great if you could deposit the rest into that account.

Hmm, what level of identity?

Just make it Kim Shin-hwa, and make the ID as clean as possible within the budget.

Alright. Ill create an identity so clean you could even sit for a civil service exam.

I wanted to ask for a safe house as well but it was too much for my current budget. For the time being, I would have to hop from motel to motel.

I picked up one bundle of the stacked money worth 5 million won and stood up.

Ill come back again.

Ill have the ID and bank book ready by next month. Dont take too long to come back. I might start missing you.

I left the caf, leaving Tudors playful words behind.

The chilly night air brushed against my skin as I unconsciously looked up at the sky it was an incredibly unfamiliar sky.

The constellations were placed in completely different positions than I remembered and they shone with a strange and mystical light.

An indescribable discomfort rose in my chest.

This is not the world I lived in.

No matter how many incidents I resolved in this world, the only thing waiting for me was destruction.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

I needed to earn money, increase my abilities and level Slowly build a reputation, and then uncover the truth of this world.

And escape from this terrible, dangerous place.

I couldnt stay here any longer. I had to escape, no matter what.

If I delayed, an [ending] would inevitably come, in one form or another.

There were hundreds of possible endings I could reach, but none of them led to a happy conclusion only to terrible destruction, profound despair, unbelievable downfall, and evil, blasphemous curses.

This world had an end.

That day, when the cycle of the world would come to a halt.

The day the abyss opened its maw.

As I pondered the events that would unfold at the [ending], my vision gradually blurred.

Theres no guarantee that [Madness of the Abyss] will protect me forever, and if more monsters like him start showing interest in me, who knows what might happen?

I need to find a way to escape this world.

For that, I need to become stronger, and quickly.


Still, my stats were high enough that I could somehow pull myself out of bed.

I ran my fingers through my disheveled hair, intending to touch my face.but instead, I felt the mask under my hand.

Ah, this is also terrible. I need to get rid of this mask obsession

After taking a deep breath and calming my mind for a moment, I slowly took off the mask and washed my face.

Of course, I held the mask in one hand the entire time. Dropping it could trigger a bout of distortion, so caution was necessary.

From several tests, I found that distortion didnt occur immediately if the mask was only briefly set aside.

Moreover, covering my face with my hand or a towel allowed me a bit more leeway.

This meant I could manage basic tasks like washing my face or eating.

After setting aside the mask, I covered my face with a towel and stretched for a while.

Crack, crackle

Raising my health and strength stats was indeed worthwhile. I wasnt completely better, but I felt significantly more energetic.

I tossed aside the warped mask that was damaged from yesterdays magical heat and took out a new one.

Thankfully, I had bought several when I made the purchase.

Yesterdays mask was a plain white one, but todays one was a comically designed skull mask; it was made of the same cheap plastic as the previous one.

The masks packaging read, [Creepy Skull Mask].

Ugh seriously

I cant keep wearing such things forever, and I should probably find something more appropriate soon.

Whether its creepy or not, putting on the mask brings me peace of mind.

It dispels uncomfortable emotions, irritations, anxieties, suffocation, and dizziness, and makes me feel at ease.

For a brief moment, it even gave me a sensation akin to the pleasure of smoking a cigarette.

Ugh at this rate, I might really go crazy.

Outside, the sun had already reached its zenith. I had no plans to go out today.

I needed to rest and organize my surroundings, especially after overexerting myself yesterday.

First, I began to take out the items I had haphazardly stuffed into my backpack.

[Essence of Fire (A-rank Catalyst): A crystallized form of pure red element.

It can be used to imbue items with the power of fire or for casting powerful flame magic.]

[Red Dragons Orb (A-rank Talisman): A bead formed from the breath of a fire dragon.

Fire Protection: Automatically casts the Flame Barrier spell.

Remaining uses: 5.]

I wasnt sure where the Essence of Fire would come in handy but I knew well about the Red Dragons Orb.

I just checked the magic contained in the orb, and it was more efficient for me to use my protective circle spell rather than the spell of the orb.

Besides, what A-rank artifact has a limit on the number of times it can be used?

Of course, for those who cant use magic, such an item would be invaluable.

It would be better for me to sell this.

Items that help in survival are expensive. Although its just a basic survival tool, I could probably get at least three or four thousand for it.

After placing the Essence of Fire and the Red Dragons Orb on the table, I moved on to the next item.