Chapter 52: Horror Game

Chapter 52: Horror Game

Aaaaargh this damned

He didnt go down with just one blow. Does he have scales on the back of his head? But he lost his balance completely when he took an unexpected hit from a blind spot and was now crouching by the window with his head thrust forward.

Watch out, Leo!


He tried to adopt an attitude as if to say I wont be fooled! But this time, I was a half-step ahead.

Watch out for the window!


This spell really has an incredibly powerful effect.

When activated, it can close any nearby doors or windows.

Impressive, right? It was just a zero-order spell.


But when an excessive amount of magical power was infused into such a spell, it could unleash tremendous speed and force.

As the window slammed shut with vigorous force, it struck Leopard on the head.

Had his fingers been carelessly placed, they would have likely been severed.

Struck on the head by the window frame, Leopard couldnt even scream before he passed out and fell down below the window.

What is this!


The sound of Curtain Calls shout came from below. Hmm, it seems the battle is still raging on.

When I approached the window and looked down, I saw that Leopards body was cut in half.

There was no sign of Curtain Call, though. Expanding my detection range, I found her beyond the fence. Why was she there? Ah, I see.

The time had come.

Outside the hospital, a bright blue flash illuminated the surroundings.


Since the third magic circle was completed, the prepared [Lightning Strike] must have been activated.

The test subjects who were clumsily attempting to pursue Curtain Call and ventured outside were caught in the lightning and burned to a crisp.

So many have died.

Though they were all once human, each and every one of them was a despicable murderer.

Leopard too had become an irredeemable pleasure killer due to his inherent cruel nature and the madness he gained from repeatedly working as a fixer.

He had fallen for Helistics sweet talk of physical enhancement and a chance for a new identity before ultimately surrendering himself to their deranged modification experiments.

Having dealt with the mid-boss, perhaps now there was only one to be wary of?

That lunatic is more dangerous than all the others here combined.

Defeating the mid-boss meant that the main boss was still out there.

His name was Je Mu-gyeong.

With the exception of him, the rest were just fools with unique appearances that were incapable of doing any real harm.

Surely he hasnt moved to another location amidst this chaos?

I could feel an ominous and unsettling magical power on the third floor where I stood. He was still here on the third floor.

Lets see

This was as good a time as any to get things in order.

I put the invisibility spell on myself again and leaned out the window.

Just then, five test subjects were emerging from the hospital.

The way they each held their weapons and moved in line was quite coordinated.

The snipers on the third floor had been a mess, but these ones seemed to be of a different caliber.

Where are they off to?

The test subjects moved in a direction I didnt expect. I thought they would be moving in the direction of Curtain Call and got ready to provide cover

But instead, they were moving toward the area where I had set up my magic circles.


So they were trying to capture the mage while Curtain Call was out of sight. A sound strategy, indeed, if there was actually a mage there.

Regrettably for them, there was no one at the location they were approaching.

Only the two magic circles I had left behind remained.

Whether they approached or not was of no concern to me

In fact, it was the perfect opportunity.

I reached out through the window and started remotely manipulating the distant magic circles.

Theyre a bit far for complex operations, but I can still channel some magical power into them.

I twisted my already frail body around the air and even threw it bringing Curtain Call seemed hardly worth it.

I massaged the back of my neck as I slowly walked toward the door.

The moment I reached for the doorknob, I let out a sigh.

Ah, damn. Now that I think about it, this pattern means the hallway out here must be a total mess by now

I slowly turned the doorknob, and the door creaked open with an annoying squeak.

As the door opened, the first sensation that hit me was the smell.

The repulsive odor of blood. I had encountered the scent of blood numerous times while roaming through [Cthulhu World] in Paju.

I had been through the zombie-infested [K-3675 Secret Research Facility] and visited the underground parking lot that had become a ghouls den, where bodies were piled up like mountains. However, the stench wafting through here was more intense and unpleasant than anything I had previously encountered.

Visually, too, the sight was horrific. The third floors hallway was a scene of utter devastation.

The walls were cracked here and there, and pieces of human bodies were scattered all around.

The floor bore clear signs of blood that had flowed like rivers.

It was the aftermath of the armed uprising by the test subjects who had massacred the Helistic researchers present in the hospital.

Lunatics, all of them

Given that these were researchers involved in human experimentation, they couldnt exactly be called innocent victims.

Even so, the horrific scene created by the test subjects was truly abnormal.

A vicious slaughter and a party of ruthless madness had unfolded here.

Bodies mutilated in a manner that mocked dignity.

Corpses bearing an excessive number of wounds.

Entrails decorating the walls.

Heads displayed on tables.

There were even traces of a grotesque game resembling bowling with body parts.

The bodies had been toyed with as if they were mere playthings.

While not enough to trigger my [Madness of the Abss] trait, the sight was nauseating. What a bunch of lunatics.

No. Wait a moment.

Was this really not enough to trigger my trait?

No, the atrocity in this place was indeed horrific.

But it wasnt shocking. My mind did not crumble from psychological shock, nor did my limbs shrivel from overwhelming fear.

Could it be that encountering mythical beings had numbed my emotions?

The notion of losing human emotions felt somewhat disturbing.

No, lets not dwell on that now. After all, my current state might be more useful for survival.

Dont think too much, Kim Shin-hwa. Just focus on surviving and returning to your original world.

Aside from that, I felt disgusted. Perhaps this sensation stemmed from memories and habits of my former self, but regardless, I felt revolted.

Je Mu-gyeong, that lunatic leader of the rebel test subjects. I felt like beating him up might improve my mood.


Though it wasnt the best place for a deep breath, I paused and focused on stabilizing my breathing to calm my mind.

It wasnt a moment for leisure, but rushing wouldnt help either.

Before encountering Je Mu-gyeong, there was somewhere else I needed to stop by.

Among the four doors lined up along the corridor, it was the second one from the left.

A sign hung on the door reading:

[Pharmaceutical Warehouse]

Thats the place. Theres something I need to pick up there.

Ugh, its good to be prepared but of course, a fuck*ng horror show was waiting in this room too.

The blood, entrails, and gruesomely dismembered bodies displayed in this wretched hallway were just the beginning.

[Cthulhu World] is a game filled with cosmic horror and madness.

This hospital was designed with that theme in mind.

And each room within it awaited with its own unsettling horrors.

And witnessing these horrors was enough to drive one to madness It was quite the exciting place, in many ways.

But who would have thought Id be experiencing these delightful elements firsthand.

Its supposed to be fun because its a game, but in reality, its not fun at all.

It just makes me angry.

But then again, doing nothing changes nothing

Ah Ive been here often, but its always hopeless.

I slowly opened the door.