Chapter 32: Magic Devourer

Chapter 32: Magic Devourer


[Magic Devourer]: You can interfere with, steal, or absorb the magic, curses, enchantments, and powers of others.

You are a monster that grows by devouring the knowledge, magic, and power of others.


Argh, Aaaargh!!!

Ah, does that hurt? But what a mess you are in.

Wh-what did you say?

Your control. Its a complete mess. Should you really be losing a gift given by the god you worship so easily?

Youre using this precious, high-purity magical power just to wear it around your body and show off your brute strength?

Where have the processes of control, absorption, purification, transformation, and reconfiguration gone? This is no different from a primitive using crude oil to light a fire.

You bastard!


His fist flew towards me but it was noticeably slower than before.

I easily dodged the fist and swung my own at the ghoul shaman.


As soon as my fist connected, I injected magical power into his body.

This is followed by condensation, reconfiguration, transformation, and explosion.

Now, get lost!


[Spell Enhancement: Maximization]


Within his body. a fireball brimming with lethal firepower was formed.

Stop, stop it! Stoooop Aaaahhhhh!

From every hole pierced in the body of the ghoul shaman, crimson flames erupted.

His entire body split apart


Ashes, flesh, and bone fragments scattered in all directions.

The ghoul shaman vanished from the world without leaving anything that could be called a corpse behind.

Thump, Ding

Then, a silver bell fell to the ground with a soft clink.


I could have moved more efficiently, but to be honest, I was caught off guard which made things unnecessarily difficult. Is this the end, now that the ghouls wont be replenished?

I slowly approached and picked up the artifact that the ghoul shaman had wielded: the silver bell.

[Silver Bell of the Underworld (S-rank Magical Tool): A ritual tool crafted from pure silver mined by ghouls.

It bestows upon its owner tremendous magical power along with terrifying madness.

This item belongs to the abyss. The more it is used, the more your body and mind will evolve to suit it.

Gift of the Underworld: The blessing bestowed by the father of all ghouls envelops you. As long as this blessing is maintained, all stats increase by 50~700%, and effects such as stun, shock, disorientation, and pain are ignored. However, while this effect is active, magical, psychic, spiritual, and divine abilities cannot be used.

Pure Silvers Dominance: Automatically casts the Voice of Authority spell on a designated target and enhances the effects of Mind spells by 100%.

Pure Silver Charm: Grants a +2 charisma bonus exclusively to ghouls, undead, and demons.

Pure Silver Madness: Bestows MadnessViolence on summoned creatures and increases their attack power by 100%]

All stats increased by 700%?

What is this? Just what kind of unbalanced artifact is this?

It was certainly the first time I had seen such an item.

I had seen a few items related to ghouls before, but none with abilities of this magnitude.

Its quite impressive, but the penalty is problematic.

Madness, distortion, and the influence of the [Father of All Ghouls], a being from the abyss and a great ancient entity, could be ignored thanks to the unique trait [Madness of the Abyss], but the physical transformations couldnt be prevented.

A face grotesquely mutated and limbs twisted out of shape

And with more use, I would completely turn into a ghoul.

No matter how enticing the powers, I had no desire to end up like that.

I breathed a complex magic circle into the silver bell I held in my hand.

I dont. And anyway, team leader Kwak Dae-yong doesnt have the authority to decide on external personnel, does he?

Ah, really. If I talk to Human Resources, huh? Wouldnt they consider it?

As if he could make any demands when he cant even stand up to Moon Seung-hee.

I came here intending to show them my worth, but could their attitude really change this much? Then again, considering Ive saved their lives several times in this short period of time, it would be annoying if their attitude hadnt changed at all.

No need. If you have something you want to say, tell someone with authority through Vasilisa. Were not done here yet.

Not done? Weve taken care of the ghouls and even the necromancer who summoned them. What else is there to do now?

I paused for a moment and looked at him.

Whats the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?

I gave him a look reserved for retards, but it seemed my disdain and disregard failed to convey as my face was hidden behind a mask.

Team leader Kwak Dae-yong, are you foolish? We need to save the survivors.


Indeed, about 24 hours had passed since the ghouls first appeared.

It was hard to imagine anyone surviving for 24 hours in a closed space swarmed by over a hundred ghouls.

Yet, there were survivors.

They had been alive when I arrived at this apartment complex.

And I had cast a spell to save him.

Since the magic I cast was still in effect that person should also still be alive.

Its over there.

That place is where we saw earlier.

The location of the survivors, naturally, was the innermost part of the underground parking lot, where we had previously discovered the bizarre mural, traces of a ritual, and a pile of corpses.

Thats I mean those are bodies, bodies arent they?

Yes, I was protecting something hidden among those bodies.

Through magic, magic you mean?

Team Leader Kwak Dae-yong, do you realize youre talking like that dead cultist?

No, no well

Anyway, I dragged Kwak Dae-yong and approached the pile of corpses.

Roughly thirty or so?

People youre saying theres someone alive in here?

They should be around here.

The innermost part of the heap of corpses.

There, the protective circle I had remotely installed before remains.

To go further inside we have no choice but to step on the bodies. Namo Amitabha.

Squish, squish

Blood that had flowed out and unidentifiable flesh parts were stepped on.


Kwak Dae-yong shuddered slightly and stepped back.

Squish squish

This was because he could hear slurred voices among the corpses.

There it is.

On closer inspection, a person was crouching and hiding among the heap of bodies.

Squish squish

It seems they survived longer than the others by hiding among the corpses.

There were three survivors in total.

Had I not arrived and cast a spell immediately, they likely wouldnt have survived until now.

Was it a coincidence? Regardless, one of the survivors, as Moon Seung-hee had hoped, was a woman.

No, rather than coincidence

It might have been a contrived setting prepared by someone on purpose. After all, this was the world of a game.

Hehehe Heh heh heh Kikik, Kuhuhu

Though I had helped them with magic when I arrived here, they had already managed to survive in the underground parking lot that was swarming with over a hundred ghouls for at least a full day.